美國新型M-2 E2機槍在試驗中獲得好評
[據法國《防務宇航》2009年7月21日報導] 2009年7月8日~2009年7月15日期間,美國機動作戰實驗室在美國亞利桑那州柯立芝(Coolidge)靶場對M-2 E2機槍進行了試驗。據稱,美國陸軍已明確了對現役M-2 HB式12.7毫米機槍進行改進的必要性。改進型號將可提高其安全性和生存能力。M2 HB機槍在更換槍管的時候需要設定上部空間和時機,這使得士兵在更換槍管時長期暴露在敵方火力之下,而M-2 E2機槍具有固定的上部空間和時機作業系統。預計這些改進將使12.7毫米機槍更容易使用,且更安全。
機動作戰實驗室已收集了試驗資料和士兵的回饋意見。M-2 E2式12.7毫米機槍由通用動力公司武器與技術產品分部研製,除了快速更換槍管系統之外,這種改進型機槍還減少了槍口焰,使其具備更強的夜視能力。據試驗官員稱,目前尚未決定還需多久才能將M-2 E2機槍部署作戰使用。
共16名士兵參與了在柯立芝靶場開展的試驗,其中11名來自第11工兵營,另外5名來自第209憲兵分遣隊。在試驗中,他們在已知距離分別對舊式和新型12.7毫米機槍進行了射擊,同時還對從兩腳架和車輛安裝架上更換槍管進行了定時測試。據第209憲兵分遣隊的參謀軍士Mark Hooks稱,M-2 E2機槍的子系統非常好。由於不需要進行上部空間和時機調整,因此一切程式都能夠更加迅速地完成。在戰區,M-2 E2機槍將能夠極大地減少準備和備戰時間。其他士兵也對該機槍的作戰效能給予了好評。 (北方科技資訊研究所 劉婧)
Soldiers Praise New .50-Cal Machine Gun
(Source: U.S Army; issued July 17, 2009)
The Maneuver Battle Lab conducted its experiment on the M-2 E2 weapon at Coolidge Range from July 8-15.
Rusty Schulten, test director and project officer for the Maneuver Battle Lab's Soldier team, said the Army identified the need for a revision to the M-2 HB, the .50-caliber machine gun now in use. The upgraded version increases safety and improves survivability, he said.
"The M-2 HB requires headspace and timing to be set, which exposes Soldiers to enemy fire for extended periods of time while performing barrel-changing procedures," Schulten said. "The M-2 E2 implements a fixed headspace and timing operating system. These modifications are intended to make the .50-caliber machine gun easier and safer to employ."
The Maneuver Battle Lab collected data and Soldier feedback, he said.
"Our only objective is to provide an unbiased evaluation of the operational effectiveness of the M-2 E2 in order to inform future acquisition decisions," Schulten said.
General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products developed the M-2 E2 12.7mm weapon. Along with the Quick Change Barrel system, the enhanced machine gun also reduces muzzle flash, making it more night-vision friendly, according to the company's Web site.
Experiment officials said no decision has been made on how soon the M-2 E2 could be ready for the battlefield.
Operational testing in hot and cold environments is under way at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, said Matt Pintsch, an engineer from Picatinny Arsenal, N.J., who was here as an observer.
"They have the final say on safety issues," he said. "You have to get their approval before moving on with the program."
If effective and fielded to the Army, the M-2 E2 would ease training requirements and decrease the chance for weapon malfunctions, Schulten said.
Sixteen Soldiers - 11 from the 11th Engineer Battalion and five with the 209th Military Police Detachment - took part in the testing at Coolidge Range. They fired the old and new .50-caliber machine guns at known distances and were timed on barrel changes from the tripod and vehicle mounts.
"It's pretty hot," said Staff Sgt. Mark Hooks of the 209th MP Detachment, referring to the upgraded weapon. "The components are a lot better. Everything is going to go so much faster because you don't have to do headspace and timing adjustments. You're alleviating a whole lot. We went from 10 minutes to 10 seconds."
The M-2 E2 would significantly cut down on prep and readiness time in a combat zone, he said.
"People will be ready to go twice as fast," Hooks said. "If I got a squad out there getting fired at, I've got to go out and help them right away ... This is probably one of the best things I've seen the military do weapons-wise."
Other Soldiers also touted the machine gun's effectiveness.
"It makes the barrel change a lot more efficient and doesn't take as much time," said Sgt. Fred Roberts, also from the 209th MP Detachment. "But the main operation of the weapon is exactly the same."
Spc. Arthur Coleman of the 11th Engineer Battalion said the fixed gauges on the M-2 E2 are a major difference over the M-2s HB.
"I love it," he said of the quick-change barrel. "It fires just like the old weapon. But on the old weapon, you had to check the headspace and timing every time. If you're in a firefight, this will make it a whole lot easier to change the barrel out."