[《海軍時報》2009年3月29日報導] 美國國防部長羅伯特•蓋茨說:美國對於朝鮮的火箭發射計畫無能為力,即使是該發射真的是研製一種可攜帶核彈頭的洲際彈道導彈。
蓋茨在接受“福克斯周日新聞“(Fox News Sunday)採訪時說:“我認為美國政府高層都相信這一技術是對研發洲際彈道導彈的掩飾。”
本月早些時候,美國太平洋司令部最高長官基廷上將(Adm. Timothy Keating)告訴參議院,美國有能力攔截任何從朝鮮發射的導彈,會“做好快速反應準備”以應對導彈發射事件。
蓋茨稱他相信美國更可能對朝鮮進行經濟制裁,而不是通過外交來改善與朝鮮關係。(中國船舶資訊中心 劉娟)
Gates: No plans to shoot down N. Korean missile
By Douglass K. Daniel - The Associated Press
Posted : Sunday Mar 29, 2009 12:02:41 EDT
WASHINGTON — The U.S. can do nothing about North Korea’s plans to launch a rocket even though it’s a step toward developing an intercontinental ballistic missile that could carry a nuclear warhead, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said.
North Korea says it plans to launch a communications satellite into orbit between this coming Saturday and April 8 as part of its space program. The U.S. and other nations believe that the launch is actually a test of the North’s technology for a long-range missile and therefore a violation of a 2006 U.N. Security Council resolution prohibiting ballistic activity by the Asian country.
“I don’t know anyone at a senior level in the American government who does not believe this technology is intended as a mask for the development of an intercontinental ballistic missile,” Gates said in an interview broadcast on “Fox News Sunday.”
Asked if North Korea was capable of placing a nuclear warhead atop a missile, Gates said: “I think that we believe that that’s their long-term intent. I personally would be skeptical that they have the ability right now to do that.”
A Tokyo newspaper, Sankei, reported Sunday that Japanese officials believe North Korea is preparing to fire a short- or medium-range missile shortly after launching the communications satellite, which will be carried by a long-range rocket. Japan’s Defense Ministry declined to comment on the Sankei report.
Gates said the U.S. has no plans to try to shoot down the North Korean missile but might consider trying if an “aberrant missile” were headed to Hawaii “or something like that.” He said he didn’t believe a missile from the North could reach the West Coast of the U.S. or Alaska.
Earlier this month, the top U.S. commander in the Pacific, Adm. Timothy Keating, told the Senate that the U.S. has the capability of shooting down any missile from North Korea and would be “prepared to respond” in the event of a missile launch.
Gates said North Korea’s missile plans are troubling in light of the U.S. and other nations denouncing a launch as a provocative act and unlawful under the U.N. resolution. The plans also do not bode well, Gates said, for efforts by President Barack Obama and other leaders to negotiate an end to Korean leader Kim Jong-il’s work toward developing a nuclear weapon.
“The reality is that the six-party talks really have not made any headway anytime recently,” Gates said. “If this is Kim Jong-il’s welcoming present to a new president, launching a missile like this and threatening to have a nuclear test, I think it says a lot about the imperviousness of this regime in North Korea to any kind of diplomatic overtures.”
Gates said he believes that economic penalties against North Korea are more likely than diplomacy to result in progress for U.S. policies toward the North.