[據英國《飛行國際》2009年2月13日報導] 波音公司計畫對EA-18G電子攻擊機進行裁剪,推出EA-18G電子感知飛機。原因是,未來幾年美國的新一代干擾吊艙無法達到作戰狀態,而F/A-18E/F裝備的ALQ-99戰術干擾吊艙已經不再生產。這種新定位將不會阻礙EA-18G的銷售,在F-35A進入國際市場後,新定位還有助於促進F/A-18E/F的銷售。
在班加羅爾舉行的印度航展上,波音公司F/A-18和EA-18專案副總裁Bob Gower表示,“從某些討論中得知,有些客戶的興趣僅僅是感知,而不是攻擊。兩個中隊的F/A-18E/F可以配備4架EA-18G,從而增強對戰場的管理能力,確保攻擊飛機安全地進入和撤離戰場。這樣做的好處是能夠搞清威脅在哪,我們的銷售策略就是EA-18G協助F/A-18E/F作戰,這是一個很大的市場機會。此外,一些國家不願購買新型干擾吊艙(具備電子攻擊能力),因為這將增加其所在地區的緊張程度。波音計畫在今年推出EA-18G電子感知飛機,但肯定趕不上6月的巴黎航展了。”
目前,F/A-18E/F正在競標印度的126架中型多用途作戰飛機採購計畫。F/A-18E/F現有的唯一國際用戶澳大利亞已經表現出購買EA-18G的興趣。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 許鑫家)
AERO INDIA: Boeing reveals plans for 'Growler Lite'
By Andrew Doyle
SOURCE:Flight International
Boeing plans to market an EA-18G "Growler Lite" tailored for an "electronic awareness" role rather than attack.
The manufacturer believes that offering what it internally refers to as the Growler Lite could boost export sales prospects for the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, following the arrival of the Lockheed Martin F-35A Joint Strike Fighter in the international market.
The strategy would prevent jammer pod releasibility issues from holding up incremental EA-18G export sales to Super Hornet customers. The USA's next-generation jammer is not expected to become operational until around the middle of the next decade. The ALQ-99 tactical jamming pod which equips the US Navy's Super Hornets is no longer in production.
"There is some interest in having just the awareness, not the attack," says Bob Gower, Boeing vice president F/A-18 and EA-18 programmes, speaking at the Aero India airshow in Bangalore. "This came from discussions with customers," he adds.
An air force equipped with a couple of squadrons of Super Hornets could use around four "electronic awareness" Growler Lites to enhance its battlespace management capabilities, says Gower, and ensure that attacking aircraft are able to safely enter and leave the conflict zone.
"One element of that is to understand where the threats are," says Gower. "Part of our strategy will be to sell Super Hornets where Growlers help. It's a great market-shaping opportunity for us."
As well as jammer pod exportability issues, some nations may be reluctant to raise regional tensions by introducing an electronic attack capability, says Gower.
He adds that Boeing could begin formally marketing the Growler Lite this year, but not in time for June's Paris Air Show.
Boeing is planning to offer 'Growler Lite' to potential export customers
India is evaluating the Super Hornet alongside five other fighter types from European, Russian and US manufacturers as part of its 126-aircraft medium multirole combat aircraft programme.
Australia - the only announced export customer for the Super Hornet - has expressed interest in potentially acquiring several Growlers.
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