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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月15日 10:07 中國航空信息網

  英國《飛行國際》 2008年1月10日報導  頭兩架美國海軍擁有的洛克希德•馬丁公司VH-71A總統專用直升機已在美國海軍的派特克森特河試驗中心投入飛行試驗。這兩架由阿古斯塔•韋斯特蘭公司製造的試驗機編號為TV-2和TV-5,是去年底由美空軍的C-17運輸機運抵美國的。

  由工業界擁有的一架編號為TV-1的試驗機從2005年開始就在進行飛行試驗,已累計飛行555小時。TV-2和TV-5正在用於結構和推進試驗。按計劃,另外兩架試驗機(TV-3和TV-4)將在今年年底交付,用於任務系統試驗。這5架試驗機都屬於"增量一"飛機,"增量一"飛機共有9架,都將在英國製造。23架"增量二"飛機的命運現在還不清楚。(姜曙光 責編洪山)

VH-71 presidential helicopters enter US flight testing
By Graham Warwick


The first two Lockheed Martin VH-71A presidential helicopters have entered flight testing at the US Navy's test centre in Patuxent River, Maryland. Built by AgustaWestland in the UK, test vehicles TV-2 and TV-5 were delivered by US Air Force Boeing C-17s late last year.

The helicopters are the first of four US Navy-owned test vehicles for Increment One of the troubled VH-71 programme. An industry-owned aircraft, an EH101 designated TV-1, has been in flight test since 2005 and has accumulated 555 flight hours.

TV-2 and TV-5 are being used for structural and propulsion testing. Two more Increment One test aircraft, TV-3 and TV-4, will undergo additional assembly and missionisation at prime contractor Lockheed Martin Systems Integration in Owego, New York before delivery to Pax River later this year for mission system testing.

The US Navy says all nine Increment One aircraft, including the initial fleet of five presidential helicopters, will be delivered to Pax River over the next 11 months. All of these VH-71 will be assembed in the UK by AgustaWestland. The aircraft are intended to replace the US Marine Corps' Sikorsky VH-3D presidential helicopters.

The fate of the 23 planned Increment Two helicopters, which would have a bigger rotor and more powerful engines to increase payload and performance, remains unclear. The programme is to be restructured because of budget overruns and schedule delays, and some reports suggest the second increment could be cancelled.

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該研究的合作夥伴包括:聯合技術公司研究中心(UTRC),負責槳葉部分;Hamilton Sundstrand Claverham,負責高許可權伺服襟翼作動器。風洞試驗在艾姆斯研究中心的國家全尺寸氣動中心(NFAC)進行。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  李昊)

Sikorsky Aircraft Completes Active Rotor Wind Tunnel Testing

May 02, 2011
  Stratford, Connecticut - Sikorsky Innovations, the technology development organization of Sikorsky Aircraft, has completed wind tunnel testing of its active rotor system equipped with high authority flaps. The effort is jointly funded by Sikorsky and the U.S. Army Aviation Applied Technology Directorate (AATD). Sikorsky Aircraft is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX).

“The AATD/Sikorsky Active Rotor Team has accomplished a lofty goal: to demonstrate the functionality of a trailing edge flap and closed loop control system,” said Chris VanBuiten, Director of Sikorsky Innovations. “The system performed extremely well over a variety of forward flight conditions up to 140 knots.”

“We have validated the concept of properly controlled, high authority flaps to favorably impact external rotor noise, and vibration,” added Jim Kagdis, program manager for Sikorsky Advanced Programs. “Our test results show reductions in vibration, rotor hub and controls loading, and a reduced acoustic emission.”

Mark Miller, Sikorsky vice president, research & engineering, added: “The completion of this wind tunnel testing provides valuable data to guide future programs such as AATD’s Reconfigurable Rotor and DARPA’s Mission Adaptable Rotor (MAR) programs. Sikorsky remains committed to the maturation of game-changing technologies such as active control features on helicopter blades to maximize aircraft performance and effectiveness.”

Development partners on the project are United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) for the blades, and Hamilton Sundstrand Claverham for the high authority flap actuators. Wind Tunnel Testing was accomplished at the National Full-Scale Aerodynamics Complex (NFAC) located at Ames Research Center at Moffett Field in California.

Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., based in Stratford, Conn., is a world leader in helicopter design, manufacture and service. United Technologies Corp., based in Hartford, Conn., provides a broad range of high technology products and support services to the aerospace and building systems industries.

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[據美國《航空週刊與空間技術》網站2011年4月21日報導]通用電氣公司(GE)和霍尼韋爾公司/普•惠公司團隊準備試驗發動機整機驗證機,這是幾家公司準備為美國陸軍研發的3000軸馬力級別的渦輪軸發動機,以代替AH-64D攻擊直升機和UH-60M多功能直升機的動力GE T700發動機。
    惠勒表示:“我們打算將發動機應用於JMR。最初是3000軸馬力級別,ITEP發動機需要顯著增加。在驗證指標上沒有增加的必要,不過發動機要按照T700的尺寸約束增加推力”。索薩警告稱還不明確的JMR可能走向不同方向,它可能需要與今天發動機顯著不同而且更大的發動機。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  張東寶)

Replacements For T700 Helo Engine Advance

Apr 21, 2011

By Graham Warwick
General Electric and a Honeywell/Pratt & Whitney team are preparing to test full-engine demonstrators as they get ready for the U.S. Army to launch development of a 3,000-shp-class turboshaft to replace the GE T700 powering its AH-64D attack and UH-60M utility helicopters.

Under the Army Aviation Applied Technology Directorate’s Advanced Affordable Turbine Engine program, GE is building the GE3000 and Honeywell/Pratt the HPW3000 as demonstrators for the Improved Turbine Engine Program (ITEP). Under ITEP, development is planned to begin in fiscal 2013 to field a new engine by fiscal 2019.

“We are done with design work. The core is built and will be on test shortly. The first engine to test will be right after that,” says Michael Sousa, GE Aviation product development manager for new and derivative turboshafts and turboprops. Tests on the GE3000 demonstrator should be completed this year, he says.

Initial core tests on the HPW3000 have been completed and the full engine will run late this year and into 2012, says Jerry Wheeler, vice president of programs for the Honeywell/Pratt joint venture Advanced Turbine Engine Co. (ATEC). Each team is building two demonstrator engines for performance and abbreviated durability testing.

The companies anticipate a request for proposals for ITEP engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) in 2012. The Army has stated its intent to carry both engines through EMD to a preliminary flight-rating test, Sousa says, but both teams doubt the service will have the budget to develop two engines.

Taking both engines through EMD to flight test before downselecting to one for production is a “desire” on the Army’s part, Wheeler says.

“We are working on the assumption this is a winner-takes-all, and will not leave anything on the table that we could put in later,” Sousa says.

Although ITEP is aimed initially at re-engining the T700-powered AH-64 and UH-60, the engine will also power whatever emerges from the Army-led Joint Multi-Role (JMR) program, which is aimed at fielding a next-generation rotorcraft by 2030.

“The intent is to put this engine on JMR,” Wheeler says. Initially rated at 3,000 shp, the ITEP engines will offer significant growth. “There is no growth requirement in the demonstrator goals, but our engine has growth [with the T700 size constraint on ITEP],” he says.

Sousa cautions the still-undefined JMR “could go many ways. It could require a dramatically different and larger engine than today’s.”

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[據英國《飛行國際》網站2011年4月27日報導]工業界官員稱,由於政府的預算壓力,一項美國陸軍發動機合同同時保持兩方競標變得緊張。然而,鑒於F-35備選發動機的競爭,普•惠公司參與的一家合資企業正在遊說保持兩家投標方同時競爭陸軍的先進可承受渦輪發動機(AATE)合同。同時,正在為爭取F-35備選發動機努力的通用電氣公司,對這種3000軸馬力(2235kW)級別的陸軍用發動機表現出矛盾的心態。AATE的設想是代替波音AH-64“阿帕奇”和西科斯基UH-60“黑鷹”直升機的動力GE T700發動機,同時也作為聯合多工(JMR)專案支援的下一代直升機系列的動力基礎。
    JMR設想巡航速度為200kt (370km/h)。為了滿足這項指標,陸軍需要一種與傳統直升機動力有很大不同的發動機。不過到目前仍不清楚是否AATE發動機需要特殊的性能,比如帶有傾轉結構具有上下“連接”的能力。索薩稱現有技術有能力超出AATE的計畫指標,不過ATEC官員不是特別肯定。ATEC副總裁傑瑞•惠勒表示做成後部“連接”會十分困難,這也是AATE比實際發動機作為JMR的基礎更好的原因。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  張東寶)

SOURCE:Flight International
US Army engine competition strained by budget pressures
By Stephen Trimble

Keeping two bidders in competition for a major US Army engine contract is being strained by the government's budget pressures, industry officials say.

And, in a twist from the F-35 alternate engine competition, a joint venture including Pratt & Whitney is lobbying to keep both bidders in the running for the army's advanced affordable turbine engine (AATE) contract.

Meanwhile, General Electric, which is fighting to remain in the F-35 engine race, appears more ambivalent about competition for the 3,000shp (2,235kW)-class army engine.

The AATE is envisaged to replace the GE T700 engine on all Boeing AH-64 Apaches and Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawks, as well as serve as the basis for the propulsion that will power a next-generation family of helicopters under the Joint Multi-Role (JMR) programme.

"The way it looks right now, [the army] has funding for one," says Michael Sousa, product development manager for new and derivative products at GE, which is proposing the GE3000 for the AATE contract.

But the P&W/Honeywell joint venture building the rival HPW3000 believes there is a way for the army to fund both. "There's strong army support for the [competition]," says Craig Madden, president of Advanced Turbine Engine (ATEC).

In December, the army issued a notice to both bidding teams asking for ways to save money. The army's baseline plans calls for funding two bidders through most of a six-year development phase, downselecting to one just before the first test engine is ready for installation in a helicopter.

ATEC officials proposed a plan that could accomplish the army's goals with two bidders in a shorter period of time, Madden says.

The army is still developing requirements for the ATEC engine even as the aviation branch starts working on concepts for the JMR fleet that is expected to enter service in 2030.

The JMR is supposed to travel at speeds above 200kt (370km/h). If this requirement is retained, the army will need an engine very different from a conventional helicopter, which is limited by the retreating blade stall of the rotor to 170kt. But it is not clear if the AATE engine will need special characteristics, such as the ability to articulate upward or downward such as in a tiltrotor configuration.

Sousa says the technology exists to enable such a capability even after the AATE engine is designed, but ATEC officials are not so certain.

"It would be difficult to build [articulation] back in," says Jerry Wheeler, ATEC vice-president. "That's why [AATE] could be a basis for JMR rather than the actual engine for JMR."

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阿爾法夥伴資本公司(Capital Alpha Partners)的一位分析師認為,由於缺少經費投入新技術研製,美國國防部近年來對採辦預算的控制越來越嚴格,各公司必須在經營上更加激進、更加具有進攻性,才能夠贏得預算份額,而不再是坐等著客戶提出需求。




西科斯基的S-92直升機也可以看做是類似的賭博項目之一,S-92在總統直升機的競標中落敗,到目前為止,S-92仍沒有收回開發成本。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  李昊)

Sikorsky develops agile helo on its own dime

By Dave Majumdar - Staff writer
Posted : Sunday Apr 24, 2011 8:37:28 EDT
Sikorsky is betting its own money on a radical new helicopter design, a gambit some observers say might become more common in austere budgetary times.

The S-97 Raider will have a pusher propeller meant to send it zooming past the roughly 200-mph top speed of conventional rotorcraft — and, the company hopes, win Pentagon contracts. The Connecticut-based company intends to furnish a prototype for testing by U.S. service officials.

“It’ll be a Sikorsky product, but we’ll have our pilots in the seat and we’ll let the military evaluate it,” said Steve Engebretson, Sikorsky’s director for the Armed Aerial Scout program. “We’re picking this size because the most likely replacement aircraft next up will be the Kiowa Warrior.”

Other potential customers could include Air Force Special Operations, Army Special Operations and the Marine Corps, Engebretson said.

The Army, which has yet to complete its Armed Aerial Scout study, said it couldn’t comment on the Sikorsky effort.

The S-97 design will be based on Sikorsky’s revolutionary X-2 demonstrator, which features two counter-rotating rotors on a single axle plus a pusher-prop. Company officials said the craft has flown 253 knots in level test flights, and that was at just 70 percent power. An axle fairing and other tweaks might allow the X-2 to reach 280 knots, said Steve Weiner, the project’s chief engineer.

Its unique design makes it far more maneuverable and quicker to accelerate and decelerate than a conventional helicopter — and better at hovering than the mechanically and aerodynamically more complex Bell/Boeing V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor, Weiner said.

The Raider will be limited to 220 knots, but will be designed to fly real operations, carrying two pilots and six troops. Its wings can hold weapons. Sikorsky plans to start building the first S-97 aircraft in 2013 and hopes to have it in the air by 2014.

The company will spend $50 million on the X-2 effort and more to build the S-97s, Engebretson said.

Company-funded developmental efforts are part of a growing trend, analysts and current and former government officials said.

General Electric, for example, is pouring money into the continued development of the F136 engine for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter — despite the Pentagon not wanting a second engine.

Another example is General Atomics, which has developed several unmanned aircraft on its own dime.

The expected tightening of acquisition budgets will accelerate the trend because the Defense Department doesn’t have the money to fund new designs or technology, said Byron Callan, an analyst at Capital Alpha Partners in Washington.

“You’ve got to be very forward-leaning, and I think, more aggressive, these days to win market share in a declining budget and not just wait for the customer to write requirements,” Callan said. “At the end of the day, in this kind of environment, that’s how you’re going to get in and win market share.”

But Richard Aboulafia, an analyst at the Teal Group of Fairfax, Va., disagreed.

“It’s pretty unusual for this budget environment. Usually when things turn down, you get real scared about finding customers for new products with bells and whistles,” he said.

Moreover, Aboulafia said, sheer velocity is not necessarily a selling point.

“We really don’t know who will pay for speed in this industry,” he said.

Others said the risks of spending company money to develop defense products would keep it from becoming common.

“I don’t see that as a broad trend across the board in the DoD because all my history has told me that there are times when it makes sense to make your own investments to advance the capability, but whenever you can, getting your partner to make that co-investment, to get that skin in the game, is very important,” said Paul Kaminski, who heads the Pentagon’s Defense Science Board.

Potential civil applications can mitigate the risk of developing military technology, Kaminski said, but he doesn’t immediately see one for Sikorsky.

“I don’t know if they have a commercial companion outlet for the product which helps them justify spending the money to demonstrate this on their own,” he said.

Former Pentagon procurement chief Jacques Gansler agreed.

“In the commercial world, there are lots of different buyers and you have multiple customers; in the case where you have to put up your own money and the only customer is the Department of Defense, that’s really a much higher-risk approach,” Gansler said.

Gansler cited the ill-fated F-20 Tigershark lightweight fighter jet. Northrop developed the plane, but could not persuade the Air Force to buy it — a failure that scared off potential export customers.

“It’s a trend you’re seeing, but not necessarily one that has the likelihood of continuing very long because people are going to lose too much money over it,” Gansler said.

Engebretson said the X-2 technology might well be desired by civil customers, but he said that the company does not yet have specific ones in mind.

Aboulafia said Sikorsky made a similar bet, on its S-92 helicopter, during the downturn of the 1990s. The S-92 lost the competition to become the White House helicopter, and the investment has yet to pay off for the company.

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    土耳其國防部長Vecdi Gönül在會後告訴記者該專案包括109架直升機採購費用在內的總費用為35億美元。他強調採購數量可能會在未來達到600架。
    阿古斯塔•韋斯特蘭將繼續AW149型號發展。AW149目前的主要市場機會是未來35年內將要替換的8000架同級直升機。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  褚世永)

Turkey Chooses US Helicopters in $3.5 Billion Deal
(Source: Hürriyet Daily News; published April 21, 2011)

ANKARA --- Turkey on Thursday selected the U.S. firm Sikorsky as the partner company that will lead the production of its next generation of utility helicopters.

The decision was made at a meeting of the Defense Industry Executive Committee, Turkey’s highest decision-making body on defense procurement. The committee’s members include Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Defense Minister Vecdi Gönül, Chief of General Staff Gen. Isık Koşaner and procurement chief Murad Bayar.

Gönül told reporters after the meeting that cost of the project, which covers the acquisition of 109 helicopters, was $3.5 billion. He added that the number of helicopters could reach 600 in the future.

Several Turkish companies, most notably Turkish Aerospace Industries, or TAI, will take part in the joint production of the platforms.

“Some important components of the helicopters, such as the body, engine, avionics systems and task software, will be produced in Turkey as TAI will be the main contractor,” Gönül said.

Following the committee’s decision, the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries and Sikorsky will launch contract negotiations for the building of a first batch of utility helicopters.

Sikorsky was competing with AgustaWestland for the contract. Sikorsky offered its T-70, the Turkish version of its S-70 Black Hawk International, which presently is being used by the militaries of dozens of countries, including Turkey. AgustaWestland was competing with its TUHP 149, the Turkish version of its newly developed A-149.

The Turkish decision comes at the end of a final round of talks with the two competing companies. Sikorsky Aircraft and AgustaWestland, a Italian-British firm, have thus far announced benefit packages worth billions of dollars each.

Most of the helicopters in the first batch will go to the military, with the Gendarmerie Forces receiving the lion’s share, and the Army, Navy, Air Force and Special Forces Command getting part of the platforms.

The remaining choppers will go to the Security Directorate, or police forces, and to the Firefighting Department. (ends)
 AgustaWestland Statement - Turkish Utility Helicopter Programme (TUHP)
(Source: Agusta Westland; issued April 21, 2011)
 With reference to the Turkish government announcement today on the Turkish Utility Helicopter Programme (TUHP), AgustaWestland is issuing the following statement:

AgustaWestland is disappointed by the Turkish decision to select the US Sikorsky company for the Turkish Utility Helicopter Programme (TUHP). The TUHP was conceived from the very beginning as a Black Hawk acquisition project as it was the only suitable model available in the category. AgustaWestland, however, offered Turkey a product partnership to co-develop a new generation helicopter, the AW149, to be co-produced and sold domestically and in the international market.

AgustaWestland's offer, which included an unprecedented level of cooperation with Turkish industry, would have allowed them to access new levels of know-how through technology transfer, design and manufacturing autonomy as well as worldwide market opportunities.

"Unfortunately Turkey’s decision was to opt for an old design of helicopter instead of leveraging on the fruitful collaboration and advantages achieved with the T129 programme. With today’s decision Turkey's aerospace industry has lost a unique opportunity to become a major player in the helicopter industry through the co-development of a new generation helicopter,” said Mr. Ugo Rossini, Vice President Head of Europe.

AgustaWestland is committed to carrying on with the development of the AW149 which has already raised worldwide interest. Significant market opportunities exist for the AW149 with over 8,000 ageing same-class helicopters expected to be replaced in the next 35 years.


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分析結果已經提交給陸軍領導層,但陸軍目前還沒有就此事做出決定,也沒有確定向國防部主管採購、技術及後勤的副部長Ashton Carter報告的日期。



第三,貝爾公司已經完成了其“基奧瓦勇士”Block II的試飛,換裝了760kW功率的霍尼韋爾HTS900-2發動機,達到了“6K/95”標準(能夠在6000ft/1830m高度、95℉/35℃環境下懸停)。


相比之下,EADS和波音公司的方案則基於現貨的常規構型直升機開發,對OH-58專案來說吸引力可能會更大。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  李昊)

SOURCE:Flight International
US Army continues search for better scout helicopter
By Stephen Trimble

The US Army's search for a more capable armed scout helicopter continues, but most of the signs are pointing back to an improved version of the Bell OH-58D Kiowa Warrior.

Since the cancellation of the Bell ARH-70 Arapaho in 2008, the army aviation branch has committed to spend more than $1.3 billion to modernise the OH-58D at the same as it considers a wide range of alternatives for replacing the venerable type.

An analysis of alternatives has considered options ranging from launching the high-speed Sikorsky S-97 Raider, pursuing the conventional EADS North America AAS-72X and Boeing AH-6S Phoenix, settling for a modernised OH-58D or gambling on an AVX concept for an OH-58 cabin with a coaxial rotor and dual-ducted fan.

The analysis has been delivered to the army's leadership, but no decision has been reached. Nor has a date been set for briefing Ashton Carter, under secretary of defence for acquisition, technology and logistics, on the army's recommended course of action, says Lt Col Bob Grigsby, programme manger for the army's armed scout.

As the army leadership continues to ponder the options, the OH-58 programme is gaining momentum inside the army's budget documents, with three separate tracks to preserve and extend the Kiowa Warrior fleet until 2025 already in place.

First, the army is taking 39 OH-58As out of storage and converting their cabins to the D-model standard, with another 40 retired OH-58As still available, Grigsby says. The converted OH-58Ds will help reduce a shortfall of aircraft, while the army is also considering relaunching production.

The army is also modernising other OH-58Ds to an F-model standard under the cockpit and sensor upgrade programme, which adds a nose-mounted sensor, glass cockpit displays and improved avionics.

Finally, Bell has flown a "Block II" version of the Kiowa Warrior with a 1,020shp (760kW) Honeywell HTS900-2 engine, which provides a path to overcoming the OH-58's inability to hover at 6,000ft (1,830m) when temperatures are above 35°C (95°F) - also known as the "6K/95" standard.

Alternatives to the Kiowa Warrior could face a difficult challenge. Army aviation leaders have set an "aimpoint" for delivering a next-generation aircraft with high-speed capability for 2030, which seems to remove the S-97 from consideration from an immediate OH-58 programme.

By comparison, EADS and Boeing's proposals based on off-the-shelf, conventional helicopters may be more attractive. EADS, for example, says the mission equipment package of the twin-engined AAS-72X, a modified version of the Eurocopter EC145, can be delivered at the same price and within the same timeframe as the roughly $4.5 million price tag for the OH-58F upgrades, but with 6K/95 performance as standard with no need for a re-engining.

(Corrected: A pevious version of this article stating the AAS-72X itself could be offered for $4.5 million is incorrect.)

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    波音將繼續履行AATTS訓練和飛行支持合同,直至澳大利亞陸軍開始部署直升機機組培訓系統(HATS)。HATS將使澳大利亞陸軍和海軍的旋翼機訓練相結合。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  褚世永)

SOURCE:Flight International
Boeing supports Australian Army Kiowa fleet through 60,000 flight hours

Boeing has reached the milestone of supporting the Australian Army's 27 Bell 206B-1 Kiowa helicopters for more than 60,000 flight hours. The total includes 180h of relief efforts conducted following the recent cyclone and flooding in Queensland.

"When Cyclone Yasi severely damaged north Queensland in February, the Australian Army supplied all available training and transport Kiowas to support Operation Yasi Assist," says Mark Brownsey, programme manager for Boeing Defence Australia.

"Boeing aircraft maintainers worked around the clock alongside the army for two weeks to keep those Kiowas flying," he adds.

Boeing, along with its heritage companies, has supported the Kiowa for 14 years.

The Army Aviation Training & Training Support (AATTS) contract began in 2007. Since then, Boeing has trained more than 120 Kiowa pilots and performed ongoing maintenance tasks for 19 Kiowa training helicopters at the Army Aviation Training Centre in Oakey, Queensland, and for the 173rd Aviation Squadron's eight transport Kiowas at Holsworthy, New South Wales.

The company also trains the army's Sikorsky S-70A Black Hawk helicopter pilots, aircrew and technicians at Oakey, and the service's Boeing CH-47D Chinook pilots and technicians at the 5th Aviation Regiment in Townsville, north Queensland.

Boeing will continue to deliver the AATTS training and flight support programme until the Australian Defence Force's Project Air 9000 Phase 7 Helicopter Aircrew Training System (HATS) comes into service. HATS will be a combination of the delivery of rotary-wing training for the Australian army and navy.

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貝爾OH-58 Block II試飛,參與美國陸軍“武裝航空偵察”計畫競爭



貝爾OH-58 Block II試飛,參與美國陸軍“武裝航空偵察”計畫競爭

[據美國《航宇日報》2011年4月19日報導]4月14日,美國貝爾直升機公司在Xworx研製和發展工廠完成了OH-58 第二批次(Block II)驗證機的首次飛行,貝爾計畫使該型機滿足美國陸軍的“武裝航空偵察”(AAS)需求,從而替換“基奧瓦勇士”直升機。
    這架Block II驗證機換裝了霍尼韋爾1000軸馬力級HTS900渦軸發動機,以改善OH-58的高溫高空性能,並滿足美國陸軍關於日間95華氏度條件下無地效升限6000英尺(1800米)的要求。這架驗證機基於美國陸軍“座艙和感測器升級”專案(Casup)建造,該專案正在通過更新航電設備及將光電/紅外感測器從旋翼上方移至機鼻下方等措施將OH-58D升級為F構型。貝爾公司稱:與研製新型直升機和購買諸如美國波音公司AH-6S、歐洲航宇和防務公司(EADS)的AAS-72、義大利/英國阿古斯塔•韋斯特蘭公司AW119等現貨產品相比,Block II升級是滿足AAS需求的一個更合理途徑。在2008年貝爾ArH-70A武裝偵察直升機(ArH)研製由於費用超支和進度拖後等原因被取消後,美國陸軍被迫啟動了OH-58D升級計畫,並發佈了AAS專案。
    貝爾公司總裁兼首席執行官CEO約翰•加里森表示,Block II上的發動機、傳動和旋翼升級“提供了大量的ArH性能”,結合F構型的Casup更新,將“為美國陸軍提供一個使OH-58服役至2025年的途徑”。“基奧瓦勇士”推遲退役將為在美國陸軍的聯合多用途技術驗證機基礎上發展出一型下一代替代機提供時間。現有的“基奧瓦勇士”可以升級或改裝為Block II標準。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  褚世永)

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愛爾蘭海岸警衛隊負責人Chris Reynolds稱,他們在選擇其新的SAR直升機合同承包商時採用了一個簡略的複合規定的採購模式。而這份合同於2010年授予CHC公司。







而任何一個決定都將提交部長級會議進行討論。英國MCA一位官員表示,其SAR-H專案的失敗對海岸警衛隊未來的現代化計畫沒有任何影響。但實際上英國海岸警衛隊已經由於空軍的“獵手”機隊的縮減而產生了能力缺口。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  李昊)

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CH-53K是從CH-53E發展而來的一型新設計,預計將採用相同的艦上區域,並提供顯著改進的運載能力、可靠性、可維護性和使用成本。這型新直升機的主要改進包括:升級的發動機、重新設計的減速器、複合材料槳葉和改進的旋翼系統、電傳飛控、一部完全綜合的玻璃座艙、改進的機艙操作和容量,以及經過增強的生存能力和防護能力。在進度拖延和海軍陸戰隊採購數量由156架增至200架的共同作用下,從2005年12月開始進入開發階段,該專案總費用估算已經增長了約68億美元,從約188億美元增至255億美元。GAO稱:“項目總費用增加的主要原因是採購數量的增加。開發費用增加和進度拖後的原因則是:在未決定如何在項目限制內滿足需求前就開始開發、項目辦公室和主合同商間也存在關於系統工程工作上的交流失誤、兩者在安排工作方面的滯後。在一次降低費用工作中,該專案已經推遲了三項性能獲得,並暫緩了兩項維護技術性能。”目前,CH-53K計畫在2018年向部隊交付,延期了約3年。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  褚世永)

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