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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月15日 10:07 中國航空信息網

  英國《飛行國際》 2008年1月10日報導  頭兩架美國海軍擁有的洛克希德•馬丁公司VH-71A總統專用直升機已在美國海軍的派特克森特河試驗中心投入飛行試驗。這兩架由阿古斯塔•韋斯特蘭公司製造的試驗機編號為TV-2和TV-5,是去年底由美空軍的C-17運輸機運抵美國的。

  由工業界擁有的一架編號為TV-1的試驗機從2005年開始就在進行飛行試驗,已累計飛行555小時。TV-2和TV-5正在用於結構和推進試驗。按計劃,另外兩架試驗機(TV-3和TV-4)將在今年年底交付,用於任務系統試驗。這5架試驗機都屬於"增量一"飛機,"增量一"飛機共有9架,都將在英國製造。23架"增量二"飛機的命運現在還不清楚。(姜曙光 責編洪山)

VH-71 presidential helicopters enter US flight testing
By Graham Warwick


The first two Lockheed Martin VH-71A presidential helicopters have entered flight testing at the US Navy's test centre in Patuxent River, Maryland. Built by AgustaWestland in the UK, test vehicles TV-2 and TV-5 were delivered by US Air Force Boeing C-17s late last year.

The helicopters are the first of four US Navy-owned test vehicles for Increment One of the troubled VH-71 programme. An industry-owned aircraft, an EH101 designated TV-1, has been in flight test since 2005 and has accumulated 555 flight hours.

TV-2 and TV-5 are being used for structural and propulsion testing. Two more Increment One test aircraft, TV-3 and TV-4, will undergo additional assembly and missionisation at prime contractor Lockheed Martin Systems Integration in Owego, New York before delivery to Pax River later this year for mission system testing.

The US Navy says all nine Increment One aircraft, including the initial fleet of five presidential helicopters, will be delivered to Pax River over the next 11 months. All of these VH-71 will be assembed in the UK by AgustaWestland. The aircraft are intended to replace the US Marine Corps' Sikorsky VH-3D presidential helicopters.

The fate of the 23 planned Increment Two helicopters, which would have a bigger rotor and more powerful engines to increase payload and performance, remains unclear. The programme is to be restructured because of budget overruns and schedule delays, and some reports suggest the second increment could be cancelled.

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MH-60R將被用於滿足澳大利亞“天空9000”(Air 9000)需求,供應商團隊還包括CAE、通用電氣和雷聲等公司。該型直升機將替換澳大利亞皇家海軍機隊中已服役20年的16架S-70B“海鷹”直升機。
MH-60R和NH90就這項採購專案展開了長達15個月的競爭。克雷爾稱澳大利亞政府之所以選擇MH-60R,是認為該機是對於納稅人來說價值最高且風險最小的選項。他強調美國海軍已經接收了100架MH-60R,包括作戰部署在內已經飛行了90000小時。與美國軍方的互通性是MH-60R的一個“顯著優勢”。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 褚世永)

SOURCE:Flight International
Australia inks A$3bn deal for 24 MH-60R naval helicopters
By Greg Waldron

Australia will purchase 24 Lockheed Martin/Sikorsky MH-60R ‘Romeo’ naval combat helicopters, with the type having beaten the NH Industries NH90 in a deal worth over A$3 billion ($3.2 billion).

The MH-60R was offered for Australia’s Air 9000 requirement by a team that also includes CAE, General Electric and Raytheon. The aircraft will replace the Royal Australian Navy’s 16 Sikorsky S-70B Seahawks, which have served for 20 years.

Australia has signed a letter of agreement with the USA, with its first two MH-60Rs to arrive in mid-2014 for testing, and operations to commence in 2015. With 24 aircraft, the navy will be able to provide at least eight warships with a helicopter at the same time.

“The 2009 defence White Paper committed the government to equipping naval warships with a new combat helicopter capable of conducting a range of maritime missions with advanced anti-submarine warfare capabilities, and the ability to fire air-to-surface missiles,” said Jason Clare, minister for defence materiel.

Although the MH-60R resembles the S-70B, it provides substantial upgrades in avionics and sensors, with a key addition being Raytheon’s AQS-22 airborne low-frequency sonar. Australian MH-60Rs will also be capable of carrying Raytheon Mk 54 torpedoes, Lockheed AGM-114 Hellfire missiles and machine guns.
The deal follows a 15-month competition between the MH-60R and the NH90.

“The Australian government has chosen the Romeo helicopter because it represents the best value for money for taxpayers and was the lowest risk option,” said Clare.

He noted that the US Navy has already accepted 100 MH-60Rs, which have 90,000 flying hours including operational deployments. Interoperability with the USA is a “significant advantage” for the MH-60R, he added.

The helicopters will be produced in the USA and purchased through the Foreign Military Sales mechanism.

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U.K. Reconsiders Its Rotor Wing Strategy



U.K. Reconsiders Its Rotor Wing Strategy
Published: 9 Jun 2011 10:40      
LONDON - Britain is reconsidering its military rotor wing strategy and expects to deliver a new plan to achieve an affordable force later this year, according to the Ministry of Defence.

News that a new rotary wing capability study was underway at the Ministry of Defence emerged at a land warfare conference held in London last week when the man leading the effort, Maj. Gen. Bill Moore, said work was being conducted to deliver a coherent helicopter plan in line with the government's scheme to restructure the military, known as Future Force 2020.

Moore, the MoD's director of battlespace maneuver, is heading a steering committee that includes senior officers from the Joint Helicopter Command and others.

The revised strategy is expected to be complete by the autumn, according to a MoD spokeswoman.

The MoD said in a statement that any significant changes to the helicopter strategy resulting from the review and from a separate three-month study of all defense sectors to better match priorities and budget resources would be announced to Parliament.

"The rotary wing capability study will re-examine defence's helicopter requirement to deliver the Future Force 2020 vision set out in the Strategic Defence and Security Review and ensure a balanced and affordable plan which delivers the right rotary wing force mix for defence," the MoD said.

The move comes as the government continues efforts to reduce defense budget deficits in response to severe cuts in funding over at least the next four years and the need to close a huge over-commitment in equipment spending over the next 10 years.

The rotorcraft capability work may herald cuts to helicopter procurement, but industry executives and the military here are keeping their fingers crossed that the study will result in only modest reductions across the helicopter fleet.

Requirements for equipment, training, basing and others areas will all be swept up in the study.

Civilian search-and-rescue requirements will also be looked at in the wake of the recent collapse of the SAR-H deal, which would have involved an industry consortium taking over from the military the role of running those services around Britain.

A new way ahead for providing search and rescue could emerge from the Transport Department later this summer.

The re-examination is the latest of several rotary wing studies undertaken by the British over more than a decade in an attempt to achieve coherence in what has proved a controversial area of defense operations.

The previous government was heavily criticized for a helicopter procurement policy that left the armed forces chronically short of lift capability in Iraq and Afghanistan. That problem was notionally resolved just ahead of Labour being ousted by the Conservative-led coalition in May 2010 by an order of 22 new Chinooks from Boeing plus replacement of two additional machines written off in Afghanistan.

The new government cut the plan to 12 plus 2 Chinooks and last year handed over money to Boeing to start working on long-lead items and a design review. A production order has not yet been signed but a Boeing spokesman said they expected the first aircraft to be on the assembly line in Philadelphia next year.

Britain plans to start drawing down its forces in Afghanistan ahead of a complete withdrawal of combat troops by 2015, but Moore told the Royal United Services Institute conference in London that the MoD still "needs to buy additional Chinooks to improve our lift; our lift at the moment will not allow us to do what the government requires us to do."

The MoD said in the statement it remains committed to the plan to buy 12 additional Chinook helicopters for the Royal Air Force, as well as the attrition buy of two machines.

"We are currently negotiating with industry on the main investment decision on these helicopters," the statement said.

Boeing reinforced that message, telling reporters in the U.S. on June 7 that the number of helicopters under discussion remained as advertised.

One industry executive, though, said he had heard the number may slip to single figures and a second executive said the "odds on achieving 12+2 are very long at the moment." That was denied by the Boeing spokesman.

The British plan is to reduce helicopter types to the Chinook and Apache attack helicopter from Boeing, the Wildcat and Merlin machines from AgustaWestland, and the Eurocopter Puma, which is being upgraded. The Sea King is scheduled to come out of service in 2016.

Moore said the Puma improvement was needed quickly to "drive resilience for Afghanistan".

The Sea King will exit service in 2016 and Merlin will transfer to the Royal Navy for use to lift the Royal Marines from their present battlefield lift role with the Royal Air Force, Moore said.

"We have Wildcat coming into service but we have to do something with our [Apache] attack helicopter. We have the capability sustainment program and we need to build on that, and probably need to align ourselves with the U.S. Block 3."

A replacement for the Lynx helicopter, the Wildcat is scheduled to be in service with the Army in 2014 and the Navy the following year. The machine will provide reconnaissance, troop transport and other roles in the Army while in the Navy its prime use will be as an anti-surface combatant.

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“山貓”直升機的換代機型“野貓”預計於2014年交付陸軍,2015年交付海軍使用。該機將承擔陸軍的偵察、兵員運輸及其他任務,而海軍則將其作為主要的反艦武器使用。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  李昊)

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這次的研究是英國在10年內進行的多次旋翼機研究中最近的一次,目的是嘗試在軍用旋翼機發展這個爭議很大的問題上達成一致意見。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  李昊)

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    與此同時,直升機和武裝塞斯納小型飛機形成了伊拉克空中力量的核心,貝爾407直升機將和米-17中型直升機搭配使用,同時還裝備有少量的貝爾Huey II(休伊)直升機作為通用直升機。現在,第4種機型即將加入,即歐洲直升機公司的EC365軍用運輸直升機,該機型將在伊拉克軍隊中扮演通用型、搜索救援型和武裝偵察型直升機,使伊拉克空軍的選擇和機隊配置多樣化。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  張華)

Iraqi Aviation

Joint Base Balad is beginning its planned turnover to the IqAF:

“The Iraqi air force is one step closer to taking ownership of JBB. A trio of officers and 11 enlisted airmen arrived May 15 to in-process here. The group is part of the advance echelon team of 60 Iraqi airmen projected to arrive.”

A contract to provide a turn-key Long Range Radar 2 site for the Iraqi Air Force was let in May. This is the 2nd of 4 planned long-range ground sites planned for the Sector Operations Centers of the IqAF, and seems nearly certain to be a member of the AN/FPS-117 family.

Iraq will probably buy Czech L-159s for its armed jet trainer program. While this purchase is not yet approved by the Council of Ministers, the Czech aircraft are not as expensive as the competing offers from South Korea (TA-50), Italy (M-346), and the UK (Hawk LIFT). A deal was said to be close during the Czech Prime Minister’s late May 2011 visit to Iraq.

While unconfirmed by Iraqi sources, An-32 light transport deliveries may be accelerated:

“Antonov State Enterprise (Kyiv) may supply six light An-32 planes under a contract with Iraq ahead of schedule. Three out of the six aircraft have been already assembled in Ukraine but haven’t been accepted by Iraqi side yet, Director of Antonov Serial Plant Mykola Podhrebelny told reporter. According to him, immediately after the enterprise receives the money for the first planes, they will start assembling the three remaining and may transfer them before 2012, which is a deadline set in the contract.”

Of note, this is not the first time that the Ukrainian provider has tried to deliver these An32s. The Iraqi inspection team rejected these same 3 aircraft in the fall of 2010, when they discovered used avionics and engines had been used in violation of the contract.

Helicopters for the Army Air Corps continue to arrive. Iraqi and American officials celebrated the delivery of 2 more Mi-171E helicopters, marking the 9th and 10th Mi-171E helicopter aircraft to arrive from a 14-aircraft order. Two additional M-171Es were delivered to the base at the end of April 2011. In total, the Iraqi Army Aviation Command currently has 16 Mi-17 (legacy model Mi-171s) and 18 Mi-171E helicopters in its inventory. The remaining 4 Mi-171E helicopters are scheduled to be delivered before this fall.

2 Eurocopter EC635-T2s are reported to have arrived (Arabic post, since removed) in Iraq.

The helicopters are said to be integrated with South African Ingwe anti-tank missiles, alongside the other EC635 SAWS options of French Nexter NC-621 20mm cannon pods, and Belgian Herstal HMP-400 12.7mm machine gun pods. Any readers wondering whether all 3 countries were staunchly opposed to the removal of Saddam Hussein… the answer is yes.

Denel Dynamics’ Ingwe is a beam riding laser guided anti-tank missile, which gives it less attack flexibility than a semi-active radar homing missile like Lockheed Martin’s Hellfire or MBDA’s Brimstone. Denel Dynamics and Rheinmetall Denel Munitions are working on other Ingwe warheads, to broaden its use against a wider array of targets.

Eurocopter and South Africa’s Advanced Technologies & Engineering (ATE) flight tested the NC-621 and HMP-400 gun pods on EC635s in late 2010, as part a Stand Alone Weapon System (SAWS) package for use on a variety of helicopters, including light scout and utility machines. Denel had also targeted the EC635 platform for Ingwe missile integration, alongside Eurocopter’s A550 Fennec, and Ingwe is part of the SAWS standard kit.

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[據英國《飛行國際》網站2011年5月27日報導]印度通用航空委員會通過了首個“北極星”直升機模擬器的取證。該模擬器屬於Bangalore的直升機飛行模擬訓練學院(HATSOFF),由“北極星”直升機的製造商印度斯坦航空公司(HAL)和該模擬器的開發商CAE公司合資成立。HAL稱其獲得了最高水準的D級認證。該“模擬器的駕駛艙可更換,以用於其他機型的訓練,目前HATSOFF也能夠提供Bell 412的訓練。至2012年,HATSOFF還將具備印度陸軍/空軍型“北極星”及歐直公司“海豚”直升機的培訓能力。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  李昊)

SOURCE:Flight International
India certifies first Dhruv simulator
By Greg Waldron

India's Directorate General Civil Aviation has certified the first simulator for the Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) Dhruv helicopter.

Located in Bangalore, the simulator is operated by the Helicopter Academy to Train by Simulation of Flying (HATSOFF), a joint venture between HAL and American simulator developer CAE. HAL says the simulator has received level D certification, the highest possible.

"We are very proud of achieving level D certification for the world's first simulator representing the indigenously developed HAL Dhruv helicopter," said Chandra Datt Upadhyay, CEO of HATSOFF. "We look forward to welcoming the Indian Air Force and other civil operators of the Dhruv in offering simulation-based training that will undoubtedly prove to be a safe and cost-effective method for training Dhruv helicopter aircrews."

The civil/conventional Dhruv simulator cockpit can be rolled in and out of a full mission simulator. This allows cockpits of different helicopter types to share the simulator. The other cockpit available at HATSOFF is for the Bell 412. In 2012 the training centre plans to add cockpits for the Indian Army/Air Force variant of the Dhruv and the Eurocopter Dauphin.

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CH-148 MHP:系統及專案










其中前兩個問題可通過升級軟體及電子設備解決,後兩個問題有望在換裝了新的發動機後解決。而這些升級改進顯然還需要進行大量的試驗。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  李昊)

Canada’s CH-148 Cyclones: Better Late Than Never?
May 18, 2011 12:10 EDT

Canada’s Maritime Helicopter Replacement Program has been a textbook military procurement program over its long history. Unfortunately, it has been a textbook example of what not to do. While Canada’s Sea King helicopter fleet aged and deteriorated to potentially dangerous levels, political pettiness and lack of concern turned a straightforward off-the-shelf buy into a 25+ year long odyssey of cancellations, lawsuits, rebids, and more. Eventually, the Canadian military settled on Sikorsky’s H-92 Superhawk as the basis of its new CH-148 Cyclone Maritime Helicopter, which will serve from the decks of Canada’s naval ships and bases.

The civilian S-92 has gone on to some commercial success. To date, however, Canada has been the H-92’s only military customer – with all of the associated systems integration and naval conversion burdens. There are also deeper questions being raised concerning both the machines’ fitness, and DND’s conduct of the program as a whole. This article covers the rationale for, history of, and developments within Canada’s Maritime Helicopter Program…

The 5-bladed EH101 had been the Maritime Helicopter Program’s initial winner, and a civilian version currently serves in a search-and-rescue role as the CH-149 Cormorant. Canadian experiences with this type have been strained, however, due to reliability and readiness issues.

In the end, Canada chose a different platform, but the ride has been rough. In 2000, program costs for 28 maritime helicopters were estimated at C$ 2.8 billion. That escalated to C$ 3.1 billion in 2003, and by 2010, the cost of purchasing, providing 20 years of in-service support for, training personnel for, and extra spending to keep the CH-124 Sea King fleet operational during project delays, had hit C$ 6.2 billion. Many of those delays arose because a project touted as an off-the-shelf buy became nothing less than the development of a new helicopter platform for the global military market.

The H-92 Superhawk platform Canada chose for its “CH-148 Cyclone” maritime helicopters is a larger derivative of the ubiquitous H-60 family that comprise most of the US Navy’s current fleet. it makes heavier use of rust-proof composite materials, and also sports uprated engines, a rear ramp, and other features that place it in a similar class to Europe’s delayed NH90 NFH model, whose schedule has also slipped until it is also expected to become fully operational around 2012-2013.

Initial specifications called for GE’s 3,000 hp class CT7-8C, but weight growth will force another engine upgrade before the final design is ready. Standard self-sealing fuel tanks can carry up to 3,030 kg of fuel, and an in-flight refuelling probe allows in-air refueling.

Emergency flotation systems under the cockpit and in the tailboom are automatically deployed and are expected to work up to Sea State 5 conditions. If they fail, or aren’t practical, a 15-man life raft is installed in each sponson.

The 17 cubic meter cabin is fitted with a cargo handling system with a centerline 1,814 kg/ 4,000 pound capacity cargo winch, floor rollers, and cargo tie-down points. A 6 foot-wide aft ramp allows easy and fast loading and unloading of cargo and troops. A 272 kg/ 600 pound capacity hydraulic rescue hoist can reportedly be added to the helicopter if necessary.

Initial CH-148 delivery was originally scheduled for November 2008, but that was moved to January 2009, then pushed back again to December 2010. In the wake of a very vague announcement about contract renegotiation and further program delays, observers began questioning whether the program’s initial dates were ever realistic, and whether even the revised dates can be depended upon. Their suspicions were justified when it was revealed that fully operational CH-148s with upgraded engines wouldn’t begin delivery until June 2012, and the full fleet of 28 won’t be delivered until the end of 2013.

Overall, the CH-148 interim helicopters accepted beginning in December 2010 will be deficient in 4 areas:

Mission system software;
Messaging functionality/ tactical data exchange capability (automated data-link exchanges of tactical data between designated units, including the ships and aircraft);
Mission flight endurance (21 minute deficiency vs. contract);
Single engine operation at high temperature.
The first 2 issues will be solved with software and electronics upgrades. The latter 2 issues are expected to be solved by uprated turboshaft engines. All of these upgrades will, of course, require extensive testing.

The basic S-92 helicopter is assembled in Stratford, CT, but key parts are made elsewhere. Industrial partners for the S-92 include:

AIDC of Taiwan (Flight deck);
Embraer of Brazil (Front of the sponsons, Landing gear, Fuel tank integration);
Gamesa of Spain (Cabin interior, Aft fuselage, Tail boom, Upper fuselage Transmission housing);
Jingdezhen Helicopter Group / CATIC of China (Vertical tail, Horizontal stabilizer);
Mitsubishi of Japan (Main cabin)
CH-148 military systems partners include:

BAE Systems (Fly-by-wire and controls system, AN/ALQ-144Av5 countermeasures system);
FLIR systems (Star SAFIRE-III surveillance and targeting turrets);
GE Aero engines (CT7-8C turboshaft initially);
General Dynamics Canada (Integrated Mission System and Sonobuoy Acoustic Processing System);
L-3 (HELRAS sonar);
Lockheed Martin (RWR/ESM (Radar warning & location identifier) based on the MH-60R’s AN/ALQ-210);
Martin Baker (Crashworthy seats);
Rockwell Collins (avionics incl. integrated cockpit and EyeHUD helmet-mounted display, Link 11 tactical datalink);
Telephonics (AN/APS-143B maritime radar)

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[據英國《飛行國際》網站2011年5月13日報導]土耳其航宇工業集團(TAI)總經理Muharrem Dorktasli近日公佈了其新的軍/民兩用型輕型雙發直升機的研製計畫。



這兩個項目是陸軍T129攻擊直升機研製的ATAK項目,以及T-70通用運輸直升機的總裝。後者將裝備武裝部隊、員警、憲兵及林業部門。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  李昊)

Turkish Aerospace Industries to design new light-twin helicopter
By Tolga Ozbek

Turkish Aerospace Industries general manager Muharrem Dorktasli has announced plans for the company to develop a light-twin helicopter for military and civilian applications.

Revealing the new programme during the IDEF exhibition in Istanbul, TAI said the new design should be capable of carrying between six and eight people. In the military sector it is intended to replace some of the Turkish army’s Bell UH-1 utility helicopters, and also be suitable for use as a training aircraft.

TAI expects to fly the aircraft for the first time within the next six or seven years, with the effort to draw on its experience as prime contractor on two other major programmes.

The company is heading the ATAK project which will deliver T129 attack helicopters to the Turkish army, and will assemble T-70 transports for the nation’s armed services, police, gendarma and forest ministry. The programmes will respectively field developments of the AgustaWestland A129 and Sikorsky S-70i Black Hawk.

“With the ATAK and general utility helicopter projects, TAI will have the capacity to design a Turkish helicopter,” Dorktasli said.

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    此次交付的米-171Sh直升機裝備了可提升作戰效能的新系統,以及允許在晝夜惡劣氣象條件下飛行的大部分系統、機組防護、無線電和其他設備。秘魯國防部計畫使用米-171Sh直升機執行包括禁毒在內的眾多工。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  褚世永)

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GAO稱,這次升級專案評估表明,他們對上述三個方面的問題均進行了考慮,並將採用最優的採辦方案。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  李昊)

VH-71 Program Following Right Course: GAO

May 4, 2011

By Michael Fabey
A set of rigid requirements doomed the VH-71 program from the start, but the presidential helicopter replacement program now appears to be back on track, a recent U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report states.

“A key to successful development is the ability to make early trade-offs either in the design of a product or the customer’s expectations to avoid outstripping the resources available for product development,” the GAO said in its report, “Defense Acquisitions: Application of Lessons Learned and Best Practices in the Presidential Helicopter Program,” released this spring.

“The VH-71 program was not afforded room needed to pursue these needed trade-offs,” the report said. “Stringent performance requirements (some with no flexibility) were laid out for the system prior to the start of development and did not appear to involve significant consideration of trade-offs of cost, performance and schedule negotiated between the customer and the developer.”

In June 2009, the GAO noted, following the expenditure of close to $3 billion and a critical Nunn-McCurdy breach of the cost growth threshold, the Defense Department terminated the Navy’s VH-71 presidential helicopter acquisition program and contract because of cost growth, schedule delays and projected system performance.

“The VH-71 program’s failure to follow acquisition best practices was a critical factor in the program’s poor performance that led to its ultimate termination,” the GAO said.

“It started with a faulty business case, did not perform appropriate systems engineering analysis to gain knowledge at the right times, and failed to make necessary trade-offs between resources and requirements even after years of development.”

Program turned around

The VH-71 program’s experience, the GAO said, “validated the need to execute a knowledge-based acquisition process with discipline, confirming the danger of not replacing risk with knowledge earlier in the acquisition process.”

But the program has been turned around.

“VXX program officials seem to understand this lesson learned from the VH-71 program and appear to be establishing a knowledge-based acquisition process emphasizing early systems engineering,” the GAO reported. “One of the primary lessons they learned from the VH-71 program’s experience is that there must be an early, solid business case with a rational balance between requirements, cost and schedule. To accomplish this, they have stated that a rigorous, four-phase systems engineering and technical review process will be used.”

Early VXX program efforts, the GAO said, appear to reflect the intent to pursue a knowledge-based acquisition.

The VXX program is currently in the “materiel solution analysis phase of the acquisition process,” the GAO said, and program officials are documenting the capabilities required to perform the defined mission, the specific capability gaps that exist and the need to address them.

The GAO said its review of the updated program “indicates that it addresses all three of these areas and also appears to align with acquisition best practices.”

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