Darrol Olsen,隱形工程師,兩年前在加利福尼亞州聯邦地區法院提起訴訟。5月文件被啟封。
訴訟強調,奧爾森被上司告知“沒有與所有美國空軍溝通。”空軍拒絕對此訴訟作出評論,此外,訴訟強調,塗層的“性能已通過多種成功的試驗活動證明”,對塗層的贊助和操作是由政府完成的。(工業和資訊化部電子科學技術情報研究所 劉 娜)
Lockheed Martin Accused of Fraud in F-22 Lawsuit
Published: 2 Jul 2009 14:04
A whistleblower lawsuit accuses defense giant of defrauding the U.S. Air Force by using defective outer coatings on its F-22 Raptor stealth fighter and lying about meeting contract deadlines.
Darrol Olsen, a stealth engineer, filed the lawsuit two years ago in federal district court in California. The documents were unsealed in May.
Olsen worked at Lockheed Martin from 1995 to 1999, the same years the lawsuit states the fraud occurred. He was fired in November 1999 for "refusal to follow company policy," according to court papers.
Olsen's attorney, Samuel L. Boyd of Dallas, is out of the country and cannot be reached for comment, according his office.
Lockheed Martin denies the charges.
"While we are aware of the Olsen lawsuit, the corporation has not yet been served in this matter. We deny Mr. Olsen's allegations and will vigorously defend this matter if and when it is served," said spokesman Rob Fuller in a statement.
Lockheed Martin, Olsen alleges, applied extra layers of the coating so the jet could pass the stealth tests required by the Air Force. More than one layer was needed, according to the lawsuit, because the coating smears and rubs off when exposed to jet fuel and solvents. The additional layers passed only some of the tests, according to the lawsuit.
The extra layers, according to court papers, added as much as 600 pounds to the plane, stressing its airframe.
Olsen, the lawsuit states, was told by superiors "to have no communication at all with the USAF."
The Air Force refused to comment on the lawsuit other than to state the coating's "performance has been demonstrated successfully through multiple test activities" sponsored and conducted by the government.
Olsen is a stealth expert, according to the lawsuit, having also worked on Lockheed Martin's F-117 Night Hawk stealth aircraft and Northrop Grumman's B-2 Spirit stealth bomber.