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俄新網╱俄新網 2008-02-18 17:18
俄新網RUSNEWS.CN華盛頓2月18日電 據NBC電視台報道,著名的美國航天專家、美國宇航局前工程師奧伯格(James Oberg)要求從國家空間站撤走俄羅斯的一只上膛的手槍。 據報道,關于在國際空間站上存在這只手槍的事情所有人都知道,但俄羅斯和美國官方人士都對此表示沉默。 目前手槍位于與國家空間站對接的俄羅斯"聯盟"號返回艙內座椅之間的一個特別裝置內。 據悉,手槍是發給宇航員在返回地球著陸時以防萬一用來防身用的整套設備中的一件。 國際空間站上所有宇航員都知曉這只手槍的存在,但俄羅斯航天管理部門和美國宇航局的官方人士都沒公開這個事情。 NBC電視台指出,奧伯格認為這很危險,國際空間站上不應該有手槍,那里的宇航員本身就處于高度緊張的工作環境。 他說:"在太空工作的宇航員曾經出現過精神過度緊張的情況,當他們發洩這種情緒的時候,他們的同事都擔憂事態惡化的不可收拾"。

May the Force be with you
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Monday, March 17, 2008 - 5 a.m. CDT
Mission Control Center, Houston, Texas03.17.08

STS-123 MCC Status Report #13

A new robot came alive and moved its arms outside the International Space Station overnight. Astronauts onboard the station moved Dextre, the Canadian Space Agency’s Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator, for the first time.

Station Flight Engineer Garrett Reisman and Mission Specialist Robert L. Behnken first put Dextre through a series of tests to make sure the brakes on the joints on the two 11-foot arms on the robot work. Dextre passed those tests Sunday evening.

Later, Reisman and Behnken were the first to move Dextre’s arms, positioning them for Dextre’s final assembly during the mission’s third spacewalk. The movement was completed at 11:22 p.m. CDT. The placement will allow Behnken and Mission Specialist Rick Linnehan to install additional accessories and remove thermal blankets from Dextre.

Work inside the Japanese Kibo Experiment Logistics Module-Pressurized Section continued ahead of schedule. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Takao Doi and European Space Agency astronaut Leopold Eyharts gathered supplies to prepare for the STS-124 mission, when space shuttle Discovery will bring up Kibo’s laboratory module.

The spacewalkers, Linnehan and Behnken, are camping out in the Quest Airlock. The hatch was closed at 4:53 a.m.

All ten crewmembers are scheduled to awaken at 1:28 p.m.

Preparations for today’s spacewalk will resume at 2:08 p.m. and the spacewalk is scheduled to begin at 6:23 p.m.

The next STS-123 status report will be issued after crew wake-up on Monday, or earlier if events warrant.

- end -

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太空人進氣閘艙逼出體內氮氣 準備太空漫步



太空人進氣閘艙逼出體內氮氣 準備太空漫步
法新社╱何世煌 2008-03-17 19:35     




Astronauts ready for third spacewalk to complete robot

1 hour, 26 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) - US astronauts prepared to again venture outside the International Space Station Monday to finish assembling a Canadian mechanical maintenance robot named Dextre.
Mission Specialists Rick Linnehan and Robert Behnken will spend most of the day "camping out" in the station's "Quest Airlock" to purge nitrogen from their bodies before they begin the third spacewalk of the mission that will begin at 7:23 pm (2323 GMT).

Early Sunday, two US astronauts attached mechanical arms to the robot, enabling it to take over some human tasks and reducing the need for future risky trips outside the station.

Their job got slightly complicated early in the seven-hour spacewalk when they encountered trouble unscrewing a couple of fasteners and removing one of Dextre's arms from its storage container.

The problem was eventually resolved with the help of a simple crowbar. But as a result, the spacewalkers fell slightly behind their timeline.

Linnehan and Mike Foreman, who arrived last week aboard shuttle Endeavour, recouped most of the lost time, performing their task using socket wrenches and drills to bolt the Dextre robot's two 11-foot (3.3 meter) arms.

The hitch notwithstanding, astronaut Steve Robinson, monitoring the events from Mission Control in Houston, Texas, congratulated all involved.

"You sure did a great job," he radioed. "You guys ought to be proud of yourselves."

Pierre Jean, a program director from the Canadian Space Agency, echoed the view saying the crew did "a fantastic job."

The 200-million-dollar robot, which was re-powered immediately after the walk, will be able to handle maintenance tasks that have been performed by spacewalkers, allowing astronauts to focus on research inside the orbiting outpost.

"Dextre looks quite a bit different today," observed National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) flight director Dana Weigel. "It's almost fully assembled: It has two hands, two arms and the main body is pivoted up."

Astronauts installed Europe's first space laboratory in a shuttle Atlantis mission last month and Endeavour's crew added the first of three parts of Japan's Kibo research facility this week.

Dextre, sent up on Endeavour which is docked with the space station, is the third and final component of the Canadarm Remote Manipulator System, the robotic arm that is Canada's vital contribution to the station.

The 1.56-tonne robot will conduct operations such as replacing small components on the station's exterior -- tasks which until now required a human touch.

Its presence will boost crew safety by reducing the number of hours that astronauts will have to be outside the station, and allow them to focus on other tasks such as conducting scientific experiments in micro-gravity, according to the Canadian Space Agency.

Dextre's two hands are each about the size of a small microwave oven. They are equipped with built-in socket wrenches, retractable claws used to grip objects, and remote-control high-resolution cameras.

The robot's human-like upper torso swivels at the waist, and its arms were designed with seven joints to provide it with maximum versatility. Umbilical connectors provide power and data connectivity.

With Dextre delivered to ISS in nine separate pieces, the astronauts will use three of the Endeavour mission's five spacewalks to get it up and running.

Linnehan and fellow astronaut Garrett Reisman conducted the Endeavour mission's first spacewalk Friday to lay the groundwork for the robot's complicated assembly.

NASA plans to finish building the International Space Station by 2010, at which time it will retire its three-shuttle fleet.

Shuttle crew members also continued work putting together the first pressurized component of the newly delivered Japanese laboratory Kibo, the latest addition to the ISS.

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.名稱:正式名為「特殊功能靈巧操控器」(Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator,簡稱SPDM)

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太空站機械人裝上手臂 未來可執行危險任務



太空站機械人裝上手臂 未來可執行危險任務
法新社╱何世煌 2008-03-16 21:05     







Spacewalkers attach Canadian robot's mechanical arms

Sun Mar 16, 7:29 AM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Two US astronauts, working outside the International Space Station early Sunday, attached mechanical arms to a Canadian-made robot, enabling it to take over human tasks and reducing the need for future risky spacewalks.

Mission Specialists Richard Linnehan and Mike Foreman finished their task at about 3:00 am (0700 GMT), stowing away instruments and making their way into the station's airlock.

But their job got slightly complicated early in the seven-hour spacewalk when they encountered trouble unscrewing a couple of fasteners and removing one of the robot Dextre's arms from its storage container.

The problem was eventually resolved with the help of a simple crowbar. But as a result, "the spacewalkers fell about 45 minutes behind their timeline," said a spokesman for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Linnehan and Foreman, who arrived last week aboard shuttle Endeavour, recouped most of the lost time, performing their task using socket wrenches and drills to bolt the Dextre robot's two 11-foot (3.3 meter) arms.

Mission Specialist Robert Behnken coordinated the spacewalk activities from inside the orbital complex while Endeavour pilot Gregory Johnson and space station engineer Garrett Reisman operate Canadarm2.

The hitch notwithstanding, astronaut Steve Robinson, monitoring the events from Mission Control in Houston, Texas, offered all involved hearty congratulations.

NASA "You sure did a great job," he radioed. "You guys ought to be proud of yourselves."

Pierre Jean, a program director from the Canadian Space Agency, echoed the view saying the crew did "a fantastic job."

The robot, which was re-powered immediately after the walk, will be able to handle maintenance tasks that have been performed by spacewalkers, allowing astronauts to focus on research inside the orbiting outpost.

"Dextre looks quite a bit different today," observed NASA flight director Dana Weigel. "It's almost fully assembled: It has two hands, two arms and the main body is pivoted up."

Astronauts installed Europe's first space laboratory in a shuttle Atlantis mission last month and Endeavour's crew added the first of three parts of Japan's Kibo research facility this week.

Dextre, sent up on Endeavour which is docked with the space station, is the third and final component of the Canadarm Remote Manipulator System, the robotic arm that is Canada's vital contribution to the station.

The 200-million-dollar robot encountered a technical glitch before its assembly, but the problem was resolved in time for Saturday's spacewalk.

The 1.56-tonne robot will conduct operations such as replacing small components on the station's exterior -- tasks which until now required a human touch.

Its presence will boost crew safety by reducing the number of hours that astronauts will have to be outside the station on spacewalks, and thus allowing them to focus on other tasks such as conducting scientific experiments in micro-gravity, according to the Canadian Space Agency.

Dextre's two hands are each about the size of a small microwave oven. They are equipped with built-in socket wrenches, retractable claws used to grip objects, and remote-control high-resolution cameras.

The robot's human-like upper torso swivels at the waist, and its arms were designed with seven joints to provide it with maximum versatility. Umbilical connectors provide power and data connectivity.

With Dextre delivered to ISS in nine separate pieces, the astronauts will use three of the Endeavour mission's five spacewalks to get it up and running.

Linnehan and fellow astronaut Garrett Reisman conducted the Endeavour mission's first spacewalk Friday to lay the groundwork for the robot's complicated assembly.

Dextre's assembly will be complete with a third spacewalk set to start Monday.

NASA plans to finish building the International Space Station by 2010, at which time it will retire its three-shuttle fleet.

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Expedition 17 Crew Profiles



Expedition 17 Crew Profiles

Commander 謝爾蓋‧沃克夫 Sergei Volkov
Cosmonaut Sergei Volkov will command the Expedition 17 mission, his first spaceflight. Since January 2000, he has been part of a group of test cosmonauts training for missions to the International Space Station.
Flight Engineer 奧列‧克諾涅科 Oleg Kononenko
Cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko will serve Expedition 17 as a flight engineer. He was qualified for flight assignment as a test cosmonaut in 1998. This is Kononenko's first space flight.
Flight Engineer 蓋瑞特‧芮斯曼  Garrett E. Reisman
Astronaut Garrett Reisman will fly to the station aboard space shuttle Endeavour on STS-123 and join Expedition 16 as a flight engineer. He will stay aboard the station to join Expedition 17. In 2003 Reisman worked underwater as a crew member for NEEMO 5. This is Reisman's first space flight.
Flight Engineer 葛瑞格‧察米托佛 Gregory E. Chamitoff
Astronaut Gregory E. Chamitoff is scheduled to fly to the station on shuttle mission STS-124 and return to Earth aboard STS-126. Chamitoff previously served as a crew member on the Aquarius undersea research habitat for nine days as part of the NEEMO 3 mission. This is Chamitoff's first space flight.
Flight Engineer 珊卓拉‧馬格納斯 Sandra H. Magnus
Astronaut Sandra Magnus will fly to the station on shuttle mission STS-126. She will serve Expedition 17 as flight engineer and stay to join Expedition 18. Magnus was a mission specialist for STS-112 and led the NEEMO 11 underwater mission. This is Magnus' second space flight.
Spaceflight Participant 李素妍 Soyeon Yi
South Korean astronaut Soyeon Yi will launch to the International Space Station on a Soyuz spacecraft with the Expedition 17 crew and return on a Soyuz spacecraft with the Expedition 16 crew under a commercial agreement with the Russian Federal Space Agency.

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俄新網╱俄新網 2008-03-10 17:45     

俄新網RUSNEWS.CN莫斯科3月10日電 俄航天署將不會對取消韓國宇航員飛往國際空間站作出評論。由于韓國首名男宇航員高山在接受訓練期間被懷疑洩漏重要信息,俄航天署因此決定取消其搭乘俄載人飛船飛往國際空間站。這是俄航天署新聞發言人亞歷山大·沃羅比約夫對就韓國一些媒體的報道向俄新社作的評論。美聯社此前曾報道,韓國政府應俄方要求替換擬于4月份搭乘俄羅斯"聯盟"號載人飛船飛往國際空間站的預備宇航員。俄航天署資料顯示,據說高山在宇航員訓練中心有違反逗留規定現象。韓國教育科學技術部在10日舉行的新聞發布會上對外宣布了這一消息。沃羅比約夫說:"韓國應當為跟蹤本國首名宇航員升空合同信息承擔全部責任,因此無權反駁或確認已經發生的一切。"據韓國媒體報道,韓國教育科學技術部10日宣布,鑒于韓國男宇航員高山在訓練期間有違反規定等情況,決定由一名女宇航員取代高山于4月搭乘俄載人飛船飛往國際空間站。

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全球首例 太空組機器人巧手




全球首例 太空組機器人巧手
奮進號送組件 造價61億 扛探險任務





另外,昨天歐洲太空總署成功發射火箭「亞利安五號」,將雙層巴士大小、淨重11噸的補給艙「自動運送載具」(Automated Transfer Vehicle,簡稱ATV)送上國際太空站,補充太空站上太空人7.5噸的食物、飲水、加壓空氣、燃料及私人物品。

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太空垃圾充斥 危太空站




太空垃圾充斥 危太空站





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UN flag destined for space



UN flag destined for space 

February 22 2008 at 02:16AM(AFP)

New York - A United Nations flag is to be flown to the International Space Station in April before returning to Earth to be displayed at a space exhibition in Vienna, the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs said on Thursday.

The office said the blue and white emblem would be ferried to the orbiting space station by South Korean astronaut Ko San who is to conduct scientific experiments there for eight days in April.

On its return to Earth, the flag is to be presented to UN boss Ban Ki-moon before being taken to Vienna later this year to be prominently displayed at the space exhibition at the International Centre in the Austrian capital.

The tradition of astronauts taking the UN flag to outer space began during the earliest manned space missions. The flag has orbited the Earth, flown aboard space stations and reached the moon.

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法新社╱盧瑞珠 2008-02-22 18:50     





UN Flag To Wave Again In Outer Space
Saturday, 23 February 2008, 9:19 am
Press Release: United Nations

UN flag to wave again in outer space
21 February 2008 - A United Nations flag will make a historic round trip to the international space station this coming April, the Organization's Office for Outer Space Affairs (OOSA) announced today.

Upon its return to Earth, the banner will be presented to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon before being taken to Vienna later this year to take a prominent place among the permanent items at the space exhibition at the International Centre in the Austrian capital.

It will fly to the station with astronaut Ko San of the Republic of Korea, who will be conducting scientific experiments at the orbiting facility for eight days.

The tradition of astronauts carrying the UN flag into outer space began during the earliest manned space missions. To date, the blue and white symbol has orbited the Earth, flown aboard space stations and reached the moon.

OOSA is responsible for promoting international cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space and the development and codification of international space law. There are currently five UN treaties governing outer space.

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