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澳大利亞計畫採購F-22戰機 如解禁日本可能受益

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月15日 09:18 中國航空信息網

  英國《飛行國際》2008年1月10日報導  澳大利亞對其空軍力量能力評估後計畫採購F-22"猛禽"戰鬥機,並將考慮如米格-29和蘇-35等俄制戰鬥機,繼而有可能取消一份66億澳元(58億美元)購買24架F/A-18F"超級大黃蜂"的交易。


  但澳大利亞新任國防部長Joel Fitzgibbon為尋找該國F-111和F/A-18的替代飛機似乎不畏任何困難。他表示將與美國政要接洽討論購買F-22事宜。他說在做出決定前必須研究所有可行的選擇方案,包括購買俄羅斯戰鬥機。

  針對上屆政府計畫購買100架F-35 JSF戰鬥機並購買"超級大黃蜂"作為過渡方案的做法,Fitzgibbon認為該決定未經過正確的過程或能力辯證,他同時警告澳大利亞將不能容忍F-35再次出現任何進度推遲或成本上漲。(吳蔚 責編洪山)

Australia to weigh Lockheed Martin F-22 against Russian fighters
By Siva Govindasamy


Australia plans to request access to the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, and will also consider Russian fighters such as the RSK MiG-29 and Sukhoi Su-35, as part of a review of its air power capabilities that could lead to the cancellation of a A$6.6 billion ($5.8 billion) deal to buy 24 Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornets.

The USA has refused even close allies like Japan access to the F-22 (pictured below left, with US Navy F/A-18E), and Congress has banned its export. But defence analysts say that if Washington changes its mind, Japan and Australia could be among the first to get access to the type. Lockheed is also keen to keep its Raptor production line open, but a major deterrent to a foreign sale could be a reported development cost of up to $1 billion for an export variant.

But Australia's new defence minister Joel Fitzgibbon appears unfazed in the search for a replacement for the country's General Dynamics F-111s (pictured below) and early-model F/A-18s. "I intend to pursue American politicians for access to the Raptor," he says. "We are well placed to talk to Democrats on the Hill about it, and I want it to be part of the mix." Fitzgibbon adds that all possible options will be studied before a decision, including the possible purchase of Russian aircraft. "The review should include a comparative analysis of everything on the market," he says. "I'm not ruling out any option."

Observers believe that domestic politics are behind the Labor Party's review of almost A$23 billion worth of defence projects, given that the Liberal Party which lost last December's general elections is now led by former defence minister Brendan Nelson. He was at the helm when Australia pledged to buy 100 Lockheed F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, which are not expected to enter service until the middle of the next decade, and when it ordered its Super Hornets as a bridging measure.

Fitzgibbon charges that the latter decision was made without "proper due process or capability justification", while some military analysts have claimed that the aircraft lacks the stealth capability and power that the Royal Australian Air Force needs. The new defence minister has meanwhile warned that Canberra will not tolerate further delays or an increase in the cost of the F-35.

Another project under review is a A$1 billion programme to upgrade 11 Kaman SH-2G Super Seasprite helicopters. These were purchased in 1997 to operate from the navy's Anzac-class frigates, but have been plagued by technical problems and have been grounded for more than a year. Nelson said last year that the helicopters will be upgraded and available for use around 2010.

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Museum unveils F-22 public display



Museum unveils F-22 public display

1/18/2008 - DAYTON, Ohio (AFPN) -- National Museum of the U.S. Air Force officials here unveiled the new F-22 Raptor exhibit Jan. 17 available to be viewed by all visitors to the public museum.

Several high-ranking officials, distinguished guests and many employees from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, gathered to witness the newest Air Force fighter put on display painted to represent an F-22 flown by the 1st Fighter Wing at Langley Air Force Base, Va.

The museum's aircraft, serial number 91-4003, was one of nine built for engineering, manufacture and development testing in 1999, and became the first F-22 to launch an AIM-120 air-to-air missile at supersonic speeds. After completing its test program, the aircraft came to the museum and was restored by the museum's restoration team.

The F-22, which was given a declaration of full operational capability by the Air Force on Dec. 12, combines stealth, maneuverability, and the ability to fly long distances at supersonic speeds into an aircraft capable of performing both air superiority and air-to-ground missions.

Since entering the Air Force's operational inventory in December 2005, the F-22 has been forging an impressive record in exercises and early deployments, proving its unmatched capabilities and exceeding expectations surrounding the program. F-22s participating in Exercise Northern Edge in June 2006 at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska, achieved a kill ratio of 144 to 0 flying against legacy fighters and recorded an impressive 97 percent mission capability rate.

"The F-22 Raptor's unique combination of stealth, speed, agility, precision and situational awareness combined with air-to-air and air-to-ground combat capabilities makes it the best overall fighter in the world," said Lt. Gen. Frank G. Klotz, the assistant vice chief of staff and director of the Air Force staff. "It will fundamentally change how America fights -- shortening wars and saving lives. It has been 54 years since U.S. ground forces have been threatened by enemy air attacks. The F-22 is the best aircraft available to extend that timeline indefinitely."

The museum is extremely proud to be the home of the world's first and only F-22 on permanent public display, and should be seen as a place where people can come to learn more about the Air Force's current and future operations environment, said retired Maj. Gen. Charles D. Metcalf, the museum director.

"So often when people think of an aviation museum, they think mostly about the great aircraft of the past," General Metcalf said. "However, we are a museum that not only strives to tell the Air Force stories of the past, but also those of the present and future as well, and the F-22 Raptor is performing and will continue to perform a critical role in accomplishing the Air Force mission for many years to come."

Members of the 478th Aeronautical Systems Wing at Wright-Patterson AFB, which provides acquisition support to the F-22 program by managing contracts and ensuring on-time deliveries, led the effort to prepare the aircraft to be transferred to the museum.

The transfer required the talents of many people from a variety of offices, said Brig. Gen. C.D. Moore II, the 478th Aeronautical Systems Wing commander.

"The F-22 Raptor is a revolutionary combat system with its fifth generation fighter capabilities, and we are pleased to add one of these state of the art weapon systems to the museum's collection," General Moore said. "The expanding Raptor fleet, represented by the display of Ship 3 (91-4003), reflects the finest in American ingenuity, creativity and innovation."

F-22s are currently assigned to five U.S. bases. Flight testing takes place at Edwards AFB, Calif. Operational tactics development is ongoing at Nellis AFB, Nev. Pilot and flight training takes place at Tyndall AFB, Fla. Operational F-22s are assigned to Langley AFB, Va., and at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska. The aircraft will also be based at Holloman AFB, N.M., and Hickam AFB, Hawaii.

The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. seven days a week (closed Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day). Admission and parking are free.

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2008年01月24日 10:28:13  來源:中國航空信息網




   美國空軍第478航空係統聯隊司令官C.D. Moore將軍表示,F-22作為具有革命化戰鬥係統的第五代戰鬥機加入空軍博物館可以充分顯示出美國人的聰明才智、創造能力及創新精神。

   洛克希德·馬丁公司航空副執行官兼F-22項目經理Larry Lawson說,能夠成為為美國空軍制造新一代空中優勢戰鬥機的一員,我們感到很榮幸。



DAYTON, Ohio, January 18th, 2008 -- Raptor 03, the third F-22 manufactured by the industry team of Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT], Boeing and Pratt & Whitney, took center stage yesterday at The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force as it became part of a new exhibit showcasing America’s air dominance fighter.  One of nine F-22s built for engineering, manufacture and development testing, Raptor 03 will remain on display in the museum. 

"The F-22 Raptor is a revolutionary combat system with its fifth generation fighter capabilities, and we are pleased to add one of these state of the art weapons systems to the museum's collection," said Brig. Gen. C.D. Moore, Commander, 478th Aeronautical Systems Wing. "The expanding Raptor fleet, represented by the display of Ship 3 (91-4003), reflects the finest in American ingenuity, creativity and innovation."

Raptor 03 was the test fleet workhorse. It was used for loads testing, crosswind landing trials, arrester hook evaluations,and weapons bay environment studies. It was the first F-22 to launch an AMRAAM missile at supersonic speeds and was the first to carry out a rolling, high-g Sidewinder missile shot, something no other aircraft is capable of doing.

“We are honored by the role the industry team has played in defining a new generation of U.S. Air Force Air Dominance fighters,” said Larry Lawson, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics executive vice president and F-22 general manager. “The Raptor now sits in this great museum among the greatest aircraft ever used in the defense of our nation.”

The Raptor’s combination of stealth, integrated avionics, maneuverability and supercruise (flight 1.5 times the speed of sound without afterburner) gives the F-22 "first‑look, first‑shot, first‑kill" capability against any potential enemy aircraft and anti-access surface-to-air threats. The F‑22 was designed to provide not just air superiority but air dominance, giving America’s warfighter an unprecedented advantage quickly and decisively.

The F-22 Raptor, the world's most advanced fighter, is built by Lockheed Martin teamed with Boeing and Pratt & Whitney. Parts and subsystems are provided by approximately 1,000 suppliers in 44 U.S. states. F-22 production takes place at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics facilities in Marietta, Ga.; Fort Worth, Texas; Palmdale, Calif.; and Meridian, Miss., as well as at Boeing's plant in Seattle, Wash. Final assembly, initial flight testing and delivery of the Raptor occurs at Marietta.

Raptors are currently assigned to five U.S. bases. Flight testing takes place at the Air Force Flight Test Center at Edwards AFB, Calif. Operational tactics development and Weapons School training is ongoing at Nellis AFB, Nev. Pilot and crew chief training takes place at Tyndall AFB, Fla. Operational Raptors are assigned to the 1st Fighter Wing at Langley AFB, Va. (27th and 94th Fighter Squadrons) and now the 3rd Wing at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska. Raptors will also be based at Holloman AFB, N.M., and Hickam AFB, Hawaii.

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美國防部將增購4架F-22 空軍仍希望獲得381架



美國防部將增購4架F-22 空軍仍希望獲得381架

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月21日 10:08 中國航空信息網

  美國《空軍時報》2008年1月17日報導  儘管國防部副部長Gordon England一直堅持認為訂購183架F-22戰鬥機已經足夠,但他將於近期提交的一項預算申請中仍將包括為美國空軍增購4架F-22的資金。

  England於1月14日在給眾議員Phil Gingery的信中表示,國防部將會在2009年補充經費申請中提供足夠的資金用於增購4架F-22戰鬥機,希望能以此補充其他型號戰鬥機在戰爭中的損失,同時維持洛克希德•馬丁公司F-22生產線的運轉。據報導,England一直對F-35聯合攻擊戰鬥機更有好感,但該機目前仍然處於初始生產階段。

  美國空軍官員儘管仍然堅持認為目前F-22的訂購數量是不夠的,但他們也並不拒絕該機數量有少量的增加。軍方發言 David Small表示,空軍F-22戰鬥機保持381架的擁有量是必需的,但軍方也歡迎任何一個維持F-22生產線的機會,直到第5代戰鬥機投產。(陳黎 責編洪山)

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