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http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/p/2008-02-25/0902486983.html 地面武器裝備僅占俄羅斯軍品出口總量二成 http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年02月25日 09:02 國防科技資訊網 根據俄羅斯官方報導,2007財年俄羅斯軍品出口額在創歷史新高,高達70億美元。即使與前蘇聯冷戰時期相比,這也是歷史最高水準。其中,國防產品出口公司的出口額為62億美元,與2000年該公司剛成立時相比,出口額翻了一番。另外8億美元為俄羅斯獲准直接向國外客戶出口零部件和服務的軍品公司的出口額的總和。 值得一提的是,根據俄羅斯聯邦軍事與技術合作局的統計,截至2007年底,俄羅斯軍工企業獲得的出口訂單總額高達320億美元,其中,僅國防產品出口公司就獲得250億美元的出口訂單。這預示著,未來幾年俄羅斯軍品出口仍將保持強大發展潛力。在俄羅斯出口的武器裝備中,61%為軍用飛機和直升機;用於地面部隊的武器和軍事裝備約占21%;防空系統約占10%;海軍裝備約占8%。 2007年,印度仍然是俄羅斯武器裝備最大的買家,僅購買347輛T-90C主戰坦克和14套Smerch多重火箭發射系統就耗資15億美元。俄羅斯武器裝備的其他大客戶包括印尼、委內瑞拉和阿爾及利亞等。目前,俄羅斯正在密切關注與希臘之間的一項重大武器出口事宜。希臘計畫從俄羅斯購買BMP-3步兵戰車,交易額將高達12億歐元(約17.6億美元)。兩國政府已初步達成協議,貿易合同還有待希臘議會通過。如果獲得批准,此項軍貿合同將成為俄羅斯向北約國家出口武器裝備最大的一次交易。(北方科技資訊研究所,彭玲霞)
May the Force be with you
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http://news.yam.com/afp/entertain/200805/20080526586679.html 法專家挑戰四萬公尺高空自由落體世界紀錄 法新社╱盧瑞珠 2008-05-26 14:35 (法新社加拿大北巴特福德二十五日電)一名法國高空跳傘專家準備在明天天氣許可的情況下,在加拿大北部平原,從四十公里高空一躍而下,挑戰世界紀錄。 現年六十四歲的跳傘專家福尼耶表示,他一直夢想締造高空跳傘世界紀錄,從大氣層中的平流層邊緣一躍而下,大約比一般的商用客機飛行高度還高四倍。 福尼耶今天休息並進行最後檢查,明天他將搭乘一個由氦氣球吊著的加壓艙升空,自預定高度跳下。 他會穿上可抵擋攝氏零下一百度低溫的加壓太空衣,以每小時一千五百公里的時速降落。 如果一切順利,他將打破四項世界紀錄:速度最快的自由落體、時間最長的自由落體、從最高處跳下和人乘坐汽球所達到的最高點。也許以後還能應用到在飛行途中拯救太空人也說不定。 他的團隊領導人柯利亞表示,在起飛剎那間是最危險的,因為不可能在汽球上升途中彈出來。假如他在跳下的過程中失去知覺,降落傘會自動撐開。 工作小組預定在當地時間凌晨二時三十分(台灣時間二十六日下午四時三十分),再決定天氣情況是否許可。預計整個過程要花三個小時完成,其中要花兩小時準備。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080526/sc_afp/canadafrancespaceparachute_080526022550;_ylt=AjAHLr6sH.HAR9lVtH_CiEfPOrgF French skydiver prepares for record jump from 40km
Sun May 25, 10:25 PM ET NORTH BATTLEFORD, Canada (AFP) - French skydiver Michel Fournier takes his life in his hands when, weather permitting, he leaps from a balloon 40 kilometres (25 miles) above Canada's western plains. The 64-year-old parachutist said it was his life's dream to make the record jump, which will begin at the outer reaches of the stratosphere -- about four times higher than the cruising altitude of a commercial jet. Fournier spent Sunday resting and making the final arrangements in the small city of North Battleford, Saskatchewan, from where he will head up into the heavens in a stratospheric balloon and then throw himself off. He will be wearing a pressurized suit capable of withstanding temperatures of minus 100 degrees Celsius (minus 148 Fahrenheit) as he hurtles to Earth at more than 1,500 kilometers per hour. If he succeeds, Fournier will actually break four world records: for fastest freefall, longest freefall, highest jump, and highest altitude reached by a man in a balloon. It could also someday lead to rescuing astronauts in-flight. His team leader, Richard Correa, said the moment just after take-off was the most risky, as it would be impossible to eject during the balloon's ascent. But if Fournier loses consciousness during the jump, his parachute will automatically open. The team will decide at 2:30am (0830 GMT) whether the weather conditions are right for the venture, which is estimated to take about three hours in total, in addition to two hours for preparation. Rain was falling late Sunday. "This project is a great scientific and human challenge," said Fournier, a former military officer. "This is my baby, my dream. I just want to realize my dream." His latest skydiving attempt, several years in the works, comes after two unsuccessful jumps in 2002 and 2003 and speaks to his determination. His balloon tore the last time, but he bought a new one for this trial. If all goes well, Fournier is expected to land some 30 kilometers southwest of North Battleford -- chosen for its remote location in case something goes wrong with the balloon -- where a helicopter will be waiting to pick him up. Before Fournier, in 1960 American Joseph Kittinger jumped from 31,333 meters as part of a medical experiment, and in 1962 Russian Evgueni Andreiev jumped from 24,483 meters to set a world free-fall record.
法跳傘專家明嘗試超高空跳傘 挑戰世界紀錄
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http://news.yam.com/afp/entertain/200805/20080525574579.html 法跳傘專家明嘗試超高空跳傘 挑戰世界紀錄 法新社╱劉學源 2008-05-25 22:05 (法新社加拿大北戰堡二十五日電)法國跳傘專家福尼耶二十六日清早將嘗試打破高空跳傘世界紀錄,搭乘氣球上升到加拿大廣大西部平原上方四十公里高空,然後縱身一躍,返回地球。 現年六十四歲的福尼耶開玩笑表示,「如同麥克阿瑟所說,青春不是生命中的一段時光,而是一種心靈狀態」,他指的是二次世界大戰時期美國軍事指揮官麥克阿瑟將軍。 福尼耶表示,從同溫層外層展開的跳傘,高度約為民航噴射機巡航高度的四倍,這是他畢生的夢想,有朝一日或許能用來拯救飛行中的太空人。 福尼耶和他的團隊今天清早在加拿大薩斯克其萬省小城北戰堡進行最後安排,準備利用同溫層氣球把他送上天空。 福尼耶打算在上升到四萬公尺高空時,縱身躍入真空中,他所穿的加壓裝可抵抗攝氏零下一百度極低溫。他將成為首位以自由落體下墜突破音障者,墜向地球的速度超過時速一千五百公里。 福尼耶的團隊在記者會上表示,如果天候許可,這位前法國軍官將於二十六日黎明展開這項充滿危險的歷史性一躍。 福尼耶說:「這個計畫是一項巨大的科學和人類挑戰。這是我的職責,我的夢想,我一心想要實現我的夢想。」 如果成功,福尼耶實際上可一舉改寫四項世界紀錄:自由落體降落最快速度、自由落體降落最長時間、高度最高的跳傘以及人類搭乘汽球上升至最高空的紀錄。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080525/sc_afp/canadafrancespaceparachute_080525072656;_ylt=Av7X.bxQ7lW28jsBqwuvA9rPOrgF French parachutist aims for skydiving record
by Guillaume Lavallee Sun May 25, 3:26 AM ET NORTH BATTLEFORD, Canada (AFP) - French parachutist Michel Fournier will try early Monday to break a skydiving world record by plunging from a balloon into thin air 40 kilometers (25 miles) above Canada's vast western plains. "As MacArthur once said, youth is not a period of one's life but rather a spiritual state," joked the 64-year-old skydiver, referring to the World War II-era US military commander, general Douglas MacArthur. The jump, beginning from the outer reaches of the stratosphere about four times higher than the cruising altitude of a commercial jet, is his life's dream and could someday lead to rescuing astronauts in-flight, he said. Fournier and his team were making the final arrangements early Sunday in the small city of North Battleford, Saskatchewan to send him to the heavens in a stratospheric balloon. At 40,000 meters (131,000 feet), he planned to throw himself into the void wearing a pressurized suit capable of withstanding extreme temperatures of minus 100 degrees Celsius (minus 148 Fahrenheit), and become the first free-falling man to breach the sound barrier, hurtling toward Earth at more than 1,500 kilometers (930 miles) per hour. Weather permitting, the former military officer will make the historic and dangerous jump at dawn Monday, his team told a press conference. "This project is a great scientific and human challenge," said Fournier. "This is my baby, my dream. I just want to realize my dream." If he succeeds, Fournier will actually break four world records: for fastest freefall, longest freefall, highest jump, and highest altitude reached by a man in a balloon. Fournier is no stranger to high-altitude adventure. He claims more than 8,600 jumps to his credit and holds the French record for the highest parachute jump at 12,000 meters (40,000 feet). His latest skydiving attempt, several years in the works, comes after two unsuccessful jumps in 2002 and 2003 and speaks to his determination. His balloon tore the last time, but he bought a new one for this trial. The moment just after take-off promises to be the most perilous, as it would be impossible to eject during the ascent, his team leader Richard Correa said. Thereafter, if Fournier loses consciousness during the jump itself, his parachute would automatically open, he explained. If all goes well, Fournier is expected to land some 30 kilometers (19 miles) southwest of North Battleford, where a helicopter will be waiting to pick him up. Pressed about his age, Fournier was quick to point out that American astronaut John Glenn returned to space at age 77. "There is a heart attack risk up there, so we've done tests to ensure that his heart is capable of withstanding the pressure," said Henri Marotte, a specialist in space medicine at the University of Paris. "He's in very good physical condition." Before Fournier, in 1960 American Joseph Kittinger jumped from 31,333 meters (102,799 feet) as part of a medical experiment, and in 1962 Russian Evgueni Andreiev jumped from 24,483 meters (80,325 feet) to set a world free-fall record. The area of North Battleford was chosen for Fournier's jump, he said, because it is scarcely populated and so there is less risk that his 1.6-tonne balloon and basket will fall and crush someone. An alternate site in Kiruna in northern Sweden was considered but it is surrounded by lakes, and as Fournier explained, "with my full equipment on, I swim like a rock."
法64歲翁 三度挑戰4萬公尺高空跳傘
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http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2008/new/may/25/today-int6.htm 自由時報2008年5月25日 法64歲翁 三度挑戰4萬公尺高空跳傘 〔編譯羅彥傑/綜合報導〕六十四歲的法國陸軍退役軍官傅尼耶,嘗試用氦氣球飛到大氣層上空,然後跳傘落地。他花了二十年的時間及近二千萬美元,預定二十五日就要完成這個「大跳躍」的夢想。他在跳傘前說,自己已經準備好了,現在就看天公作不作美。 傅尼耶預定從加拿大薩其萬省北方的平原跳傘。他打算爬入氦氣球的加壓吊籃,然後由外型就像水母的氣球載著飛行兩小時,直奔四萬公尺高空。當達到此一高度時,他同時可以看到太空一片漆黑與地球弧度,並體驗無重力狀態。 接著,身上穿著價格逾台幣兩百一十萬元特製太空裝的傅尼耶將會步出吊籃,佩掛降落傘,一躍而下,以十五分鐘的時間落到地面。如果成功,他將寫下四項第一,包括成為首位以自由落體打破音速、自由落體時間最久、載人氣球飛行高度最高及降落傘跳躍高度最高的人等多項紀錄。 傅尼耶此行險阻重重。四萬公尺高空的冷空氣含氧量不足,溫度是攝氏零下一百度。此外,他還可能面臨血栓的危險。傅尼耶跳傘團隊成員之一、巴黎大學生理學家馬洛特說,如果傅尼耶的太空裝保護功能失效,當達到約二萬公尺高度時,他的血液可能就會因為氣壓而沸騰。馬洛特說:「如果人體暴露在非常高的高空中,失去意識是非常快的,在五秒以內。三至四分鐘內就會造成腦部受損。」 馬洛特指出,另一個危險是減壓症,就和氮氣對於潛水伕太快從水底深處冒出水面時造成的問題一樣。為避免所謂的潛水伕病,傅尼耶將在升空前連續呼吸純氧二至三小時。 馬洛特說,傅尼耶自由落體的時間約維持八分鐘,前四十秒鐘將超越音速,最後時速逼近一千六百公里。在較低高度時,其墜落速度會因為風阻而減緩,而降落傘經設計後可在約六千公尺高度開啟。吊籃將與氣球分離,而吊籃也附帶了三個降落傘,能使其安全降落。 傅尼耶曾試圖進行這項跳傘計畫兩次,但都因為技術與天候問題而在出發前就鎩羽而歸。傅尼耶是法國一萬兩千公尺跳傘紀錄保持人,跳傘次數超過八千五百次。
40公里高躍下 法人挑戰超音速
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http://news.chinatimes.com/2007Cti/2007Cti-News/2007Cti-News-Content/0,4521,110501+112008052500045,00.html 中國時報 2008.05.25 40公里高躍下 法人挑戰超音速 楊明暐/紐約時報廿四日報導 米謝爾.傅尼耶花了二十年,耗資近二千萬美元,希望能搭乘一具氦氣球上升到距離地面四十公里高的同溫層,其目的則是要從那兒縱身一躍,重返地面。本周日(廿五日),如果天候許可,傅尼耶將進行他所謂的「大跳躍」(Le Grand Saut)。傅尼耶說,他已經準備妥當。 由於法國當局以安全為由不准他進行這項危險性極高的活動,傅尼耶將在加拿大薩克其萬省北部平原,搭乘一具長得有點像巨型水母的氦氣球升空,當氦氣球上升至四十公里的高空時,這位六十四歲的前法國陸軍軍官將能見到幽暗的太空和地球的圓弧,還可以體驗一下無重力狀態,不過,這並非他此行的主要目的。 搭氣球升空 十五分鐘後降落 穿著一件特製太空衣並背著一具降落傘的傅尼耶,將跨出氦氣球底下的吊籃,然後往下跳,預計十五分鐘左右可降落地面。 倘若一切順利,傅尼耶將創下搭乘氣球升上最高空,以及用自由落體方式降落時間最長,距離最遠和速度最快等紀錄。 另外傅尼耶也可望創下另一項紀錄,就是在以自由落體方式下降的過程中,他很可能突破音障(時速一二二四公里),成為有史以來第一位以超音速降落的人。 降落時突破音障 有致命危險 傅尼耶說,這一跳能否打破世界紀錄不是問題,真正的問題是,科學家想要知道,一個人降落時突破音障,究竟能不能存活? 過去兩周,一支由四十名成員組成的工作小組聚集在薩省薩斯卡通市西北約一四五公里的升空地點,為此次任務進行準備。 由於法國當局以安全為由不准他進行這項危險性極高的活動,傅尼耶只得前往加拿大這個偏遠的平原,來完成其超音速跳傘壯舉。 巴黎大學生理學教授亨利.馬洛特指出,傅尼耶面對的危險不少,包括足以致命的血管栓塞。在二十公里以上的高空,倘若保護措施失靈,他的血液會因為氣壓過低而沸騰。 此外,人的身體暴露在極高的高空中,可能使他在五秒內失去知覺,三或四分鐘內,腦部就會受損。傅尼耶將乘坐一具特製密閉式加壓吊籃升空,他還將穿上壓力裝,並戴上能供應氧氣的頭盔。 馬洛特說,傅尼耶以自由落體降落的時間約八分鐘,跳出吊籃後四十秒內,下降速度就會突破音障,最高速度預計可達時速一六○○公里左右。 超高空跳傘 傅尼耶二度失敗 降至較低空時,傅尼耶落下的速度將因風阻增加而變慢。當他降至六一○○公尺左右的高空時,降落傘就會張開。 傅尼耶過去曾兩次嘗試這種超高空跳傘,卻因遭遇技術和氣候問題而告失敗。二○○三年他還來不及升空,氣球便破裂,結果沒能成行。 傅尼耶過去擔任傘兵,曾在阿爾及利亞服役。一九八○年代他曾經是參加法軍「S三八計畫」的三名人選之一。該計畫是為了解傘兵能否從三萬八千公尺的高空跳傘。 搭乘氣球跳傘高度紀錄是由美國空軍試飛飛行員喬.基廷格於一九六○年所創下。他從三萬一三二○公尺的高空躍下,在張開降落傘前,下降速度曾達時速九六五公里左右。基廷格在五五○○公尺左右的高空張傘,整個降落過程不到十分鐘。
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http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/2008-05-21/0919501489.html 俄羅斯地面武器裝備出口比例增加超過海軍裝備 http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月21日 09:19 北方科技資訊研究所 據英國《簡氏防務工業》2008年5月刊報導 俄羅斯聯邦軍事和技術合作機構負責人近日表示,以前,俄羅斯在國際軍貿市場上總是以“蘇霍伊”系列和“米格”系列飛機等航空武器裝備和海軍裝備而聞名。但是2007年,無論是從實際出口交付情況,還是從新增出口訂單情況來看,俄羅斯出口軍品結構都發生了巨大變化,地面武器裝備異軍突起,而海軍裝備的出口比例卻直線下滑。 在2007年俄羅斯出口交付的產品中,地面武器裝備的比例上升到21%;防空系統約占10%;而海軍裝備的出口額所占比例卻下滑至8%。在新增軍品出口訂單中,約65%是航空武器裝備出口合同;27%為地面武器裝備出口合同;防空系統與海軍裝備的新增出口合同額分別占4%。該負責人表示今後,俄羅斯將更加重視輕武器、反坦克和防空導彈系統等兵器裝備的出口,從而增加俄羅斯在國際軍品市場的份額。 俄羅斯戰略和技術中心(CAST)的統計資料表明,目前,俄羅斯每年出口輕武器約2億美元;防空武器系統6.1~8億美元。另據俄羅斯國防產品出口公司透露,該公司希望在未來幾年使軍品出口額增加15%~20%。 (北方科技資訊研究所,彭玲霞)
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http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/2008-05-12/0956499669.html 美軍增購3216輛電子攻擊型悍馬軍車 http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月12日 09:56 北方科技資訊研究所 據法國《防務宇航》2008年5月8日報導 近日,美國國防部宣佈,AM通用公司於2008年5月2日,經獲得了美國坦克及機動車輛司令部(TACOM)一項固定價值達5.22億美元的採購合同,主要是為美國部隊增加生產3216輛電子攻擊(Electronic Attack,EA)型“悍馬”車。 按照合同規定,全部的3216輛EA型“悍馬”車生產工作將在美國印弟安納波里斯州米沙沃卡(Mishawaka,Ind.)市的AM通用公司工廠進行,預計將於2009年12月31日前完成。 (北方科技資訊研究所 仲崇慧) http://www.defense-aerospace.com/cgi-bin/client/modele.pl?session=dae.29470247.1189675018.zNjVVX8AAAEAAGm2F2wAAAAH&modele=jdc_34 Pentagon Contract Announcement
(Source: US Department of Defense; issued May 6, 2008) AM General, LLC, South Bend, Ind., was awarded on May 2, 2008, a $522,399,722 firm-fixed price contract for adding 3,216 EA High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicles to contract. Work will be performed in Mishawaka, Ind., and is expected to be completed by Dec. 31, 2009. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. One bid was solicited on Mar. 17, 2006. TACOM, Warren, Mich., is the contracting activity (DAAE07-01-C-S001). -ends-
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http://www.baesystems.com/Newsroom/NewsReleases/autoGen_108323131745.html BAE SYSTEMS RECEIVES $6 MILLION U.S. ARMY CONTRACT FOR FAMILY OF MEDIUM TACTICAL VEHICLES FOR JORDAN 23 Apr 2008 | Ref. 130/2008 SEALY, Texas - BAE Systems has been awarded a $6 million contract from the U.S. Army for a Foreign Military Sale of Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) destined for Jordan. This is the third order for Jordan in the last four years, bringing the total value to over $16 million. "BAE Systems is building the case throughout the region that the FMTV delivers high-performance capability backed up with outstanding reliability and logistics support. Repeat customers help send that message," said David Landecker, sales director, Middle East, for BAE Systems’ Medium/Heavy Vehicles. Work on the contract will be performed in Sealy, Texas, and managed by the U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM). The work is expected to be complete by October 2008. The FMTV is available in 18 variants with payloads ranging from 2 to 16.5 metric tons. The FMTV features cargo hauling to include weapon systems, soldier transport, vehicle recovery, and more. The FMTV can also be equipped with armor to protect crew and up to a squad of soldiers in certain variants. More than 48,000 FMTV trucks and trailers are in service around the world with the U.S. Army and U.S. allies. The commonality of parts among the FMTV includes shared engines, transmissions, power trains, tires and cabs. This commonality significantly reduces the logistics burden and operating and support costs for the user. FMTVs are the industry leader for meeting and exceeding tactical vehicle standards for capability, reliability, mobility, protection and transportability. BAE Systems employs approximately 2,400 people in Sealy, Texas and has 900,000 square feet of manufacturing and office space on approximately 200 acres. The Medium/Heavy Vehicles business unit leverages a long history with wheeled vehicle products. It has established itself as a world-class designer, volume manufacturer and through-life supporter of high-quality, best value, military tactical trucks and wheeled vehicle systems. Today, BAE Systems is the exclusive manufacturer of FMTVs and the producer of the Caiman MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle).
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http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/2008-05-04/0935498369.html 約旦計畫採購俄制RPG-32式哈西姆榴彈發射器 http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月04日 09:35 國防線上 據英國《簡氏防務週刊》2008年4月23日刊報導 在約旦2008年特種部隊裝備展(SOFEX 2008)的最後一天,阿布杜拉國王二世設計與發展局與俄羅斯巴紮特(Bazalt)公司簽訂了一份價值約200萬美元的合同,訂購10000套訓練型RPG-32式“哈西姆”(Hashim)火箭助推榴彈發射器。根據合同的相關規定,訓練型榴彈發射器將於2008年晚些時候交付。隨後,俄羅斯國防出口公司(Rosoboronexport)將與約旦陸軍簽訂一份合同,為其提供25000套作戰型“哈西姆”榴彈發射器。據專家估計,該合同的價值將達到5000萬美元。約旦未來將在巴紮特公司的幫助下,在當地生產“哈西姆”榴彈發射器。系列生產工作將在某工廠內開展,並將於2011年完成。“哈西姆”榴彈發射器是由巴紮特公司按照約旦的戰技指標研製的,從約旦方面來講,約旦-俄羅斯電子系統公司(JRESCO)主要負責組織榴彈炮的研製工作。 據阿布杜拉國王二世稱,約旦對能夠與俄羅斯聯合研製“哈西姆”榴彈發射器感到非常滿意,約旦目前正期待著該系統能夠儘快裝備部隊。近日,阿布杜拉國王二世參觀了約旦武裝部隊對“哈西姆”榴彈發射器進行的評估試驗,其性能非常令人滿意。據悉,RPG-32式“哈西姆”榴彈發射器將能夠滿足約旦對近程反坦克武器的需求。約旦希望未來能夠與俄羅斯再度合作,對“哈西姆”榴彈發射器進行改進。等到完成原計劃在約旦工廠進行的生產任務之後,約旦將直接向俄羅斯訂購約旦武裝部隊所需求的部分榴彈發射器。 RPG-32式“哈西姆”榴彈發射器是世界上第一種多口徑榴彈發射器,它可發射72毫米和105毫米榴彈,射程為700米。“哈西姆”榴彈發射器攻擊裝甲車輛目標時,其配用的105毫米空心裝藥彈丸引爆爆炸反應裝甲後的平均穿甲厚度為800毫米。儘管與其他國家的榴彈發射器有所不同,但“哈西姆”榴彈發射器也可用於攻擊其他戰場上的所有目標。目前已為該武器研製了一種溫壓彈藥,同時破片殺傷榴彈目前也在研製中。備戰型“哈西姆”榴彈發射器的戰鬥全重為10千克(其中包括發射器和瞄準具),該武器長1.2米。該榴彈發射器的設計使用壽命為250發,但實際能使用500次。 據巴紮特公司稱,北非和中東的許多國家(如約旦)已紛紛表示對與俄羅斯聯合研製反坦克武器很感興趣。巴紮特公司目前提出了大量方案,以研製出能夠滿足國外客戶需求的武器和彈藥。
法國跳傘家壯舉 準備高空自由落體打破音障
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http://news.yam.com/afp/life/200804/20080423062761.html 法國跳傘家壯舉 準備高空自由落體打破音障 法新社╱毛盈超 2008-04-23 00:35 (法新社巴黎二十一日電)已退伍的六十四歲法國陸軍跳傘專家福尼耶今天表示,他希望下週在加拿大上空的破紀錄四萬公尺高空自由落體跳傘,能突破音障。 福尼耶希望一口氣創下四項世界紀錄,分別是最快的自由落體速度|時速一千五百公里,即音速的一點三倍、以及最快和最高的跳傘,外加最高空的熱氣球飛行。 俄羅斯的安德瑞耶夫一九六零年曾由兩萬四千四百八十三公尺高空跳下,寫下最高空跳傘紀錄;美國的季丁格一九六零年聲稱曾由三萬一千公尺高空跳下,但未經證實。 福尼耶將在五月二十五日從加拿大薩斯克其萬省出發,他所乘坐的壓力艙由一個一百六十一公尺的氦動力氣球帶動,昇到大約一般客機飛行高度四倍的高空。 壓力艙將逐步釋壓,好讓福尼耶出艙並跳傘,福尼耶將身穿特別研發的防護衣,配備兩具氧氣瓶,情況類似太空人離開太空船。 福尼耶說,他這次跳傘會「對航太、醫學乃至高科技,起相當的影響作用」。 贊助這次跳傘的法國太空人克勒佛伊說,這次跳傘有助了解人體在音速時的行為,而不無未來應用在太空救援行動的可能。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080421/sc_afp/spacefrancecanadaparachuting_080421224221;_ylt=ApC1b4I8CiuVpNbM1pwR7l7POrgF Frenchman aims for sound barrier with sky-high parachute leap Mon Apr 21, 6:42 PM ET PARIS (AFP) - A 64-year-old retired French army parachutist said Monday he hopes to smash through the sound barrier with a record-breaking 40,000-metre (130,000-foot) freefall jump over Canada next month. Michel Fournier hopes to set four new world records at once: for highest freefall parachute speed, at 1,500 kilometres (2,400 miles) per hour, 1.3 times the speed of sound, along with fastest and highest jump and highest air balloon flight. The Russian Evgeny Andreyev made the highest recorded parachute jump with a 24,483-metre plunge in 1960, while the American Joseph Kittinger claimed an unverified jump of 31,000 metres in 1960. The veteran French parachutist will take off from May 25 from the Canadian province of Saskatchewan in a pressurised capsule, harnessed to a 161-metre helium-powered balloon, rising to almost four times the height of an airline flight. Pressure will be let off gradually to allow him to exit and make his jump, wearing a specially-developed protective suit with two oxygen bottles, in conditions similar to an astronaut leaving his spacecraft. Fournier told a press conference in Paris his jump would have "considerable repercussions for aeronautics and space, for medicine and high-technology." French astronaut Jean-Francois Clervoy, who is sponsoring the project, said it could help shed new light on the behaviour of the human body at the speed of sound, with potential applications for future rescue operations in space. The French army piloted a similar project in the 1980s, aimed at developing an ejector capsule for European spacecraft, in which Fournier was due to take part before it was finally aborted. With more than 8,600 jumps to his name, Fournier holds the French height record at 12,000 metres. His project, which drew teams of specialists in high-altitude and underwater conditions, spacesuits and extreme condition health experts, cost 11.8 million euros (19 million dollars).
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http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/p/2008-04-20/1230496226.html BAE公司稱其中型戰術車族為美國陸軍最愛 http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年04月20日 12:30 新華網 新華網消息,據合眾國際社4月16日報導 BAE系統公司稱,美國陸軍最信賴它的中型戰術車族(FMTV)。 BAE系統公司稱,它的中型戰術車輛經證明是美國陸軍最信賴的車輛。 這個公司在上星期的一個聲明中稱,它的中型戰術車族繼續以美國陸軍戰術車隊中可用性最強的車而自豪。 自"中型戰術車輛家族"(FMTV )1988年啟動以來,已經過去了20年。在這20年中,BAE系統公司已經為武裝部隊和政府承包商提供了超過36000輛中型戰術車。 BAE系統公司稱,它仍然是供應美國陸軍"中型戰術車族"的唯一生產商。迄今為止,"中型戰術車族"已經有了16個以上的商標和安裝在兩種核心平臺(2.5噸的4X4輕中型戰術車以及5到10噸的6X6中型戰術車)上的多個卡車改進型。 "中型戰術車族"的改進型車適合做"運兵車、物資運輸車、箱式貨車、翻斗卡車、救援車、牽引車,特種車輛、拖車等,它是一個有很高通用性的戰術車族。BAE系統公司說,它會繼續研製"中型戰術車族"的新模型。 "中型戰術車族"也可以做高機動性的火箭炮系統以及中程增程防空系統的標準底盤。 BAE說,這種車輛可以保護乘員免受來福槍彈、地雷和炮彈碎片的攻擊。 目前已經有2000套這樣的系統在美國陸軍的戰場上服役。(付志偉) http://www.upi.com/International_Security/Industry/Briefing/2008/04/16/bae_us_army_finds_fmtvs_most_reliable/1208/ BAE: U.S. Army finds FMTVs most reliable
OTTAWA, April 16 (UPI) -- BAE Systems says its medium tactical vehicles are proving to be most reliable in the U.S. Army. The company said in a statement last week that its Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles "continues to boast the highest percent availability of any vehicle in the U.S. Army tactical vehicle fleet." Over the past 20 years since the FMTV program was launched in 1988, BAE Systems said it had made more than 36,000 FMTV vehicles for armed forces and government contractors. BAE Systems said it remained the only manufacturer of the FMTV for the U.S. Army. The company said it had more than 16 marks or variations of the trucks that came mounted on two core platforms -- the 2.5-ton 4X4 Light Medium Tactical Vehicle and the 5- to 10-ton 6X6 Medium Tactical Vehicle. BAE said FMTV variants were adapted to be "troop carriers, cargo carriers, vans, dump trucks, recovery vehicles, tractors, specialty vehicles, as well as three trailer models, making it a highly versatile tactical vehicle family." The different models have about 85 percent of their operating components that were the same and interchangeable between them, the company said. BAE said it continued to develop new models of the FMTV including Hybrid Electric Drives, 9-ton Load Handling Systems, 10-ton dump, the FMTV 8X8 Flex-Frame and the Height Reducible Electronic Enclosure. The FMTV also serves as the standard chassis for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System and for the Medium Extended Air Defense System, the company said. BAE said its Low Signature Armored Cab shelters its operators from assault rifle rounds, land mines and artillery fragments. The LSAC cab can replace the older standard FMTV cab, which does not give such protection, by only two people in merely four hours. More than 2,000 LSAC cabs are already in service with the U.S. Army, the company said. © 2008 United Press International. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be reproduced, redistributed, or manipulated in any form.
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