[據法國《防務宇航》2009年8月5日報導] 下一代通用遙控武器站是一種包括更多備選方案的改進型號,可為部隊士兵提供防護並用以攻擊阿富汗地區的叛亂分子。
CROWS II遙控武器站主要安裝在防地雷反伏擊車頂部,炮手可位於車內以使行軍過程更加安全,從而減少車輛側翻中的潛在人員傷亡。配裝CROWS II系統不會改變士兵基本安全的需求,其中包括扣安全帶。據稱,配裝CROWS II後,如果每名車內士兵均扣好安全帶,那麼車輛側翻所造成的人員傷亡數量將會大幅減少。由於炮手在車輛側翻事故中有防護措施,因此炮手能夠集中精力打擊敵方目標。一旦炮手定位目標,便能夠利用CROWS II的鐳射測距功能追蹤敵方部隊,並精確打擊目標。
CROWS II可配裝多種武器,包括:M-2式12.7毫米(.50倍口徑)機槍、M-240機槍、MK-19自動榴彈發射器以及M-249班組自動武器。下一代CROWS系統包括的升級內容將有助於提高武器站的整體作戰能力。新一代CROWS系統包括先進的光學裝置,這是一種良好的用戶友好控制介面,使得士兵能夠在車內執行更多工。該系統配有體溫定位器,可在白天或夜間發現叛亂分子。該系統還配裝了夜用和晝用熱瞄具,其彈道精確度為90%,炮手系統也非常先進。
CROWS II並不完全依賴於電子控制源,儘管它可在緊急情況下為士兵提供更多備選方案。如果失去電子能力,那麼炮手可鬆開閉鎖離合器,通過手動操控火炮。因此,士兵仍需在執行任務之前檢查上部空間和時機。
(北方科技資訊研究所 劉婧)
Next-Generation CROWS II Increases Soldiers Safety
(Source: International Security Assistance Force (ISAF); issued August 4, 2009)
BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan --- The next generation of common remotely operated weapons station offer an updated version with more options to potentially protect service members and defeat insurgents across Afghanistan.
Located on top of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles the CROWS II allows for safer travels by enabling the gunner to sit inside the vehicle, which prevents potential casualties in vehicle rollovers. “Fact is we won’t have as many people killed in rollover,” said U.S. Army Capt. Timothy Ashcraft, Chief of Training with the Combined Joint Task Force-82.
The implementation of the CROWS II system doesn’t change the need for basic Soldier safety, which includes buckling your seatbelt.
“With the CROWS II if everyone inside wears their seatbelts we could reduce the amount of casualties caused in vehicle rollovers by a lot,” said Michael Hudock, an Athens, Ga. native, and mine resistant ambush protected vehicle instructor with Navistar Defense.
For U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Robert Martuszewski, the division master gunner, with Combined Task Force-82, gunner safety is a personal issue. “I had a buddy die when he was thrown from the turret when his vehicle hit an IED (improvised explosive device),” recalls the Baltimore, native Martuszewski. Now if the vehicle rolls over, he (the gunner) won’t get crushed or thrown from the vehicle.
With the gunner protected from vehicle rollovers the gunner can concentrate his focus on eliminating enemy targets. Once a gunner locates a target he can utilize the laser range function of the CROW II to track the enemy and accurately engage the target.
CROWS II are feathered with an assortment of weapons capabilities including an M-2 .50-caliber machine gun, M-240 machine gun, MK-19 automatic grenade launcher and the M-249 squad automatic weapon.
The next generation of CROWS includes updates that will assist in the overall operation of the station.
“The new generation of CROWS includes advanced optics, a more user friendly control interface, which allows you to do more inside the vehicle,” said Martuszewski.
The system has body heat locators that can find insurgents day or night. “The system has night and day thermals, and with 90 percent ballistics accuracy, the gunner system is truly amazing,” said Sgt. 1st Class Andre Jones, a Jacksonville, Vt., native, and field service representative with Crew Served Weapons.
CROWS II are not entirely dependent upon an electronic source for control, which gives service members more options in emergencies. “In case you lose electronic capabilities the gunner can undo the lock clutches and manually operate the gun,” said Jones. “So, you still need to conduct your head spacing and timing checks prior to the mission.”
CROWS mark significant increases in safety and security for troops on the frontlines, but the main difference maker will always be the soldier.