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http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/p/2008-01-15/0918481297.html 澳大利亞計畫採購F-22戰機 如解禁日本可能受益 http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月15日 09:18 中國航空信息網 英國《飛行國際》2008年1月10日報導 澳大利亞對其空軍力量能力評估後計畫採購F-22"猛禽"戰鬥機,並將考慮如米格-29和蘇-35等俄制戰鬥機,繼而有可能取消一份66億澳元(58億美元)購買24架F/A-18F"超級大黃蜂"的交易。 美國已拒絕了日本等親近盟國購買F-22的要求,並且美國國會禁止該機出口。但國防分析家認為,如果政府改變主意,日本和澳大利亞可能成為首批獲得F-22的國家。洛克希德•馬丁公司也樂於保持其"猛禽"戰鬥機生產線繼續運轉,但海外銷售面臨的一大阻力是出口型研製成本將達10億美元。 但澳大利亞新任國防部長Joel Fitzgibbon為尋找該國F-111和F/A-18的替代飛機似乎不畏任何困難。他表示將與美國政要接洽討論購買F-22事宜。他說在做出決定前必須研究所有可行的選擇方案,包括購買俄羅斯戰鬥機。 針對上屆政府計畫購買100架F-35 JSF戰鬥機並購買"超級大黃蜂"作為過渡方案的做法,Fitzgibbon認為該決定未經過正確的過程或能力辯證,他同時警告澳大利亞將不能容忍F-35再次出現任何進度推遲或成本上漲。(吳蔚 責編洪山) http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2008/01/10/220724/australia-to-weigh-lockheed-martin-f-22-against-russian-fighters.html Australia to weigh Lockheed Martin F-22 against Russian fighters By Siva Govindasamy
DATE:10/01/08 SOURCE:Flightglobal.com Australia plans to request access to the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, and will also consider Russian fighters such as the RSK MiG-29 and Sukhoi Su-35, as part of a review of its air power capabilities that could lead to the cancellation of a A$6.6 billion ($5.8 billion) deal to buy 24 Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornets. The USA has refused even close allies like Japan access to the F-22 (pictured below left, with US Navy F/A-18E), and Congress has banned its export. But defence analysts say that if Washington changes its mind, Japan and Australia could be among the first to get access to the type. Lockheed is also keen to keep its Raptor production line open, but a major deterrent to a foreign sale could be a reported development cost of up to $1 billion for an export variant. But Australia's new defence minister Joel Fitzgibbon appears unfazed in the search for a replacement for the country's General Dynamics F-111s (pictured below) and early-model F/A-18s. "I intend to pursue American politicians for access to the Raptor," he says. "We are well placed to talk to Democrats on the Hill about it, and I want it to be part of the mix." Fitzgibbon adds that all possible options will be studied before a decision, including the possible purchase of Russian aircraft. "The review should include a comparative analysis of everything on the market," he says. "I'm not ruling out any option." Observers believe that domestic politics are behind the Labor Party's review of almost A$23 billion worth of defence projects, given that the Liberal Party which lost last December's general elections is now led by former defence minister Brendan Nelson. He was at the helm when Australia pledged to buy 100 Lockheed F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, which are not expected to enter service until the middle of the next decade, and when it ordered its Super Hornets as a bridging measure. Fitzgibbon charges that the latter decision was made without "proper due process or capability justification", while some military analysts have claimed that the aircraft lacks the stealth capability and power that the Royal Australian Air Force needs. The new defence minister has meanwhile warned that Canberra will not tolerate further delays or an increase in the cost of the F-35. Another project under review is a A$1 billion programme to upgrade 11 Kaman SH-2G Super Seasprite helicopters. These were purchased in 1997 to operate from the navy's Anzac-class frigates, but have been plagued by technical problems and have been grounded for more than a year. Nelson said last year that the helicopters will be upgraded and available for use around 2010.
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/67477 F-22戰機停飛,美空軍開展其他飛機調查 2011-05-11 [據美國《防務新聞》網站2011年5月5日報導]美國空軍於5月3日停飛F-22戰機,並調查其他飛機是否受到氧氣發生器問題影響。 至少從去年11月起,美國空軍已調查了F-35聯合戰機機載制氧系統(OBOGS)和其他戰機,以及教練機。在發生一起可能與缺氧相關的事故之後,美國空軍停飛了F-22戰機。 美國空中作戰司令部(ACC)的發言人Jennifer Ferrau上尉說,在本次調查中,沒有其他飛機停飛,但是,A-10、F-15E、F-16、F-35和T-6飛機的OBOGS都在調查之列。 在美國聯邦航空管理局(FAA)的開發工程研製顧問委員會任職的Hans Weber,同時身為Tecop國際諮詢公司的總裁,他說有多型飛機裝備了定型的OBOGS。 Weber說,高空缺氧問題十分嚴重,在15240米(50,000英尺)高空,人只能保持不到10秒的有效意識。 Ferrau說,ACC的William Fraser將軍于5月3日下令158架F-22 停飛。但是,美空軍既沒有明確停飛多久,也沒有確定問題真相。她說,仍在查問題真相,但是還不能將目前的問題歸咎為OBOGS系統。飛行員的安全極為重要,必須花一定時間開展徹底調查。 自2008年中起,F-22已在使用中發生了9起缺氧事件,最近,這類問題激增。 Ferrau說,上周,空軍又發生5起生理缺氧事件,這促使ACC的司令官下令F-22停飛。 Fraser將軍已安排OBOGS安全調查委員會調查14起事件原因。 大多數事件是飛行員報告的生理事件,比如缺氧和減壓病。 空軍消息稱,去年1月在阿拉斯加州埃爾門多夫-理查森(Elmendorf-Richardson)聯合空軍基地墜機的第525戰機中隊Jeff Haney中尉懷疑是由於OBOGS故障喪生。 雖然發生了OBOGS事件,但是空軍沒有將去年11月墜機事故歸結為氧氣發生器故障。目前,還無那次事故的調查結論。 F-22戰機製造方——洛馬公司已派出5人工作組,協助空軍OBOGS調查。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 尹相麗) http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=6423637&c=AIR&s=ALL USAF Indefinitely Grounds F-22 Raptors By SCOTT FONTAINE and DAVE MAJUMDAR Published: 5 May 2011 17:48 The U.S. Air Force has grounded all of its F-22 Raptors until further notice because of potential malfunctions in the fighter jets' oxygen-generation system.
Gen. William Fraser, commander of U.S. Air Combat Command, ordered a stand-down of the 165-plane fleet May 3, ACC spokeswoman Capt. Jennifer Ferrau said. Ferrau didn't immediately know how long the Raptors will be out of service. The On-Board Oxygen Generating System (OBOGS) has been under investigation since an F-22 crashed in November just outside Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska. Until the stand-down, Raptor sorties had been restricted to an altitude of 25,000 feet or below for training missions because of the potential malfunctions. The limits were "designed for mishap prevention and is a prudent measure to ensure the OBOGS are operating safely," ACC spokesman Col. William Nichols said in March, when the command first publicly disclosed the investigation. An OBOGS malfunction can be potentially life-threatening, said Hans Weber, who sat on the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration's Research, Engineering and Development Advisory Committee, and is president of Tecop International, a San Diego consulting firm. "It's a big deal if you're at high altitude and you run out of oxygen," Weber said in a March interview. At 50,000 feet, a human being has less than 10 seconds of useful consciousness, he said. The 25,000-foot altitude restriction would allow the pilot to quickly dive below 18,000 feet, where the atmosphere has enough oxygen to ensure prolonged survival in case of an emergency. "It would take you so long when you're way up high, you may black out before you make it to a safe altitude," Weber said.
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供氧系統故障 美猛禽戰機停飛
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/66771 美國將把F-35戰鬥機的雷達吸波塗層用於F-22戰鬥機 2011-04-12 [據美國《防務新聞》2011年4月6日報導]最新生產的F-22戰鬥機將使用來自F-35戰鬥機的改進的雷達吸波塗層。 洛•馬公司F-22專案副總裁兼總經理傑夫•巴拜恩(Jeff Babione)表示:“F-35在低可探測塗層系統和縫隙填充上有一些優勢,我們把它融入了F-22中。”新材料不會改變F-22的雷達反射截面,但是改善塗層的耐久性,空軍因此將減輕維護負擔,節省大量維護時間和成本。巴拜恩表示,洛•馬公司只需要做很少的改動就可以將F-35的雷達吸波材料技術應用到F-22上。儘管兩種戰鬥機的雷達截面積要求不盡相同,但是從根本上說,塗層在物理和化學性質上都相同。 來自萊剋星頓學院的分析家丹•高瑞(Dan Goure)指出新材料將可能提升F-22已經很好的隱身品質。Goure表示,為了用在F-22上,F-35的塗層可能還需要進行更改,以處理F-22日常作戰時的超聲速巡航和極端高度的問題,因為對材料施加的壓力不同。此時,最新的第9批次的生產型F-22只使用了部分的新隱身塗層,其他改進的隱身材料還在進行最終的合格試驗,並于明年投放使用。一旦試驗完成,將使用該塗層翻新所有的F-22機隊。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 劉亞威) http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=6169019&c=AIR&s=TOP JSF Radar Absorbent Coatings Applied to Raptor By DAVE MAJUMDAR Published: 6 Apr 2011 20:29 The newest F-22 stealth fighters produced for the U.S. Air Force at Lockheed Martin's Marietta, Ga., factory have improved radar absorbent coatings derived from the company's F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program.
"Some of the [low observables] coatings system and gap-fillers that the F-35 had an advantage on, we have incorporated into the Raptor," said Jeff Babione, vice president and general manager of the F-22 program for Lockheed Martin. The new materials do not alter the F-22's radar cross-section, but do improve on the durability of those coatings. The benefit for the Air Force is a reduced maintenance burden, Babione said. "[The F-35 program] had some more robust materials that were more durable and we were able to pull those back on to the F-22," he said. "So our system is better, and the life-cycle cost of the F-22 is reduced." Dan Goure, an analyst at the Lexington Institute, Arlington, Va., agreed that retrofitting the F-22 with the F-35's coatings will save the Air Force a significant amount of time and money when it comes to maintenance. "It's not going to transform the airplane, but what it's going to really do is make it much cheaper to operate the F-22 fleet, which is terribly important given its small size," he said. Despite Lockheed Martin's statement that the F-35-derived coatings would not alter the F-22's radar cross-section, Goure said he suspects the new materials are likely to improve upon the Raptor's already impressive signature. "I would be very surprised if this wasn't an improvement in stealth characteristics," he said. Lockheed Martin only had to make minor tweaks to the F-35's radar absorbent materials in order to adapt the technology to the F-22. Though the radar cross-section requirements for the Raptor and the F-35 are slightly different, fundamentally the physics and chemistry of the coatings are the same, Babione said. For installation into the Raptor, the F-35 coatings likely needed to be modified to deal with the high supersonic cruise-speeds and extreme altitudes at which the F-22 routinely operates, Goure said. "It's operating at a higher altitude typically and [at] faster speeds, and that would put different stresses on the material," he said. The Raptor can cruise at speeds around Mach 1.8 above 50 000 feet without afterburners. At the moment, the latest Lot 9 production F-22s only have some of the new stealth coatings installed. Other improved stealth materials "are still in final qualification testing and will enter the field next year," he said. Once testing is complete, plans are in place to retrofit the entire F-22 fleet with the coatings.
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/65768 F-22戰鬥機即將首次實戰部署 2011-03-07 [據美國《航宇日報》2011年3月2日報導]目前美國國防部正在制訂一項在利比亞上空建立“禁飛區”的計畫,其中將涉及到F-22“猛禽”(Raptor)隱身戰鬥機的首次作戰部署。 目前利比亞擁有前蘇聯/俄羅斯研製的SA-2、SA-3、SA-5和SA-6等多種防空導彈,其中SA-6被美國軍方認為最具有威脅性。為此,美國軍方計畫調派F-22隱身戰鬥機和部分網路戰裝備參加“禁飛區”行動,以壓制利比亞的防空系統,這將是F-22戰鬥機服役以來首次參加實戰。據相關消息來源透露,準備參加這次行動的F-22戰鬥機將來自美國本土的蘭利(Langley)空軍基地。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 陳黎)
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/65361 美空軍修改F-22戰鬥機保障合同,洛•馬公司獲7.266億美元 2011-02-22 [據美國洛克希德•馬丁公司網站2011年2月17日報導]洛克希德•馬丁公司獲得來自美國空軍的為F-22保障合同修改而授予的7.266億美元合同。這次修改針對“‘猛禽’2011後續敏捷性保障”(FASTeR)合同,該合同簽訂於2008年,並在2009年有所擴充,最近的一次修改是在2010年。FASTeR是一種“基於性能的後勤”合同,它在2011日曆年中為所有作戰基地的F-22機隊提供武器系統保障,包括訓練系統、客戶保障、綜合保障計畫、供應鏈管理、飛機維修和大修、持續的工程化、保障產品和系統的工程化。 2010年,美國空軍開始在全世界派駐F-22“猛禽”戰鬥機,包括關島、日本和阿聯酋。在1月份派駐在日本嘉手納空軍基地期間,來自埃爾門多夫空軍基地的F-22完成了全部原定架次的飛行。洛•馬公司負責F-22支持專案的副總裁Scott Gray說,“F-22是美國空軍編隊部署比例最高的機型之一,這樣可以確保美國及盟國能夠奪取制空權和進入高威脅防禦環境。我們在F-22飛機的保障工作方面與美國空軍緊密合作,以實現在最低的成本代價下提高飛機的可用性、性能和可靠性。”F-22被分配給7個基地:愛德華茲空軍基地進行飛行試驗、內利斯空軍基地進行作戰戰術開發、廷德爾空軍基地進行飛行員培訓;作戰用F-22飛機部署在蘭利空軍基地、埃爾門多夫空軍基地、霍洛曼空軍基地和希卡姆空軍基地。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 程文淵) http://www.lockheedmartin.com/news/press_releases/2011/110217ae_raptor-contract.html Lockheed Martin Receives $726.6 Million Contract Modification For F-22 Raptor Sustainment MARIETTA, Georgia, February 17th, 2011 -- Lockheed Martin Corp. [NYSE: LMT] has received a $726.6 million contract modification from the U.S. Air Force for sustainment of the F-22 Raptor fleet.
This modification is for the 2011 Follow-On Agile Sustainment for the Raptor (FASTeR) sustainment contract, which was awarded initially in 2008, with an option for 2009 that was exercised. A follow-on modification was issued for 2010. FASTeR is a Performance-Based Logistics contract providing weapon systems sustainment of the F-22 fleet at all operational bases for the 2011 calendar year, including training systems, customer support, integrated support planning, supply chain management, aircraft modifications and heavy maintenance, sustained engineering, support products and systems engineering. In 2010, the U.S. Air Force deployed the Raptor around the world, including to Guam, Japan and the United Arab Emirates. In January, F-22s from Elmendorf AFB, Alaska, flew 100 percent of scheduled sorties during a deployment to Kadena Air Base, Japan. “The Raptor is one of the U.S. Air Force’s most highly deployed aircraft by fleet percentage, and ensures that the United States and its allies can control the skies and access heavily defended theaters,” said Scott Gray, vice president of sustainment for Lockheed Martin’s F-22 Program. “We work in close partnership with the Air Force to sustain the Raptor and to enhance aircraft availability, performance and reliability, at the lowest cost possible.” F-22 Raptors are assigned to seven U.S. bases. Flight testing takes place at Edwards AFB, Calif. Operational tactics development is ongoing at Nellis AFB, Nev. Pilot training occurs at Tyndall AFB, Fla. Operational F-22 aircraft are assigned to Langley AFB, Va.; Elmendorf AFB, Alaska; Holloman AFB, N.M.; and Hickam AFB, Hawaii. As the world’s premier air dominance fighter and the only fully operational 5th generation fighter, the F-22 is able to defeat denied-access threats, enable legacy aircraft and joint and coalition operations in contested areas, and promote deterrence and security. For more information on the F-22, visit www.lockheedmartin.com/products/f22/. Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security company that employs about 132,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporation’s 2010 sales from continuing operations were $45.8 billion.
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http://n.yam.com/cna/international/201101/20110108923785.html 美軍在沖繩部署15架F-22 中央社╱中央社 2011-01-08 19:51 (中央社台北8日電)美國空軍7日宣布,將於下週較晚時,在沖繩的美軍嘉手納基地臨時部署15架最先進的隱形戰鬥機F-22「猛禽」。 日本共同社報導,美國空軍表示,這次部署期間為4個月,「是為了突出美國對於重要夥伴日本(的防務)的參與,展現確保整個太平洋地區穩定與安全的決心。」 報導說,這是2007年以來,美軍第5次在沖繩臨時部署F-22戰機。這15架F-22戰機隸屬阿拉斯加州的美軍基地。 F-22戰機可超音速巡航,並具有雷達難以捕捉的隱形性能。 與此同時,美國核子動力航空母艦「卡爾‧文森」號已抵達日本近海,將於10日左右在日本九州以西的東海海域,與日本海上自衛隊的護衛艦進行聯合訓練。 報導指出,「卡爾‧文森」號將於11日抵達韓國釜山。 近日中國大陸曝光殲20新型戰機將試飛訊息,由於時機在美國國防部長蓋茨即將訪問中國前夕,被媒體炒作成是給蓋茨的見面禮、「亮肌(肉)」,美軍此時宣布上述部署,時機非常微妙。
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/64084 美國空軍將在蘭利空軍基地配置T-38教練機用於F-22飛行員訓練 2010-12-10 [據美國《空軍雜誌》網站2010年12月8日報導]美國空軍將為蘭利空軍基地配置7架T-38C“禽爪”(Talon)式超聲速噴氣教練機,用作蘭利空軍基地第一戰鬥機聯隊F-22戰鬥機的伴隨教練機,它們將為該基地的F-22飛行員提供額外的飛行時間,並同時作為F-22作戰訓練的敵對飛機來使用。美國空軍作戰司令部女發言人肖恩•柯琳斯(Shannon Collins)透露,這批T-38教練機將在2011年3月到9月期間到位,具備F-22和T-38雙機飛行資格的飛行員以及F-22待訓飛行員都將飛行T-38教練機,空軍將不再安排額外的飛行員到蘭利空軍基地。據報導,這批T-38教練機是韓國型T-38B,而不是美國空軍空中教育訓練司令部(Air Education and Training Command)的T-38C。美國空軍還計畫在佛羅里達州廷德爾(Tyndall)空軍基地派駐一個T-38分隊,用作同樣的目的。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 張華)
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/63871 洛克希德•馬丁公司的F-22總裝廠將轉為F-35部件廠 2010-12-02 [據英國《飛行國際》網站2010年11月1日報導] 美國洛克希德•馬丁公司位於喬治亞州瑪麗埃塔的F-22大型總裝廠已進入了最後12個月的關鍵轉變階段。 到2011年11月,洛•馬公司計畫完成其187架F-22的最後一架並在其歷史著名的B-1廠房中開始完成首個F-35內翼元件。與之前預計的F-22停產後會造成眾多失業不同,瑪麗埃塔工廠將變得更加忙碌。除了獲得F-35供應鏈中的主要份額外,該處還要提高3倍的C-130J的產量從而達到年產36架,同時還要生產外翼。 12個月後,洛•馬公司在瑪麗埃塔的目標是實現從F-22總裝廠到F-35結構供應商的無縫轉變,將F-22的大多數勞動力轉至F-35的生產。 F-22專案副經理傑夫•拜比恩(Jeff Babione)稱:“在現有生產階段,我們現在的重點是保證完成F-22的生產。” 過去的經驗表明,生產線接近結束時的生產效率會降低。但是洛克希德計畫加快F-22的總裝步伐,以實現時間進度的平滑過渡。 洛•馬公司的工人正在組裝187架F-22中的第169架,該飛機將於2012年2月或3月交付美國空軍。最後一個機身將在2011年11月從B-1工廠出廠,之後是兩到三個月的測試飛行,修理小問題和噴塗。 同時,洛•馬公司在F-22總裝區對面清理出大約23200平米(250000平方英尺)的空間用作C-5M的工裝倉庫。在該空間中,包含了B-1設施地板面積的四分之一,正在加裝工裝以為F-35組裝所有的內翼模組。 內翼模組包括中機身的後部分,機翼在該處連接到中機身段。工作包括製造J475 和 J480子結構,並將其綜合到J470內翼模組上。這些結構隨後將被運往德克薩斯州的沃思堡,在那裏將與外翼配對形成J450段——F-35總裝所需的4對主結構之一。 去年,洛•馬公司已經開始將瑪麗埃塔F-22生產線上的工人送往沃思堡的F-35生產線進行初步培訓。當F-35生產工作大量進入瑪麗埃塔時,就已有了經驗豐富的勞動力。 洛•馬公司高級生產經理布賴恩•德魯蒙德(Brian Drummond)說:“如果我們失敗了,我們沒什麼藉口。完全沒有。”(中國航空工業發展研究中心 王傳勝) http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/11/01/349062/lockheed-martin-eyes-common-architecture-for-f-35-f-22.html DATE:01/11/10 SOURCE:Flight International Lockheed Martin eyes common architecture for F-35, F-22 By Stephen Trimble Lockheed Martin is looking at revamping several of the F-22's most critical systems with hardware from the F-35. The initiative would create a common architecture that links upgrades of the radar, electronic warfare suite and communications, navigation and identification (CNI) system to both aircraft. The concept requires "significant initial investment", but "could yield some cost savings in the long term", the manufacturer says. Lockheed developed the F-22 about a decade ahead of the F-35. Both aircraft share the company's "fifth-generation fighter" slogan, but major subsystems are based on different architectures. So improving hardware or software on the F-35 yields no benefit for the F-22, and vice versa. No decisions have been made, but Lockheed officials at the F-22 factory are asking if that should change, only 16 months before the production line is shut. "Say, if we want to add something to [the F-22] CNI suite, F-35 could take that wholesale with minimal modifications," says Jeff Babione, vice-president and deputy general manager of the F-22 programme. "So you'll see this bouncing back and forth where F-22 develops something for F-35, and F-35 develops something for F-22." Another potential example is the integration of the multifunction airborne data link (MADL), a narrowband channel designed to pass data between stealth aircraft such as the F-35, F-22 and the Northrop Grumman B-2A bomber. The US Congress has criticised the US Air Force over the high cost of integrating MADL on the F-22, even after making a similar heavy investment for the F-35. The USAF has recently withdrawn MADL from the Increment 3.2 upgrade programme for F-22, delaying the start of integration until fiscal year 2014, Babione says. But adopting a common architecture with the F-35 could "dramatically reduce" MADL implementation costs on the F-22, Babione says. Lockheed also is looking for other ways to find "synergies" within the F-22 upgrade programme, which now divides the 150 combat-coded fighters into two categories. About 63 F-22s are receiving the primarily air-to-ground Increment 3.1 upgrade. This adds the ability to create synthetic maps of the terrain using the Northrop Grumman APG-77 active electronically scanned array radar, plus the ability to drop Boeing's GBU-39 small diameter bomb. Another 87 F-22s will receive the Increment 3.2 upgrade. This adds Raytheon's AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder and AIM-120D AMRAAM air-to-air missiles. By using software, Lockheed also can add the weapons to the 63 Increment 3.1 aircraft. Meanwhile, Lockheed is investigating options to extend the service life of each F-22 beyond 8,000 flight hours. USAF officials have asked the company to come up with prices for required structural upgrades. The two options under review are to add 2,000h or 4,000h to the airframe's service life, Babione says. Lockheed plans to submit its results by end-year.
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/63597 美國搜救人員發現失蹤F-22戰鬥機殘骸 2010-11-22 [據美國《空中打擊》網站2010年11月18日報導]週三,阿拉斯加埃爾門多夫•理查森空軍基地在一份聲明中表示:搜救飛機已經發現了在週二夜間失蹤的美國空軍F-22“猛禽”戰鬥機的殘骸。 這架F-22是在阿拉斯加當地時間週二19:40分同空中交通管制部門失去聯繫的,當時該機正在進行夜間訓練。墜機地點已經確定在安克雷奇以北160公里處。一個搜救小組正在尋找失蹤的一名飛行員。 F-22是一種單座、雙發第四代隱身戰鬥機,單架價值1.5億美元,2005年進入美國空軍服役,計畫生產187架,洛克希德•馬丁公司目前已生產超過160架。美國聯邦法律禁止F-22出口。 之前,美國空軍已經損失了兩架F-22。一架是在2004年12月於耐裏斯空軍基地的起飛過程中墜毀,另外一架是在2009年3月於愛德華茲空軍基地附近進行測試飛行時失事。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 褚世永)
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/63550 美國空軍發現F-22疑似失事地點,飛行員仍未找到 2010-11-19 [據英國《飛行國際》2010年11月18日報導]美國空軍表示:搜索團隊發現的失事飛機相信是11月16日下午7點40分失去聯繫的一架F-22戰鬥機。 在這架F-22同阿拉斯加埃爾門多夫•理查森聯合基地的空中管控雷達失去聯繫18個小時後,對飛行員的搜索仍在繼續。美國空軍稱疑似失事地點位於安克雷奇市以北約100英里處。飛行員身份尚未公佈,搜救行動還在繼續,飛機當時是在結束常規夜間訓練任務返航途中。美國空軍第三聯隊指揮官傑克•麥克莫倫上校在一份聲明中表示搜索失蹤飛行員是目前最重要的工作。 如果失事地點得到確認,這將是20世紀90年代通過驗證階段後損失的第三架F-22戰鬥機。而就在數月前,第三聯隊的一架C-17戰略運輸機在埃爾門多夫•理查森空軍基地墜毀,導致4名機組成員全部遇難。此次墜毀同樣使美國空軍未來F-22機隊規模縮減至185架。洛克希德•馬丁公司目前正在生產計畫在2012年3月前交付的最後一批20架F-22。 為了維持其日漸縮小的戰鬥機裝備量,美國空軍計畫為F-22、F-35和F-16這三型採用電傳操作的戰鬥機安裝一種自動地面防撞系統(Auto-GCAS)。該系統設計用於在飛行員處於無法恢復情況下接管飛機控制。 這樣的系統可能避免F-22最近一次墜毀事故的發生,當時洛克希德測試飛行員大衛得•庫雷在駕駛F-22進行一次9g超載機動時失去意識,而當其恢復感知後發現飛機以1.6馬赫的速度下墜了1.4萬英尺。庫雷在飛機墜毀前彈射,但1.4馬赫的速度最終導致其喪生。 另外一架F-22是在2004年12月20日從內華達州尼裏斯空軍基地起飛後墜毀的。維護過程觸發了一個小故障,導致這架F-22的飛行控制系統失靈,飛行員彈射時受輕傷。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 褚世永)
http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/11/18/349873/usaf-spots-apparent-f-22-wreckage-pilot-still-missing.html DATE:18/11/10 SOURCE:Flight International USAF spots “apparent” F-22 wreckage, pilot still missing By Stephen Trimble
Aircraft wreckage spotted by a US Air Force search team is believed to be a Lockheed Martin F-22 that disappeared at 7:40pm on 16 November, the USAF says. The search for the USAF F-22 pilot is continuing nearly 18 hours after air traffic control at the Elemendorf-Richardson joint base in Alaska lost radar contact with the F-22. The apparent crash site is located about 100 miles north of Anchorage, the USAF says. The pilot, who is not being identified while the rescue effort continues, was flying what the USAF described as a "routine", nighttime, training mission. "Finding the missing pilot is our top priority," 3rd Wing commander Col Jack McMullen said in a statement. If the F-22 crash site is confirmed, it will be the third F-22 destroyed since Lockheed advanced past the prototype stage in the early 1990s. The loss also shrinks the USAF's future F-22 fleet to 185 fighters. Lockheed is currently building the final batch of 20 F-22s scheduled for delivery before March 2012. To preserve its dwindling fighter inventory, the USAF plans to upgrade all three fly-by-wire types - F-22, F-35 and F-16 - with an automatic ground collision avoidance system (auto-GCAS). The system is designed to take control of the aircraft if the pilot approaches a non-recoverable condition. It is possible such a system could have spared the most recent F-22 crash, when Lockheed test pilot David Cooley briefly lost situational awareness during a 9g manoeuvre. As he regained awareness, the F-22 was already diving through 14,000ft at M1.6. Cooley ejected a moment before the F-22 crashed, but the aerodynamic forces at M1.4 killed him. Another F-22 was destroyed on 20 December 2004 on takeoff from Nellis AFB, Nevada. A maintenance procedure triggered a programming glitch that wiped out the F-22 flight control system, and the pilot ejected with minor injuries.