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法新社╱郭無患 2007-12-05 10:05     









除配備特別尋標器,AIM-9X響尾蛇飛彈和AIM-120 先進中程空對空飛彈加裝新的第二階段液態推進燃料,使飛彈爆發速度,得以捕捉加速升空階段的彈道飛彈。


US jet intercepts ballistic missile for first time: officials

Tue Dec 4, 6:35 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - A US F-16 fighter used an air-to-air missile to destroy a sounding rocket in its boost phase for the first time this week in a test of a new missile defense concept, US spokesmen said Tuesday.

The system -- named the Net-Centric Airborne Defense Element (NCDE) -- breaks new ground in that it would arm fighter aircraft or drones with missiles fast enough to intercept a ballistic missile as it lifts into space.

The aircraft would have to get to within a 100 miles of the launch site to catch the ascending missile in the first two to three minutes after launch.

But it could be very useful in a short range combat situation against short and medium range missiles, said Rick Lehner, a spokesman for the US Missile Defense Agency.

The Pentagon has two other better known boost phase intercept systems under development -- the Airborne Laser and the Kinetic Energy Interceptor -- but those are still years away from being ready, he said.

"So it does give us an initial boost phase capability even though it is a much shorter range missile, and you have to be in the area of the missile launch to be effective," Lehner said.

The test Monday at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico involved an F-16 fighter that fired two modified AIM-9X missile at an Orion sounding or research rocket.

The first destroyed the rocket and the second recorded the interception, the Pentagon's missile defense agency said.

The missile seekers' relayed images of the rocket at close range, demonstrating the capability to acquire and track the target, the Pentagon's missile defense agency said.

"Although not unexpected, the subsequent intercept destroyed the target," it said.

"A second AIM-9X launched during the test observed through its seeker the intercept of the target by the first and was also on a trajectory to intercept the target," the agency said.

Besides special seekers, AIM-9X and AIM-20 AAMRAM are fitted with a new liquid propellant second stage to give it the burst of speed needed to catch a ballistic missile in its boost phase.

Lehner said the missiles were heavily instrumented during the test, but otherwise conditions were "pretty realistic."

Raytheon Missile Systems, which developed the NCADE, said it "provides a revolutionary, low-cost approach to interceptor development and acquisition."

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土地用作美國飛彈基地 馬紹爾島主怒告政府



土地用作美國飛彈基地 馬紹爾島主怒告政府
 更新日期:2009/10/09 13:05 李致嫻
(法新社馬紹爾群島馬久羅9日電) 馬紹爾群島(Marshall Islands)一名勢力強大的傳統酋長控告馬紹爾政府與美國締結條約,讓美國政府把他的土地作為飛彈試射基地。

曾任馬紹爾總統的卡布亞(Imata Kabua)表示,他質疑美國及馬紹爾之間的條約,這份條約延長美國在2016年後使用現有飛彈基地的權利。

兩國間的「自由加盟協約」(Compact of FreeAssociation)於2003年核准,提供美國使用瓜加林環礁島(Kwajalein Atoll)「雷根飛彈測試場」(Reagan Test Site)權利到2066年。



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      雷神公司的方案是以“先進中距空對空導彈”AIM-120為基礎加以改進,也就是所謂的網路中心防空單元(NCADE)。該彈不僅加裝了二級火箭助推器和“響尾蛇”AIM-9X的導引頭,還加裝了新型的固態轉向以及姿態控制系統,但是其費用相對昂貴。據悉洛克希德•馬丁公司的PAC-3“愛國者”改裝研製費用為1.3億美元,而雷神公司的網路中心防空單元研製費用高達4.5億美元,每枚單價約為100萬美元。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 魯進軍)

USAF chief calls air-launched interceptor missiles 'promising'
By Stephen Trimble

SOURCE:Flight International

The US Air Force is moving closer to launching a programme to arm fighters and unmanned aircraft systems with the capability to shoot down ballistic missiles.

Preliminary findings of a joint study with the US Missile Defense Agency indicate that the air-launched intercept concept is technically feasible, says air force chief of staff Gen Norton Schwartz.

"When the object is to attack missiles early in the ascent phase the kinematics of the question work," Schwartz says. "I don't have any doubt that we'll have the sensors and the connectivity to effectively hit the target."

Both Lockheed Martin and Raytheon are working on separate programmes to convert weapons for the air-launched intercept role.

Lockheed is proposing to fire a containerised PAC-3 Patriot missile at mainly terminal phase targets. Another concept studied by the company proposes to adapt the kill vehicle from a terminal high-altitude air defence interceptor, which could be stored in an internal weapons bay.

Raytheon, meanwhile, is offering to convert the AIM-120 Amraam air-to-air missile with a second-stage rocket booster, a modified AIM-9X Sidewinder seeker and new solid divert and attitude control system.

The so-called network centric air defence element (NCADE) concept would leverage the USAF's AIM-120 support infrastructure, but would be more costly to develop than Lockheed's PAC-3-based air-launched hit-to-kill (ALHTK) concept.

Lockheed has projected the ALHTK development cost at a minimum of $130 million, while Raytheon says the NCADE development would total about $450 million, followed by $1 million to purchase each missile.

Schwartz acknowledges that he is not sure if the USAF can afford to pay for either missile. "I don't have a sense of cost and so on," he says, adding that he also hasn't made "a judgement of whether it means less of this or more of that. But it's promising."

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  [據全球安全網站2009年8月27日報導] 在多年試驗成功的推動下,曾一度飽受質疑的美國導彈防禦技術目前已準備進入部署階段。
  27日,美國導彈防禦局負責人在五角大樓的一次訪談中說:“過去我們面臨的問題是,能否用一枚導彈擊中另一枚導彈,而現在我們已經成功驗證了35次以上。” 在最近的45次試驗中,有39次成功。失敗大都出現在試驗之初,並且在過去幾年都擊中目標,但其中一次試驗失敗是由於製造問題。

  在未來5年,飛行試驗將增加到56次以上,其中多次試驗將包括多枚導彈同時出現在空中。在試驗中,導彈防禦局將使用衛星、無人機、艦船和陸基雷達。(中國航太工程諮詢中心 曲佳 陳菲)

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2009年08月29日 12:55:02  來源:東方網 











    最後,文章稱,美國政權的更迭、自上世紀30年代大蕭條以來最糟糕的經濟危機、在阿富汗戰爭中消耗的巨大的人力物力資源,都未能減緩美國在全球以及太空軍事稱霸的腳步,也未能減少美國及其同盟面臨的史無前例的災難性威脅。美國及其同盟在歐洲和亞洲建立了一個密不透風的導彈防禦係統,使世界上的兩個核大國——俄羅斯和中國處于強壓之下,並成為美國第一次常規及核打擊的目標。(東方網 春風)

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Boeing floats new anti-missile idea for Europe



Boeing floats new anti-missile idea for Europe

By Jim Wolf Jim Wolf – Thu Aug 20, 1:29 am ET
HUNTSVILLE, Alabama (Reuters) – Boeing Co unveiled a surprise proposal to build a mobile interceptor missile in an effort to blunt Russian fears of possible U.S. fixed missile-defense sites in Europe.

The idea was floated on Wednesday as the Obama administration weighs Bush-era plans to put 10 ground-based interceptors, or GBIs, in underground silos in Poland, paired with a radar site in the Czech Republic, as a hedge against Iran's growing ballistic-missile clout. The review is to be wrapped up by the end of this year.

Boeing, which manages the hub of a layered U.S. anti-missile shield deployed in 2004, is eyeing a 47,500-pound interceptor that could be flown to NATO bases as needed on Boeing-built C-17 cargo planes, erected quickly on a 60-foot trailer stand and taken home when judged safe to do so.

"If a fixed site is going to be just too hard to get implemented politically or otherwise, we didn't want people to think that the only way you needed to use a GBI was in a fixed silo," Greg Hyslop, Boeing's vice president and general manager for missile defense, told Reuters at a U.S. Army-sponsored missile-defense conference in Huntsville, Alabama.

A scale model showed a two-stage interceptor designed to be globally deployable within 24 hours at designated launch sites that would provide coverage for the United States and Europe.

Boeing had just started briefing the Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency on the proposal, Hyslop said. The project could be completed by 2015 at probably less cost than had been planned for the silo-based interceptors, he said.

The Government Accountability Office reported earlier this month that military construction costs for the interceptor and radar sites could top $1 billion. U.S. intelligence officials say that by 2015 Iran will have a long-range missile capability. The Polish and Czech sites are scheduled to be ready by then.

Moscow strongly opposes the possible Polish and Czech installations as a threat to its security. After the election of Barack Obama as U.S. president in November, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev threatened to base medium-range Iskander missiles near the Polish border if the United States persisted.

Boeing is not the only U.S. contractor preparing for a possible abandonment of the Polish and Czech options. Raytheon Co, the world's biggest missile maker, said Tuesday it was developing a land-based version of its existing Standard Missile-3 (SM-3), a star of U.S. missile defense from the sea, that could be used to defend Europe, Israel and elsewhere.

A reconfigured SM-3 interceptor was successfully fired by the U.S. Navy's Aegis ballistic missile-defense system in February 2008 to destroy an errant U.S. spy satellite. Japan is co-financing and co-producing a new, more capable version. Lockheed Martin Corp, the Pentagon's No. 1 contractor by sales, builds the Aegis system.

A land-based SM-3 could play a role in European defense with or without GBIs in Poland, Michael Booen, a Raytheon vice president, told Reuters. They could be operational as soon as 2013 if funded adequately, he said. The Pentagon has requested $50 million for its development in the fiscal year starting October 1.

Army Lieutenant General Patrick O'Reilly, the head of the Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency, hailed the SM-3 option Wednesday and was asked about a mobile GBI.

"That would be a significant undertaking," he said of the GBI concept after a presentation to the conference. "But we are looking for opportunities and the SM-3 is one we focused in on because of its accomplishments."

General James Cartwright, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the session earlier in the day the United States had made "a couple of bad assumptions" in missile defense.

He singled out an expectation, at the heart of the U.S. rush to deploy, that "the emergence of the intercontinental ballistic missile threat would come much faster than it did" from countries like Iran and North Korea.

"The reality is that it has not come as fast as we thought it would come," Cartwright said. He said the United States, under its current missile-defense plans, had the capability to take on 15 inbound intercontinental ballistic missiles simultaneously using the 30 GBI's being placed in silos at Fort Greely, Alaska, and Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.

"That's a heck of a lot more than a rogue" nation could fire, he said.

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2009年08月22日 08:42:53  來源:新華網 





















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[據美國航空週刊網站2009年8月20日報導] 美國導彈防禦局主管在第12屆太空與導彈防禦年度大會上稱,預期到2016年將能夠填補從太空跟蹤來襲彈道導彈能力的空白。


  該局還主管稱,要提高實現上升段攔截的機遇,必須具備更好的“發射到攔截”跟蹤能力。導彈防禦局近期已將此目標作為2010財年預算建議的重點。另一個目標是到2020年,實現技術改進,升級現有系統,使攔截器達到更高的攔截速度。 (中國航太工程諮詢中心 郭多嫻)

MDA Chief Predicts Better Missile Tracking

Aug 20, 2009
Amy Butler

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. -- The U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) director says he expects to be able to close anticipated gaps in the ability to track incoming ballistic missiles from space by 2016.

Currently, U.S. sensors -- primarily the Defense Support Program satellites and Space-Based Infrared System HEO sensors -- are providing data as soon as a ballistic missile boosts after launch.

However, a gap exists after boost, forcing MDA officials to look to reacquire a target later in its flight when the U.S. has other capability for tracking, MDA chief U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Patrick O'Reilly explained Aug. 18 at the annual Space and Missile Defense Conference here.

The addition of the Space Tracking and Surveillance System -- two demonstration satellites are expected to launch next month -- will help with this task.

O'Reilly says better launch-to-intercept tracking is needed to enhance the chances of achieving ascent-phase intercept. MDA recently highlighted this as a goal in its fiscal 2010 budget proposal.

Another goal of O'Reilly is by 2020 to improve technology availability to achieve higher velocity at burnout of an interceptor through incremental upgrades to existing systems. This, he hopes, will increase the ability to launch quickly and to achieve the range needed to intercept early in a target's flight.

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    [據法國《防務宇航》2009年8月14日報導]    8月10日夜間9點50分,美國導彈防禦局的機載鐳射武器系統(ABL)原型機利用三台機載低能雷射器對一個儀器化助推段導彈目標成功進行了捕獲、跟蹤和提供大氣補償,並模擬了利用定向能進行殺傷。
    這枚導彈目標是從美國海軍空中作戰中心武器分部海上實驗場的聖尼古拉斯島(San Nicolas Island)發射的,該島嶼位於加利福尼亞中部海岸附近。這是兩個月內ABL成功進行的第三次導彈攔截試驗。在此之前,ABL利用低能雷射器對2枚探空火箭進行了攔截;而在最近這次試驗中,雷射器的性能資料首次被導彈目標所收集。這枚用於替代導彈的儀器化目標的尺寸和幾何外形與彈道導彈相似,其中一段攜帶了一些感測器,用於記錄和測量鐳射的性能。
    按照計畫,在未來幾個月內ABL還將逐漸攔截一些難度更大的目標,最終將於年底進行一次攔截典型助推段彈道導彈目標的試驗。(北方科技資訊研究所 李小磊)

ABL Successfully Completes Low-Power Laser Tests Against an Instrumented Boosting Missile Target
(Source: Missile Defense Agency; issued August 13, 2009)
The Missile Defense Agency’s Airborne Laser (ABL) prototype aircraft successfully acquired, tracked, provided atmospheric compensation and simulated the directed energy kill sequence against an instrumented boosting missile target using three onboard low-power lasers on Aug. 10 at 9:50 p.m. PDT.
The missile was launched from San Nicolas Island, located in the Naval Air Warfare Center-Weapons Division Sea Range, off the central California coast.
This marks the third successful ABL missile engagement in just over two months. The ABL previously engaged two sounding rockets with the low-power lasers – this latest test was the first time laser performance data was collected at the target missile. The Missile Alternative Range Target Instrument is similar in size and geometry to a ballistic missile, but with a section of sensors to record and measure the laser performance.
Plans call for ABL to engage progressively more difficult targets in coming months, culminating with a lethal demonstration against a boosting threat-representative ballistic missile target later this year. (ends)

 Boeing Airborne Laser Team Completes 1st Airborne Test Against Instrumented Target Missile 
(Source: Boeing Co.; issued August 13, 2009)
 EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. --- The Boeing Company, industry teammates and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency on Aug. 10 successfully completed the Airborne Laser's (ABL) first in-flight test against an instrumented target missile, achieving a historic milestone.
During the test, the modified Boeing 747-400F aircraft took off from Edwards Air Force Base and used its infrared sensors to find a target missile launched from San Nicholas Island, Calif. The Boeing-developed battle management system aboard ABL then issued engagement and target location instructions to the beam control/fire control system, which acquired the target and fired its two solid-state illuminator lasers to track the target and measure atmospheric conditions. ABL then fired a surrogate high-energy laser at the target, simulating a missile intercept. Instrumentation on the target verified that the surrogate high-energy laser hit the target.
"This test demonstrates that the Airborne Laser can fully engage an in-flight missile with its battle management and beam control/fire control systems," said Michael Rinn, Boeing vice president and ABL program director. "Pointing and focusing a laser beam on a target that is rocketing skyward at thousands of miles per hour is no easy task, but the Airborne Laser is uniquely able to do the job."
The test follows ABL's engagement of two un-instrumented missiles in early June, which allowed the team to fine-tune the engagement sequence.
ABL will now undergo flight tests in which the aircraft will fire its high-energy laser, first into an onboard calorimeter, then through its beam control/fire control system. The ABL team then will test the entire weapon system against in-flight missiles, culminating with ABL's first high-energy laser intercept test against a ballistic missile later this year.
ABL would deter potential adversaries and provide speed-of-light capability to destroy all classes of ballistic missiles in their boost phase of flight. Eliminating missiles in their boost phase would reduce the number of shots required by other elements of the layered ballistic missile defense system.
"ABL's revolutionary speed, mobility, precision and lethality would make it a great asset to America's warfighters," Rinn added.
Boeing is the prime contractor and overall systems integrator for ABL, and provides the modified aircraft and battle management system. Northrop Grumman supplies the high-energy laser, and Lockheed Martin provides the beam control/fire control system.

A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is one of the world's largest space and defense businesses specializing in innovative and capabilities-driven customer solutions, and the world's largest and most versatile manufacturer of military aircraft. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is a $32 billion business with 70,000 employees worldwide. (ends)
 Lockheed Martin-Built System Directs Laser Beam In Airborne Laser’s Simulated Target Intercept 
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued August 13, 2009)
 EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. --- Lockheed Martin announced today that the Beam Control/Fire Control system for the U.S. Missile Defense Agency’s Airborne Laser (ABL) has focused and directed a low-power laser beam in an engagement with an instrumented, boosting missile target, resulting in a successful simulated intercept.
In a flight test Aug. 10 aboard ABL’s modified Boeing 747-400F aircraft, the Lockheed Martin-developed Beam Control/Fire Control system aimed a low-power laser beam generated by a Surrogate High Energy Laser at an instrumented target missile, called a Missile Alternative Range Target Instrumentation (MARTI). The tests also involved the Battle Management System developed by Boeing, ABL’s prime contractor. This test demonstrated the full functionality of the ABL system, with the low-power laser serving as a surrogate for the Northrop Grumman-developed megawatt-class Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser (COIL).
“The Beam Control/Fire Control System has once again proven its capabilities in flight,” said Mark Johnson, ABL program director, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company. “Completing the low-power flight testing against an instrumented boosting target is a testament to the readiness of ABL’s Beam Control/Fire Control system. We successfully demonstrated the necessary pointing accuracy for reliable acquisition, tracking and atmospheric compensation to achieve shoot-down later this year. The outstanding performance of the government and industry team continues to keep the program on track.”
In preparation for this low-power MARTI test, the ABL team conducted a series of tests including low-power tracking tests against non-instrumented boosting Terrier-Lynx target missiles June 6 and June 13.
The Beam Control/Fire Control system next will be tested in high-power flight operations. A series of increasingly rigorous ABL testing scenarios will culminate in an airborne intercept test against an unarmed, boosting ballistic missile target later this year.
The Beam Control/Fire Control System locates and tracks the target, determines range to the target, compensates for atmospheric turbulence and focuses and directs the High Energy Laser beam. The system’s lower-energy lasers – the Track Illuminator Laser and the Beacon Illuminator Laser – determine where to point and focus the High Energy Laser. The High Energy Laser beam passes through the system’s optical path before exiting through the conformal window on the nose of the aircraft on its way to the target.
ABL will destroy a ballistic missile while it is still accelerating in the Earth’s atmosphere and before it can deploy its warheads. The Missile Defense Agency manages the ABL program, which is executed by the U.S. Air Force from Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, N.M. The Boeing Company provides the modified aircraft and the Battle Management System and is the overall systems integrator. Boeing’s ABL industry partners are Northrop Grumman, which supplies the High Energy Laser and the Beacon Illuminator Laser, and Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, Sunnyvale, Calif., which provides the Beam Control/Fire Control System.
Lockheed Martin is a world leader in systems integration and the development of air and missile defense systems and technologies, including the first operational hit-to-kill missile. The company makes significant contributions to most major U.S. missile defense systems and participates in several global missile defense partnerships.

Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security company that employs about 146,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2008 sales of $42.7 billion.

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    波音公司副總裁兼ABL專案總監Michael Rinn說:“這次測試表明,機載雷射器可以充分依靠其戰鬥管理系統和光束控制/火力控制系統對抗飛行中的導彈。對於飛行速度每小時數千英里的目標進行雷射光束瞄準和聚焦並不容易,但機載雷射器是唯一能夠完成這項工作。”波音團隊還在6月初微調測試次序,測試打擊兩枚未攜帶儀器的導彈。

    ABL現在將接受一系列的飛行測試,飛機將發射高能鐳射,第一次到板載熱量計,然後通過其光束控制/火力控制系統。ABL團隊然後將測試整個武器系統對飛行中的導彈打擊能力, 最終ABL首次對彈道導彈的高能量鐳射攔截試驗將在今年晚些時候推出。




    波音公司是機載雷射器(ABL)的主承包商,負責ABL整體系統集成,並提供改進型飛機和戰鬥管理系統。諾斯羅普•格魯曼公司提供了高能量雷射器,而洛克希德•馬丁公司提供光束控制/火力控制系統。(工業和資訊化部電子科學技術情報研究所  陳  皓)

Boeing Airborne Laser Team Completes 1st Airborne Test Against Instrumented Target Missile

EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif., Aug. 13, 2009 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA], industry teammates and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency on Aug. 10 successfully completed the Airborne Laser's (ABL) first in-flight test against an instrumented target missile, achieving a historic milestone.

During the test, the modified Boeing 747-400F aircraft took off from Edwards Air Force Base and used its infrared sensors to find a target missile launched from San Nicolas Island, Calif. The Boeing-developed battle management system aboard ABL then issued engagement and target location instructions to the beam control/fire control system, which acquired the target and fired its two solid-state illuminator lasers to track the target and measure atmospheric conditions. ABL then fired a surrogate high-energy laser at the target, simulating a missile intercept. Instrumentation on the target verified that the surrogate high-energy laser hit the target.

"This test demonstrates that the Airborne Laser can fully engage an in-flight missile with its battle management and beam control/fire control systems," said Michael Rinn, Boeing vice president and ABL program director. "Pointing and focusing a laser beam on a target that is rocketing skyward at thousands of miles per hour is no easy task, but the Airborne Laser is uniquely able to do the job."

The test follows ABL's engagement of two un-instrumented missiles in early June, which allowed the team to fine-tune the engagement sequence.

ABL will now undergo flight tests in which the aircraft will fire its high-energy laser, first into an onboard calorimeter, then through its beam control/fire control system. The ABL team then will test the entire weapon system against in-flight missiles, culminating with ABL's first high-energy laser intercept test against a ballistic missile later this year.

ABL would deter potential adversaries and provide speed-of-light capability to destroy all classes of ballistic missiles in their boost phase of flight. Eliminating missiles in their boost phase would reduce the number of shots required by other elements of the layered ballistic missile defense system.

"ABL's revolutionary speed, mobility, precision and lethality would make it a great asset to America's warfighters," Rinn added.

Boeing is the prime contractor and overall systems integrator for ABL, and provides the modified aircraft and battle management system. Northrop Grumman supplies the high-energy laser, and Lockheed Martin provides the beam control/fire control system.

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    RIM-161A型導彈是SM-3的一種,其射程超過500千米,最大飛行高度超過160千米。SM-3導彈的開發基於SM-2 Block IV型反導彈導彈。SM-2能有效地擊中近距離彈道導彈。在一次試驗中,SM-2 Block IV型導彈擊中了19千米遠的目標,而SM-3能擊中200千米以外的目標。但SM-3只擅長進行反導彈作戰,而SM-2 Block IV型導彈既能用於攻擊彈道導彈還能攻擊飛機。SM-2 Block IV的開發成本卻比SM-3的成本的一半還少。(中國船舶工業綜合技術經濟研究院 吳小蘭)

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