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   [英國《簡氏防務週刊》2008年1月1日刊報導]    2007年12月底,美國空軍啟動了第六顆寬頻全球通信衛星專案,並已委任波音公司開始相關的工作。澳大利亞政府與美國簽訂合作協定,並為該專案籌集部分經費。此顆衛星預計在2012年第四季度發射。


(北方科技資訊研究所 於洋)


May the Force be with you
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  [據波音公司2009年7月28日報導]  波音公司在7月28日宣佈,跟蹤與資料中繼衛星(TDRS)K專案於6月2日至4日在NASA的白沙綜合設施完成了它的地面詳細設計評審(GDDR)。該設計評審的按時完成將有利於在2010年初把TDRS K專案推進到關鍵設計評審階段。
  評審證明地面系統設計是健全的,並且將準備好為現有和未來的TDRS衛星(包括TDRS H, I 和J)提供支援。TDRS的H至J系列衛星都是由波音建造的。
  NASA的白沙綜合設施為TDRS衛星和它們的控制與資料處理設備之間提供基本的雙向通信。通用動力公司自從TDRS系統運行以來就為衛星的地面系統提供工程、操作與維護服務。(中國航太工程諮詢中心 謝慧敏)

Boeing Tracking and Data Relay Satellite Program Completes Ground System Review

EL SEGUNDO, Calif., July 28, 2009 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] announced today that the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) K program successfully completed its Ground Detailed Design Review (GDDR), held June 2-4 at NASA’s White Sands Complex, N.M. The milestone brings Boeing one step closer to building the K-L series of TDRS satellites, which will give NASA continuous, high-data-rate communications with the space shuttle, the Hubble Space Telescope, the International Space Station and dozens of unmanned scientific satellites in low-Earth orbit.

“The successful design review occurred on schedule and moves us toward the TDRS K program's Critical Design Review early next year, where the finished design will be reviewed one final time before proceeding to spacecraft and ground system integration,” said Craig Cooning, vice president and general manager of Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems. “We have taken another important step toward enhancing the TDRS fleet with better signal processing and transmission, which will increase NASA’s operational effectiveness in space.”

The GDDR followed the system-level Preliminary Design Review this spring and is the result of an ongoing collaboration among Boeing, teammate General Dynamics C4 Systems and NASA to develop a design that meets all ground system requirements. It evaluated program management, systems and subsystems engineering, safety and mission assurance, and ground software and hardware design.

The review proved that the ground system design is sound and will be ready to support current and future satellites in the TDRS fleet, including TDRS H, I and J, which also were built by Boeing.

NASA’s White Sands Complex provides the primary two-way communications between the TDRS satellites and their control and data-processing facilities. General Dynamics has provided engineering, operations and maintenance of the NASA satellite ground system since the inception of the TDRS system.

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美國空軍接收第二顆SBIRS HEO載荷



美國空軍接收第二顆SBIRS HEO載荷

  [據美國空軍2009年7月27日報導]  美國空軍27日宣佈,美國空軍從洛馬公司接收了第二顆天基紅外系統(SBIRS)高橢圓軌道(HEO-2)載荷,將之投入運行服務。HEO-2載荷的加入將增加SBIRS的容量,它也成為美國空軍太空司令部(AFSPC)第二個可執行任務的紅外感測器。HEO-1是在2008年11月7日被接收的,它的性能超過了預期。隨著兩個高橢圓軌道載荷的加入,增強的感測器和地面系統可使SBIRS星座提供導彈預警、導彈防禦、戰場空間感知和技術情報。




  洛馬公司SBIRS合同包括現在已經在軌的兩個高橢圓軌道載荷、兩顆地球同步軌道(GEO)衛星,以及地面用來接收和處理紅外資料的資產。洛馬團隊最被授予一份價值15億美元的第三個HEO載荷、第三顆GEO-3衛星以及相關地面資產改進的合同。今年晚些時候,洛馬團隊有望被授予包含第四個HEO載荷和潛在第四顆GEO衛星的合同。(中國航太工程諮詢中心 謝慧敏)

Air Force accepts Lockheed Martin's HEO-2

Published: July 27, 2009 at 1:57 PM
Order reprints

SUNNYVALE, Calif., July 27 (UPI) -- The U.S. Air Force has accepted a second Highly Elliptical Orbit payload and ground system modification from Lockheed Martin.

U.S. company Lockheed Martin announced the second HEO-2 payload and ground system modification for the Space Based Infrared System has been accepted for operations by the Air Force.

The SBIRS missile launch early warning technology is being developed by a Lockheed Martin-led team to support the Air Force with missile defense, technical intelligence and battle-space awareness. The accepted delivery marks a milestone for the HEO system and paves the way for future certification.

"HEO performance continues to be spectacular," Col. Roger Teague, the Air Force SBIRS wing commander, said in a statement.

"We are very proud to add the second HEO payload system to our growing constellation. This asset provides outstanding capabilities to combatant commanders and the excellent performance of this second HEO system is a true testament to the teamwork and dedication by the government and industry team."

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    [據美國defensesystems網站2009年7月21日報導]  美國國防部取消“轉型衛星通信系統”(TSAT)計畫後,衛星通信供應商正在推介其新型航天器,將之視為國防部高速、寬頻通信需求的可能解決方案。
  國防部長蓋茨宣佈建議取消TSAT計畫後,若干合同已經終止。 空軍最初打算耗資260億美元打造一個五星星座,並且已經為計畫的一個三年週期投資25億美元。計畫取消時,首顆衛星發射日期已經從2015年推遲到2019年。
  至於空軍是否會利用商業衛星供應商們(諸如ViaSat)提供的巨大的資訊處理能力,尚需拭目以待。 (中國航太工程諮詢中心  許紅英 曲佳)

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  [據美國defenseindustrydaily網站2009年7月12日報導] 美國“天基紅外系統-高軌”(SBIRS-High)衛星計畫是美國未來導彈預警系統中關鍵組成部分。該計畫旨在提供最大限度的預警和監視全球任何地點彈道導彈的發射。新衛星將替換美國現有的“國防支持計畫”(DSP)星座。與後者相比,SBIRS-高軌衛星的紅外感測器擁有兩倍的再訪率和三倍的敏感度,同時能提供更好的持續覆蓋。
  因為SBIRS計畫一直存在問題,美國國防部2006年開始實施一套並行計畫,即“替代性紅外衛星系統”(AIRSS )。這個計畫旨確保即使SBIRS-高軌失敗,美國的導彈預警與防禦能力仍能持續,也可能作為廉價的SBIRS-高軌衛星系統的替代品。
  2009年3月,GAO發佈2009年部分武器專案評估,SBIRS-High記錄在冊。(中國航太工程諮詢中心  許紅英  曲佳) 

Despite Problems, SBIRS-High Moves Ahead (updated)
12-Jul-2009 17:15 EDT

The Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS)-High satellite program is a key component of the USA’s future missile alert system, designed to give maximum warning and monitoring of ballistic missile launches anywhere in the world. The new satellites will replace the existing Defense Support Program (DSP) fleet. Their infared sensors have 2 times the revisit rate and 3 times the sensitivity of DSP, while providing better persistent coverage.

Unfortunately, the program has been beset by massive cost overruns, technical challenges that continue to present problems, and uncertain performance. Despite its problems, the U.S. Air Force is proceeding with the program, even as it examines potential alternatives and supplements.

DID has more on the current state of the SBIRS-High program and its budgets, and covers recent contract awards…

SBIRS – High: Current State

Lockheed Martin is under currently contract to produce the satellites and payloads, and Northrop Grumman is the subcontracted payload integrator.

SBIRS-High GEO are satellites. SBIRS-High HEO are payloads hosted on spacecraft with classified launch dates. At present, 2 are in service. The first SBIRS High HEO payload was declared operational in November 2008, and the first SBIRS-High GEO satellite is expected to launch in 2010, after significant delays.

According to US GAO auditors, the SBIRS program has suffered from immature technologies, unclear requirements, unstable funding, underestimated software complexity, poor oversight, and other problems that have resulted in billions of dollars in cost overruns and years in schedule delays. The cost of the program has ballooned from an original $4 billion estimate to over $12 billion. The GAO’s 2009 Assessments of Selected Weapons Programs had this to say:

“Two of the SBIRS High program’s three critical technologies are mature – a lower level of maturity than last year…. the program has experienced design-related problems, especially with the flight software, and more could still emerge…. Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) assessments indicate that the contractor’s cost and schedule performance are high risks. DCMA is currently projecting a $103 million cost overrun at contract completion, and that amount is growing. Further contractor cost increases and schedule delays are expected…”

The FY 2009 defense budget allocated $2.34 billion to SBIRS-High, including $1.79 billion for 2 satellites.

The FY 2010 budget allocation of $1.01 billion cuts proposed SBIRS-High procurement from 2 satellites to 1. It also intends to fund long-lead materials for the 4th SBIRS-High GEO satellite, the HEO-4 payload, and vehicle integration for the HEO-3 & HEO-4 payloads.

Because of continuing problems with SBIRS, the American DoD began a parallel effort in 2006 known as the Alternative Infrared Satellite System (AIRSS). AIRSS was intended to ensure that the nation’s missile-warning and defense capabilities can be sustained even in SBIRS-High failed. It may also wind up providing a less expensive supplement to the SBIRS-High constellation. “SBIRS Evaluating New Technologies” (subscription) provides more information on AIRSS.

Contracts and Key Events

July 10/09: A $262.5 million contract to Lockheed Martin for long-lead time parts and materials used to build the 4th SBIRS-High satellite (GEO-4) and the 4th HEO payload (HEO-4). At this time $137.1 million has been committed by the Space Based Infrared Systems Wing at Los Angeles Air Force Base, CA (FA8810-08-C-0002).

These long-lead effort contracts tend to precede a production contract by a year or more, in order to ensure that required components are already on hand and do not delay assembly.

May 29/09: A cost-plus-fixed-fee contract of up to $1.49 billion to prime contractor Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Sunnyvale, CA for production of the 3rd SBIRS-High satellite (GEO-3, a geosynchronous orbit design), the 3rd payload (HEO-3, a Highly Elliptical Orbit design), and modification of the SBIRS ground systems to accommodate the operation of 3 payloads at the same time.

So far, $1.1 billion has been obligated under the May 29/09 contract. The Space and Missile Center’s Space Based Infrared Systems Wing in El Segundo, CA manages the SIBRS-High contract (FA8810-08-C-0002). See also Lockheed Martin release on the May 29/09 contract.

March 31/09: The US Government Accountability Office auditors release their 2009 Assessments of Selected Weapons Programs. SBIRS – High is one of the programs reviewed, and the report expresses concern about its progress.

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2009年07月01日 04:00:29  來源:新華網






(責任編輯: 錢中兵 )

Russian Proton-M carrier rocket orbits U.S. telecoms satellite


MOSCOW, July 1 (RIA Novosti) - A Proton-M carrier rocket put into orbit on Wednesday a U.S. telecommunications satellite, the Russian Federal Space Agency said.

"The foreign satellite has successfully separated from the Breeze-M booster, and control over the satellite has been transferred to the client," the agency said.

Russian-American joint venture International Launch Services (ILS) signed a contract in March to launch two Sirius satellites to expand the existing SIRIUS Satellite Radio constellation.

ILS, owned by the Khrunichev Center, RSC Energia, and U.S. firm Space Transport Inc. provides spacecraft launch services on board Proton-M carrier rockets.

The launch of the Sirius FM5 satellite was the fifth involving a Proton-M carrier rocket in 2009 and the 346th throughout the history of Proton launches.

ILS launched SIRIUS' initial constellation of three Radiosat satellites in 2000.

Sirius Satellite Radio is a satellite radio (SDARS) service operating in the United States and Canada, owned by Sirius XM Radio. Headquartered in New York City, Sirius was officially launched on July 1, 2002 and currently provides 69 music channels and 65 sports, news and entertainment channels for listeners.

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 [據美國defensenews網站近日報導]  2009年5月19日發射的“戰術星”-3(TacSat-3)正在距地面418千米(260英里)的軌道上運行,其上攜帶的望遠鏡、成像分光計及電腦可能會使美軍發現隱藏在樹木下面的車輛,探測到近期埋藏在路邊的炸彈,發現偽裝的敵軍部隊。
  空軍向雷神公司撥款0.15億美元,要求15個月建成ARTEMIS。 空軍對雷神公司的成就表示滿意。空軍實驗室與陸軍還將研究ARTEMIS的用途。除了ARTEMIS,“戰術星”-3還攜帶了兩個有效載荷,整個衛星成本為0.65億美元,發射成本為0.25億美元。   

    如果“戰術星”-3項目順利進行,空軍希望隨後建成一個這樣的光譜成像衛星星座。向陸軍、海軍陸戰隊提供所需的太空超光譜偵察。有了多顆衛星,地面指揮官就可以訂購偵察圖像,衛星會很快給予回應。“戰術星”-3是美國國防部“作戰及時回應型太空”計畫的一部分,旨在快速提供太空能力,滿足軍方需求。 (中國航太工程諮詢中心  許紅英 侯丹)  

Putting Image Analysis In Space
Satellite Sees, Then Interprets Hyperspectral Data
By william matthews
Published: 15 June 2009  Print  |    Email

A telescope, an imaging spectrometer and a computer orbiting 260 miles above the earth may soon enable the U.S. military to spot vehicles hidden under foliage, detect recently buried roadside bombs and find enemy troops despite camouflage.

The three instruments are housed in a satellite called TacSat-3 that was launched May 19. If they work as planned, the U.S. Air Force hopes to launch a constellation of such satellites to provide the Army and Marine Corps with on-demand hyperspectral reconnaissance from space.

No other military has anything like it.

The instruments are collectively dubbed ARTEMIS, or Advanced Responsive Tactically Effective Military Imaging Spectrometer.

The telescope is relatively unsophisticated, as satellite instruments go. Its job is simply to look at areas of interest on the ground.

The really interesting work is done by the spectrometer. It analyzes the images the telescope collects by examining them across the electromagnetic spectrum. Visible light - what humans can see - is just a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, which extends from very long waves such as radio waves at one end to very short X-rays and gamma rays at the other extreme.

The ARTEMIS spectrometer can detect about six times more of the electromagnetic spectrum than the human eye can.

The spectrometer converts the electromagnetic images it receives from the telescope into graphs. Different trees, for example, produce different-shaped graphs. Grass produces a distinctive graph, and dried grass produces yet another. The graph produced by concrete is different from that of granite, which is different from the one created by asphalt.

"It's like a signature," said Edward Gussin, ARTEMIS program manager at Raytheon, the company that built the sensor.

And each substance has a different byperspectral signature and can be identified by it.

ARTEMIS is sensitive enough to detect both the green foliage of trees and the very different green paint of a tank hidden underneath, Gussin said.

The third part of ARTEMIS, the computer, contains a library of hyperspectral signatures. As the spectrometer creates them, the computer compares them with signatures in its library to identify what the telescope is seeing.

That analysis is done on the satellite to avoid transmitting massive amounts of data to be analyzed on the ground, Gussin said.

With the analysis done, the satellites transmits a description of what ARTEMIS has spotted and coordinates indicating its location. The message is brief enough to be received by a hand-held or laptop computer.

The whole process - from the time a commander tells the satellite where to look till he receives the target description and coordinates - takes about 10 minutes, according to the Air Force Research Laboratory, which oversees the TacSat-3 program.

Besides seeing tanks or vehicles hidden under foliage, ARTEMIS can discern freshly dug earth from undisturbed earth, Gussin said, a capability that is expected to help ground troops discover where roadside bombs have been buried. And the sensor can spot enemy locations and troops on the move.

"To get this type of technology in space has been a long-term goal," said Thomas Cooley, TacSat-3 program manager at the Air Force Research Lab at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M. "The Army specified five years ago their desire for an imaging spectrometer in space."

Why a satellite and not on an aircraft or an unmanned aerial vehicle?

"A couple of reasons," Cooley said.

Planes and UAVs can be shot down with anti-aircraft weapons including missiles; satellites, for the most part, cannot. More importantly, space offers "a much more synoptic view from the highest of vantage points." From space you can see a lot more.

If TacSat-3 performs as hoped, the Air Force hopes to follow up by building a constellation of spectral imaging satellites.

With multiple satellites - just how many are needed is part of what TacSat-3 is supposed to indicate - ground commanders would be able to order reconnaissance images and have a satellite overhead reasonably soon to take them.

With a constellation, "we can be anywhere in the world almost simultaneously," Gussin said. Each spacecraft circles the earth in about 90 minutes, so with several of them aloft, "you can monitor North Korea and Afghanistan" more or less at the same time.

TacSat-3 is part of the Defense Department's Operationally Responsive Space program that aims to make space capabilities available more quickly to those in the military who need them.

A big part of that is making access to space faster and cheaper. So the Air Force gave Raytheon $15 million and a 15-month deadline to build ARTEMIS.

Building specialized instruments for space typically takes several years and can cost hundreds of millions of dollars, Gussin said.

TacSat-3 carries two other payloads in addition to ARTEMIS. The whole satellite cost about $65 million to build and $25 million to launch.

To keep ARTEMIS costs down, "quite a bit of it was off-the-shelf technology. We only had 15 months, so we did not develop a lot of custom stuff," Gussin said.

For instance, mirrors for the telescope were based on those that had already been developed for another program, he said. "So we had very high quality mirrors quickly."

The Air Force is happy with the results so far. "Raytheon did an excellent job" of building a low-cost imaging spectrometer in a short time, Cooley said. "The ability to do spectroscopy from space is a very powerful tool in identifying surface materials."

It's so new that the military doesn't yet know all of its potential uses. This summer the Air Force Research Lab will begin working with the Army to see just what ARTEMIS can do, Cooley said. "We will begin building a database on how it can be best used."

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  [本站2009年5月22日綜合報導]  美國東部時間19日19時55分,美國空軍的“米諾陶”火箭(Minotaur I)將空軍實驗室的“戰術星”-3(TacSat-3 )衛星發射升空,同時進入低地球軌道的還有NASA的一顆PharmaSat微衛星和三顆“立方體衛星”(CubeSat)技術演示實驗。
  Minotaur 1火箭長21米(69英尺),從瓦勒普斯島的中大西洋地區航太中心發射升空。由於天氣與技術原因,本次發射數次推遲。小組確認航天器整流罩打開,有效載荷分離並進入軌道後,宣佈發射成功。
  “米諾陶”還攜帶了三顆立方體的小衛星:加利福尼亞州立大學的CP6、馬里蘭州豪克航太科學研究所的HawkSat 1,宇航集團的AeroCube 3。當晚尚不能確定三顆衛星的情況。
    2008年官員們同意在2010年使用另一枚Minotaur 1火箭發射首顆作戰型的ORS衛星任務,即ORS Sat 1。其上將攜帶一台U-2 間諜機上使用的攝像機。ORS Sat 2將攜帶一個成像雷達有效載荷,旨在為部隊提供全氣候的夜視能力。 (中國航太工程諮詢中心  許紅英 侯丹)

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2009年05月06日 10:47:11  來源:中國新聞網 




Rocket launch set tonight on Eastern Shore

Published: May 5, 2009

ATLANTIC -- A satellite designed to detect hidden enemy weapons and quickly inform U.S. troops of their location is set for launch tonight from Virginia's Eastern Shore.

The Air Force TacSet-3 satellite is set to blast off between 8 and 11 p.m. from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Atlantic. The 69-foot-high Minotaur 1 rocket will be in orbit for one year.

Scientists say the 880-pound satellite atop the $60 million spacecraft will offer hyperspectral images and deliver them in 10 minutes. Officials say it is especially suited to battle conditions in the rugged, mountainous terrain of Afghanistan.

Military officials say it the satellite is successful, it could be ready for actual battlefield use in a year or two.

-- The Associated Press

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      [據雅虎網站2009年4月14日報導] 洛克希德•馬丁公司成功完成第二顆先進極高頻(AEHF)軍事通信衛星的熱真空試驗,在與飛行類似的試驗環境中驗證了衛星的性能和功能。



      依據合同,洛•馬公司將為美國空軍太空與導彈系統中心的軍事衛星通信系統編隊,提供三顆先進極高頻衛星以及任務控制段。(中國航太工程諮詢中心 曲佳 謝慧敏) 

Second Advanced EHF Military Communications Satellite Built By Lockheed Martin Completes Environmental Testing

SUNNYVALE, Calif., April 14th, 2009 -- Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] has successfully completed thermal vacuum testing of the second Advanced Extremely High Frequency (EHF) military communications satellite, a major program milestone that proves spacecraft performance and functionality in a complete test-like-you-fly environment.

The U.S. Air Force's Advanced EHF system will provide global, highly secure, protected, survivable communications for warfighters operating on ground, sea and air platforms.

Conducted between Jan. 26 and March 14 inside Lockheed Martin's Dual Entry Large Thermal Altitude (DELTA) chamber, the successful test verified Advanced EHF spacecraft functionality and performance in a vacuum environment where the satellite was stressed at the extreme hot and cold temperatures it will experience in space throughout its 14-year design life.

The milestone is one of several critical environmental test phases that validate the overall satellite design, quality of workmanship and survivability during space vehicle launching and on-orbit operations.

“The team executed a highly disciplined and successful test and the results give us high confidence that this vitally important protected communications satellite will meet all performance requirements," said John Miyamoto, Lockheed Martin's AEHF vice president. "Completion of thermal vacuum testing is a critical milestone that moves the team closer to the launch pad and we look forward to achieving mission success for our customer."

With the completion of spacecraft thermal vacuum testing, the team of Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Sunnyvale, Calif., the Advanced EHF prime contractor, and Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, Redondo Beach, Calif., the payload supplier, will now perform environmental test data analysis, acoustic testing and final systems test activities necessary to prepare the vehicle for flight. The spacecraft is planned for delivery to the Air Force in 2011 in preparation for launch aboard an Atlas V launch vehicle.

A single Advanced EHF satellite will provide greater total capacity than the entire Milstar constellation currently on-orbit. Individual user data rates will be five times improved.

The higher data rates will permit transmission of tactical military communications, such as real-time video, battlefield maps and targeting data. In addition to its tactical mission, Advanced EHF will also provide the critical survivable, protected, and endurable communications to the National Command Authority including presidential conferencing in all levels of conflict.

Lockheed Martin is currently under contract to provide three Advanced EHF satellites and the Mission Control Segment to its customer, the Military Satellite Communications Systems Wing, located at the Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles Air Force Base, Calif. The program is in the early stages of adding a fourth spacecraft to the planned constellation.

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     [本站2009年4月13日綜合報導]  美國洛•馬公司4月10日宣佈,已提交“天基紅外系統”(SBIRS)後續生產階段議案,並與空軍共同完成了初步設計評審。




    2008年,HEO-1及地面系統通過美國戰略司令部的運行鑒定; HEO-2完成在軌校驗。GEO-1通過了聲學試驗。2009年第一季度,GEO-1衛星開始試驗最新飛行軟體,預計將在2010財年發射;GEO-2有效載荷成功完成熱真空試驗。(中國航太工程諮詢中心  許紅英 錢錢)

Lockheed Martin SBIRS Team Advancing To Follow-On Production Phase

SUNNYVALE, Calif, April 9th, 2009 -- The Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) team has submitted its proposal for the program's follow-on production phase and has completed a major Preliminary Design Review (PDR) milestone with the U.S. Air Force.

The SBIRS program is designed to provide early warning of missile launches, and simultaneously support other missions including missile defense, technical intelligence and battlespace awareness.

The SBIRS Follow-on Program, which will complete the SBIRS constellation, will add the third and fourth highly elliptical orbit (HEO) payloads as well as the third and an option for a fourth geosynchronous orbit (GEO) spacecraft.

The proposal, submitted on March 22, builds on the experience of prime contractor Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Sunnyvale, Calif., and payload integrator, Northrop Grumman, Azusa, Calif. in providing the SBIRS development program for the Space Based Infrared Systems Wing at the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles Air Force Base, Calif.

“With the submission of the full production proposal for the SBIRS follow-on program, the joint government-industry team is another step closer to making the planned constellation of this critical system a reality," said Col. Roger Teague the U.S. Air Force SBIRS Wing Commander. “I salute the entire SBIRS team for their dedication and hard work and look forward to future mission success."

Working under an initial $370 million contract for advanced procurement phase, the team has successfully completed PDRs for the HEO & GEO payloads and systems along with critical components and subsystems. With the completion of the SBIRS follow on program PDR phase, the program team will transition to the Critical Design Review (CDR) stage, followed by the production phase.

“Successful completion of the PDR phase will allow us to move efficiently into the next phase of this essential program," said Jeff Smith, Lockheed Martin’s SBIRS Vice President. “We look forward to building on our close customer partnership as we strive to achieve operational excellence on this critical system.”

Lockheed Martin's current SBIRS contract includes the two HEO payloads now on-orbit, two GEO satellites, as well as ground-based assets to receive and process the infrared data. Contract award for the additional GEO spacecraft and HEO payloads is expected in late 2009.

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