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   [英國《國際防務評論》2008年1月1日刊報導]    瑞士莫瓦格公司決定採用南非薩博Avitronics公司開發的地面電子防護系統(LEDS)150主動防護系統作為其車輛的主動防護系統。在這之前,莫瓦格公司已經評估了22套現有或者正在研發的主動防護系統,並在“皮蘭哈”IIIC 8×8裝甲車上試裝了Avitronics公司的主動防護系統。

   LEDS 150主動防護系統如其他主動防護系統一樣,都是由三個基本部件組成。第一個部件是威脅感測器元件,它是由毫米波雷達和熱成像探測器組成。雷達天線和熱成像探測器組合安裝在彈藥確認和跟蹤系統(MCTS)150上,可以安裝在“皮蘭哈”車體兩側,也可安裝在炮塔支撐的兩側。無論以哪種方式安裝,MCTS 150可在二者之間提供水準方向角360°和俯仰方向上-15°~+45°的覆蓋區域。LEDS 150的第二個基本部件是主動防護控制器(ADC),它接收來自感測器元件的資料並綜合資料處理和決策運算法則,以防禦威脅。隨後,主動控制器驅動主動防護系統的第三個部件即對抗系統。LEDS 150由兩套高速定向發射器(HSDL)206組成,每一套能夠在不到100毫秒的時間內轉動90°,水準方向角為360°,俯仰角為-100°~+100°。每一套HSDL 206包括6具可發射“貓鼬”(mongoose)1攔截導彈的發射器,其中“貓鼬”1攔截導彈是由薩伯Avitronics公司和丹尼爾航空系統公司聯合研發的。

   LEDS系列主動防護系統包括LEDS 50、LEDS 100、LEDS 150、LEDS 200和LEDS 300。LEDS 50是最簡單的系統,該系統用於告警車輛乘員鐳射威脅,包括那些波束制導導彈系統,要求其靈敏度比到目前為止裝備的大多數鐳射告警接收機的靈敏度要高得多。LEDS 100系統可作為LEDS 150硬殺傷系統的軟殺傷型式。該系統發射GALIX多譜煙幕榴彈而不是發射“貓鼬”對抗彈藥,該系統能夠集成LEDS 50的鐳射告警感測器,也可選擇紅外干擾儀。LEDS 200的特徵在於有一排用於噴射聚合體泡沫的噴射裝置,可改變車輛的熱、雷達以及視覺、信號,從而可防禦多頻帶導彈搜索器。LEDS 300是最新型式,還在研發之中。該系統應該能夠在300米的距離處攔截威脅,能夠摧毀防區外和其他導彈或者使動能穿甲彈藥的長杆侵徹彈藥偏轉,以使威脅不能命中防護車輛。

(北方科技資訊研究所 王桂芝)

May the Force be with you

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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年02月01日 10:08 北方科技資訊研究所

  英國《簡氏防務工業》2008年2月1日刊報導 達信(Textron)海上和地面系統公司贏得了一份價值2.28億美元的增加採購合同,該份合同來自美國坦克機動車輛及武器司令部(TACOM),主要為美國陸軍增加採購329輛M1117裝甲安全車。


  (北方科技資訊研究所 仲崇慧)

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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月29日 08:07 環球網

  環球時報 環球網訊,1月26日舉行的印度國慶日閱兵式上,印軍首次展示大批新裝備,其中最耀眼的明星是一種印度自行研製的新型主戰坦克TANK-X。目前印度國產“阿瓊”主戰坦克遲遲得不到軍方認可,而印度卻不願放棄裝備國產坦克的努力。印度新坦克選用T-72坦克的底盤和“阿瓊”的炮塔組裝在一起,由於T-72坦克個頭比“阿瓊”小很多,這樣組裝出的坦克顯得“頭重腳輕”。


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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月25日 10:11 北方科技資訊研究所

  英國《簡氏防務週刊》2008年1月23日刊報導 近日,瑞士莫瓦格公司(通用動力公司歐洲地面系統分公司)贏得了一份來自西班牙國防部(MOD)的採購合同,將為西班牙海軍再增加生產21輛兩栖型“皮蘭哈”IIIC 8×8輪式裝甲人員輸送車(APC)及其變型車。按照合同規定,這批新型“皮蘭哈”IIIC 8×8輪式裝甲車將在位於瑞士克羅茲林根市(Kreuzlingen)的莫瓦格工廠進行生產,預計將於2009年至2014年之間完成全部交付任務。

  據報導,西班牙國防部此次增加採購的這21輛兩栖型“皮蘭哈”IIIC 8×8輪式裝甲車中共包含了9種車型,其中包括裝甲人員輸送車、救護車、指揮車、工程車、火力支援車、搶修車和偵察車等。據悉,這些車輛還將配裝專門為西班牙海軍“皮蘭哈”IIIC 8×8輪式裝甲車輛配套定做的武器系統、防護裝甲和地雷防護等套件。

  目前,西班牙海軍已將裝備了18輛兩栖型“皮蘭哈”IIIC 8×8輪式裝甲車,這部分車輛於2002年由西班牙國防部向瑞士莫瓦格公司採購,在2003年至2004年之間完成交付,共包含了3種車型。分別為裝甲人員輸送車、救護車和指揮車。其中“皮蘭哈”IIIC 8×8輪式裝甲人員輸送車採用了單人炮塔,並裝配有40毫米自動榴彈發射器和12.7毫米M2 HB型機關炮。據報導,為執行聯合國維和任務,這些車輛目前已有一部份被西班牙配屬到了黎巴嫩。這些車輛根據需要,還增裝了普通懸架(conventional suspension)裝置,車體後部兩側各增加了1個螺旋推進器,大大增加了該車的水上行駛能力。據分析,“皮蘭哈”8×8輪式裝甲車族在未來幾年將成為西班牙海軍步兵機械化部隊的核心裝備,將逐步取代部分西班牙現役BMR-600 6×6輪式裝甲車族。

  “皮蘭哈”IIIC 8×8輪式裝甲車標準裝備還包括中心輪胎充放氣系統、被動夜視設備、核生化(NBC)三防裝置和地面導航系統等。動力裝置配有卡特皮勒(Caterpillar)公司的C9型柴油機,額定功率可達294kW,傳動裝置採用的是德國ZF公司7HP 602電控7+1速全自動變速箱。此外,部分車輛還加裝了扶助動力單元。目前,“皮蘭哈”8×8輪式裝甲車族已經裝備到包括加拿大、瑞士和美國等很多國家,據統計全部生產數量已達9000多輛。

  (北方科技資訊研究所 仲崇慧)

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US military sees first Iraq fatality in new armoured vehicle



US military sees first Iraq fatality in new armoured vehicle

by Bryan Pearson
Tue Jan 22, 3:57 PM ET

BAGHDAD (AFP) - A new-style anti-mine armoured vehicle the US military is hoping will reduce casualties from roadside bombs in Iraq has proven vulnerable, with a first soldier killed in an attack at the weekend.

"An American soldier was killed in an improvised explosive device attack on a MRAP vehicle in Arab Jabour" on the southern outskirts of Baghdad on Saturday, US military spokesman Major Winfield Danielson said on Tuesday.

"This was the first fatality involving an IED (roadside bomb) attack on a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) anywhere," he added.

"There were three other soldiers who sustained non life-threatening injuries as a result of the attack," Danielson said.

"The incident is still under investigation and no other details are available."

Some 1,500 MRAP vehicles, most of them with V-shaped hulls specially designed to deflect the blast from a roadside bomb, have been deployed in Iraq since May last year, said Danielson.

Roadside bombs are the main choice of weapon of the numerous insurgent groups operating in Iraq and primary cause of US troop casualties.

A US military source who would not be named said the soldier killed was a gunner, who sits on top of the vehicle rather than in its specially protected belly.

The incident occured in a rural belt about 50 kilometres (30 miles) southeast of Baghdad where US and Iraqi forces have launched a major assault on suspected Al-Qaeda in Iraq safe havens.

MRAPs are being used in the area by troops of the US 6th Squadron, 8th Cavalry Regiment to edge forwards through territory littered with roadside bombs, according to an AFP photographer travelling with the unit.

Ground forces are moving in on the mainly Sunni area that was heavily bombed by US warplanes in three separate air strikes, including overnight Sunday when, according to the US military, a total of 19,000 pounds (9,000 kilos) of bombs were dropped.

The vehicle hit by the roadside bomb was driving beside an irrigation ditch, supporting soldiers of the Second Brigade Combat Team, Third Infantry Division, who had been clearing farmhouses and villages after a dawn air raid, according to the New York Times on Tuesday.

The report said the vehicle was thrown into the air and spun 180 degrees before smashing down with its nose shattered beside the ditch.

The report said three of the four people aboard suffered only broken feet and cuts. It was unclear if the gunner was killed by the blast or when the vehicle rolled over.

The newspaper quoted US military commander Captain Michael Fritz as saying the force of the blast would have been enough to "take out" a heavily armoured Bradley tank -- the other main armoured vehicle being used in Iraq along with the Humvee.

"The crew compartment is intact," said Fritz.

Danielson said deployment of the MRAP vehicles "aimed to provide improved protection for our forces."

"The MRAP has proven to be a much improved vehicle in terms of protecting troops from the effects of improvised explosive devices. However no vehicle is 100 percent invulnerable to attack," he said.

The Pentagon last year decided that the deployment of the MRAP was a priority and ordered 15,400 of them at a cost of 22.4 billion dollars.

Some 500 have also been deployed in Afghanistan.

Standing about 3.6 metres (12 feet) high and weighing around 18 tons, the vehicles can carry six to 10 soldiers, depending on the model.

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Hopes for Vehicle Questioned After Iraq Blast

Published: January 22, 2008

ARAB JABOUR, Iraq — From the blast and the high, thin plume of white smoke above the tree line, it looked and sounded like any other attack. The bare details were, sadly, routine enough: a gunner was killed and three crew members were wounded Saturday when their vehicle rolled over a homemade bomb buried beneath a road southeast of Baghdad.

Yet, it was anything but routine. Over a crackling field radio came reports of injuries and then, sometime later, official confirmation of the first fatality inflicted by a roadside bomb on an MRAP, the new Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected armored vehicle that the American military is counting on to reduce casualties from roadside bombs in Iraq.

The military has been careful to point out that the new vehicle is not impervious to attack, and that a sufficiently powerful bomb can destroy any vehicle. Still, a forensic team was flown in immediately to inspect the charred wreckage, from which wires and tangled metal protruded, to determine whether the bombing had revealed a design flaw.

“It’s a great vehicle, but there is no perfect vehicle,” said Lt. Col. Kenneth Adgie, commander of the battalion that lost the soldier.

Three of the four people aboard suffered only broken feet and lacerations. Pending the results of an investigation, it is unclear yet whether the gunner was killed by the blast or by the vehicle rolling over.

But officers on the scene noted that he was the member of the crew most exposed, and that the vehicle’s secure inner compartment was not compromised and appeared to have done its job by protecting the three other crew members inside. “The crew compartment is intact,” said Capt. Michael Fritz. He said the blast would have been large enough “to take out” a heavily armored Bradley Fighting Vehicle.

Roadside bombs have been the single deadliest weapon insurgents have directed against American forces in Iraq, and have grown increasingly sophisticated and powerful over the years. As a result, reducing the carnage from the bombs became a strong military and political imperative for the Bush administration.

So important is the mine-resistant vehicle to the United States military that Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates singled it out in his holiday-season message in December, saying, “To ensure that troops have the best protection available on the battlefield, MRAPs became the military’s highest acquisition priority, and thousands of these vehicles are in production and en route to theater.”

On Friday, Mr. Gates toured an assembly facility for the vehicles in Charleston, S.C., where he described them as “a proven lifesaver on the battlefield.” He cited Army reports that there had been 12 attacks on the vehicles with homemade bombs since a push began last summer to send more of them into combat zones, mostly in Iraq. No soldiers died in those attacks, he said.

The vehicles have distinctive, armored V-shaped hulls that are designed to deflect the force of the explosion from roadside bombs out and away from the vehicle, sparing the occupants in the compartment.

The underbody sits about 36 inches off the ground, higher than the Humvees that have proved susceptible to roadside bombs despite the additional armor added to many of them in combat zones.

The vehicles are much bigger than Humvees, standing 12 feet high, weighing up to 18 tons, and carrying 6 to 10 soldiers, depending on the model. There are more than 1,500 of them in Iraq now, and the military plans to purchase more than 15,000 of them at a cost of $22.4 billion.

Saturday’s deadly attack came on the first day of an operation to clear insurgents from southern Arab Jabour, a rural, overwhelmingly Sunni area less than 10 miles southeast of Baghdad on the Tigris River. The primary target is Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, the homegrown extremist group that American intelligence says is foreign led.

The bomb went off at 4:45 p.m., as engineers were driving beside an irrigation ditch to support soldiers of the First Battalion, 30th Infantry Regiment, Second Brigade Combat Team, Third Infantry Division, who had been clearing farmhouses and villages since a dawn air assault. The blast threw the vehicle into the air and spun it 180 degrees, with its shattered nose coming to rest beside the ditch.

Pvt. Matthew Hall, 19, saw the bombing while standing on the roof of a nearby farmhouse. “I heard a loud boom,” he said Sunday. “I looked over and I saw pieces of vehicle and smoke. I saw a tire flying into the field.”

Several vehicles in the convoy had already passed over the same spot, but failed to set off what officers say they was a deeply buried, homemade bomb, which the military calls an improvised explosive device, or I.E.D., made from about 300 pounds of fertilizer and set off with a pressure device.

Infantrymen who had spent the day carefully maneuvering on foot through fields and ditches heard the blast and saw the smoke.

“That was another I.E.D.,” said Capt. John Newman, the commander of Company B, to groans from his men who had walked close to the blast site earlier that morning.

Two minutes later came another report. “It was an MRAP, totally destroyed,” the radio operator said.

Two rescue helicopters arrived minutes later to evacuate the wounded.

Dismayed, their colleagues carried on with their patrols, detaining insurgent suspects and searching for other bombs in farmyards and vehicles.

The threat from buried bombs was well known before of the operation. To help clear the ground, the military had dropped nearly 100,000 pounds of bombs to destroy weapons caches and I.E.D.’s.

Colonel Adgie, the battalion commander, stressed that the full details of the attacked vehicle’s destruction would not be known until an investigation was completed, but said initial examination suggested a “deep-buried I.E.D.,” which was there for some time, rather than one set off by remote control.

Commanders had received intelligence about a bomb buried there, he said, but could not be certain about the report, and were unable to explode or find it despite repeated attempts from the air, and with metal detectors.

He said many of the devices were hard to find and could be set off by a vehicle moving over them at a slightly different spot or at a different angle than previous vehicles had.

“We had cleared it once and cleared it a second time,” he said. “A lot of vehicles had gone over it already, and it was the second-to-last vehicle that got hit. You try your best to find them and roll them up, but we didn’t find that one.”

Rear Adm. Greg Smith, a spokesman for the American military in Baghdad, confirmed that the attack was “the first death resulting from an I.E.D. attack on an MRAP,” but said that he could not comment on specific damage to the vehicle “for force protection reasons.”

Admiral Smith said the new vehicle had proven “in its short time here in Iraq that it is a much improved vehicle in protecting troops from the effects of improvised explosive devices.”

“However,” he added, “there is no vehicle that can provide absolute protection of its occupants.”

A few hours before the explosion, Captain Newman’s company was led by a farmer to a similarly large device nearby. It was safely detonated.

Captain Newman said that his battalion had been using the new vehicles for about two months, and that this was the first time one had been hit with a bomb.

“Unfortunately we knew our time would probably come,” he said. “It was just a very, very big amount of explosives. You can break anything with a big enough hammer.”

That sentiment was echoed by other soldiers in the area.

“Before this, lots of soldiers thought the MRAP was indestructible, but nothing is indestructible,” Specialist Matthew Gregg, 24, an MRAP gunner, said after driving past the wreckage. “To drive past it three or four times now, it reminds you that everything is unpredictable out here.”

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   [英國《簡氏國際防務評論》2008年2月1日刊報導]    近日,奧地利施泰爾-戴姆勒-普赫(Steyr-Daimler-Puch)公司表示,目前公司已經接到了捷克國防部終止“潘德”(Pandur)II型8×8輪式裝甲人員輸送車(APC)採購合同的通知,並且終止了“潘德”II型8×8輪式裝甲車的所有工作。該採購合同是捷克國防部於2006年中期與施泰爾-戴姆勒-普赫公司簽訂的。合同共包含199輛“潘德 II”型8×8輪式裝甲人員輸送車及其變型車,總價值約12億美元。

   據報導,捷克國防部採購新型裝甲車將替代目前已經超期服役的OT-64和BMP-2裝甲人員輸送車。為了謹慎起見,捷克國防部在合同簽署之前採用了競標的形式,最後在與芬蘭派特裏亞(Patria)公司的8×8輪式裝甲模組化車的綜合比較之後選擇了施泰爾-戴姆勒-普赫公司的“潘德 II”型8×8輪式裝甲車。按照當時採購的合同規定,這199輛“潘德 II”型8×8輪式裝甲車將包含18種車型,其中數量最多的是“潘德”II輪式步兵戰車,達63輛之多。所有這些“潘德”II輪式步兵戰車將安裝以色列拉法爾(Rafael)武器發展局的RCWS 30遙控武器站,其上裝有1門阿連特系統公司(ATK)的MK44式30毫米自動炮、7.62毫米並列機槍和拉法爾武器發展局的“長釘”(Spike)LR反坦克導彈發射裝置。按照規定,首批“潘德”II裝甲車將由奧方負責生產,之後,生產工作將轉移至捷克境內進行。

   據悉,就取消“潘德”II採購合同一事,捷克與奧地利兩家政府代表官員已經在捷克首都布拉格舉行了多次會議,但並沒有向外界偷漏更多的會議具體內容。目前,奧地利施泰爾-戴姆勒-普赫公司目前已經完成了首批17輛“潘德 II”型8×8輪式裝甲步兵戰車(IFV)的生產任務。據有關分析,如果捷克國防部取消“潘德”II採購合同這一報導被官方證實的話,捷克國防部很可能還將繼續向外界發佈採購新型裝甲車的招標書。
(北方科技資訊研究所  仲崇慧)

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   [英國《簡氏防務週刊》2008年1月23日刊報導]    日本陸上自衛隊(GSDF)已經在其遞交的2008財年國防預算中增加了發展機動戰車(Mobile Combat Vehicle,MCV)專案的預算。據報導,該項決議已於2007年12月24日通過了政府內閣的同意,如果再能夠順利通過日本國會(Diet)批准的話,則將順利得到日本新首相“福田康夫”的批示。據分析,該份報告最早將於2008年3月份通過所有批示,順利的話,日本將於2008年正式開始發展MCV專案。

   據報導,GSDF發展MCV專案計畫全部費用將達到173億日元(1.69億美元),預計於2015年末完成。在2008財年防務預算中,GSDF為此專案共申請了26億日元,將主要用於開發和研製MCV的底盤和炮塔/武器系統。據相關報導,MCV專案將由日本技術研究與開發協會(Technical Research and Development Institute ,TRDI)具體負責,日本三菱重工業公司(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries,MHI)將作為主承包商。其中,三菱重工業公司在裝甲車輛的設計、發展和生產中具有很多豐富的經驗。

   據日本軍方透露,GSDF提出的MCV將主要是8×8輪式機動戰車,其中還包括發展機動火炮系統(MGS),並裝配105毫米低後坐力火炮系統,而且還將與目前正在服役的T74主戰坦克等使用相同的彈藥。按照設計要求,MCV最大戰鬥全重將不超過26t,可以通過TRDI為日本空中自衛隊發展的新型軍用C-X運輸機進行快速投放。MCV還將具有全天候“獵殲式”目標捕獲能力,目標經車長確認後,將順利移交給炮長並將其一舉擊毀。此外,日本三菱重工業公司表示,MCV將配置與TK-X主戰坦克(意思是實驗中的坦克)相同的C4ISR系統,這代表了未來輪式戰車(Future Wheeled Combat Vehicle ,FWCV)的發展方向。TK-X主戰坦克是TRDI最新發展的新型坦克,又稱為90式主戰坦克,其目標主要是用於取代現役的T74主戰坦克。MCV將具有高水準的空中和地面戰略機動性,可以通過空運實現在日本眾多島嶼中的快速部署。這一優點遠比日本現役的T74主戰坦克和T89機械化步兵戰車(MICV)先進得多。按照計畫, MCV交付GSDF以後,將用其執行的任務主要包括:通過地面或海上快速部屬直接性壓制火力;為遊擊突防部隊或特種部隊提供機動火力;在城區作戰環境中為步兵提供火力支援。

(北方科技資訊研究所  仲崇慧)

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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月18日 10:25 國防線上

  [英國《簡氏防務週刊》2008年1月16日刊報導] 據報導,FRES RV的底盤發展方案將根據BAE系統公司地面系統分部和通用動力公司英國分公司提出的方案進行展開。按照2007年11月英國國防部授予給他們的合同要求,這兩家公司將在2007年1月份完成他們為期3個月的階段A研究論證任務。

  BAE系統公司地面系統分部提出基於瑞典的CV90步兵戰車(IFV)和美國的M8裝甲火炮系統(Armored Gun System,AGS)底盤來發展FRES RV的方案。其中,CV90步兵戰車目前裝備的國家比較多,包括丹麥、芬蘭、荷蘭、挪威、瑞典和瑞士等國家,全部生產或採購的總數量高達1100輛。CV90步兵戰車底盤可適合安裝多種炮塔,能夠裝配包括30毫米、30/40毫米、40毫米和35/50毫米等多種口徑的火炮。此外,還可以根據需要裝配120毫米滑膛炮;M8裝甲火炮系統發展之初的主要目的是用於取代美國陸軍M551輕型坦克,但是該專案後期卻由於經費等原因被取消了,目前該專案正在由BAE系統公司地面系統分部當作風險投資專案而被繼續發展。基於M8裝甲火炮系統底盤,可安裝帶有自動裝填系統的105毫米火炮。此外,基於該底盤,目前還通過測試了120毫米滑膛炮、混合電傳動系統和增強防護元件等。

  通用動力公司英國分公司則提出基於ASCOD(奧地利和西班牙合作發展)的步兵戰車底盤來發展FRES RV方案。該車在西班牙由通用動力公司聖巴巴拉分公司生產,裝備西班牙陸軍以後被命名為“皮薩羅”(Pizarro)步兵戰車;在奧地利由施泰爾-戴姆勒-普赫公司(Steyr-Daimler-Puch)生產,裝備奧地利陸軍以後則被命名為“槍騎兵”(Ulan)步兵戰車。所有這些車型都適合安裝帶有毛瑟(Mauser)公司30毫米火炮的雙人炮塔。此外,為進一步滿足英國方面需求,通用動力公司還可以使其裝配ATK公司的30/40毫米MK44型火炮等。

  關於FRES RV的武器系統發展方案,目前可以確定的是:FRES RV將選擇相同的炮塔並採用英國陸軍“武士戰鬥力殺傷性增強計畫”(Warrior Fightability Lethality Improvement Programme,WFLIP,以前被稱為WLIP)選定的火炮系統。根據WFLIP專案相關規定,預計將改進449輛“武士”步兵戰車。該車目前配裝有“拉登”30毫米非穩定型火炮和7.62毫米同軸機槍。WFLIP將與大量其他的主要子系統一起整合到綜合的“武士能力持久計畫”(Warrior Capability Sustainment Programme,WCSP)中。目前,WFLIP項目已經鎖定4家生產商並展開了激烈的競爭,他們主要包括CTA國際公司、通用動力公司英國分公司、洛克希德•馬丁公司英國INSYS分公司和Selex感測器和機載系統公司。按照計畫,最終將從這些公司參加競賽的炮塔中選定1門來進行生產,預計將於2013年開始裝備部隊。

  據報導,英國FRES RV專案目前還尚未制定詳細的採辦策略,也沒有給英國國防採辦預算帶來過多的壓力。目前預計FRES的採購總量還不是很明確(根據先前的報導,預計將超過3500輛),共包括5種車族,除了此次發展的FRES RV以外,其他4種車型分別是:27~30t重的通用車族(UV)、30~40t重的中型火力支援裝甲車族(MAV)、30~40t重的機動支援車族(MSV)和基本能力通用車族(BCV)。其中,FRES UV項目目前已經選定3種8×8輪式裝甲車輛為其最後挑選的裝甲車輛,預計將於2008年3月份敲定最後選定車型。

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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月18日 08:50 北方科技資訊研究所

  英國《簡氏防務週刊》2008年1月23日刊報導 日本陸上自衛隊(GSDF)已經在其遞交的2008財年國防預算中增加了發展機動戰車(Mobile Combat Vehicle,MCV)專案的預算。據報導,該項決議已於2007年12月24日通過了政府內閣的同意,如果再能夠順利通過日本國會(Diet)批准的話,則將順利得到日本新首相“福田康夫”的批示。據分析,該份報告最早將於2008年3月份通過所有批示,順利的話,日本將於2008年正式開始發展MCV專案。

  據報導,GSDF發展MCV專案計畫全部費用將達到173億日元(1.69億美元),預計於2015年末完成。在2008財年防務預算中,GSDF為此專案共申請了26億日元,將主要用於開發和研製MCV的底盤和炮塔/武器系統。據相關報導,MCV專案將由日本技術研究與開發協會(Technical Research and Development Institute ,TRDI)具體負責,日本三菱重工業公司(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries,MHI)將作為主承包商。其中,三菱重工業公司在裝甲車輛的設計、發展和生產中具有很多豐富的經驗。

  據日本軍方透露,GSDF提出的MCV將主要是8×8輪式機動戰車,其中還包括發展機動火炮系統(MGS),並裝配105毫米低後坐力火炮系統,而且還將與目前正在服役的T74主戰坦克等使用相同的彈藥。按照設計要求,MCV最大戰鬥全重將不超過26t,可以通過TRDI為日本空中自衛隊發展的新型軍用C-X運輸機進行快速投放。MCV還將具有全天候“獵殲式”目標捕獲能力,目標經車長確認後,將順利移交給炮長並將其一舉擊毀。此外,日本三菱重工業公司表示,MCV將配置與TK-X主戰坦克(意思是實驗中的坦克)相同的C4ISR系統,這代表了未來輪式戰車(Future Wheeled Combat Vehicle ,FWCV)的發展方向。TK-X主戰坦克是TRDI最新發展的新型坦克,又稱為90式主戰坦克,其目標主要是用於取代現役的T74主戰坦克。MCV將具有高水準的空中和地面戰略機動性,可以通過空運實現在日本眾多島嶼中的快速部署。這一優點遠比日本現役的T74主戰坦克和T89機械化步兵戰車(MICV)先進得多。按照計畫, MCV交付GSDF以後,將用其執行的任務主要包括:通過地面或海上快速部屬直接性壓制火力;為遊擊突防部隊或特種部隊提供機動火力;在城區作戰環境中為步兵提供火力支援。


  (北方科技資訊研究所 仲崇慧)

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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 10:27 國防線上

  英國《簡氏防務週刊》2008年1月16日刊報導 奧地利斯太爾-戴姆勒-普赫公司裝備CMI防務公司CT-CV式105毫米炮塔的“潘德”II 8×8裝甲人員輸送車已於2007年12月17~20日在葡萄牙陸軍的CMSM軍事訓練基地完成測試,此次測試驗證了CT-CV先進武器系統在“潘德”II車上的集成、車輛裝備炮塔的機動性以及105毫米火炮的火力和精確度。

  斯太爾-戴姆勒-普赫公司已經向CMSM提前交付了3輛“潘德”II 8×8裝甲人員輸送車用於駕駛訓練,首批正式交付工作定於2008年初。該車型於2007年10月底在奧地利完成測試之後,開始了安裝CT-CV式炮塔的新一輪測試。CT-TV式雙人炮塔作為CMI防務公司的私有投資,已在其他8×8底盤上進行了廣泛測試。葡萄牙國防部計畫於2008年6月之前做出採購33輛裝備105毫米炮塔機動火炮系統的“潘德”II車的最終決定。

  競標葡萄牙訂單的另一個競標者是奧托•梅拉拉公司105毫米 HITFACT 105/L52低後坐力炮塔系統。據悉,該公司正與斯太爾公司就HITFACT炮塔安裝在“潘德”II車上的有關電和機械介面的細節進行技術討論,兩公司正考慮需要完成系統的機動性和火力測試。

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