美軍首次在阿富汗發射155毫米神劍制導炮彈 2008年03月18日 10:21 北方科技資訊研究所
據法國《宇航防務》2008年3月13日報導 2月25日,美國士兵在阿富汗發射了GPS制導的155毫米“神劍”炮彈。
發射之前,炮兵將增強型可擕式炮兵感應引信裝定器(Enhanced Portable Inductive Artillery Fuse Setter)放在彈丸頭部,將包括目標座標在內的資訊傳輸給彈載電腦。發射出去之後,在目標座標的導引下,“神劍”炮彈自主搜索並摧毀目標。
“神劍”炮彈是通過M777A2式155毫米榴彈炮發射的,M777被認為是一種可編程的數位化武器系統,品質約9800磅(4445千克),輕於M198榴彈炮,並且更為精確。使用者稱,‘神劍’炮彈飛得更遠,並如期命中了目標,這是普通炮彈所望塵莫及的”。“神劍”炮彈的試射被認為是成功的,在提供的方格座標內發現並摧毀了目標,完成了其作戰使命。 (北方科技資訊研究所,李寶鋒)
Excalibur Round Debuts in Afghanistan
(Source: US Army; issued March 10, 2008)
KUNAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan --- Soldiers fired the first 155mm GPS-guided Excalibur artillery round in Afghanistan Feb. 25.
The GPS-guided Excalibur round was given the proper grid coordinate to seek out and destroy a target using the Enhanced Portable Inductive Artillery Fuse Setter by placing the system on the tip of the round and sending a digital message containing the coordinate for the round to find.
"The Excalibur round travels farther and is designed to hit targets that conventional ammo does not always hit," said Army Staff Sgt. Darius Scott of C Battery, 3rd Battalion, 321st Field Artillery Regiment.
The Excalibur was fired using the M-777A2 155mm howitzer. The M-777 is designed to be a digitally programmed weapon and is about 9,800 pounds lighter than the more commonly used M-198 Howitzer and is reportedly more accurate.
"The main purpose of the M-777A2 is that it is more able to help the units in the Korengal Valley by providing more timely and accurate fire," said Army Capt. Ryan Berdiner, 28, commander of C Battery, 3rd Bn., 321st FAR.
"By using the Excalibur, we are mitigating a lot of collateral damage that other rounds may cause," said Scott.
The test fire was deemed to be a success when word came back from the impact area that the Excalibur successfully completed its mission by finding and destroying the target at the provided grid coordinates.