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http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/p/2008-01-26/1139483042.html 俄羅斯警告北約不許再仿製AK-47步槍 http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月26日 11:39 新華網 新華網消息 據路透社報導,俄羅斯1月24日譴責北約對於其成員國的工廠沒有獲得正當授權就生產蘇聯設計的卡拉什尼科夫步槍一事熟視無睹。俄方表示要索賠。 俄羅斯人以卡拉什尼科夫步槍為榮。它是俄羅斯最為成功的技術出口產品之一。從第一支卡拉什尼科夫步槍1947年在俄羅斯中部地區下線以來,它的地位已經提升到神聖的地步。 這種步槍結構堅固而又易於操作,這使其成為世界各地的軍隊和遊擊隊的首選武器。 現在,俄羅斯常駐北約代表德米特裏•羅戈津一再譴責說,卡拉什尼科夫步槍(又名AK-47)是如此成功的出口產品,以至於北約成員中莫斯科的前共產主義盟國控制的企業沒有獲得正當授權就仿造這種產品。 羅戈津在莫斯科舉行的有關俄羅斯—北約關係的新聞發佈會上說:“我們需要弄清楚俄羅斯聯邦和最初生產AK-47的公司損失了多少錢。如果我們發現俄羅斯需要得到賠償,那麼這個問題隨後就會討論到。” 羅戈津給出一份名單,上面列出了北約國家中生產這種步槍的工廠。這些工廠仿製的成千上萬支AK-47出口到中東、非洲和亞洲等地。 http://en.rian.ru/world/20080124/97667305.html Russia's envoy poised for military patent discussions with NATO 16:04 | 24/ 01/ 2008
MOSCOW, January 24 (RIA Novosti) - The new Russian ambassador to NATO has raised the issue of military patent infringement and promised to look into the production of the famous 'Kalashnikov' brand of automatic weapons by NATO countries. "As I was preparing to take up my new post, I was astonished at the disrespect for proprietary rights in the field of armaments," Dmitry Rogozin told a news conference on Thursday. "Copyright law should not be only confined to art and culture, but must also cover armaments," he said. He said many countries, including some NATO and European Union members, produced Kalashnikov weapons. "We will find out on what licenses and agreements the production and supply of our automatic weapons is based and how much money the Russian Federation has lost," he added. He said the arms plant Arsenal in Bulgaria had sold 10,000 AK-47 Kalashnikov automatic rifles to Turkmenistan in 1994 and 60,000 in 2005, as well as 40,000 to Iraq in 2003. The plant also supplied arms to Georgia, Afghanistan, Indonesia and United Arab Emirates under multimillion-dollar contracts, the official added. Rogozin said the plant's branch in the U.S. state of Nevada had also sold 10,000 Kalashnikov-based semi-automatic weapons and that a Polish foreign trade association had sold 10,000 Kalashnikov weapons to Iraq. "The same concerns Hungary, Romania and others," he said pointing that "these are respected countries, member states of NATO and the European Union." Rogozin said the issue would see "serious discussions" if it was established that these countries had produced the weapons illegally and without due payments to Russia. Rogozin, who starts work at NATO's HQ in Brussels on January 28, stressed that there were norms and restrictions to be complied with by all NATO and EU countries. A former chairman of the lower house committee for foreign affairs, Rogozin was earlier considered a pro-Kremlin politician and held the post of presidential envoy to the Kaliningrad Region, a Russian exclave between Poland and Lithuania. He also formerly led the nationalist bloc Rodina (Motherland).
May the Force be with you
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http://news.yam.com/afp/international/200806/20080625182659.html 美國與阿爾巴尼亞將調查非法交易中國軍火案 法新社╱郭無患 2008-06-25 11:50 (法新社華盛頓二十四日電)美國與阿爾巴尼亞政府今天宣布,將對美國駐阿爾巴尼亞大使涉嫌掩飾中國製軍火被運往阿富汗供安全部隊使用一案,展開調查。 美國國務院表示,國務院督察總長將主導有關此案「全面、公正、且透明」的內部調查。 國務院發言人凱西表示,駐阿爾巴尼亞大使威勒茲「非常希望事實能洗刷他和幕僚被指稱涉入所有案情的清白」。 凱西說:「我完全沒有理由相信不同於他陳述的情形會發生」。 阿爾巴尼亞當局已經為此案詢問了一些人員。 阿爾巴尼亞檢察總長拉瑪表示:「我決心找出真相」。 眾議院政府改革暨監督委員會主席華克斯曼昨天寄交一封信給國務卿萊斯,信中提出這項指控,內容並刊登在若干報紙上。 這封信指出,威勒茲贊成阿爾巴尼亞國防部長的計畫,掩飾產自中國的幾箱非法軍火,由阿爾巴尼亞運到阿富汗」。 信中也說,儘管美國法律禁止買賣中國武器,位於邁阿密的一家與美國陸軍有合約關係的公司,買下這批武器供應阿富汗安全部隊。 威勒茲在阿爾巴尼亞首都地拉那否認涉入走私中國軍火。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080624/pl_afp/usafghanistanweaponschina_080624215430;_ylt=ArfcptBpWKEPf7pyYi9bYVSsOrgF US to probe alleged Chinese-made ammunition cover-up
Tue Jun 24, 5:54 PM ET WASHINGTON (AFP) - US and Albanian authorities announced probes Tuesday into allegations that the US ambassador to Albania concealed the Chinese origins of ammunition sent to supply Afghan security forces. The US State Department said its inspector general would conduct a "thorough, fair and transparent" internal investigation of the matter. Department spokesman Tom Casey said the ambassador, John Withers, "fully expects that the facts will exonerate him and his staff of any and all the allegations that are out there." "I have absolutely no reason to believe that anything different than that will happen," Casey said. Albanian authorities have questioned dozens of people over the affair. "I am determined to uncover the truth," Albanian Attorney General Ina Rama said. The allegations were made by House of Representatives Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman Henry Waxman in a letter sent Monday to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that was published in several newspapers. The letter said Withers endorsed a plan by Albania's defense minister to disguise the illegal Chinese origins of several boxes of ammunition shipped from Albania to Afghanistan. It also said a Miami-based company working under an army contract bought the ammunition to supply Afghan security forces, despite the fact that US law prohibits trading in Chinese arms. In the Albanian capital, Withers denied any involvement in the trafficking of Chinese weapons. The US embassy said in a statement that Withers was "aware of the claims." It added that Withers was studying Waxman's letter "and will prepare a full refutation of any allegations against the US embassy or himself once he has done so." "The ambassador is a steadfast believer that a fair examination of the evidence will lead, in the end, to the truth," the statement said. "The evidence in this matter, fully presented, will dissolve any and every assertion made against him, his staff, or his government." Waxman said Withers "held a late-night meeting with the Albanian Defense Minister at which the Ambassador approved removing evidence of the illegal Chinese origins of ammunition being shipped from Albania to Afghanistan by a US contractor." The meeting took place on November 19, 2007 at the behest of the Albanian minister, who wanted to know how to respond to a New York Times reporter's request to visit the American contractor's operations in Tirana, where several boxes of Chinese ammunition were stored. The ammunition was being repackaged to disguise its origins and shipped from Albania to Afghanistan by AEY, a Miami Beach arms-dealing company, Waxman said. At the time, AEY was under a contract with the US army as "the main munitions supplier for Afghan security forces" despite US law prohibiting trading in Chinese arms, the lawmaker said. AEY head Efraim Diveroli, 22, and three other people were charged on Friday for selling prohibited Chinese ammunition, presented as being of Albanian origin, to the Pentagon, he added. The arms smuggling case may be linked to seven arrests in Tirana after a blast in a military depot in March killed 26 people and injured 302. The incident gave rise to suspicions of possible arms trafficking in the country and led to the resignation of defense minister Fatmir Mediu, with whom Withers had met.
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http://news.yam.com/cna/international/200806/20080625182809.html 美國務院不信美大使掩護中國軍火運阿富汗 中央社╱中央社 2008-06-25 12:16 (中央社記者劉坤原華盛頓二十四日專電)美國國務院發言人凱西今天表示,國務院沒有理由相信美國駐阿爾巴尼亞大使威勒茲曾協助阿爾巴尼亞掩護一批預備運往阿富汗的中國軍火。國務院將全力配合獨立機構針對此事件進行公平而透明的檢查。 「紐約時報」今天報導,一位武官告訴國會調查人員,威勒茲贊成阿爾巴尼亞國防部長梅迪悠的計畫,把數箱中國製造的軍火藏起來,不讓前往採訪的紐約時報記者看到。這批軍火是美國國防部一個承包商向中國購買,透過阿爾巴尼亞運到阿富汗,供阿富汗部隊使用。 美國法律禁止買賣中國武器。 凱西今天在例行記者會上被問到這個問題時表示,這是很嚴重的指控,尤其指控對象是一個已有二十四年服務年資的優秀外交官,國務院對這種指控非常嚴肅看待。 凱西表示,眾院已要求國務院督察長對這項指控進行完整、公平而透明的檢查,國務院將全力配合。 凱西說,威勒茲已發表聲明,期盼檢查的結果能證明他與大使館同仁處置恰當。 被問到是檢查(review)還是調查(investigation)時,凱西說,督察長將先進行檢查,以決定是否需要進行正式的調查。 記者追問為什麼威勒茲當時要為阿爾巴尼亞國防部長的計畫背書,凱西說,國務院沒有理由相信真的有這樣的事情發生,所以督察長將對此案進行瞭解和檢查,讓真相大白。
Cover-Up Is Cited on Illegal Arms
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http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/24/washington/24arms-subtk.html?scp=4&sq=ammunition&st=cse Cover-Up Is Cited on Illegal Arms By ERIC SCHMITT Published: June 24, 2008 WASHINGTON – A military attaché has told Congressional investigators that the American ambassador to Albania endorsed a plan by that country’s defense minister to remove evidence of illegal Chinese origins on ammunition being shipped from Albania to Afghanistan by a Miami Beach arms-dealing company. The approval came in a late-night meeting between the ambassador, John L. Withers II, the Albanian defense minister, Fatmir Mediu, and their top aides just hours before a reporter for The New York Times was scheduled to visit the American contractor’s operations in Tirana, the Albanian capital, last November. The American military bought the ammunition to supply Afghan security forces, but American law prohibits trading in Chinese arms. The attaché, Maj. Larry D. Harrison II of the Army, attended the meeting and told investigators for a House committee that Mr. Mediu voiced concerns that the reporter would reveal accusations of corruption against him. The minister said that because he had gone out of the his way to help the United States, “the U.S. owed him something,” according to Major Harrison. When Mr. Mediu ordered the commanding general of Albania’s armed forces to remove all boxes of Chinese ammunition from a site the reporter was to visit, Major Harrison said “the Ambassador agreed that this would alleviate the suspicion of wrongdoing,” according to excerpts of a transcript of the interview investigators conducted with the attaché on June 9, and made public Monday by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. At the time of the meeting, the company, AEY Inc., was under investigation for illegal arms trafficking involving Chinese ammunition. On Friday, the 22-year-old president of the company, Efraim E. Diveroli, and three other people were charged with selling prohibited Chinese ammunition to the Pentagon. Major Harrison told investigators that he did not agree with the decision to hide the boxes from the reporter, and said that he felt “very uncomfortable” during the meeting. Major Harrison, who as the chief of the embassy’s office of defense cooperation was responsible for helping train and equip Albania’s military, said that his suggestion to bar the reporter from visiting the Albania base was rejected. In a letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, the committee’s chairman, Representative Henry A. Waxman, a California Democrat, said on Monday that there also appeared to be evidence that embassy officials in Tirana tried to cover up the November meeting once Mr. Waxman’s staff began an investigation into AEY. A spokesman at the United States Embassy in Tirana referred all questions to Washington. A State Department spokesman, Tom Casey, told reporters Monday that the department was reviewing Mr. Waxman’s letter, including Major Harrison’s statements. "We have no information that would support the idea that U.S. officials were involved in some kind of illicit activity," Mr. Casey said. "But obviously, again, any allegations made, certainly any questions raised by the chairman, of a major committee in Congress, is something that we will be happy to look into." Mr. Casey said. According to e-mails obtained by congressional investigators, Major Harrison urged embassy officials to inform the committee of the November 19 meeting between the ambassador and minister, but the embassy omitted any reference to the meeting in its official response to the committee’s questions. Embassy personnel seemed sensitive to the Albanians’ alarm. The day after the November meeting, the embassy’s regional security officer, Patrick Leonard, wrote an assistant an e-mail obtained by the committee: “NY Times just arrived today and might be doing a story on this and it might get ugly. Ambassador is very concerned about the case.” When The Times published its article on March 27, 2008, it was quickly forwarded to embassy officials. In an e-mail to several embassy officials, Mr. Leonard said that the article focused on the dealings of AEY. “No mention of Embassy involvement – thank God!” In his letter to Secretary Rice, Mr. Waxman said Major Harrison’s statements combined with the e-mail correspondence among embassy officials “raises questions about both the State Department’s role in the shipment of illegal Chinese ammunition and the candor or the Department’s response to the Committee.” In January 2007, the Army awarded AEY a contract, potentially worth $298 million, that made it the primary munitions supplier for Afghan security forces in the fight against Al Qaeda and the Taliban. An examination by The New York Times earlier this year uncovered documents from Albania that showed that AEY bought more than 100 million Chinese cartridges that had been stored for decades in former cold war stockpiles. Mr. Diveroli then arranged to have them repacked in cardboard boxes, many of which split or decomposed after shipment to the war zones. Different lots or types of ammunition were mixed. In some cases the ammunition was dirty, corroded or covered with a film.
美公司違反採購中國武器 外交官掩飾產地
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http://news.yam.com/afp/international/200806/20080624169612.html 美公司違反採購中國武器 外交官掩飾產地 法新社╱樊劍萍 2008-06-24 20:35 (法新社華盛頓二十四日電)「紐約時報」今天報導,國會調查人員獲悉,一位美國大使曾經協助掩蓋一批非法採購的武器是來自中國的事實。美國國防部一個承包商買下這些武器,供阿富汗安全部隊使用。 報導說:「一位武官告訴調查人員,(美國)駐阿爾巴尼亞大使贊成阿國國防部長的計畫,把幾箱中國軍火藏起來,不讓來訪的(時報)記者看到。這些軍火經重新包裝以掩飾原產地,由邁阿密灘的一家武器交易公司從阿爾巴尼亞運到阿富汗。」 根據時報的報導,在紐約時報的一位記者前往阿爾巴尼亞首都地拉那採訪這個美國承包商的活動之前幾個小時,威勒茲大使會晤國防部長梅迪悠。 報導說,儘管美國法律禁止買賣中國武器,這家與美國陸軍有合約關係的美國公司買下這批武器供應阿富汗安全部隊。 除此之外,報導說:「會面的時候,這家AEY公司已經因為非法走私中國武器接受調查。」 時報報導,這家美國公司的總裁,二十二歲的狄維若利與另外三人,二十日被控將禁止交易的中國武器賣給國防部。他們聲稱,這些武器是在阿爾巴尼亞製造。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080624/pl_afp/usafghanistanweaponschina_080624064512;_ylt=AmoBoDgqQ5_EWgmhvou3N4asOrgF US envoy in Chinese-made ammunition cover-up: report
Tue Jun 24, 2:45 AM ET WASHINGTON (AFP) - A US ambassador helped conceal illegal Chinese origins of ammunition that a Pentagon contractor bought to supply Afghan security forces, Congressional investigators have learned, The New York Times reported Tuesday. "A military attache has told the investigators the (US) ambassador to Albania endorsed a plan by the Albanian defense minister to hide several boxes of Chinese ammunition from a visiting (Times) reporter. The ammunition was being repackaged to disguise its origins and shipped from Albania to Afghanistan by a Miami Beach arms-dealing company," the report said. According to the Times, Ambassador John Withers "met with the defense minister, Fatmir Mediu, hours before a reporter for The New York Times was to visit the American contractor's operations in Tirana, the Albanian capital." According to the Times, the US company, working under an Army contract, bought the ammunition to supply Afghan security forces despite the fact that US law prohibits trading in Chinese arms. The report named Major Larry D. Harrison II of the Army as the attache. In addition, "at the time of the meeting, the company, AEY Inc., was under investigation for illegal arms trafficking involving Chinese ammunition," the Times said. Friday, the president of the company, Efraim Diveroli, 22, and three others were charged with selling prohibited Chinese ammunition to the Pentagon that they said was made in Albania, the Times report said.
賣中製老舊彈藥 佛州AEY被起訴
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http://udn.com/NEWS/WORLD/WOR6/4394406.shtml 賣中製老舊彈藥 佛州AEY被起訴 【世界日報╱紐約時報二十日訊】 2008.06.22 03:30 am 佛州AEY軍火公司因涉嫌把禁售的中國製彈藥販售給國防部,以提供阿富汗軍隊使用,該公司總裁及另外三人20日在邁阿密被聯邦陪審團起訴。
AEY公司為美國軍方支援阿富汗安全部隊的主要軍火商。該公司22歲的總裁狄佛洛利(Efraim Diveroli)、一名商業夥伴及兩名前員工,被控在與陸軍一筆2億9800萬元的合約中,詐欺及密謀提供不實的彈藥類型。 起訴書指出,AEY公司及被告等人供應阿富汗老舊的中國彈藥,並聲稱為阿爾巴尼亞製造,以尋求「不當牟利」。 但狄佛洛利的律師辯稱,該禁令僅適用於1989年天安門事件之後所購買的中國軍火,但AEY卻是向阿爾巴尼亞購買一九六○及七○年代的中國製彈藥。 法律規定禁止「直接或間接向中國兵工廠或國防工業所屬公司」購買任何彈藥,而當局自去年開始對AEY調查。 陸軍在今年3月份已停止與AEY的合約,指出該公司在另一批運至阿富汗的中國軍火,假冒為匈牙利製造;國務院則在4月份停止AEY進行國際出口,並禁止其他商業行為。 【2008/06/22 世界日報】
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http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/2008-06-16/0859505422.html SCAR突擊步槍將亮相歐洲薩特利防務展 http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月16日 08:59 中國國防科技資訊網 據美國陸軍技術網站2008年6月10日報導 FN赫斯塔爾公司稱將在2008年6月16日至20日在巴黎舉辦的歐洲薩特利防務展上正式向國際市場推出由該公司研製的特種作戰部隊戰鬥突擊步槍(SCAR)。 SCAR槍族最初是FN赫斯塔爾公司應美國特種作戰司令部(USSOCOM)的要求而設計的,設計之初有兩種不同口徑,但是大部分零件可以通用並具有相同的人機功效。FN赫斯塔爾公司參與了競爭並獲勝,其SCAR是9個競爭者之一。 SCAR槍族有兩種高性能模組化槍管,SCAR-L發射5.56毫米×45毫米口徑北約彈藥,SCAR-H發射7.62毫米×51毫米口徑北約彈藥,它們都可加裝FN40GL型40毫米低速榴彈發射器,兩種SCAR都可以採用不同長度的槍管:近距離作戰的短身管和較遠距離作戰的標準身管。FN40GL榴彈發射器可以快速安裝到SCAR槍管下面的導軌上,也可以作為單獨武器使用。 (北方科技資訊研究所 王智鑫)
美軍步槍子彈殺傷力差 敵人中彈後能繼續戰鬥
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http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/2008-05-28/1343502835.html 美軍步槍子彈殺傷力差 敵人中彈後能繼續戰鬥 http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月28日 13:43 現代快報 美軍子彈“打不死人”? 一名美軍士兵手持M4型突擊步槍,在巷戰中突遇武裝人員。美軍搶先開火,子彈穿過對方身體,但似乎沒擊中要害。武裝人員中彈後仍端起手中AK—47型突擊步槍開火……這是美軍士兵在伊拉克和阿富汗不難遇到的情況。 美聯社26日援引一些武器專家的話報導,美軍常規配置的M4等5.56毫米口徑突擊步槍使用的M855型子彈直徑較小,殺傷力不足,不適合美軍面對的新型戰爭。 不過,美軍官員說,子彈小不是問題,關鍵要打正位置。 穿鋼易 傷人難 M855型子彈設計於幾十年前。當時,它的設計標準是在數百米開外能擊穿蘇聯士兵頭頂的鋼盔。 美聯社說,M855型子彈確能打穿鋼鐵,但如今,美軍捲入的戰事已有別於冷戰年代,大規模陣地戰讓位於發生在樓梯、街道、屋頂等相對狹小場所的近身戰鬥。 近距離開火後,M855型子彈能像針一樣穿透人體。雖然這樣能造成傷害,但除非子彈擊中敵人的重要器官或脊柱,否則對方仍可能保持戰鬥力,甚至中彈一天后還能戰鬥。 美軍前特種兵保羅•豪15年前在索馬里首都摩加迪沙執行任務時,親眼目睹一發M855型子彈從幾米遠處射入當地一名武裝人員的後背。 “我看到子彈從他上衣另一面飛出,”豪說,“那傢伙竟轉動身體,四處張望,尋找子彈是從哪兒飛來。後來他又身中數彈,但第一發子彈沒能把他放倒。” 大口徑 更強大? 喬•希金斯去年退伍前是駐伊拉克美軍一名狙擊手。他在巴格達以北一戰事頻發的小鎮巡邏時,手中大口徑、長槍管的M14型自動步槍讓他感到踏實。 “在這樣的環境中,裝備大口徑槍械絕對是明智之選,”希金斯說。 M14型步槍口徑7.62毫米,曾是美軍標準裝備。切換到全自動擋後,M14射速可達每分鐘數百發。但由於後坐力大,連發狀態時令大多數美軍士兵無法駕馭。上世紀60年代中期,M14大規模讓位於5.56毫米口徑的M16突擊步槍。如今,美軍中只有狙擊手和槍法奇准的人方配備M14。 2006年,美國陸軍邀請私人研究機構對曾在伊拉克和阿富汗服役的2600名士兵開展調查。結果顯示,裝備M4和M16步槍的士兵裏,近五分之一想換成更大直徑的子彈。 “M855就是不夠大,”前特種兵豪說,“如果我準備進入一個房間,面對想殺死我的人,我想先把他放倒,越快越好。” 不想換 繼續買 美聯社說,單價約33美分的M855子彈沒怎麼引起美國軍方和國會的注意。M855已生產數十億發。國會正尋求從今年10月1日起斥資880萬美元買入2.67億發M855。軍方也沒有換子彈的打算。 “如果你射中一個人的正確部位,你用什麼子彈打都沒關係,”佐治亞州一美軍駐地小型武器部門負責人湯瑪斯•亨索恩少校說。 針對士兵們的牢騷,美國陸軍曾組建由士兵、科研人員、醫生和工程師組成的聯合調查組,檢驗M855性能。調查組2006年5月得出結論,認為市面上沒有比M855更好的直徑相當的子彈。調查人員認為,子彈未必越大越好。 子彈創傷研究專家、前軍醫馬丁•法克勒說,問題不在M855子彈的大小,而在於M4步槍槍管太短,不足以使M855達到實現最大殺傷力的速度。 曾在伊拉克、阿富汗、索馬里境內服役的美陸軍一級準尉唐•亞歷山大認為,M855的缺陷不足以讓人吃驚,它“對穿著單薄的人近距離殺傷力就是不佳”,這“完全符合它的設計標準”。 但是,子彈越大,意味著士兵攜帶固定數量子彈時負重越多,射擊產生的後坐力也越大。美聯社說,對有著不同規模、不同作戰能力的美軍而言,這一直是個嚴肅課題。(劉鵬)
美新一代超輕型機槍LW50問世 將於2011年量產
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http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/2008-05-16/1050500618.html 美新一代超輕型機槍LW50問世 將於2011年量產 http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月16日 10:50 東方網 據防務新聞網報導,美國通用動力公司下屬的軍備科技產品部門日前公佈了其研製的新一代LW 50型12.7毫米輕型機槍。 美國陸軍已訂購了三挺LW 50用於測試。之前,美國特種部隊已對這種新式機槍的性能進行了檢測。目前的測試結果顯示,該槍的性能要明顯好于美國陸軍現役的M2勃朗寧重機槍。 LW 50的重量僅17千克,還不足M2的一半。更為重要的是,由於運用了一系列最新技術,LW 50的精度得到顯著提高,尤其是,其射擊時產生的後坐力僅為M2的四分之一,這也使得光學瞄準鏡的使用效率大幅提升。 LW 50的射速為每分鐘200-300發,有效射程達2000米。 該型機槍今後既可用於裝備步兵部隊,也可通過加裝遙控作戰模組,將其改裝為遙控機槍。此外,該槍還可與M2機槍搭配使用。 據悉,通用動力公司計畫於2011年開始小批量生產LW 50。其下屬的軍備科技產品部門估計,LW 50的潛在訂貨量將至少達到數千支。(北斗) http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=3503600&c=LAN&s=TOP U.S. Army Tests Prototype .50-Cal. Gun By kris osborn Published: 13 May 11:54 EDT (07:54 GMT)
The U.S. Army Soldier Weapons Center at Picatinny Arsenal, N.J., has ordered three prototypes of a first-of-its-kind lightweight .50-cal. machine gun that fires with less recoil force and can be carried more easily in rough terrain than the Army's current .50-caliber weapon, service officials said. Dubbed LW for lightweight and made by General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products (ATP), the 38-pound gun weighs less than half as much as the 82-pound M2 and incorporates a host of technologies designed to improve accuracy. "The gun uses what is called impulse averaging, so it doesn't come to a hard stop. With an M2 today, you would have to take your eye away from the sight because it would shake," said U.S. Army Col. Carl Lipsit, program manager for soldier weapons at Picatinny. For several years now, the Army has been working with industry in an effort to develop lightweight .50-caliber weapons. The LW .50-cal. is intended to be mounted quickly on light vehicles' Common Remote Weapons Station, a turret controlled remotely by soldiers with a joystick and video screen. The M2, a combat fixture for 70 years, will not be replaced, just added to, said Lt. Col. Mike Ascura, product manager for crew-served weapons at Picatinny. "We've done a market survey of the arms manufacturers to look and see what is available. It will still be a crew-served weapon with a tripod. It will be man-portable," he said. The Army has ordered three prototypes from GD ATP for testing, which could lead to orders for thousands of the weapons. The LW 50 has 250 pounds of recoil force, one-quarter that of the M2; has fixed head space and timing; and fires 200 to 300 rounds per minute up to 2,000 meters, Army and GD ATP officials said. The gun was recently test-fired by Special Operations Forces (SOCom). "We conducted a 10,000-round early user assessment with SOCom forces at a test center in Yakima, Wash.," said Bob Cavoretto, GD ATP's senior program manager for advanced crew-served weapons. In coming months, SOCom and Army evaluators will test the three prototype LW 50s at a GD ATP facility. The company will refine the design to incorporate lessons and customer input. "This contract gets us started to develop a weapon design. The intent is to submit a follow-on proposal which would go in during the early quarter of next year to support government development," he said. More prototype testing is slated for Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., by 2010. Low-rate initial production is scheduled for 2011, Ascura said.
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http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/p/2008-04-17/0930495804.html 波蘭為精英特種部隊採購HK416突擊步槍 http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年04月17日 09:30 北方科技資訊研究所 據英國《簡氏防務週刊》2008年4月15日報導 據波蘭陸軍特種作戰司令部稱,波蘭GROM(陸軍機動反應部隊)精英特種部隊已于2007年採購了由德國赫克勒-科赫公司研製的HK416式5.56毫米突擊步槍,以作為其主要的單兵武器系統。首支GK416突擊步槍在2008年4月7日舉行的美國特種作戰司令官助理Admiral Eric T. Olson與波蘭少將Wlodzimierz Potasinski的官方會議中進行了展示。波蘭特種作戰司令部於2007年正式成立,目前正在逐步建立獨立的司令部結構和能力,而美國特種作戰司令部將為其提供訓練和作戰方面的相關支援。 儘管波蘭尚未透露合同的相關細節和訂購數量,但GROM特種部隊已通過賽恩萊克斯(Cenrex)公司訂購了幾百支兩種型號的HK416步槍:HK416D10RS和HK416D145RS。HK416D145RS步槍配裝有槍掛AG-HK416(GLM)式40毫米榴彈發射器。新型步槍將成為部隊的主要武器,並用以替換由奈特軍械公司和Bushmaster公司生產的M4A1式5.56毫米步槍。除了HK416突擊步槍之外,波蘭特種部隊還採購了一批先進光學裝置,其中包括:Elcan光學技術公司的SpecterDR 高性能、可x1~x4變焦的雙視場作戰用光學瞄準具(美國特種作戰司令部將其定型為SOPMOD Block 2元件中的SU-230/PVS瞄準具),以及鐳射設備公司的DBAL-A2(AN/PEQ-15A)紅外鐳射目標照射雷達。 除了少量FN F2000式5.56毫米戰術突擊步槍之外,波蘭2007年還採購了大量FN P90式5.7毫米×28衝鋒槍以供護衛部隊使用。GROM特種部隊已在阿富汗戰場使用FN F2000突擊步槍,以評估其適用性。 (北方科技資訊研究所 劉婧)
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http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/p/2008-04-01/0809492815.html 印度向以色列再購千支TAR21步槍裝備特種部隊 http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年04月01日 08:09 環球網 環球時報•環球網消息:3月26日出版的《簡氏防務週刊》稱,印度又要訂購1000支以色列制TAR-21“塔沃爾”(Tavor)型5.56毫米突擊步槍,這批步槍將裝備到印度特種部隊。 印度官員表示,這批即將向以色列武器工業(IWI)公司訂購的步槍,將配備到印度特種部隊7個營中尚未配備該型槍的兩個營。 2002年印度從以色列訂購了3070支TAR-21突擊步槍,但一直拖到於去年交付9月份完畢。 印度特種部隊希望此次步槍採購“順利而迅速”地交付,不要像上次採購那樣交付時間拖延長達將近5年。 印度即將訂購的TAR步槍採用Bullpup構型(即扳機握把前移至彈匣前,並將槍機機匣與槍托作一功能整合),還配備土耳其製造的M203型40毫米榴彈發射器(位於槍管下方)。 以色列武器工業(IWI)公司還為印度特種邊防隊(SFF)提供了350-400支TAR突擊步槍和約130支7.62毫米加利爾(Galil)狙擊步槍,該公司還向印度特種部隊和特種邊防隊提供了45萬發子彈。 以色列槍械公司還在競標印度步兵所需的5-6萬支卡賓槍合同。(環球網 張加軍)