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英國《防務系統日刊》2004年12月3日報道 日前,美國陸軍坦克自動車輛與武器局與通用動力公司地面系統分部簽訂了3項總價值達2.06億美元的訂單,追加訂購95輛“斯特賴克”戰車,包括首次生産的機動火炮系統(MGS)和核生化偵察變型車。



  核生化偵察變型車可探測、識別和標記污染區域,並即時報告獲取的資訊。該車裝有聯合部隊輕型防區外化學戰劑探測器(一種可搜索周圍環境是否存在化學戰劑蒸氣的全自動系統)和機載生物綜合探測系統(可同時告警、確認和辨別多種生物戰劑)。 (中國北方科技資訊研究所)

General Dynamics Awarded $206 Million for 95 Additional Stryker Combat Vehicles
STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich. - The U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command today awarded General Dynamics Land Systems three delivery orders valued at $206 million for 95 Stryker combat vehicles, including the first production of the Mobile Gun System and Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Reconnaissance variants. The vehicles are part of a $4 billion order awarded in November 2000 to equip the Army's six new Stryker Brigade Combat Teams with 2,100 Stryker armored vehicles. General Dynamics Land Systems is a business unit of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD).

The Department of Defense approved the mobile gun variant and NBC reconnaissance vehicle for low rate initial production in October of this year.

Production of 14 mobile guns, 17 NBC vehicles, 25 infantry and 39 mortar carriers begins in January 2005 at plants in Anniston, Alabama; Lima, Ohio; and London, Ontario. Production will be completed in February 2006. Subcomponents will be built at General Dynamics Land Systems facilities in Eynon, Pennsylvania; Imperial Valley, California; Muskegon, Michigan; Tallahassee, Florida; and Westminster, Maryland.

The Army will have six Stryker Brigade Combat Teams by 2008. Stryker is the Army's highest-priority production combat vehicle program and the centerpiece of the ongoing Army Transformation. Significantly lighter and more transportable than existing tanks and armored vehicles, Stryker fulfills an immediate requirement to equip a strategically deployable (C-17/C-5) and operationally deployable (C-130) brigade capable of rapid movement anywhere on the globe in a combat-ready configuration.

Stryker is a family of eight-wheel drive combat vehicles that can travel at speeds up to 62 mph on highways, with a range of 312 miles. It operates with the latest C4ISR equipment as well as detectors for nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. Stryker vehicle configurations include the nuclear, chemical and biological reconnaissance vehicle; anti-tank guided missile and medical evacuation vehicles; and carriers for mortars, engineer squads, infantry squads, command groups, and fire support teams.

The Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle can detect, identify and mark areas of contamination and report that information in real time. It is equipped with the Joint Service Lightweight Standoff Chemical Agent Detector a fully automatic system that searches the surrounding atmosphere for chemical agent vapor clouds. An on-board Biological Integrated Detection System provides warning, confirmation and identification of multiple biological agents simultaneously.

The Mobile Gun System, a separate Stryker variant, is armed with a General Dynamics 105mm tank cannon in a low-profile, fully stabilized, "shoot on the move" turret. It carries 18 rounds of NATO-standard 105mm main gun ammunition; 400 rounds of .50 caliber ammunition; and 3,400 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition. The system, which began development in 2001, continues reliability testing through June 2005 when a decision to purchase 58 additional systems is expected.

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GD Awarded $138 Million for 99 Additional Stryker



General Dynamics Awarded $138 Million for 99 Additional Stryker Combat Vehicles
STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich. - The U.S. Army TACOM Life Cycle Management Command has awarded General Dynamics Land Systems, a business unit of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD) a delivery order valued at $138 million for 99 additional Stryker combat vehicles. The vehicles will be used to meet Army materiel requirements. This increases the Army's Fiscal Year 2005 Stryker procurement from 576 to 675 vehicles; deliveries will begin in 2006 and continue through 2007.

The vehicles are part of a $4 billion contract awarded in November 2000 to equip the Army's new Stryker Brigade Combat Teams with more than 2,100 Stryker armored vehicles. To date, more than 1,000 Strykers have been delivered.

Stryker Brigade Combat Teams have operated successfully in Iraq since October 2003, demonstrating the value of a force that can move rapidly as a cohesive combined-arms combat team. The armored vehicles enable Stryker Brigade Combat Teams to maneuver easily in close and urban terrain, while providing protection in open terrain. Performance highlights include C-130 transportability; networked command, control, computing and communications, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) capability; integral 14.5mm armor protection and 152mm artillery airburst protection; self-deployment and self-recovery capability; reduced vehicle acoustic signature; ability to carry a nine-man infantry or engineer squad; and bunker and wall breaching capability.

Stryker is the Army's highest-priority production combat vehicle program and the centerpiece of the ongoing Army Transformation. The Stryker family of eight-wheel-drive combat vehicles can travel at speeds up to 62 mph on highways, with a range of 312 miles. Stryker vehicle configurations include carriers for mortars, engineer squads, infantry squads, command groups, and fire support teams; a nuclear, biological and chemical reconnaissance vehicle; anti-tank guided missile and medical evacuation vehicles; and the Mobile Gun System, a 105mm cannon mounted in a low-profile turret that is integration into the Stryker chassis.

General Dynamics, headquartered in Falls Church, Virginia, employs approximately 70,200 people worldwide and had 2004 revenue of $19.2 billion. The company is a market leader in mission-critical information systems and technologies; land and expeditionary combat systems, armaments and munitions; shipbuilding and marine systems; and business aviation. More information about the company is available on the Internet at http://www.generaldynamics.com

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Study Faults Army Vehicle




Study Faults Army Vehicle
Use of Transport in Iraq Puts Troops at Risk, Internal Report Says

By R. Jeffrey Smith
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, March 31, 2005; Page A01

The Army has deployed a new troop transport vehicle in Iraq with many defects, putting troops there at unexpected risk from rocket-propelled grenades and raising questions about the vehicle's development and $11 billion cost, according to a detailed critique in a classified Army study obtained by The Washington Post.

The vehicle is known as the Stryker, and 311 of the lightly armored, wheeled vehicles have been ferrying U.S. soldiers around northern Iraq since October 2003. The Army has been ebullient about the vehicle's success there, with Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker, the Army chief of staff, telling the House Armed Services Committee last month that "we're absolutely enthusiastic about what the Stryker has done."

But the Army's Dec. 21 report, drawn from confidential interviews with operators of the vehicle in Iraq in the last quarter of 2004, lists a catalogue of complaints about the vehicle, including design flaws, inoperable gear and maintenance problems that are "getting worse not better." Although many soldiers in the field say they like the vehicle, the Army document, titled "Initial Impressions Report -- Operations in Mosul, Iraq," makes clear that the vehicle's military performance has fallen short.

The internal criticism of the vehicle appears likely to fuel new controversy over the Pentagon's decision in 2003 to deploy the Stryker brigade in Iraq just a few months after the end of major combat operations, before the vehicle had been rigorously tested for use across a full spectrum of combat.

The report states, for example, that an armoring shield installed on Stryker vehicles to protect against unanticipated attacks by Iraqi insurgents using low-tech weapons works against half the grenades used to assault it. The shield, installed at a base in Kuwait, is so heavy that tire pressure must be checked three times daily. Nine tires a day are changed after failing, the report says; the Army told The Post the current figure is "11 tire and wheel assemblies daily."

"The additional weight significantly impacts the handling and performance during the rainy season," says the report, which was prepared for the Center for Army Lessons Learned in Fort Leavenworth, Kan. "Mud appeared to cause strain on the engine, the drive shaft and the differentials," none of which was designed to carry the added armor.

Commanders' displays aboard the vehicles are poorly designed and do not work; none of the 100 display units in Iraq are being used because of "design and functionality shortfalls," the report states. The vehicle's computers are too slow and overheat in desert temperatures or freeze up at critical moments, such as "when large units are moving at high speeds simultaneously" and overwhelm its sensors.

The main weapon system, a $157,000 grenade launcher, fails to hit targets when the vehicle is moving, contrary to its design, the report states. Its laser designator, zoom, sensors, stabilizer and rotating speed all need redesign; it does not work at night; and its console display is in black and white although "a typical warning is to watch for a certain color automobile," the report says. Some crews removed part of the launchers because they can swivel dangerously toward the squad leader's position.

The vehicle's seat belts cannot be readily latched when troops are in their armored gear, a circumstance that contributed to the deaths of three soldiers in rollover accidents, according to the report. On the vehicle's outside, some crews have put sand-filled tin cans around a gunner's hatch that the report says is ill-protected.

Eric Miller, senior defense investigator at the independent Project on Government Oversight, which obtained a copy of the internal Army report several weeks ago, said the critique shows that "the Pentagon hasn't yet learned that using the battlefield as a testing ground costs lives, not just spiraling dollars."

Asked about the report, Army officials who direct the Stryker program said they are working to fix some flaws; they also said they were unaware of some of the defects identified in the critique. "We're very proud of the Stryker team," said Lt. Col. Frederick J. Gellert, chief of the Army's Stryker Brigade Combat Team Integration Branch in Washington, but "it hasn't been something that's problem-divorced."

According to the latest Army figures, 17 soldiers in the Stryker combat brigade have died in Iraq in 157 bomb explosions, but no delineation is made for those who perished inside the vehicle and those who were standing outside it; an additional five soldiers have died in two rollovers. No current figure was provided for those who perished in grenade attacks, although one officer said he thought it was fewer than a handful.

Neither the lessons-learned report nor more recent Army data state how many soldiers have been wounded while inside the vehicle. The report states that in one case, a soldier was struck by shrapnel that penetrated both the vehicle's armor and his own body armor; in another case, an entire crew escaped with minor injuries after a vehicle sustained nine grenade hits.

The criticisms of the Stryker's first performance in combat seem likely to give new arguments to critics of the Army's decision in 1999 to move away from more heavily armored vehicles that move on metal tracks and embrace a generation of lighter, more comfortable vehicles operated at higher speed on rubber tires.

Senior Army officers in Iraq, like those at the Pentagon, have been surprised by the intensity of hostilities there since mid-2003, and lately some officers have said they depend on heavy armor to protect their soldiers in urban warfare, even though tanks in Iraq have also suffered unexpected damage.

But Maj. Gen. Stephen M. Speakes, the Army's director of force development, said that when he rode in the Stryker for the first time, he "marveled at how much nicer it was" than riding in a Bradley vehicle or an older troop transport, the M113, which he likened to being inside an aluminum trash can being beaten by a hammer. He said the Stryker was "amazingly smooth" and quiet by comparison.

In a report completed at the time of deployment, the Pentagon's operational test and evaluation office rated the Stryker vehicles sent to Iraq "effective and survivable only with limitations for use in small-scale contingencies." Congressional auditors at the General Accounting Office in December 2003 said the first brigade "did not consistently demonstrate its capabilities, indicating both strengths and weaknesses."

Independent groups and a loose-knit group of retired Army officers who dislike the Stryker vehicle have alleged that the Stryker's 2003 deployment was motivated partly by the desire of the Army and the manufacturer, General Dynamics, to build congressional support for buying additional brigades. But Speakes said that was nonsense and that the brigade was deployed in Iraq simply because the Army needed it.

Researchers Bob Lyford and Madonna Lebling contributed to this report.

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法國《宇航防務》2005年1月13日報道 在前陸軍參謀長埃裏克·辛斯基與2002年4月12日簽訂合同後的33個月之後,美國陸軍在安尼斯頓陸軍兵工廠舉行了第1000輛“斯特賴克”裝甲車下線慶祝儀式。




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