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以色列2008預算 國防支出居首教育第三
中央社╱中央社 2007-12-28 18:18     







May the Force be with you
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報告:全球軍費支出排行 美1中3印度10



報告:全球軍費支出排行 美1中3印度10
中央社╱中央社 2008-06-10 19:31







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全球軍費支出十年增長四成五 美國佔近半



全球軍費支出十年增長四成五 美國佔近半
法新社╱陳昶佑 2008-06-09 21:05     















Global military spending soars 45 pct in 10 years

by Francis Kohn
5 minutes ago

STOCKHOLM (AFP) - World military spending grew 45 percent in the past decade, with the United States accounting for nearly half of all expenditure, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) said Monday.

Military spending grew six percent last year alone, according to SIPRI's annual report.

In 2007, 1,339 billion dollars (851 billion euros) was spent on arms and other military expenditure, corresponding to 2.5 percent of global gross domestic product, or GDP -- or 202 dollars for each of the world's 6.6 billion people.

The United States spends by far the most towards military aims, dishing out 547 billion dollars last year, or 45 percent of global expenditure.

Britain, China, France and Japan, the next in line of big spenders, lag far behind, accounting for just four to five percent of world military costs each.

"The factors driving increases in world military spending include countries' foreign policy objectives, real or perceived threats, armed conflict and policies to contribute to multilateral peacekeeping operations, combined with the availability of economic resources," the SIPRI report said.

The increase is both "excessive and obscene," Jayantha Dhanapala, a SIPRI member formerly in charge of disarmament affairs at the United Nations, told reporters in Stockholm, where the annual report was presented.

Registering the greatest regional growth was Eastern Europe, which saw its military spending skyrocket 162 percent between 1998 and 2007 and 15 percent from 2006 to 2007.

Russia, whose expenditure ballooned 13 percent last year, was responsible for 86 percent of the growth in the region, according to SIPRI.

North America meanwhile saw its military spending swell 65 percent, largely pulled by the United States, which has seen its costs grow 59 percent since the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York and Washington.

"By 2007, US spending was higher than at any time since World War II," the SIPRI report said.

In the past decade, the Middle East has boosted military expenditure by 62 percent, South Asia by 57 percent and Africa and East Asia by 51 percent each.

Western Europe was the region with the least military spending growth at just six percent, followed by Central America at 14 percent.

At a national level, "China has increased its military spending threefold in real terms during the past decade," SIPRI said, adding however that "due to its rapid economic growth, the economic burden of military spending is still moderate, at 2.1 percent of GDP."

As a direct result of the increased military outlay, sales by the world's 100 leading arms producing companies (excluding in China) jumped nearly nine percent in 2006 compared to the year before to 315 billion dollars, SIPRI said.

Sixty-three of the 100 top weapons firms are based in the United States and Western Europe, accounting alone for 292.3 billion dollars in sales in 2006, the last year for which SIPRI has numbers.

In its report, the group also said 14 major armed conflicts raged around the world last year -- the same number as in 2006. In 2001, there were 20, SIPRI said.

"A new type of conflict is emerging and we are seeing a fragmentation of violence," in places such as Iraq and Sudan's Darfur province, SIPRI researcher Ekaterina Stepanova told the Stockholm press conference.

This non-state violence "may have devastating consequences for civilians. All the actors tend to be opportunistic and may change sides," she added.

On an upbeat note, SIPRI chief Bates Gill meanwhile said both candidates in this year's US presidential election could help pave the way for "the most promising opportunities to see real progress in the nuclear arms control that we have seen in the last 10 years."

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美國會審計局警告 國防部武器採購系統不彰



美國會審計局警告 國防部武器採購系統不彰
法新社╱鄭詩韻 2008-06-04 12:05    






Pentagon weapons procurement broken, auditor warns

by Jim Mannion
Tue Jun 3, 2:29 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The Defense Department's procurement system is failing to deliver US troops the weapons they need while running up nearly 300 billion dollars in cost overruns, a government auditor warned Tuesday.
Katherine Schinas of the Government Accountability Office told lawmakers the procurement system is broken.

"First it has failed the warfighter because it is delivering capability late and in fewer quantities than planned, or both," she told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

"And many times when equipment is delivered to the field it is not what's needed for the current operations," she said.

The GAO, a congressional audit agency, last month reported that cost overruns of major US weapons programs grew to 295 billion dollars last year, 26 percent over initial cost estimates for 72 major weapons programs.

The Defense Department expects to invest about 900 billion dollars over the next five years on development and procurement, the report said.

"There is cost growth coming that we don't yet know about," said Schinas.

"If you look at the period 1992-2007, the cost needed to complete DoD's portfolio (of weapons programs) has increased over 100 percent but the funding provided to do so increased only 57 percent. So the bow wave is going to continue," she said.

John Young, undersecretary of defense for acquisition, acknowledged many of the problems, but said the Pentagon is striving to change the procurement culture.

Still, he said, the Defense Department's acquisition workforce has gotten smaller, even though procurement is up 34 percent since 2001 and research and development budgets are up 70 percent.

"Programs cannot be successfully executed without adequate experience and capable people," he said.

Senator Carl Levin, the committee chairman, translated the 295 billion in cost overruns into weapons that the Pentagon might otherwise have been able to buy.

He said it was equivalent to two new aircraft carriers, eight attack submarines, 500 V-22 Ospreys, 500 Joint Strike Fighters, 10,000 mine-resistant armored vehicles, and the army's entire 130 billion dollar Future Combat System program.

Schinas gave some examples of procurement breakdowns.

"The army is spending billions of dollars that it did not plan to on legacy radio because its developments efforts for a new radio have gotten so bogged down," she said.

"The navy is apt to (have) a net loss in its carrier fleet capacity because it has been delayed in developing a new carrier beyond the point where it will have to start retiring current carriers," she said.

"The marines will have to wait five years to get half the quantity of expeditionary vehicles that it has planned," she said.

Schinas said part of the problem was that military requirements for weapons were "based on wants, not needs."

She said that had been exacerbated by the Pentagon's move away from matching requirements to threats early in the current administration.

But she said requirements set by the military departments and approved by the vice chiefs "reflect parochial interests rather than current warfighter needs."

Moreover, the Pentagon increasingly relies for solutions to its requirements on a defense industry that has shrunk to a handful of companies.

"Some believe that more money is the answer. But the DoD has already tried spending more money. Investment in weapon acquisition programs is now almost at the highest level in two decades, and the outcomes have only gotten worse," she said.

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1650億美元伊阿戰費案 參院通過



1650億美元伊阿戰費案 參院通過
【世界日報╱洛杉磯時報二十三日訊】 2008.05.23 07:39 pm



【本報華盛頓特派員林寶慶報導】國會參院院會22日通過伊拉克及阿富汗戰爭緊急追加預算案,其中移民相關條款在最後關頭全部遭刪除。「有線電視新聞網」道布斯節目(Lou Dobbs)主持人道布斯21日在節目中強烈抨擊法案中的移民相關條款,及提出增加H2A農工簽證條款的加州參議員范士丹。

【2008/05/23 世界日報】

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加拿大宣佈20年武器採購計畫 總值達300億美元



加拿大宣佈20年武器採購計畫 總值達300億美元

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月15日 11:04 北方科技資訊研究所

  據美國《防務新聞》2008年5月13日報導 加拿大總理哈普5月12日宣佈了一項300億美元的20年計畫以裝備加拿大軍隊,並促進加拿大的國防工業。該計畫將包括主要水面艦艇、海上巡邏機、固定翼搜救飛機、戰鬥機和地面作戰車輛與系統。


  這項長期採購計畫有望給軍工企業提供清晰的軍事需求藍圖,有助於他們更好地計畫並滿足這些需要。政府表示,要鼓勵本土國防工業並增加武器出口。 (北方科技資訊研究所 薛亞波)

Canada Announces 20-Year Plan to Rebuild Military
agence france-presse
Published: 12 May 14:32 EDT (10:32 GMT)

OTTAWA - Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced May 12 a $30 billion plan to re-equip Canada's military, to boost its recruiting and to bolster Canada's defense industry over the next 20 years.

The initiative will include major combat fleet replacements of surface combat ships, maritime patrol craft, fixed-wing search and rescue aircraft, fighter aircraft, and land combat vehicles and systems.

Canada will also increase its troop numbers to 70,000 regular soldiers and 30,000 reservists, for a total increase of 11,000 troops.

"If you want to be taken seriously in the world, you need the capacity to act - it's that simple," said Harper.

The new spending "will strengthen our sovereignty and security at home and bolster our ability to defend our values and interests abroad," he said.

Past administrations, the prime minister lamented, responded "to the increasing problems of rust-out and obsolescence of equipment as one-off purchases as the budget allowed, or as conditions ... have commanded."

"We've built in an escalating budget framework to allow us to replace over the next 20 years the full range of national defense equipment, and to rebuild the personnel of the forces," Harper told a press conference.

The long-term procurement plan is also hoped to provide defense firms with a clear outline of Canada's military needs, in order to help them better plan to help meet those needs, Harper said.

Previously, the government has indicated it wanted to encourage local defense firms to increase their arms exports.

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伊阿美軍即將斷餉 國防部要求盡快通過軍費



伊阿美軍即將斷餉 國防部要求盡快通過軍費
法新社╱郭無患 2008-05-07 12:20     








Pentagon warns of June pay crunch for troops

Tue May 6, 1:43 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The Pentagon warned Tuesday the US Army will not be able to pay its soldiers beyond June 15 unless Congress acts soon on a stalled request from the administration for war funding.
It was the latest salvo in a long-running impasse between the Democratic-controlled Congress and the administration over a 108-billion dollar request to fund US military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan in the 2008 fiscal year.

The pay crunch would be eased if Congress authorized funds to be moved from other accounts to pay soldiers, but the Pentagon is pressing for approval of the full budget request.

"We run out of money in order to pay soldiers after June 15 unless the Congress acts to pass the supplemental or provide us with the reprogramming authorities to move money within accounts," said Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell.

"We do not have the authorities right now to pay soldiers beyond June the 15," he told reporters.

US Defense Secretary Robert Gates last week sent a letter to members of Congress saying he was encouraged to hear they planned to act on the 2008 war funding bill by the Memorial Day holiday on May 26.

Morrell said congressional staffers were briefed on the budget situation earlier Tuesday.

"I know we have raised concerns about this issue before, but we are once again getting down to crunch time," he said.

"And unless Congress appropriates the 108 billion dollars in the next few weeks, most of our troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan could go without pay, and the critical progress they have achieved will be in jeopardy."

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War costs could be under $170 bln: Pentagon



War costs could be under $170 bln: Pentagon

By Andrea Shalal-Esa
Tue Apr 22, 7:22 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will cost the United States less than the $170 billion estimate given earlier this year by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, the Pentagon's budget chief said on Tuesday.
"I expect it to be less," Pentagon Comptroller Tina Jonas told Reuters after a speech to a conference sponsored by Jane's Information Group. She did not give a figure.

Jonas said would discuss with Gates whether to give lawmakers a total estimate for war spending needs. The Bush administration has already requested $70 billion for the fiscal year starting October 1 and is pushing for about $100 billion more for the current fiscal year.

Asked whether Congress might combine fiscal 2008 and 2009 war spending, Jonas told the conference she was confident that lawmakers would "come to some accommodation."

That idea got a boost from Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, a Michigan Democrat, who told reporters, "It makes sense to me to attach (FY09) bridge funding to get us...into early next (calendar) year."

Levin was to meet with Gates this week to discuss ways of prodding Iraq to pay for more of its own reconstruction costs, relieving U.S. taxpayers of some of the burden. "My own approach would be to prohibit the obligation of funds in certain areas, including Iraqi reconstruction," Levin said.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, agreed, saying: "It's only fair and appropriate they (Iraqis) fight more and they pay more."

Democrats also expect to try to add language to the war-funding bill on ending the U.S. combat role in Iraq, which President George W. Bush has consistently opposed.

The White House has warned Congress it must approve additional war funds by the end of May or risk the start of Defense Department layoff notices.

Jonas said the Pentagon was working on contingency plans, in case those funds were not approved.


She said U.S. defense spending, including base budgets and supplemental war spending, was around 4.7 percent of gross domestic product -- lower than during other major conflicts.

Defense spending reached 8.9 percent during the Vietnam War and 6 percent during the defense buildup under former President Ronald Reagan.

Jones expressed concern about rising operating costs, spurred by a tripling of spending on fuel and steady increases in health care costs.

In constant fiscal year 2009 dollars, the Pentagon budget was expected to decline 3.3 percent by fiscal 2013, she said.

Procurement spending was expected to increase 9 percent over the same period, while research and development spending would fall nearly 14 percent.

She warned that pressures on defense spending were mounting, as the country was forced to spend more on health care for the poor and elderly and the next administration could be facing a possible "train wreck."

Jonas also expressed concern about cost increases and schedule delays in major defense acquisition programs. She said 17 programs had breached congressional cost overrun thresholds and required certification to continue.

The portfolio of major defense programs had grown by $900 billion to $1.7 trillion since fiscal year 2001, but cost growth accounted for 44 percent of that, Jonas said.

"That is a stunner. We have got to do better in managing costs," she said, noting that would be a big challenge for the next administration.

(additional reporting by Richard Cowan, editing by Alan Elsner and Eric Walsh)

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油價每漲一美元 美國防開支增加1.3億美元



油價每漲一美元 美國防開支增加1.3億美元
法新社╱郭無患 2008-04-23 11:20    







Pentagon worried about spiking oil prices

2 hours, 56 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) - After spending 15 billion dollars on oil in 2007, the Pentagon said Tuesday it was concerned over rising prices, since for every dollar oil goes up in price, an extra 130 million has to be added to its budget.
Oil price is "a significant concern for us today," Undersecretary of Defense Tina Jonas, the Pentagon's chief financial officer, told a conference organized by Jane's defense information group.

"Fuel has more than tripled in price over the past four years," Jonas said, adding that "for every dollar increase in the cost of fuel, we end up increasing by 130 million dollars in terms of operational costs."

Oil futures Tuesday leapt to a record close of 119.37 dollars a barrel in New York, after briefly skirting the symbolic threshold of 120 dollars.

The spiraling cost of oil is especially troublesome for the Pentagon since the "DoD (Department of Defense) is the largest consumer of oil in the United States," David Trachtenberg, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for international security policy, said in his presentation.

Jonas said the Pentagon's overall budget for fiscal 2009, excluding the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, stood at 515 billion dollars and was expected to increase by 6.5 percent to 549 billion by 2013.

The increase, she added, actually translated to a 3.3 percent drop over the same period, in inflation-adjusted dollars.

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美國防武器開支超出預算 進度落後



美國防武器開支超出預算 進度落後
法新社╱郭無患 2008-04-02 19:35    









US weapons budget comes under fire for overspending

by Laurent Thomet
Tue Apr 1, 1:42 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Pentagon spending on major weapons systems has rocketed to 1.6 trillion dollars, a two-decade high, with programs going over budget and falling behind schedule, a government audit found.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) said 72 programs, ranging from fighter jets to combat ships and satellites, were over budget by 295 billion dollars in 2007 and behind schedule by an average of 21 months.

The spending on new weaponry continued to rise despite funding competition from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and a decline in discretionary spending in other areas of the US government budget, the GAO said.

Defense Department (DOD) investment in weapons systems doubled from 790 billion dollars in 2000 to 1.6 trillion dollars last year, the GAO said in its sixth annual report on the department's acquisitions program.

While acquisition costs were six percent higher than original estimates in 2000, they were 26 percent higher last year, the report said. Moreover, research and development costs were 40 percent over budget in 2007.

The cost overruns will be difficult to sustain as the weapons programs face stiff competition for funds from the wars as well as non-military programs such as social security, the GAO said.

The Pentagon plans to invest about 900 billion dollars over the next five years on development and procurement, including more than 335 billion dollars, or 37 percent, for new major weapon systems, the report said.

"Every dollar spent inefficiently in developing and procuring weapon systems is less money available for many other internal and external budget priorities -- such as the global war on terror and growing entitlement programs (such as social security)," Gene Dodaro, the GAO's acting comptroller general, said in the report delivered to Congress on Monday.

"These inefficiencies also often result in the delivery of less capability than initially planned, either in the form of fewer quantities or delayed delivery to the warfighter," Dodaro said.

Despite efforts to improve the acquisitions process since 2003, the changes have yet to translate into best practices on individual programs, he said.

But, he added, Pentagon leaders have launched initiatives aimed at improving the department's acquisitions process.

"Successful implementation will have significant implications for decisions made on individual programs, DOD's larger modernization goals, and the nation at large," Dodaro said.

The Pentagon said it was too soon to respond to the report.

"Since the report came out just yesterday afternoon, we'd like to look at what GAO has said, and then at the appropriate time make an informed comment," the Pentagon said in a statement.

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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年04月02日 11:37 中國新聞網

  中新網4月2日電 美國《華盛頓郵報》1日引述國會下屬的政府問責局的報告說,美國主要武器系統研發嚴重超支,並且進度緩慢。



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