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澳大利亞計畫採購F-22戰機 如解禁日本可能受益

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月15日 09:18 中國航空信息網

  英國《飛行國際》2008年1月10日報導  澳大利亞對其空軍力量能力評估後計畫採購F-22"猛禽"戰鬥機,並將考慮如米格-29和蘇-35等俄制戰鬥機,繼而有可能取消一份66億澳元(58億美元)購買24架F/A-18F"超級大黃蜂"的交易。


  但澳大利亞新任國防部長Joel Fitzgibbon為尋找該國F-111和F/A-18的替代飛機似乎不畏任何困難。他表示將與美國政要接洽討論購買F-22事宜。他說在做出決定前必須研究所有可行的選擇方案,包括購買俄羅斯戰鬥機。

  針對上屆政府計畫購買100架F-35 JSF戰鬥機並購買"超級大黃蜂"作為過渡方案的做法,Fitzgibbon認為該決定未經過正確的過程或能力辯證,他同時警告澳大利亞將不能容忍F-35再次出現任何進度推遲或成本上漲。(吳蔚 責編洪山)

Australia to weigh Lockheed Martin F-22 against Russian fighters
By Siva Govindasamy


Australia plans to request access to the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, and will also consider Russian fighters such as the RSK MiG-29 and Sukhoi Su-35, as part of a review of its air power capabilities that could lead to the cancellation of a A$6.6 billion ($5.8 billion) deal to buy 24 Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornets.

The USA has refused even close allies like Japan access to the F-22 (pictured below left, with US Navy F/A-18E), and Congress has banned its export. But defence analysts say that if Washington changes its mind, Japan and Australia could be among the first to get access to the type. Lockheed is also keen to keep its Raptor production line open, but a major deterrent to a foreign sale could be a reported development cost of up to $1 billion for an export variant.

But Australia's new defence minister Joel Fitzgibbon appears unfazed in the search for a replacement for the country's General Dynamics F-111s (pictured below) and early-model F/A-18s. "I intend to pursue American politicians for access to the Raptor," he says. "We are well placed to talk to Democrats on the Hill about it, and I want it to be part of the mix." Fitzgibbon adds that all possible options will be studied before a decision, including the possible purchase of Russian aircraft. "The review should include a comparative analysis of everything on the market," he says. "I'm not ruling out any option."

Observers believe that domestic politics are behind the Labor Party's review of almost A$23 billion worth of defence projects, given that the Liberal Party which lost last December's general elections is now led by former defence minister Brendan Nelson. He was at the helm when Australia pledged to buy 100 Lockheed F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, which are not expected to enter service until the middle of the next decade, and when it ordered its Super Hornets as a bridging measure.

Fitzgibbon charges that the latter decision was made without "proper due process or capability justification", while some military analysts have claimed that the aircraft lacks the stealth capability and power that the Royal Australian Air Force needs. The new defence minister has meanwhile warned that Canberra will not tolerate further delays or an increase in the cost of the F-35.

Another project under review is a A$1 billion programme to upgrade 11 Kaman SH-2G Super Seasprite helicopters. These were purchased in 1997 to operate from the navy's Anzac-class frigates, but have been plagued by technical problems and have been grounded for more than a year. Nelson said last year that the helicopters will be upgraded and available for use around 2010.

May the Force be with you
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[據英國《飛行國際》2009年7月21日報導] 美國參議院今天以58對40票的多數投票決定在2011年之後停止洛•馬公司F-22戰鬥機的生產,從而推翻了對奧巴馬政府的國防預算優先政策的一項挑戰。




      參議院投票表決後,洛•馬公司首席財務官Tanner對金融分析家發表了講話,對向日本及其他外國買主出口F-22的前景表示悲觀。(中國航空發展研究中心  姜曙光)

Senate votes to stop F-22 production
By Stephen Trimble
Flights Hotels Cars

SOURCE:Flight International

The US Senate today voted to end production of Lockheed Martin F-22s after 2011, overturning a challenge to the Obama Administration's defence budget priorities with a surprising 18-vote majority.

The Senate voted 58-40 to strip $1.75 billion for buying seven more F-22s beyond the 187 funded in the current programme of record. The money had been added in June by the powerful Senate Armed Services Committee.

The issue attracted a strong response from reform-minded senators, led by Democrat Carl Levin and Republican John McCain, as well as a rare veto threat by President Barack Obama.

Gates personally lobbied senators over the last two weeks and made several statements calling for halting further production of the F-22. In Gates's view, the 187 currently in the fleet satisfied the US Air Force's requirements, with 2,400 Lockheed F-35s and hundreds of unmanned aircraft also planned to be purchased.

The F-22's supporters, however, claimed that closing the F-22 production line would needlessly sacrifice thousands of jobs and put the USAF's air superiority mission at risk. 

The House of Representatives has already split with the Obama Administration on the F-22. The House has inserted about $360 million in the Fiscal 2010 budget to buy long-lead parts to build 12 more F-22s. At least $2 billion more is required next year to complete the deal.

The Senate vote sets up a confrontation with House leaders about their differences on continuing F-22 production. A single-version of the budget must be submitted to President Obama before it can be signed into law.

Meanwhile, Lockheed Martin chief financial officer Bruce Tanner, speaking today to financial analysts, delivered a pessimistic forecast about the F-22's export chances to Japan or any other foreign buyer.

"I'm not particularly positive on the ability for us to make [an F-22 export deal] happen in the next few years," Tanner says.

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美國參院否決F-22增購計劃 日本失望



美國參院否決F-22增購計劃 日本失望
2009年07月23日 09:09:55  來源:環球時報 




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逐步停產F-22戰機 參院支持歐巴馬



逐步停產F-22戰機 參院支持歐巴馬
2009-07-23 中國時報 【陳文和/綜合廿二日外電報導】




     此役非贏不可 民主黨參議員轉向力挺



     一九八○年代設計的F─22戰機被批評為冷戰時代的遺物,它能在其它戰機無法企及的高度執行戰術任務,其採用的匿蹤科技可躲過雷達偵測,但此型戰機從未投入過實戰。 多位國會助理指出,部分民主黨籍參議員原本主張繼續撥款添置F─22戰機,但因憂慮同為民主黨籍的歐巴馬若輸掉這關鍵一役,將會斲喪其未來推動醫療健保體系改革的戰力,轉而支持停產。民主黨參議員表示,歐巴馬此役非贏不可。

     增列經費 將加速F—35生產時程



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[據美國《空軍時報》網站2009年7月16日報導] 談到奧巴馬總統要終止F-22生產的決心,Murtha說:“我認為他們的決定將使我們面臨很大的風險,假如美國同時牽扯到兩場較大規模戰爭的話。”








      Murtha還稱,F/A-18和 C-17增加預算“不應該是國會的事情,而是國防部應該做的,我們只是考慮到面臨的威脅有必要這樣做。”










      原32億美元的國防部高級研究計畫局預算削減2億美元。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  尹常琦)

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挺歐巴馬 美參院表決同意停產F-22



挺歐巴馬 美參院表決同意停產F-22
 更新日期:2009/07/22 11:05 何世煌
(法新社華盛頓21日電) 美國參議院(US Senate)今天果決地投票同意,停止生產新型F-22匿蹤戰鬥機,在美國空軍未來戰力的高賭注鬥爭上,堅定支持歐巴馬總統。



眾議院(House of Representatives)之前已將這筆經費納入眾院版本的國防支出法案,意味著當參眾兩院就這項法案進行妥協的時候,建造F-22的計畫仍可能復活。兩院協調出的版本將送交歐巴馬簽署後才能生效。

美國防部長蓋茨希望將F-22的生產數量限制在187架,這意味著只能再生產4架F-22。但是共和黨擔心停產後可能造成失業; 美國空軍也不贊同,去年還提出共生產381架F-22的建議。

Backing Obama, US Senate votes no on new F-22s

Tue Jul 21, 1:52 pm ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) – The US Senate voted decisively Tuesday to stop producing new F-22 stealth fighters, siding firmly with President Barack Obama in a high-stakes fight over the future of US air power.

Lawmakers debating a 680-billion-dollar defense spending bill voted 58-40 to cut 1.75 billion dollars set aside to build seven more Raptors, drawing immediate praise from the White House.

"At a time when we're fighting two wars and facing a serious deficit, this would have been an inexcusable waste of money," said Obama, whose aides have underlined that the Raptor has not seen action in Afghanistan or Iraq.

"I reject the notion that we have to waste billions of taxpayer dollars on outdated and unnecessary defense projects to keep this nation secure," said the president, who had threatened to veto the bill if the monies were included.

The Senate vote came after the House of Representatives included the monies in its version of the legislation, meaning lawmakers could revive the program when they reconcile the rival versions in order to send the bill to Obama.

Vice President Joe Biden, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, and White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel lobbied senators to scrap the funding, trying to quiet concerns of lost jobs if the Lockheed Martin/Boeing-built program is frozen and underlining that the money could be better used elsewhere, according to Democratic aides.

Gates had fought to cap production at 187 F-22s, meaning only four more would be built. But many Republicans balked at the administration's plans.

The Air Force has also long disagreed with halting production, and just last year called for a fleet of 381 fighters.

Last year Gates sacked the service's two top leaders officially over two major nuclear-related blunders, but his decision was also largely seen as having stemmed from their position on the F-22 program.

In 2009, the Pentagon spent 2.9 billion dollars on the planes, which cost some 200 million dollars each. Critics say the fighter, first made during the Cold War, has not been adapted to current conflicts.

Supporters say that there is a need to ensure US air superiority as China and Russia invest in fighter jets.

Some key US allies, including Japan, have long sought to acquire the F-22, which is currently subject to an export ban.

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美參院封殺額外F-22預算 歐巴馬鬆一口氣



美參院封殺額外F-22預算 歐巴馬鬆一口氣   
中央社╱中央社 2009-07-22 09:31

這項預算修正案是由參院軍事委員會主席李文(Carl Levin、民主黨、密西根州)和共和黨首席委員馬侃(John McCain、亞利桑那州)共同提出,旨在推翻軍事委員會稍早通過除了原先已在預算內的187架F-22外,再額外採購7架。





國防部發言人莫瑞爾(Geoff Morrell)也表示,國防部長蓋茨(Robert Gates)對投票結果感到欣慰。他說,蓋茨瞭解,對很多議員而言,這是一項很困難的投票,但五角大廈必須改變作為,任何超過實際所需的計畫都必須重新考慮。

不過,這項投票結果並不表示問題已完全解決,因為聯邦眾議院已於上月通過眾院版國防預算,包括在兩年內支付3.69億美元訂金,額外採購12架由洛克希德馬丁公司(Lockheed Martin)和波音公司(Boeing)製造的F-22。



許多國會議員在選區壓力下,紛紛串連要求增產F-22。康乃狄克州的民主黨參議員陶德(ChristopherJ. Dodd)就公開表示,美國有44州直接或間接與戰機製造業有關,停產F-22,將影響7至9萬人的生計,對當前經濟危機不啻雪上加霜。


Senate sides with Obama, removes F-22 money

By JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON – The Senate voted Tuesday to halt production of the Air Force's missile-eluding F-22 Raptor fighter jets in a high-stakes showdown over President Barack Obama's efforts to shift defense spending to a new generation of smaller F-35 Joint Strike Fighters.

The 58-40 vote reflected an all-out lobbying campaign by the administration, which had to overcome resistance from lawmakers confronted with the potential losses of defense-related jobs if the F-22 program was terminated.

"The president really needed to win this vote," Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Mich., said. Levin said it was important not only on the merits of the planes but "in terms of changing the way we do business in Washington."

The top Republican on the committee, John McCain of Arizona, agreed that it was "a signal that we are not going to continue to build weapons systems with cost overruns which outlive their requirements for defending this nation."

Supporters of the program cited both the importance of the F-22 to U.S. security interests — pointing out that China and Russia are developing planes that can compete with it — and a need to protect aerospace jobs in a bad economy.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates and other Pentagon officials have determined that production of the F-22, which has not been used in Iraq and Afghanistan, should be stopped at 187 planes in order to focus on the F-35, which would also be available to the Navy and Marine Corps.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, countered that the F-35 is designed to supplement, not replace, the F-22, "the "NASCAR racer of this air dominance team." Supporters of the F-22 have put the number needed at anywhere from 250 to 380.

The defense bill has funds to build 30 F-35s. The plane is currently being produced in small numbers for testing purposes. The single-engine plane will eventually replace the venerable F-16 and the Air Force's aging fleet of A-10s. Its primary purpose is to attack targets on the ground.

The twin-engine F-22 Raptor is a jet the Air Force would use for air-to-air combat missions.

McCain said the voting margin of victory was "directly attributable" to Obama, his opponent in the last presidential election, and Gates, who has pushed for termination of the F-22 and other weapons systems he says have outlived their usefulness.

The vote removed $1.75 billion set aside in a $680 billion defense policy bill to build seven more F-22 Raptors, adding to the 187 stealth technology fighters already built or being built.

The Senate action also saved Obama from what could have been a political embarrassment. He had urged the Senate to strip out the money and threatened what would have been the first veto of his presidency if the F-22 money remained.

Immediately after the vote, Obama told reporters at the White House the Senate's decision would "better protect our troops."

White House officials said Vice President Joe Biden and chief of staff Rahm Emanuel lobbied senators, as did Gates.

Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said Tuesday that spending on the stealth fighter would "inhibit our ability to buy things we do need," including Gates' proposal to add 22,000 soldiers to the Army.

"I've never seen the White House lobby like they've lobbied on this issue," said Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, an F-22 supporter whose state would be hit hard by a production shutdown.

According to Lockheed Martin Corp., the main contractor for both planes, 25,000 people are directly employed in building the F-22, and an additional 70,000 have indirect links, particularly in Georgia, Texas and California.

Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., a strong backer of the program, said his state stood to lose 2,000 to 4,000 jobs if F-22 production ended.

Levin suggested that some workers might be shifted to F-35 production. "We have to find places for people who are losing their jobs," he said.

The House last month approved its version of the defense bill with a $369 million down payment for 12 additional F-22 fighters. The House Appropriations Committee last week endorsed that spending in drawing up its Pentagon budget for next year. It also approved $534 million for an alternate engine for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, another program that Obama, backed by the Pentagon, says is unwarranted and would subject the entire bill to a veto.

The defense bill authorizes $550 billion for defense programs and $130 billion for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and for other anti-terrorist operations.

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2009年07月22日 08:07:28  來源:中國新聞網 









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[據美國《空軍時報》網站2009年7月16日報導] 那些曾經擔心民主黨控制白宮和國會的防務公司可以開始鬆口氣了。


      由共和黨人John Murtha領導的小組委員會經過投票表決後決定維持F-22隱身戰機項目的生產,購買更多的C-17運輸機,為海軍購買的F/A-18戰機數量增加一倍,甚至保留了糟糕的VH-71總統直升機項目。







      軍控和防擴散中心的國防預算分析員Christopher Hellman稱:“這些人基本上都會說,不行,你不能終止任何項目。許多立法者都不願意削減武器項目,原因是這些項目對維持就業率和贏得選舉都很重要。”



      但Murtha稱:“事情不至於到那種地步,我們將會一起解決這個問題。”眾議院撥款小組委員會投票表決為購買零部件和原材料撥款3.69億美元,稍後將全額撥款購買12架F-22戰機。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  尹常琦)

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Reps move to counter proposed F-22, C-17 cuts



Reps move to counter proposed F-22, C-17 cuts

By William Matthews - Staff writer
Posted : Sunday Jul 19, 2009 12:55:49 EDT
Defense companies that once feared big changes with Democrats in control of the White House and Congress can begin to relax.

The House Appropriations subcommittee on defense unveiled its version of the 2010 defense budget Thursday, a spending plan that resurrects some big-ticket weapons that appeared doomed by the budget drafted by President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

Under the command of Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., the subcommittee voted to keep alive the F-22 stealth fighter program, to buy more C-17 transport planes, to double the number of F/A-18 aircraft to be bought for the Navy, even preserve the disastrous VH-71 presidential helicopter program.

Despite resuscitating those programs, the subcommittee managed to trim $3.8 billion from Obama’s spending proposal. The subcommittee’s total is $636.8 billion.

The subcommittee voted in secret to approve the budget July 16, then Murtha offered explanations.

The budget is based on the need to balance short-term needs for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan against longer-term threats, Murtha told reporters. National military strategy still requires the military to be able to fight two major wars, he said.

Gates has been arguing for greater focus on the wars the military is fighting now and seems most likely to fight in the future, and less emphasis — and less spending — on notional wars that might occur sometime off in the future.

Thus, Gates called for ending production of the F-22 and the C-17, and for canceling the presidential helicopter. He also sought to end the vehicle portion of the Army’s Future Combat Systems, cancel the airborne laser and the pull the plug on the Transformational Satellite.

Murtha’s subcommittee is the third of four defense spending panels to overrule the White House and the Pentagon on the F-22. The House and Senate Armed Services Committees did so, as well.

Two panels — House Armed Services and Murtha’s subcommittee — have defied the president on the C-17. So far, only the House appropriators have opted to rescue the VH-71 presidential helicopter.

“These guys have basically said, ‘No, you can’t end any programs.’ ” said Christopher Hellman, a defense budget analyst for the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. Many lawmakers are loath to cut weapons programs because they are vital to maintaining jobs — and winning votes — at home, he said.

Murtha describes the subcommittee’s motivations differently: “We’re going to spend whatever we need to spend to take care of our troops and their families back home.”

The decision to keep spending on the F-22 — a plane Gates points out has never flown in combat — seems to put the House appropriators on a collision course with Obama. The president has vowed to veto defense bills that include F-22 funding.

But Murtha said, “It won’t come to that. We’ll work it out.” The House defense appropriation subcommittee voted to spend $369 million to buy parts and materials for 12 F-22s to be fully funded later.

Fighting Two Wars
Of Obama’s determination to end F-22 production, Murtha said, “I feel very strongly that they made a decision that leaves us at high risk” if the U.S. gets involved in two major wars at once.

“We want him to listen to us,” Murtha said, referring to Obama.

“We’re spending money as wisely as possible,” he said. “We’ll work with the White House.”

In the end, there will be no veto, he predicted.

Murtha acknowledged that a major defense review now underway might eliminate the requirement for U.S. forces to be able to fight two major wars simultaneously.

As for the presidential helicopter, Murtha said his subcommittee wants to spend $485 million to “operationalize five aircraft.” Obama wants to spend $85 million to shut the program down.

Murtha said that since the Navy has already spent $3.2 billion on the helicopter, “we’ve got to get something out of it. You can’t just cancel programs and not get something out of them. We’re trying to get at least a few helicopters that can be used by the president.”

The subcommittee added $674 million to buy three more C-17 cargo planes. Gates didn’t justify the addition, but he criticized the Defense Department, saying that unstable C-17 funding in past years has increased the cost of each plane.

The extra nine F/A-18s would add $495 million to the budget, increasing the total in 2010 to $1.7 billion. Murtha said the extra planes are needed because “we’ve got a shortfall down the road of F-18s.”

For Congress to add money to the defense budget for F/A-18s and C-17s “is not the way to do it. DoD should do it. We just felt it was necessary when we look at the threat,” Murtha said.

The subcommittee added $560 million to the budget to keep developing an alternative engine for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. For years, lawmakers have wanted a second engine, arguing it is dangerous to have thousands of planes reliant on a single engine that could develop problems. And for years the Pentagon has resisted, argued that developing a second engine is a waste of money.

For the Navy, the subcommittee added two ships to the budget, for a total of 10 at a cost of $15 billion. The added ships include a Littoral Combat Ship, for a total of four in 2010, and a Joint High Speed Vessel, for a total of two.

“This is the first time since 1992 that the shipbuilding account was funded for 10 or more ships,” the subcommittee said in a summary of its spending bill.

The appropriators went further than Gates and Obama in cutting missile defense. The Pentagon requested $7.8 billion, the appropriators voted to spend $7.2 billion. Details of the cuts are not yet available, but a subcommittee aide said the cuts included reductions in test programs where tests were not ready to be conducted.

$3.8B Cut
The $3.8 billion cut from the Gates spending plan came in part from “programs that were lagging behind” and were not spending money as quickly as they had been expected to, Murtha said.

Cuts were also made in operations and maintenance spending, he said.

The cuts include:

* $26 million from more than $810 million for Army heavy tactical vehicles.

* $193 million cut from nearly $1.2 billion for Army medium tactical vehicles.

* $532 million cut from about $6 billion sought for F-35s.

* $211 cut from the $2.5 billion Future Combat Systems program.

* $200 million cut from the $3.2 billion Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

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奧巴馬下決心改革軍備 "猛禽"戰機可能停產



奧巴馬下決心改革軍備 "猛禽"戰機可能停產 
2009年07月18日 08:12:39  來源:中國青年報 


















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