[據美國《防務工業日報》2010年3月1日報導] 美國波音公司近日表示,該公司與科學應用國際公司(SAIC)聯合小組目前已經收到了一份價值1.38億美元的採購合同,主要是將美陸軍旅級戰鬥隊現代化項目(Brigade Combat Team Modernization,BCTM)“增量1”裝備作為里程碑C的系統產品進入低速生產階段,這也標誌著美陸軍已經成功轉移未來戰鬥系統(FCS)早期成熟技術和裝備進入低速生產階段,並按計劃“螺旋”裝備到美陸軍旅級戰鬥隊中。
XM156 Block 0 I級無人機(CL I UAS,包括RQ-16A和T-Hawk兩種無人機),是一種小型的,可由徒步士兵操作的無人機,能夠盤旋在空中並執行偵察和監視任務,為士兵提供目標捕獲能力。 (北方科技資訊研究所 仲崇慧)
BCTM Increment 1: FCS Successor Moves Ahead with Low-rate Production
01-Mar-2010 18:01 EST
Concerns about cost overruns, vehicle design, and contract structure prompted the Pentagon to cancel the US Army’s Future Combat System (FCS) program in June 2009.
Instead of a single FCS contract, the Pentagon directed the Army to set up a number of separate programs to undertake parts of the FCS program. One of those programs is the Brigade Combat Team Modernization (BCTM) Increment 1. The BCTM Increment 1 capabilities – which include ground robots, UAVs, ground sensors, and vehicle (B-Kit) network integration kits – are planned to be fielded to 7 Infantry Brigade Combat Teams beginning in 2011.
A Boeing/SAIC team recently received a $138 million contract from the Army for low-rate initial production of the brigade sets for the BCTM Increment 1 capabilities…
Under the contract, the Boeing/SAIC team will equip an Infantry Brigade Combat Team with networked capabilities, along with associated system engineering and program management support.
As the prime contractor, the Boeing/SAIC team is responsible for the development and production of BCTM Increment 1. Low-rate initial production will allow for the capabilities to be fielded to the 3rd Brigade Combat Team of the 1st Armored Division for initial operational test and evaluation beginning in 2011.
The contract award follows a production review of the BCTM Increment 1 program by the Defense Acquisition Board in December 2009.
The capabilities that will be produced under BCTM Increment 1 [pdf] include:
Network Integration Kit (B-Kit): provides initial network connectivity to transfer sensor and communication data to and from existing tactical wheeled vehicles. The kit consists of an integrated computer system hosting communications and radio systems, limited battle command and Systems of Systems Common Operating Environment software that will be initially integrated onto the High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) platform.
AN/GSR-9/10 Unattended Urban and Tactical Ground Sensors (U/T-UGS): performs mission tasks such as perimeter defense, surveillance, target acquisition, and situational awareness, including chemical, radiological, nuclear and early warning; includes multi-mode sensors for target detection, location and classification and an imaging capability for target identification.
XM501 Non-Line of Sight Launch System (NLOS-LS/ NETFIRES): provides soldiers with a networked unmanned launch missile system capable of extended range targeting and precision attack; consists of deployable, platform-independent Container Launch Unit, which consists of a computer and communication system and 15 Precision Attack Missiles (PAM).
XM1216 Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle (SUGV): used to conduct extended reconnaissance of urban and complex terrain and subterranean areas to gain reconnaissance information; provides information regarding buildings, field fortifications, tunnels, sewers, subways, bunkers, facilities, and other structures in support of military operations.
XM156 Class I Block 0 Unmanned Aerial System (CL I UAS, RQ-16A T-Hawk): provides the infantry with reconnaissance and surveillance and target acquisition; uses autonomous flight and navigation but will interact with the network and soldier to dynamically update routes and target information; provides dedicated reconnaissance support and early warning to the squad and platoon level.