[據美國波音公司網站2010年10月25日報導]美國波音公司今天宣佈其在Huntsville(亨茨維爾,美國阿拉巴馬州北部城市)的高能雷射技術演示(HEL TD)團隊正在給奧什科什重型擴大機動性戰術卡車(HEMTT)安裝組件,而HEL TD位於新墨西哥州Albuquerque(阿爾伯克爾基)的團隊正在為雷射光束導向器裝配光束控制系統。這些正在做的技術集成任務是為了在今年晚些時候在HEMTT上安裝光束控制系統。
HEL TD是為了驗證固體鐳射系統驗證機擊落火箭和炮彈的能力。波音正在研發的系統合同是與美國陸軍空間和導彈防禦司令部簽署的。
波音HEL TD 專案主管Blaine Beardsley 稱“我們正在用波音最好的資源盡可能快地向作戰人員交付這種地面阻斷技術”。“HEL TD項目能提供應用極為精確、光速的定向能的機會,這將顯著增強我們用戶的戰場防禦能力”。
在HEMTT上加裝光束控制系統後,HEL TD專案將在新墨西哥州的白沙導彈試驗場進入低能量系統測試。這些安排在來年的試驗將演示驗證HEL TD系統探測、跟蹤和瞄準移動射彈的能力。HEMTT後續將安裝高能鐳射,使其能夠擊毀這些標靶。
HEL TD系統將探測、跟蹤和選擇標靶上的一個瞄準點;之後系統將接收到來自HEL TD上鐳射裝置的雷射光束,整形和調整後,聚焦於標靶。該系統包括反射鏡、高速處理器和高速光學感測器。
波音公司正在為美國空軍、陸軍和海軍的不同應用研發定向能武器。除HEL TD專案外,這些系統包括自由電子鐳射、戰術鐳射中繼鏡系統和緊湊三維成像相機。
波音是位於阿拉巴馬州的最大的航宇公司,也是該州最大的用人公司之一。目前公司在Huntsville的業務包括陸基中程防禦系統和其他導彈防禦工作,如“箭”系統和“愛國者先進能力3”導引頭,以及與戰神一號運載火箭(Ares I)、國際空間站、陸軍綜合後勤、旅級戰鬥隊現代化、邊境安全倡議網路(SBInet)、787和P-8A“海神”工程相關的工作。
波音公司的子公司——波音防務、空間與安全公司是世界上最大的防務、空間與安全公司之一,專注于提供創新和能力驅動的客戶解決方案;同時也是世界上最大和能力最全的軍機製造商。波音防務、空間與安全公司總部位於聖路易斯,擁有世界範圍內的員工68000人,營業額達340億美元。(王傳勝 責編廖)
Boeing Prepares to Install Beam Control System on High Energy Laser Technology Demonstrator
HUNTSVILLE, Ala., Oct. 25, 2010 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced that its High Energy Laser Technology Demonstrator (HEL TD) team in Huntsville is installing subassemblies on the Oshkosh Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT), while a HEL TD team in Albuquerque, N.M., is integrating the laser beam director assembly with the beam control system. These technical integration tasks are being performed to prepare for installation of the beam control system on the HEMTT later this year.
HEL TD is a solid-state laser system demonstrator that will verify the ability to shoot down rockets, artillery and mortars. Boeing is developing the system under contract to the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command.
"We are applying the best of Boeing to deliver this ground-breaking technology to the warfighter as soon as possible," said Blaine Beardsley, Boeing HEL TD program manager. "The HEL TD program provides a great opportunity to apply the ultra-precision, speed-of-light benefits of directed energy that will dramatically improve our customer’s defenses on the battlefield."
The subassemblies being installed on the eight-wheel, 500-horsepower HEMTT include a generator and heating, ventilation and air conditioning units. The vehicle also is equipped with a system enclosure, a structure that will hold much of its critical hardware, including the beam control system and beam director.
After installation of the beam control system onto the HEMTT, HEL TD will enter low-power system testing at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. These tests, scheduled for next year, will demonstrate the HEL TD system's ability to acquire, track and target moving projectiles. The HEMTT will later be equipped with a high-energy laser that can destroy those targets.
HEL TD will acquire, track and select an aimpoint on a target; then the system will receive the laser beam from HEL TD's laser device, reshape and align it, and focus it on the target. The system includes mirrors, high-speed processors and high-speed optical sensors.
Boeing is developing directed energy systems for a variety of U.S. Air Force, Army and Navy applications. Besides HEL TD, these systems include the Free Electron Laser, the Tactical Relay Mirror System, and the Compact 3-D Imaging Camera.
Boeing is the largest aerospace company in Alabama and one of the state's largest employers. Current company operations in Huntsville include the Ground-based Midcourse Defense program and other missile defense work, such as the Arrow system and the Patriot Advanced Capability-3 seeker, as well as work associated with Ares I, the International Space Station, Army Integrated Logistics, Brigade Combat Team Modernization, SBInet, and engineering for the 787 and the P-8A Poseidon.
A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Defense, Space & Security is one of the world's largest defense, space and security businesses specializing in innovative and capabilities-driven customer solutions, and the world's largest and most versatile manufacturer of military aircraft. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Defense, Space & Security is a $34 billion business with 68,000 employees worldwide. Follow us on Twitter: @BoeingDefense.