[據法國《防務宇航》2011年5月16日報導] 瑞典陸軍A9炮兵團目前正準備開始使用新型“阿契爾”(Archer)155毫米自行火炮系統,該系統將用以替換老舊的FH77B牽引榴彈炮。
幾個星期以前,“阿契爾”火炮系統使用所有相關的支援設備完成了最終的試驗,這是非常重要的,從而能夠確定該炮在投產前是否需要進一步調整或改進以滿足戰術技術性能的需求。瑞典陸軍9A炮兵團於20世紀80年代開始使用FH77A牽引榴彈炮,它需借助傳統的感測器瞄準射擊,而“阿契爾”火炮配裝有電腦化火控系統,自動化程度很高。此外,FH77A牽引榴彈炮需要8分鐘才能撤出發射陣地,而“阿契爾”火炮僅需60秒便可撤出。“阿契爾”是在H77B牽引榴彈炮基礎上進行的部分改進,因此炮兵團兵營裏的FH77B於2011年11月撤離兵營後將進行拆卸處理,其部分零部件將提供給“阿契爾”火炮使用。 (北方科技資訊研究所 劉婧)
The Future Artillery System
(Source: Swedish Defence Forces; issued May 16, 2011)
(Issued in Swedish only; unofficial translation by
The Artillery Regiment is now ready to start using the new Archer artillery system, which replaces the old Howitzer 77B. In early December, the first four artillery pieces of a total of 24 pieces planed, were delivered to the A 9 artillery regiment.
To date, all experimental trials and tests have produced satisfactory results. The first production Archer guns will be delivered to the regiment in December 2011.
In early 2012, the regiment will begin to train its first company on the new weapon, and deliveries will continue at a rate of two Archers per month.
“The only thing that can destroy our schedule is if production runs into trouble. But it's not something we worry about, "says Mats Englund, chief of artillery department.
Good could be better
A few weeks ago, Archer was finally tested with all related and support equipment. This was necessary to determine whether further adjustments or modifications are necessary to ensure specifications are met before it finally goes into production.
Mats Englund was the platoon commander when the regiment began using the model H77A towed howitzer in the early 1980s. “Then, we estimated the gun’s coordinates with the help of sensor lines and protocols. With the new system, all this is done at the touch of a button. To leave its firing position, which could take eight minutes for the H77A earlier with a really well-trained crew, Archer will need only 60 seconds," he said.
Modified Howitzer 77B
At the Artillery Regiment barracks, a new Archer hall has been built under ground to accommodate the two companies and their weapons. There are workshops, offices and canteens.
Now, the hall is occupied by four H 77B guns, but in November they will leave and be handed over to the Archer contractor, BAE Systems in Karlskoga.
“Archer is in part a modification of the towed Howitzer 77B, so these guns will be taken apart and will then come back as new Archer self-propelled howitzers incorporating parts from the old pieces," says Englund.