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俄新網╱俄新網 2008-02-18 17:18
俄新網RUSNEWS.CN華盛頓2月18日電 據NBC電視台報道,著名的美國航天專家、美國宇航局前工程師奧伯格(James Oberg)要求從國家空間站撤走俄羅斯的一只上膛的手槍。 據報道,關于在國際空間站上存在這只手槍的事情所有人都知道,但俄羅斯和美國官方人士都對此表示沉默。 目前手槍位于與國家空間站對接的俄羅斯"聯盟"號返回艙內座椅之間的一個特別裝置內。 據悉,手槍是發給宇航員在返回地球著陸時以防萬一用來防身用的整套設備中的一件。 國際空間站上所有宇航員都知曉這只手槍的存在,但俄羅斯航天管理部門和美國宇航局的官方人士都沒公開這個事情。 NBC電視台指出,奧伯格認為這很危險,國際空間站上不應該有手槍,那里的宇航員本身就處于高度緊張的工作環境。 他說:"在太空工作的宇航員曾經出現過精神過度緊張的情況,當他們發洩這種情緒的時候,他們的同事都擔憂事態惡化的不可收拾"。

May the Force be with you
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中廣新聞網╱王長偉 2008-04-11 08:47      





Expedition 17 Welcomed Aboard Space Station

Commander Sergei Alexandrovich Volkov and cosmonaut Oleg Dmitrievich Kononenko of the 17th International Space Station crew docked their Soyuz TMA-12 with the orbiting laboratory's Pirs Docking Compartment at 8:57 a.m. EDT Thursday, marking the beginning of their six-month stay aboard.

With Volkov, a lieutenant colonel in the Russian Air Force, and Kononenko was spaceflight participant So-yeon Yi. She is a South Korean flying under contract with the Russian Federal Space Agency.

Yi will return to Earth with Expedition 16 crew members Commander Peggy Whitson and Flight Engineer Yuri Malenchenko in their Soyuz TMA-11 on April 19. Expedition 16 launched to the station Oct. 10.

After the hatches opened at 11:40 a.m., the Expedition 17 crew members were welcomed by the Expedition 16 crew, including astronaut Garrett Reisman. Reisman launched to the station on the STS-123 mission of Endeavour March 11. He joined Expedition 16 in progress and will provide Expedition 17 with an experienced flight engineer for the first part of its increment.

Volkov, 35, is making his first flight into space. He is a graduate of the Tambov Air Force Academy for Pilots. After service as an air force pilot he began cosmonaut training in December 1997. He trained with the Expedition 11 crew and as a backup Expedition 13 crew member. He is the son of cosmonaut Alexander Volkov, who flew three long-duration missions in Soviet and Russian space stations from 1985 to 1992.

Kononenko, 43, also is making his first spaceflight. He is a graduate of the Aviation Institute and worked at the Russian Space Agency's Central Specialized Design Bureau. He began cosmonaut training in June 1996. He trained with the Expedition 9 and Expedition 11 crews.

Astronaut Greg Chamitoff is scheduled to launch on the STS-124 flight of Discovery to join Expedition 17 in progress. He holds a Ph.D. in aeronautics and astronautics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was selected as an astronaut for the class of 1998. He will be making his first spaceflight.

Two Expedition 18 crew members are expected to arrive next fall to replace Volkov and Kononenko.

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俄新網╱俄新網 2008-04-08 22:25   

俄新網RUSNEWS.CN拜科努爾航天發射場(哈薩克斯坦)4月8日電 莫斯科時間15點16分從拜科努爾發射場升空的載有第17期國際空間站考察組的“聯盟TMA-12”號載人飛船與“聯盟-FG”號運載火箭成功脫離。這是俄新社記者從拜科努爾發射場發來的消息。“在預定時間,飛船載著第17期考察組和韓國首位太空人與火箭成功脫離,宇航員們的自我感覺良好”。國際空間站第17期考察組中的主要成員謝爾蓋·沃爾科夫、奧列格·科諾年科以及韓國首位太空人李素妍。此次前往國際空間站的主要成員將駐留近半年時間,而李素妍將在太空停留10天後于4月19日與第16長期考察組的宇航員(美國宇航員佩吉·惠特森和俄羅斯宇航員尤里·馬連琴科)一同返回地面。

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Progress M-63 successfully 'buried' in south Pacific



Progress M-63 successfully 'buried' in south Pacific
 18:00 | 07/ 04/ 2008

MOSCOW, April 7 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's Progress M-63 space cargo ship was successfully 'buried' on Monday at a spaceship cemetery in the southern Pacific, a Mission Control spokesman said.

"Having partly burned up in the Earth's dense atmosphere, Progress ended its existence in the designated area in the southern Pacific," the spokesman said.

In February, Progress M-63 delivered 2.5 metric tons of cargo, including food, equipment and other supplies, to the International Space Station (ISS).

Meanwhile, Mission Control is preparing for the launch of the Soyuz TMA-12 delivery vehicle on April 8 from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan.

The spacecraft is to deliver the members of the 17th ISS expedition - the Russian astronauts Commander Sergei Volkov and Flight Engineer Oleg Kononenko, as well as the first South Korean female astronaut, Yi So-yeon - to the orbiting station.

The docking of the Soyuz TMA-12 spacecraft with the ISS is estimated to take place at 5:00 p.m. Moscow time [13:00 GMT] on April 10.

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Progress M-63 to undock from ISS on April 7



Progress M-63 to undock from ISS on April 7
 15:34 | 04/ 04/ 2008

MOSCOW, April 4 (RIA Novosti) - A Progress M-63 space freighter loaded with garbage will undock from the International Space Station (ISS) on April 7 and buried at a "spaceship cemetery" in the Pacific, Russia's Mission Control said Friday.

In February, a Progress M-63 delivered 2.5 metric tons of cargo, including food, equipment and other supplies, for the ISS.

"The undocking has been scheduled for 12:29 Moscow time [08:49 GMT] on April 7," a Mission Control statement said. "It will burn in the dense layers of the Earth's atmosphere and will end its existence in a set area over the Pacific Ocean."

Meanwhile, Mission Control is getting ready for the launch of the Soyuz TMA-12 delivery vehicle on April 8 from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan.

The spacecraft will bring members of the 17th ISS expedition -- Russian astronauts, Commander Sergei Volkov and Flight Engineer Oleg Kononenko, and the first South Korean female astronaut, Yi So-yeon -- to the orbital station.

The docking of the Soyuz TMA-12 craft with the ISS is estimated at 17:00 Moscow time [13:00 GMT] on April 10.

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Endeavour Crew to Prepare for Undocking




Endeavour Crew to Prepare for Undocking

With the final STS-123 spacewalk complete, flight day 14 of the STS-123 mission will see the crew of space shuttle Endeavour prepare for the end of their visit to the station. The orbiter will undock Monday and return to Earth Wednesday.

Mission Specialists Robert L. Behnken and Mike Foreman completed the fifth spacewalk of STS-123 at 10:36 p.m. EDT Saturday. Rick Linnehan, also a mission specialist, coordinated their activities from inside the orbiting complex made up of space shuttle Endeavour and the International Space Station.

Robot arm operators grappled the Orbiter Boom Sensor System (OBSS), and the two spacewalkers assembled an umbilical designed to keep the boom safe during its time in the harsh space environment. Then, the robot arm handed the OBSS off to Behnken and Foreman, who stowed it on the station’s S1 Truss.

The next component of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s Kibo laboratory, which will be delivered on space shuttle Discovery during the STS-124 mission, is too large to accommodate the OBSS in the shuttle’s payload bay. Once the next element of Kibo is installed on the station, Discovery’s astronauts will detach the OBSS left behind by space shuttle Endeavour, use it to perform tile inspections and bring it home.

After the STS-123 spacewalkers attached the boom to the S1 Truss, Behnken installed the Materials International Space Station Experiment 6 on the outside of the European Space Agency’s Columbus laboratory, and Foreman inspected the starboard Solar Alpha Rotary Joint.

The spacewalkers also completed a few get-ahead tasks, installing trunnion covers on the Japanese Logistics Module – Pressurized Section and stowing tools in a toolbox on the airlock before ingressing the hatch.

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完成五次太空漫步 奮進號太空人創下新紀錄



完成五次太空漫步 奮進號太空人創下新紀錄
法新社╱樊劍萍 2008-03-23 18:35     






US astronauts take a break, ahead of return trip to Earth

19 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Their fifth and final spacewalk behind them, the seven-member crew of the US space shuttle Endeavour enjoyed a break in their busy work schedule Sunday, ahead of their trip back to Earth later this week.
Two astronauts from the Endeavour -- mission specialists Robert Behnken and Mike Foreman -- on Sunday attached a 50-foot sensory boom to the outside of the International Space Station.

Their six-hour spacewalk, which began at 2034 GMT Saturday and ended at 0236 GMT Sunday, was hailed by NASA as yet another ringing success.

"Today was another fantastic day. The crew is doing very well," space station flight director Dana Weigel told reporters after the astronauts had safely returned from their mission.

Weigel said the spacewalk, often referred to by National Aeronautics and Space Administration officials as an EVA, or an extra-vehicular activity, had set a new record.

"This was five EVAs, which was more than we've done on any station mission," the flight director pointed out.

"We are all very excited how it all turned out," added Zebulon Scoville, NASA's leading specialist on spacewalks.

Endeavour, whose mission at the ISS is the longest ever, is scheduled to undock on Monday and return to Earth on Wednesday.

The spacewalkers successfully stowed the Orbitor Boom Sensor System (OBSS), a thick rod fitted with a camera and laser which is used to check for damage to a shuttle's protective skin.

The OBSS made its maiden trip in 2005 on the first flight following the Columbia disaster in 2003, when a crack in the shuttle's heat shield caused the craft to explode while re-entering Earth's orbit, killing the seven crew members on board.

An extension of the shuttle's robotic arm, the OBSS would normally return to Earth at the end of each mission.

But the next scheduled flight, by the shuttle Discovery, will bring to the ISS the second of three parts of Japan's space laboratory Kibo -- the first of which was installed during the current mission -- and will have no room for the boom.

Discovery's crew will detach the OBSS from the space station when they arrive, use it to inspect their shuttle and then bring it home.

During Saturday's spacewalk, the ISS' robotic arm grabbed hold of the boom to allow Behnken and Foreman to attach the cable that will power its sensors and protect it from the elements.

The robot arm then handed the boom over to the astronauts, who stowed it on a truss on the space station, guided by fellow crew member Rick Linnehan from inside the ISS-Endeavour complex.

The spacewalkers also successfully installed an experiment on the outside of the European Space Agency's laboratory, which the astronauts had failed to complete during the third spacewalk on March 17.

They completed the walk by installing trunnion covers on the Japanese module and stowing tools in a toolbox before returning to the space station.

The Endeavour mission's main tasks were to install the first part of the Japanese Kibo lab, which will join similar facilities from the United States, Russia and the EU, whose Columbus lab was delivered to the ISS in February.

It has also assembled the Canadian-made Dextre robot, which is designed to undertake maintenance operations on the space station that until now required a human touch, and reduce the need for risky spacewalks.

The robot's human-like upper torso swivels at the waist, and its arms were designed with seven joints to provide it with maximum versatility. Umbilical connectors provide power and data connectivity.

NASA wants to complete construction of the ISS by 2010, when its three-shuttle fleet is scheduled to be retired.

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法新社╱郭無患 2008-03-23 11:05     








US astronauts successfully complete fifth spacewalk

by Alice Ritchie
2 hours, 44 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Two astronauts from the US shuttle Endeavour successfully completed a fifth and final spacewalk of their mission late Saturday, stepping into the void to attach a 50-foot sensory boom to the outside of the International Space Station.
Mission specialists Robert Behnken and Mike Foreman began their spacewalk at 4:34 pm EDT (2034 GMT), 49 minutes ahead of schedule and ended it at 9:36 pm (0236 GMT Sunday).

It was the last such trip before Endeavour's seven-man crew heads back to Earth next week.

Mission Control in Houston, Texas, immediately declared the six-hour walk a success.

"All I can say is thanks," one of the spacewalk managers radioed to astronauts. "You guys are fantastic ... It just turned out very well."

The walkers successfully stowed away the Orbitor Boom Sensor System (OBSS), a thick rod fitted with a camera and laser which is used to check for damage to a shuttle's protective skin.

The OBSS made its maiden trip in 2005 on the first flight following the Columbia disaster in 2003, when a crack in the shuttle's heat shield caused the craft to explode while re-entering Earth, killing the seven crew members on board.

An extension of the shuttle's robotic arm, the OBSS would normally return at the end of each mission.

But the next flight, by the shuttle Discovery, will bring to the ISS the second of three parts of Japan's space laboratory Kibo -- the first of which was installed during the current mission -- and will have no room for the boom.

Discovery's crew will detach the OBSS from the space station when they arrive, use it to inspect their shuttle and then bring it home.

On Saturday's spacewalk, the ISS' robotic arm grabbed hold of the boom to allow Behnken and Foreman to attach the cable that will power its sensors and protect it from the elements.

The robot arm then handed the boom over to the astronauts, who stowed it on a truss on the space station, guided by fellow crew member Rick Linnehan from inside the ISS-Endeavour complex.

The spacewalkers also successfully installed an experiment on the outside of the European Space Agency's laboratory, which the astronauts had failed to complete during the third spacewalk on March 17.

Endeavour, whose mission at the ISS is the longest ever, is scheduled to undock on Monday and return to Earth on Wednesday.

The mission's main tasks were to install the first part of the Japanese Kibo lab, which will join similar facilities from the United States, Russia and the EU, whose Colombus lab was delivered to the ISS in February.

It has also assembled the Canadian-made Dextre robot, which is designed to undertake maintenance operations on the space station that until now required a human touch, and reduce the need for risky spacewalks.

The robot's human-like upper torso swivels at the waist, and its arms were designed with seven joints to provide it with maximum versatility. Umbilical connectors provide power and data connectivity.

NASA wants to complete construction of the ISS by 2010, when its three-shuttle fleet is scheduled to be retired.

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太空扔回力鏢 照樣會飛回來




太空扔回力鏢 照樣會飛回來




過去太空人曾在國際太空站進行各種實驗。2006年,俄羅斯太空人杜林(Mikhail Tyurin)在以時速28000公里高速環繞地球的太空站上,用6號鐵桿擊出一顆高爾夫球,預計這顆球要飛三年才會在大氣中燒毀。

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法新社╱彭木芳 2008-03-21 22:35     







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機械人裝「眼」 國際太空站如虎添翼




機械人裝「眼」 國際太空站如虎添翼





Dextre 造價61億




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