越南日漸融入國際社會 四月發射首枚衛星
法新社╱林憬屏 2008-03-12 22:05
這項計畫耗費約三億美元(新台幣近九十二億),已經醞釀超過十年。 這顆衛星重約二點五公噸,預估壽命十五年到二十年,載有二十具轉頻器,供電視頻道、電訊與網路業接收和發送訊號之用。
Vietnam to launch 1st satellite
Wed Mar 12, 5:32 AM ET(Associated Press)
HANOI, Vietnam - Vietnam is preparing to launch its first satellite, hoping to improve the country's telecommunications to keep pace with its rapid economic development, officials said Wednesday.
Vinasat No. 1 is scheduled to be launched April 12 from Kourou spaceport in South America, and will be ready for use in May, Nguyen Ba Thuoc, vice general director of state-owned Vietnam Post and Telecommunication Corp., or VNPT, told reporters.
The $200 million satellite, which has a medium transmission capacity, will help make Internet and television accessible nationwide, Thuoc said.
"Vietnam has reached the point where significant improvements of the telecommunication infrastructure are needed for its economic and social development," said Thuoc. Better telecommunications would bring more investment into the country, he said.
Currently, businesses and the Vietnamese government are renting satellites from Australia, Thailand and Russia.
Vietnam's economy has grown at an average annual rate of more than 7 percent for the last 10 years. It has 19 million Internet users, and more than 40 million telephones, according to government figures.
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