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澳大利亞計畫採購F-22戰機 如解禁日本可能受益

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月15日 09:18 中國航空信息網

  英國《飛行國際》2008年1月10日報導  澳大利亞對其空軍力量能力評估後計畫採購F-22"猛禽"戰鬥機,並將考慮如米格-29和蘇-35等俄制戰鬥機,繼而有可能取消一份66億澳元(58億美元)購買24架F/A-18F"超級大黃蜂"的交易。


  但澳大利亞新任國防部長Joel Fitzgibbon為尋找該國F-111和F/A-18的替代飛機似乎不畏任何困難。他表示將與美國政要接洽討論購買F-22事宜。他說在做出決定前必須研究所有可行的選擇方案,包括購買俄羅斯戰鬥機。

  針對上屆政府計畫購買100架F-35 JSF戰鬥機並購買"超級大黃蜂"作為過渡方案的做法,Fitzgibbon認為該決定未經過正確的過程或能力辯證,他同時警告澳大利亞將不能容忍F-35再次出現任何進度推遲或成本上漲。(吳蔚 責編洪山)

Australia to weigh Lockheed Martin F-22 against Russian fighters
By Siva Govindasamy


Australia plans to request access to the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, and will also consider Russian fighters such as the RSK MiG-29 and Sukhoi Su-35, as part of a review of its air power capabilities that could lead to the cancellation of a A$6.6 billion ($5.8 billion) deal to buy 24 Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornets.

The USA has refused even close allies like Japan access to the F-22 (pictured below left, with US Navy F/A-18E), and Congress has banned its export. But defence analysts say that if Washington changes its mind, Japan and Australia could be among the first to get access to the type. Lockheed is also keen to keep its Raptor production line open, but a major deterrent to a foreign sale could be a reported development cost of up to $1 billion for an export variant.

But Australia's new defence minister Joel Fitzgibbon appears unfazed in the search for a replacement for the country's General Dynamics F-111s (pictured below) and early-model F/A-18s. "I intend to pursue American politicians for access to the Raptor," he says. "We are well placed to talk to Democrats on the Hill about it, and I want it to be part of the mix." Fitzgibbon adds that all possible options will be studied before a decision, including the possible purchase of Russian aircraft. "The review should include a comparative analysis of everything on the market," he says. "I'm not ruling out any option."

Observers believe that domestic politics are behind the Labor Party's review of almost A$23 billion worth of defence projects, given that the Liberal Party which lost last December's general elections is now led by former defence minister Brendan Nelson. He was at the helm when Australia pledged to buy 100 Lockheed F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, which are not expected to enter service until the middle of the next decade, and when it ordered its Super Hornets as a bridging measure.

Fitzgibbon charges that the latter decision was made without "proper due process or capability justification", while some military analysts have claimed that the aircraft lacks the stealth capability and power that the Royal Australian Air Force needs. The new defence minister has meanwhile warned that Canberra will not tolerate further delays or an increase in the cost of the F-35.

Another project under review is a A$1 billion programme to upgrade 11 Kaman SH-2G Super Seasprite helicopters. These were purchased in 1997 to operate from the navy's Anzac-class frigates, but have been plagued by technical problems and have been grounded for more than a year. Nelson said last year that the helicopters will be upgraded and available for use around 2010.

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    調查人員最初認定是F-22的機載供氧系統(OBOGS)的故障導致了14起缺氧,而缺氧會造成  駕駛員噁心、頭痛或疲勞。
    去年底在離阿拉斯加Elmendorf-Richardson聯合基地北部約100英里處,Jeffrey Haney上校駕駛的F-22機毀人亡,而其事故原因至今未公開。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  王傳勝)

Schwartz: F-22 Grounding Ends This Week
Published: 19 Sep 2011 17:33      
The F-22 Raptor will take to the air Sept. 21 after four months on the ground for safety reasons.

U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz announced an end to the fleetwide stand-down Sept. 19 - first in a letter to Congress, then in a statement posted on the Air Force's web site.

Schwartz approved a plan developed by Air Combat Command that allows the 160 twin-engine fighters to fly above 50,000 feet - the Raptor flies at 60,000 feet in normal circumstances - after an extensive inspection of every aircraft's life support systems. The systems also will be inspected daily.

In addition, the plan calls for pilots to undergo physiological tests and to use additional protective equipment, although the statement did not specify the equipment.

In his statement, Schwartz said he based his decision on studies conducted by the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, which has been investigating the Raptor since the stand-down took effect May 3.

"We now have enough insight from recent studies and investigations that a return to flight is prudent and appropriate," Schwartz said. "We're managing the risks with our aircrews, and we're continuing to study the F-22's oxygen systems and collect data to improve its performance."

Investigators initially believed a malfunction of the F-22's On-Board Oxygen Generating System, or OBOGS, caused 14 cases of hypoxia, a condition that can bring on nausea, headache or fatigue when the body is deprived of oxygen.

Capt. Jeffrey Haney died late last year in an F-22 crash about 100 miles north of Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, where he was assigned. The cause of the crash has not been made public.

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 更新日期:2011/09/20 12:35 徐嘉偉
(法新社華盛頓19日電) 美國空軍今天表示,原本因為機上供氧系統問題遭到停飛的F-22戰鬥機機隊,即將復飛。


空軍參謀長史瓦茲將軍(Norton Schwartz)發表聲明:「我們最近的研究與調查得到資料顯示,讓F-22重新升空是審慎且適切的決定。」



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[據《洛•馬一號》網站2011年8月24日報導]最後一架交付美國空軍的F-22“猛禽”戰鬥機(空軍系列編號09-4195)已於2011年8月23日在洛•馬佐治亞州瑪麗埃塔工廠完成機身對接,飛機機身被起重機吊離對接夾具放置於一有輪拖車上。未來幾個月裏,該機將陸續安裝上起落架、機翼、垂尾和平尾、普惠F119發動機,並完成總裝。該機預計明年1月初從總裝線下線。預計2012年第2季度初交付給美國空軍。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  吳蔚)
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[據美國《防務新聞》網站2011年8月26日報導]  美國空軍已經同意有經驗的飛行員將F-22從Langley-Eustis聯合基地轉移,使這些價值1.4億美元的隱身戰鬥機避開愛琳颶風。這次轉移飛行是F-22停飛近4個月後的首次飛行。美國空軍新聞發言人Chad Steffey在電子郵件中表示,今天,第1戰鬥機聯隊司令官下令將這些F-22轉飛至Grissom空軍後備基地,愛琳颶風過後,還將返回Langley-Eustis聯合基地。由於氧氣系統問題,該F-22機隊自5月3日以來一直停飛。美國空軍正在調查原因,但目前還沒有結果。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  蘇海軍)

Grounded F-22s Take Flight From Irene
Published: 26 Aug 2011 17:37      
The U.S. Air Force has granted a temporary flight waiver for experienced F-22 Raptor pilots at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va., to move the $140 million stealth fighters out of the path of Hurricane Irene.

The waiver marks the first time in nearly four months that F-22s, save for a few test planes at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., have taken to the air.

"Due to Hurricane Irene forecasts for Southern Virginia, the 1st Fighter Wing commander initiated an evacuation of the F-22 Raptors today to protect assets against anticipated 115-mile-per-hour wind gusts and flooding," Air Force spokesman Chad Steffey said in an email. "Faced with Hurricane Irene's projected landfall in the Hampton Roads area, Headquarters Air Force granted temporary certification and currency waivers to experienced pilots to support evacuation operations; however, this temporary waiver does not lift the stand-down order given 3 May 11."

The Raptors are being evacuated to Grissom Air Force Reserve Base, Ind., and will return to Virginia when the installation commander declares the base safe.

The F-22 fleet has been grounded since May 3 due to a suspected problem with the jet's oxygen system. The Air Force is investigating the problem's cause, but no solution is in sight.

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[據美國《空軍雜誌》網站2011年7月13日報導]  本週二,洛克希德•馬丁公司發言人奧恩宣稱:自5月F-22“猛禽”機隊停飛以來,洛•馬公司本應向美國空軍交付4架F-22戰鬥機。然而,由於F-22戰鬥機被禁止飛抵其母基地,這些“猛禽”仍然停留在洛•馬公司位於佐治亞州瑪麗埃塔工廠的跑道上。

空軍作戰司令部停飛整個F-22機隊時限仍不確定,因為官方還在調查機載氧氣生成系統潛在的故障原因。奧恩表示,到目前為止,停飛雖然沒有影響飛機交付計畫和生產線。但是,如果停飛的時間越長,可能會發生變化。奧恩說:“我們期望在今年年底下線最後一架F-22,目前該機已在生產線上了。我們知道將不得不做出一些調整。4182和4183號機計畫在本月交付,但由於停飛原因,交付工作將會推遲至8月”。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  蘇海軍)

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[據美國《防務新聞》網站2011年7月8日報導]由於F-22戰鬥機繼續停飛,美國洛克希德•馬丁公司向美國空軍交付該機的工作已經暫停。目前,該公司位於喬治亞州瑪麗埃塔的工廠停機坪上有4架在形式上已交付給美國空軍的F-22戰鬥機。由於美國空軍的停飛令,它們還不能飛往位於弗吉尼亞州的蘭利空軍基地。美國空軍並未下令F-22的生產工作暫停,因此洛•馬公司仍在繼續生產該機,只是該公司的試飛員不能對完成生產的飛機進行出廠試飛,而來自美國國防部國防合同管理局(Defense Contract Management Agency,DCMA)的試飛員也不能對準備交付的飛機進行驗收試飛。
    洛•馬公司發言人斯蒂芬妮•斯汀(Stephanie Stinn)表示:“按計劃,我們的(F-22)總裝工作將持續到2011年12月。這些工作現在仍在瑪麗埃塔進行。6月22日,我們向美國空軍交付了4181號機,所以現在這些(在瑪麗埃塔停機坪上的)F-22是屬於美國空軍的。自4181號機之後,我們不能進行任何必需的驗收試飛”。斯汀表示,一旦停飛令解除,存儲在瑪麗埃塔的4架已交付給美國空軍的F-22就將飛往蘭利空軍基地;洛•馬公司在4181號機之後還出廠了另外2架機(4182號機和4183號機),但該公司和DCMA都不能對它們進行必需的試飛,目前這2架機已被以接近飛行就緒的狀態存儲起來。斯汀透露這2架機原定在7月交付,但現在因不能進行任何試飛而無法交付,或許它們能在8月初交付,但洛•馬公司並沒有被告知確定的交付日期。4182號機和4183號機尚未完成隱身塗層的塗覆工作,這種塗層只有在出廠的F-22完成多次試飛後才會加上,在此之前F-22只會塗上底漆。
    美國空軍於5月3日下令F-22戰鬥機機隊全面停飛,所公佈的原因是懷疑該機的機載制氧系統(OBOGS)有問題。此禁飛令對幾乎所有F-22有效,只有加利福尼亞州愛德華茲空軍基地的試飛員們可以在該基地繼續執行部分試飛任務。禁飛令正在繼續對F-22作戰部隊飛行員們的就緒狀態造成消極影響,美國空軍正在利用模擬器來盡可能緩解這一問題,但該軍種的發言人也承認:“高超載機動所需要的真實飛行體驗、真實的外部視景、在實際飛行條件下的動態環境中進行決策等是模擬器所缺乏的”。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  張洋)

F-22 Deliveries Halt as Grounding Continues
Published: 8 Jul 2011 16:19      
Deliveries of F-22 Raptors to the U.S. Air Force have been halted due to the continuing suspension of flight operations for the stealthy fifth-generation air superiority fighter.

Even though manufacturer Lockheed Martin continues to build the aircraft at its Marietta, Ga., factory, the company is unable to do required flight testing for each aircraft as it leaves final assembly. Nor can government test pilots from the Pentagon's Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) fly their acceptance flights for new aircraft as they are readied for delivery.

"Our final assembly is scheduled through December 2011. That is still ongoing at Marietta. We delivered aircraft 4181, and that was on June 22, to the Air Force, so they have that as their aircraft," said Lockheed spokeswoman Stephanie Stinn. "After that aircraft, we can't do the required acceptance flights."

Technically, four aircraft have been delivered to the Air Force, but are being stored at Marietta pending the lifting of the flight restrictions. When the Air Force resumes F-22 flight operations, those aircraft will be flown to Langley Air Force Base (AFB), Va.

Two further aircraft, 4182 and 4183, have been completed, but the company and DCMA can't do required flight testing on those jets, Stinn said. The aircraft are being stored in a near-flight-ready status, she said.

Aircraft "4182 and 4183 were scheduled to deliver in July, but they're not in a position to do any sort of test flights, so we can't deliver," Stinn said. "Maybe early August, but we don't have a definitive date."

Aircraft 4182 and onwards, which have not undergone any of their acceptance flights, have yet to receive their final stealth coatings. The coatings are applied only after a number of flight tests have been completed, and as a result, a backlog is slowly building up.

Before the stealth coatings are applied, the aircraft fly coated only with a primer.

The Raptors have been "stood down" since May 3, according to Air Force spokeswoman Capt. Jennifer Ferrau, due to a suspected problem with the aircraft's oxygen generator.

According to one Air Force document, after reviewing work on a study of the F-22 On-Board Oxygen Generation System (OBOGS), the chief of Air Combat Command, Gen. William Fraser, instituted a temporary flight restriction for the F-22 and directed a Class E Safety Investigation.

The investigation, which began in January, includes the OBOGS installed in the A-10, F-15E, F-16, F-22, F-35 and T-6 aircraft. Fraser appointed Maj. Gen. Steve Hoog, commander of Ninth Air Force, as the investigating officer.

The flight restriction applies to all F-22 crews, but test pilots at Edwards AFB, Calif., are operating under a flight waiver that allows them to fly certain test sorties. Air Force officials at Edwards could not immediately say what kind of test sorties those aircraft are flying.

The grounding is hurting the readiness of operational F-22 pilots, who cannot maintain their currency on the twin-engine jet. The Air Force is using simulators to ease the problem as much as it can.

"Pilots and ground crew continue to train in simulators and perform ground tasks to stay as proficient as possible. Once the aircraft are cleared to fly again, there will be a period where the pilots will need in-flight training to become fully proficient on the aspects of flying that simulators cannot replicate," Ferrau said. "Some live flight is required for high-G maneuvering flight, a true outside visual, and in-flight decision-making in a dynamic environment where simulators are lacking." 

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降落也「看不到」 美F-22震懾日本



降落也「看不到」 美F-22震懾日本
【聯合報╱記者許紹軒/台北報導】 2011.07.04 03:59 am




以F-16 A/B為例,執行塗料等匿蹤工程後,戰機正面的雷達訊號是未塗之前的百分之十。而大陸的匿蹤工程專業書籍也披露我空軍幻象二千戰機因三角翼設計,導致側面雷達訊號是F-16的五倍之多,戰機從新竹升空,連河南省的雷達都看得到。


【2011/07/04 聯合報】

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傳供氧問題 美空軍停飛猛禽號



傳供氧問題 美空軍停飛猛禽號
 更新日期:2011/06/25 09:05 陳 蓉
(法新社華盛頓24日法新社)官員今天表示,美國空軍在發現F-22 超音速戰鬥機出現氧氣供應問題後,已全面停飛F-22機隊。F-22「猛禽號」(Raptors)是全世界最精密戰鬥機。


發言人費洛(Jennifer Ferrau)上尉告訴法新社:「最重要的是飛行員安全,我們將花必要時間,以確保進行徹底檢查。」

根據「全球飛行」(Flight Global)期刊,在多名飛行員通報飛機出問題後,空軍針對飛機氧氣供應可能故障進行調查。



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美國空軍也在將F-22的生命保障系統與其他相似的機型進行對比,這其中包括洛克希德的F-35A閃電II,費爾柴爾德(現被諾•格公司收購)的A-10,波音的F-15,洛克希德的F-16以及豪客比奇的T-6A。直到近來,關於F-22的機載分子篩制氧系統(OBOGS)的抱怨聲才漸漸的多了起來。2010年11月份,一架F-22在阿拉斯加理查森空軍基地附近墜毀,2個月後,空軍作戰司令部將F-22的飛行高度限定在了25000英尺(7620米)以下。在那次事故中飛行員身亡,事後的調查仍然無法確定與氧氣系統有關。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  俞笑)

SOURCE:Flight International
F-22 grounding continues as oxygen safety probe widens
By Stephen Trimble

More than six weeks after the US Air Force indefinitely grounded all Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptors, the scope of the safety investigation has widened beyond the Honeywell-supplied onboard oxygen generating system (OBOGS).

Although internally described as the "OBOGS safety investigation", the probe launched after the 3 May safety stand-down of the F-22A fleet is "not limited" to that particular system, Air Combat Command (ACC) said in emailed responses to questions.

"We are still working to pinpoint the exact nature of the problem," the ACC said. "It is premature to definitely link the current issues to the OBOGS system."

The stand-down was originally linked to five reports by F-22 pilots of potential oxygen system malfunctions, including one reported instance when an F-22 scraped treetops on final approach. The pilot could not remember the incident after landing, exhibiting a classic symptom of hypoxia.

The OBOGS is not the only device involved in the supply of oxygen to the pilot. Wedged into a space behind and slightly below the pilot's seat, it uses a molecular sieve to filter pressurised air diverted from the engine compressor section into pure oxygen.

In between the OBOGS and an F-22 pilot's lungs, the filtered oxygen passes through two major components - the MBU-22P oxygen mask and the breathing regulator/anti-g (BRAG) valve. The latter "ensures safe delivery of oxygen to the pilot" through the face mask, according to a fact sheet published by the USAF human systems integration office.

"The BRAG is fast-acting due to the manoeuverability of the aircraft and [is] compatible with the existing upper and lower g-garments, which keeps blood in the upper portions of the body during aircraft manoeuvres," the fact sheet added.

The USAF investigation is also comparing the F-22's life support system with other strike aircraft in its fleet, including the Lockheed F-35A Lightning II, Fairchild Republic A-10, Boeing F-15, Lockheed F-16 and Hawker Beechcraft T-6A, the ACC said.

The review is aimed at casting a "broad net for comparison", the command added.

Complaints about the F-22's OBOGS equipment had not surfaced until recently. In January, the ACC ordered the fleet to remain below a service ceiling of 25,000ft (7,620m). The order came two months after an F-22 crashed near Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska. That accident, in which the pilot was killed, is under investigation and has not been linked to the oxygen system concerns.

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萊特-派特森空軍基地F-22系統專案辦公室(SPO)副主管David Weber表示,軍方官員計畫2011年研究備選方案,並通過驗證選擇出最佳方案。SPO辦公室官員表示波音公司和洛克希德•馬丁公司均被歡迎參與驗證合同競標。其中,洛克希德•馬丁公司早就提議將F-35的硬體和軟體體系結構移植至F-22,因此可能會提出與F-35類型的建議方案。但是,洛克希德•馬丁公司負責F-22“猛禽”的專案經理Jeff Babione表示,洛克希德•馬丁公司也可能會根據軍方需求提供一個不同於F-35的解決方案。





F-22採用新大腦的最終目標是期望F-22具備“任務載荷未知”的能力,例如新的雷達系統可以實現“即插即用”,就像一個印表機對於一個桌面電腦來說。這樣,F-22就可以引入為F-35“閃電”II開發的新技術,而不是再去做既耗時又昂貴的綜合工作。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  羅傑)

F-22 Getting New Brain
Open Avionics Architecture To Ease Upgrades
Published: 30 May 2011       It has proved so difficult and expensive to upgrade the F-22 Raptor, whose stealthy body contains sensors and electronic brains, that the U.S. Air Force may take the unprecedented step of threading what amounts to a second central nervous system into a fighter jet.

By introducing an open architecture to one of the world's most tightly knit proprietary systems, service officials hope to make it much cheaper and easier to insert new technology - even gear developed for the F-35 Lightning II - into the stealthy air-superiority fighter.

"This jet has a very highly integrated avionics system. Because of that tight coupling and that highly integrated nature, it makes it very difficult, and we are highly reliant upon [Raptor makers] Lockheed Martin and Boeing to do any kinds of modifications to the jet," said David Weber, deputy director of the F-22 System Program Office (SPO) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.

Weber said the open-architecture effort is meant to allow the Air Force to open upgrade work to competition.

Today, he said, "the architecture is proprietary to Lockheed Martin, and we're kinda stuck with Lockheed Martin when we want to integrate something new."

Weber said the work is at such an early stage that the F-22 SPO has no guess how much it might cost.

This year, service officials plan to study the options, in part by issuing a request for information inviting contractors to suggest demonstration projects to help flesh out the alternatives.

"All of them have different ideas about how to go about doing this," Weber said.

In October through December, the service will award contracts to allow contractors to demonstrate ideas in a lab or flying testbed, said Col. John Williams, who runs the F-22 SPO's modernization office.

The SPO officials said Boeing and Lockheed would be welcome to bid on the demonstration contracts.

Lockheed, which had earlier proposed to essentially port the hardware and software architecture of the F-35 Lightning II into the Raptor, might respond to the Air Force solicitation with a similar proposal, said Jeff Babione, Lockheed's Raptor program manager. But Babione said the company might propose a different solution, depending on the service's requirements.

The Air Force will ultimately select one contractor to install the new architecture on its Raptors - ideally, said Weber, all 185 that will be built, less two losses.

"From our perspective, the fleet size is so small compared to where we wanted to be, our objective would be to make this applicable to all aircraft," he said.

The SPO deputy director said it may be deemed too costly to install the new architecture on the 34 oldest Raptors, which are currently used for training. Those planes are also not slated to get the Increment 3.2 upgrade, the next major group of hardware and software upgrades for the Raptor fleet.

But Weber noted that the new architecture might also make it cost-effective to bring those oldest Raptors up to the 3.2 standard.

If all goes well, development work could begin in earnest around 2014 as part of the development of Increment 3.2C, which is slated to begin installation in 2019 or 2020, he said.

Grafting On

As currently envisioned, the new network would be grafted onto the F-22's existing avionics, Weber said. The twin-engine jet's current network would continue to carry data between existing components, while upgraded ones would be linked by the new network. The data from both architectures would be translated and fused so that the jet continues to operate as a cohesive whole.

The installation of the new architecture might happen in one step, or it might proceed piece by piece, Williams said.

"Potentially, you could do it multiple times based on what you're trying to open up," he said. "You're opening up the [communication, navigation and identification]; maybe you're opening up the radar more, something like that. You may actually have multiple guys doing it, but it will be to a common standard."

As more systems are ported over to the new architecture, the older systems would wither away.

"Gradually, you'd have to start migrating some of the functions that we currently have in our core integrated processor away from the core integrated processor, so that everything doesn't flow through that piece," Williams said.

It may or may not be possible to migrate all of the Raptor's functionality.

"It depends on the degree we can open up the architecture," Weber said.

Lockheed's Babione said it might not be cost-effective to move everything to the new system.

The F-22 has received one upgrade - called Increment 2 - since it first arrived on Air Force flight lines in 2005. Those upgrades have added the capability to drop two 1,000-pound Joint Direct Attack Munitions to the aircraft.

A planned upgrade, called Increment 3.1 and slated to begin this year, will add synthetic aperture radar mapping, the capability to carry eight Small Diameter Bombs, and other features.

In 2014, a software-only upgrade called Increment 3.2A will add electronic protection against jamming, better Link 16 receive capability and combat identification, and other improvements. In 2017, Increment 3.2B will add support for the plane's AIM-9X short-range and AIM-120D medium-range anti-air missiles, among many other upgrades.

In 2008, then-Pentagon acquisition chief John Young put the total cost of developing and installing Increment 3.1 and what became 3.2A and 3.2B at around $8 billion. The figure has likely gone up because the Air Force now plans to upgrade more F-22s.

Once the new architecture is installed, "if we want a new capability on the airplane, we can go out to industry with an RfI [request for information] and say, 'You all got good ideas; can you make it work with this architecture?'" Weber said.

The ultimate goal is to allow systems such as new radars to be "plug-and-play," as a printer might be to a desktop computer, he said.

This might allow the Raptor to use technology developed for the F-35 Lightning II without time-consuming and expensive integration work, Williams said.

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