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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月03日 09:38 中國航空信息網

  美國《空軍時報》2008年1月1日報導 駐密蘇里州Whiteman空軍基地的美國空軍509轟炸機聯隊於上週四宣佈,該基地的武器專家正在研究將重達30000磅(13620千克)的巨型鑽地彈(Massive Ordnance Penetrator,MOP)搭載在B-2“幽靈(Spirit)”隱身轟炸機的彈艙內。按照計畫,每架B-2轟炸機將可攜帶兩枚MOP,兩個彈艙內各一枚。據透露,為B-2轟炸機裝備MOP的計畫開始於2007年7月,在去年11月美國國會批准1000萬美元的經費後進展加快。

  MOP目前仍然處於測試中,該炸彈主要用於摧毀洞穴、坑道和掩體等地下隱蔽目標或經過加強的堅固目標,伊朗的核設施或基地組織的地下設施都屬於這一類目標。該型炸彈正式裝備後,將成為美國空軍武器庫中最大的炸彈,遠遠超過目前所裝備的21000磅(9534千克)的巨型空爆炸彈(Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb,MOAB)、15000磅(6810千克)的“daisy-cutter”炸彈以及5000磅(2270千克)的BLU-113/BLU-122等各型炸彈。(中國航空信息中心 陳黎)

May the Force be with you

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Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne Powered X-51A



Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne Powered X-51A Hypersonic Vehicle Completes First Captive Carry Flight
(Source: Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne; issued December 11, 2009)
 WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. --- The U.S. Air Force X-51A WaveRider vehicle yesterday successfully made its first captive carry flight under the wing of a B-52 carry aircraft at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. The X-51A is powered by Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, a United Technologies Corp. company.

The X-51A is expected to demonstrate hypersonic flight up to six times the speed of sound in test flights beginning early next year. The X-51A program is a collaborative effort of the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), The Boeing Company and Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne.

A captive carry flight, in which a test vehicle is attached to and carried by another aircraft, is a common approach for testing a new type of aircraft before it flies on its own.

"The successful captive carry flight keeps the X-51A team on track for a major breakthrough in propulsion technology and the realization of scramjet powered flight," said George Thum, X-51A program manager, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne.

"This was a great day for the program," said Charlie Brink, X-51A program manager, Air Force Research Laboratory. "The early look is we successfully captured all of our test points without any anomalies. I'm really proud of the AFRL, Air Force Flight Test Center and the Boeing/Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne teams' efforts to move us toward the big event."

During test flight, the B-52 took off heading north, climbed to 50,000 feet and performed gentle maneuvering.

Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, Inc., a part of Pratt & Whitney, is a preferred provider of high-value propulsion, power, energy and innovative system solutions used in a wide variety of government and commercial applications, including the main engines for the space shuttle, Atlas and Delta launch vehicles, missile defense systems and advanced hypersonic engines.

Pratt & Whitney is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of aircraft engines, space propulsion systems and industrial gas turbines. United Technologies, based in Hartford, Conn., is a diversified company providing high technology products and services to the global aerospace and commercial building industries. (ends)

 X-51A WaveRider Gets First Ride Aboard B-52
(Source: U.S Air Force; issued December 11, 2009)
 WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio --- The X-51A Waverider was carried aloft for the first time Dec. 9 by an Air Force Flight Test Center B-52 Stratofortress over Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.

The test was a key milestone in preparation for the X-51 to light its supersonic combustion ramjet engine and propel the WaverRider at hypersonic speed for about five minutes, before plunging into the Pacific Ocean.

"This was a great day for the program," said Charlie Brink, X-51A program manager with the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. "The early look is we successfully captured all of our test points without any anomalies. I'm really proud of the AFRL, Air Force Flight Test Center, and Boeing/Pratt Whitney Rocketdyne teams' efforts to move us toward the big event. That flight test is currently planned in about two months, he said.

The Dec. 9 test, reminiscent of the early days of the historic X-15 program 50 years earlier, was conducted entirely in the airspace over Edwards AFB while various systems and telemetry were checked out. The Flight duration was 1.4 hours.

"After takeoff we climbed to 50,000 feet and verified B-52 aircraft performance, handling qualities with the X-51A attached to the B-52, control room displays and software integration with the X-51A," said Lt. Col. Daniel Millman, a B-52 project pilot. "The B-52 handled great and the flight preceded as planned."

The next B-52/X-51 flight test mission is expected in mid-January, and will be a full dress rehearsal, for its first hypersonic test flight, now planned for mid-February, Mr. Brink said. The dress rehearsal flight will depart Edwards AFB and head out over the Pacific to Point Mugu Naval Air Warfare Center Sea Range. Both airborne and multiple ground test assets will monitor all X-51A systems, but it will not be released from the B-52 and its engine will not ignite.

In February, the Air Force Flight Test Center's B-52 will carry the unmanned X-51A to approximately 50,000 feet over the Pacific Ocean then release it. A solid rocket booster from an Army Tactical Missile System will then ignite and accelerate the X-51 to about Mach 4.5. Then the booster will be jettisoned and the X-51A's supersonic combustion ramjet propulsion system will ignite and operate for about 300 seconds, propelling the cruiser to more than six times the speed of sound.

Onboard sensors will transmit data to ground systems before the cruiser plunges into the Pacific. There are no plans to recover it.

Four X-51A cruisers have been built and were developed by officials from the Air Force, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne and Boeing.

Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne built the X-51's scramjet engine, which is the heart of the system. Engineers expect a great deal will be learned about hypersonic flight during the nearly 300 seconds under scramjet power. The longest-ever previous scramjet test, lasted only about 10 seconds, Mr. Brink said.

As the engine ignites it will initially burn a mix of ethylene and JP-7 fuel before switching exclusively to JP-7. The X-51's fuel-cooled engine design will both heat the JP-7 to an optimum combustion temperature and help the engine itself endure extremely high operating temperatures during the long burn.

"We believe the X-51 will lead the path to practical air breathing hypersonic flight," said George Thum, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne X-51A program manager.

Boeing's Phantom Works performed overall air vehicle design, assembly and testing for the X-51's various components.

"We're elated with the success of the captive carry and looking forward to our powered flight tests. The captive carry test was the culmination of many months of hard work by the X-51A team to verify that hardware, electrical and software integration was complete," said Joseph Vogel, a Boeing Phantom Works X-51A program manager.

Mr. Vogel called the mission an essential step to ready for the dress rehearsal, where the team will run through the processes of a complete mission profile in final preparation for the X-51's first powered flight early next year.

Previous important ground tests verified the X-51 and B-52 could communicate electronically and that X-51A can be safely and successfully uploaded and downloaded on the modified B-52H pylon. Wind tunnel tests and modeling to ensure safe separation from the aircraft were other prerequisites.

Program officials said the scramjet motor's great advantage is the ability to capture and burn oxygen in the thin atmosphere, rather than having to carry it in a large tank like the space shuttle or other rockets. Not having to carry the oxidizer needed for combustion means more payload capability.

Beyond scalable scramjet propulsion, other key technologies that will be demonstrated by the X-51A include thermal protection systems materials, airframe and engine integration, and high-speed stability and control.

Boeing officials said they also had to demonstrate the X-51A 's compatibility with the electromagnetic environment of the B-52H aircraft. The test verified that the X-51A can be powered by and communicate with the B-52H using a modified Joint Direct Attack Munition interface.

"Adapting existing, proven hardware, helps us keep program costs down," Mr. Brink said.

Mr. Brink said he believes the X-51A program will provide knowledge required to develop the game changing technologies needed for future access to space and hypersonic weapon applications.


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 更新日期:2009/12/20 01:49

(路透華盛頓18日電)美國國防部今天告訴路透,爆炸威力較其前身超過10倍的美國「巨型鑽地彈」(Massive Ordnance Penetrator, MOP),將於明年12月前投入服役,較原本預定時間晚半年。


五角大廈發言人黎格勒(Tara Rigler)說:「經費取得延後,以及加強測試計畫,都迫使投入服役時間延至2010年12月。」



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[據美國《航宇日報》2009年12月14日報導] 普•惠公司(Pratt & Whitney)近日向外界透露,美國空軍已於12月9日在加利福尼亞州愛德華茲空軍基地進行了X-51A“乘波者”(Waverider)高超聲速飛行器的首次系留掛載飛行,在飛行中X-51A由B-52H重型轟炸機攜帶並外掛在母機的機翼下。

按照先前的預計,X-51A應於10月末或11月初開始進行掛載飛行,但最後將原定日期向後推遲了。據美國國防部官員透露,其原因是X-51A與B-52H母機的結合以及B-52H本身的維護均出現了問題。普•惠公司稱,在進行此次測試飛行時,B-52H飛機向北方向起飛後爬升至50000英尺(15240米)高空,隨後該機攜帶著X-51A做了較柔和的機動動作。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  陳黎)

X-51A WaveRider gets first ride aboard B-52

Posted 12/11/2009   Updated 12/14/2009

by Derek Kaufman
88th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

12/11/2009 - WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio (AFNS) -- The X-51A Waverider was carried aloft for the first time Dec. 9 by an Air Force Flight Test Center B-52 Stratofortress
over Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.

The test was a key milestone in preparation for the X-51 to light its supersonic combustion ramjet engine and propel the WaverRider at hypersonic speed for about five minutes, before plunging into the Pacific Ocean.

"This was a great day for the program," said Charlie Brink, X-51A program manager with the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. "The early look is we successfully captured all of our test points without any anomalies. I'm really proud of the AFRL, Air Force Flight Test Center, and Boeing/Pratt Whitney Rocketdyne teams' efforts to move us toward the big event. That flight test is currently planned in about two months, he said.

The Dec. 9 test, reminiscent of the early days of the historic X-15 program 50 years earlier, was conducted entirely in the airspace over Edwards AFB while various systems and telemetry were checked out. The Flight duration was 1.4 hours.

"After takeoff we climbed to 50,000 feet and verified B-52 aircraft performance, handling qualities with the X-51A attached to the B-52, control room displays and software integration with the X-51A," said Lt. Col. Daniel Millman, a B-52 project pilot. "The B-52 handled great and the flight preceded as planned."

The next B-52/X-51 flight test mission is expected in mid-January, and will be a full dress rehearsal, for its first hypersonic test flight, now planned for mid-February, Mr. Brink said. The dress rehearsal flight will depart Edwards AFB and head out over the Pacific to Point Mugu Naval Air Warfare Center Sea Range. Both airborne and multiple ground test assets will monitor all X-51A systems, but it will not be released from the B-52 and its engine will not ignite.

In February, the Air Force Flight Test Center's B-52 will carry the unmanned X-51A to approximately 50,000 feet over the Pacific Ocean then release it. A solid rocket booster from an Army Tactical Missile System will then ignite and accelerate the X-51 to about Mach 4.5. Then the booster will be jettisoned and the X-51A's supersonic combustion ramjet propulsion system will ignite and operate for about 300 seconds, propelling the cruiser to more than six times the speed of sound.

Onboard sensors will transmit data to ground systems before the cruiser plunges into the Pacific. There are no plans to recover it.

Four X-51A cruisers have been built and were developed by officials from the Air Force, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne and Boeing.

Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne built the X-51's scramjet engine, which is the heart of the system. Engineers expect a great deal will be learned about hypersonic flight during the nearly 300 seconds under scramjet power. The longest-ever previous scramjet test, lasted only about 10 seconds, Mr. Brink said.

As the engine ignites it will initially burn a mix of ethylene and JP-7 fuel before switching exclusively to JP-7. The X-51's fuel-cooled engine design will both heat the JP-7 to an optimum combustion temperature and help the engine itself endure extremely high operating temperatures during the long burn.

"We believe the X-51 will lead the path to practical air breathing hypersonic flight," said George Thum, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne X-51A program manager.

Boeing's Phantom Works performed overall air vehicle design, assembly and testing for the X-51's various components.

"We're elated with the success of the captive carry and looking forward to our powered flight tests. The captive carry test was the culmination of many months of hard work by the X-51A team to verify that hardware, electrical and software integration was complete," said Joseph Vogel, a Boeing Phantom Works X-51A program manager.

Mr. Vogel called the mission an essential step to ready for the dress rehearsal, where the team will run through the processes of a complete mission profile in final preparation for the X-51's first powered flight early next year.

Previous important ground tests verified the X-51 and B-52 could communicate electronically and that X-51A can be safely and successfully uploaded and downloaded on the modified B-52H pylon. Wind tunnel tests and modeling to ensure safe separation from the aircraft were other prerequisites.

Program officials said the scramjet motor's great advantage is the ability to capture and burn oxygen in the thin atmosphere, rather than having to carry it in a large tank like the space shuttle or other rockets. Not having to carry the oxidizer needed for combustion means more payload capability.

Beyond scalable scramjet propulsion, other key technologies that will be demonstrated by the X-51A include thermal protection systems materials, airframe and engine integration, and high-speed stability and control.

Boeing officials said they also had to demonstrate the X-51A 's compatibility with the electromagnetic environment of the B-52H aircraft. The test verified that the X-51A can be powered by and communicate with the B-52H using a modified Joint Direct Attack Munition interface.

"Adapting existing, proven hardware, helps us keep program costs down," Mr. Brink said.

Mr. Brink said he believes the X-51A program will provide knowledge required to develop the game changing technologies needed for future access to space and hypersonic weapon applications.

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    此次測試由美國空軍資助,地點是在加利福尼亞州中國湖的海軍空戰中心。這種機動主動目標導向設備綜合實驗(MATRIX)系統是由波音公司為美國空軍研究實驗室研發的。系統採用一束單一高亮度雷射光束擊落5架不同範圍內的無人機。波音投資的鐳射復仇者(Laser Avenger)武器系統也擊落了一架無人機。


    波音公司定向能系統部門在Albuquerque研發MATRIX移動拖車式試驗台,整合了現有的遠端測試雷達。波音公司定向能系統部門和在聖路易斯的戰鬥系統部門合作開發鐳射復仇者(Laser Avenger),它將定向能武器和現有的動能武器集成在經驗證的復仇者防空系統中。

    波音公司致力於研發美國空軍、陸軍和海軍使用的各種鐳射武器系統。這些系統包括機載雷射器、先進戰術雷射器、自由電子雷射器、高能雷射技術演示器和戰術中繼鏡像系統。(工業和資訊化部電子科學技術情報研究所  陳  皓)

Boeing Laser Systems Destroy Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Tests

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., Nov. 18, 2009 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] in May demonstrated the ability of mobile laser weapon systems to perform a unique mission: track and destroy small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

During the U.S. Air Force-sponsored tests at the Naval Air Warfare Center in China Lake, Calif., the Mobile Active Targeting Resource for Integrated eXperiments (MATRIX), which was developed by Boeing under contract to the Air Force Research Laboratory, used a single, high-brightness laser beam to shoot down five UAVs at various ranges. Laser Avenger, a Boeing-funded initiative, also shot down a UAV. Representatives of the Air Force and Army observed the tests.

"The Air Force and Boeing achieved a directed-energy breakthrough with these tests," said Gary Fitzmire, vice president and program director of Boeing Missile Defense Systems' Directed Energy Systems unit. "MATRIX's performance is especially noteworthy because it demonstrated unprecedented, ultra-precise and lethal acquisition, pointing and tracking at long ranges using relatively low laser power."

Bill Baker, chief scientist of the Air Force Research Laboratory's Directed Energy Directorate, praised his team and Boeing for these successful UAV shootdowns.

"These tests validate the use of directed energy to negate potential hostile threats against the homeland," Baker said. "The team effort of Boeing and the Air Force in developing MATRIX will pay major dividends for the warfighter now and in the years ahead."

As part of the overall counter-UAV demonstration, Boeing also successfully test-fired a lightweight 25mm machine gun from the Laser Avenger platform to potentially further the hybrid directed energy/kinetic energy capability against UAV threats.

Boeing Directed Energy Systems, based in Albuquerque, developed MATRIX, a mobile, trailer-mounted test bed that integrates with existing test-range radar. Directed Energy Systems and Boeing Combat Systems in St. Louis cooperatively developed Laser Avenger, which integrates a directed-energy weapon together with the existing kinetic weapons on the proven Avenger air defense system developed by Combat Systems.

Boeing leads the way in developing laser weapon systems for a variety of U.S. Air Force, Army and Navy applications. These systems include the Airborne Laser, Advanced Tactical Laser, Free Electron Laser, High Energy Laser Technology Demonstrator and Tactical Relay Mirror System.

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[據美國《航宇日報》2009年10月22日報導] 準備X-51超燃衝壓發動機驗證機首次飛行測試的官員表示,因為美國空軍B-52母機的問題,可能要推遲到2010年初進行首次高超聲速飛行的嘗試。


        X-51是一種飛行速度達M6以上的乘波飛行器,由一台使用碳氫(JP-7)燃料冷卻的超燃衝壓發動機驅動,如果取得成功,它可能完成歷史上最長持續時間的吸氣式高超聲速飛行。按計劃,X-51將進行4次飛行,最後一次安排在2010年4月進行。(中國航空發展研究中心 胡軍)

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前空軍上校、現任國防安全監督委員會高級飛行安全分析員的Mark "Tex" Wilkins稱美國空軍最終批准撥款為F-16 Block 40及其後批次安裝自動防撞地系統(auto-GCAS),還計畫在F-22和F-35上加裝這一系統。



如果早安裝這套系統的話,或許能挽救George Bryan Houghton上校的性命,7月22日,Houghton因無法判斷飛機高度而墜毀。根據空軍事故委員會的調查報告,當時Houghton駕駛一架F-16演練夜間大迎角攻擊科目,飛機俯衝時,由於Houghton過於關注鐳射指示器上的目標,對三種不同的座艙警報系統發出的警告和地面指揮人員要求“拉起”的緊急呼叫都未能做出反應。

另外,Auto-GCAS不會對飛行試驗造成問題。如在3月份發生的F-22重大墜毀事故中,事故調查報告顯示洛馬試飛員David Cooley當時正在進行一項高過g機動科目以收集試驗資料,不幸遭遇了暫時性的高超載昏迷,當他恢復知覺時,飛機已處於不可控狀態,從14000英尺(4267米)高空以1.6馬赫的速度向下俯衝。在這一事件中,當Cooley進行高超載機動時Auto-GCAS不會發揮作用,但當機頭俯衝的下傾角達到大約70°時,Auto-GCAS會自動啟動。

經過NASA、空軍研究實驗室和洛馬臭鼬工廠等單位長達25年的研發,Auto-GCAS終於將在2012年後部署於F-16 Block 40及其後批次,作為F-16作戰飛行專案6.2批次升級計畫的一部分。空軍還計畫將該系統加入將於2016年開始實施的F-22 Block 3.2 軟體升級專案。F-35聯合攻擊戰鬥機也將裝備Auto-GCAS。



Auto-GCAS系統遭遇了一些飛行員的反對,他們對機載電腦接管飛機控制權心存顧慮。但由於未來幾十年計畫縮減戰術飛機數量,空軍一直急切推動減少事故率。  (中國航空工業發展研究中心 尹常琦)

USAF approves auto-GCAS for fighters
By Stephen Trimble

SOURCE:Flight International

Controlled flight into terrain could be virtually eliminated as a mishap category for US Air Force fighters by loading a new set of algorithms into the flight computer.

Two months ago, the Air Combat Command erred when responding to a query about the status of the decade-old automatic ground collision avoidance system (auto-GCAS). The technology has not been shelved, as was said at the time.

To the contrary, the USAF has finally approved funding to install the system on Lockheed Martin F-16 Block 40s and above and has programmed to insert auto-GCAS for Lockheed F-22 Increment 3.2 fighters and future F-35s, says Mark "Tex" Wilkins, a retired USAF colonel now working as senior aviation safety analyst for the defence safety oversight council.

Auto-GCAS is a software application that keeps track of the aircraft's position, speed and altitude against a digital terrain map of the Earth.

The system intervenes if the pilot becomes disoriented, or suffers a g-induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC). A warning is issued 5s before the flight computer takes control of the aircraft.

If the pilot fails to react to the warning within 1.5s of approaching a point of no return, the auto-GCAS system takes control of the aircraft. It rolls the aircraft violently to a wings-level orientation and then initiates a 5g pull-up. The computer gives control back to the pilot after it restores the aircraft's stability.

The algorithms are also designed to keep from interfering with the pilot's mission, Wilkins says. A particular concern is high-angle strafing attacks. Pilots do not want the computer to take control at the wrong time.

For each mission, the system allows the pilot to set a minimum distance over terrain that will be flown, Wilkins says. The system does not become engaged unless the system pilot flies beneath that altitude.

If the system were installed across the fleet today, it would have saved the life of Capt George Bryan Houghton, who died on 22 June after losing track of his altitude, Wilkins says.

According to the USAF mishap report, Houghton was practising high-angle strafing attacks at night in the F-16, an aircraft relatively new to his experience. The report concluded that Houghton focused too intently on the laser spot illuminating his target as he began to dive. Houghton failed to respond to any of three different cockpit alert systems - and urgent calls by a ground controller - telling him to "pull up".

In addition, flight-test activity should not pose problems for auto-GCAS, Wilkins says, citing the fatal F-22 accident in March involving Lockheed test pilot David Cooley. He was performing a high-g manoeuvre to collect a test point, but briefly suffered a condition known as "almost g-induced loss of conciousness", according to the USAF mishap report. By the time he regained awareness, the F-22 was in an unrecoverable position, diving through 14,000ft (4,267m) at Mach 1.6.

In this, auto-GCAS would not have interfered while Cooley performed the high-g manoeuvre, Wilkins says. "Auto-GCAS was fine with that," he says. "But when he pulled the nose down there, and hit somewhere around 70° nose-low, that's when auto-GCAS kicks in."

Developed over the past 25 years between NASA, the Air Force Research Laboratory and Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works, auto-GCAS will finally be deployed on F-16 Block 40s and above after 2012,

The upgrade is included in the 6.2 block upgrade for the F-16 operational flight programme, Wilkins says. The USAF also plans to integrate auto-GCAS in the F-22 Block 3.2 software upgrade, which is scheduled to be deployed in 2016. The USAF's Lockheed F-35 Joint Strike Fighter fleet also will receive the safety application, Wilkins says.

The system is integrated differently depending on the aircraft type. For the F-16, the software is managed through the avionics system, Wilkins says. The F-22 programme has decided to run the application through the flight-control computer, he says.

The USAF and NASA first demonstrated auto-GCAS in 1998, but the idea has been in development for decades.

"They've been tinkering with this technology since the mid-1980s," Wilkins says.

Even after the 1998 demonstration, the Skunk Works-built software system had a few bugs, but the flights proved the idea was feasible, Wilkins says.

The system has faced resistance from pilots over concerns about turning over control of the aircraft to the flight computer. But the USAF has also been pushing to reduce mishap rates, particularly as the tactical aircraft is projected to dwindle over the next decades.

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      此次試驗驗證了高能雷射光束瞄準和攻擊地面機動目標的能力。此外,在約三周前的8月30日,先進戰術雷射器還完成了首次空中攻擊地面固定目標試驗。先進戰術雷射器是波音公司為美國空軍研製的,主要用於摧毀、損傷戰場或城區的目標,同時可有效減少附帶損傷。波音公司在鐳射武器系統的研製和綜合方面具有非常明顯的技術優勢,目前正在同時為美國空軍、陸軍和海軍研製類似的產品,除先進戰術雷射器外,其他鐳射武器項目還有自由電子雷射器、高能雷射器技術演示驗證和戰術中繼系統等。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 魯進軍)

Boeing Advanced Tactical Laser Strikes Moving Target in Test

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., Oct. 13 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and the U.S. Air Force on Sept. 19 damaged a moving ground vehicle from the air using the Advanced Tactical Laser (ATL) aircraft, completing ATL's first air-to-ground, high-power laser engagement of a mobile target.

During the test, the C-130H aircraft took off from Kirtland Air Force Base near Albuquerque and fired a high-power chemical laser through its beam control system while flying over White Sands Missile Range. The beam control system guided the laser beam's energy to the unoccupied, remotely controlled target, striking the vehicle and putting a hole in a fender. The test demonstrated the ability to aim and fire a high-energy laser beam at a moving target.

"In this test, a directed energy weapon successfully demonstrated direct attack on a moving target," said Gary Fitzmire, vice president and program director of Boeing Missile Defense Systems' Directed Energy Systems unit. "ATL has now precisely targeted and engaged both stationary and moving targets, demonstrating the transformational versatility of this speed-of-light, ultra-precision engagement capability that will dramatically reduce collateral damage."

The test occurred less than three weeks after an Aug. 30 test in which ATL damaged an unoccupied stationary vehicle, marking the aircraft's first air-to-ground, high-power laser engagement of a tactically representative target.

Boeing developed ATL for the Air Force. ATL demonstrations support the development of laser defense systems that will destroy, damage or disable targets on the battlefield and in urban operations with little to no collateral damage.

The Boeing-led ATL industry team includes L-3 Communications/Brashear, which built the laser turret; HYTEC Inc., which made a variety of the weapon system's structural elements; and J.B. Henderson, which provides mechanical integration support.

Boeing leads the way in developing and integrating laser systems for a variety of customers, including the U.S. Air Force, Army and Navy. Besides ATL, these systems include the Airborne Laser, Free Electron Laser, High Energy Laser Technology Demonstrator and Tactical Relay Mirror System.

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      [據美國《航宇日報》2009年10月14日報導]美國空軍研究實驗室(AFRL)已將洛•馬公司的先進複 合材料貨機(ACCA)概念驗證機項目列入X飛機序列編號,編號為X-55。X-55飛機預定於2010年1月份恢復在加州帕姆代爾的飛行試驗,計畫花費約半年時間進行15-20次飛行試驗,之後該機將轉交美空軍或航空航天局(NASA)用作技術試驗台。

      X-55是自上世紀80年代的YC-14和YC-15之後美國第一種運輸機技術驗證機,並被大部分人認為是自1964年的LTV XC-142之後第一種達到飛行階段的該級別全尺寸運輸機型X-飛機。該機由多尼爾328JET飛機經過大規模修改後而成,保留了原來的機翼、機頭段和發動機,但機身和垂尾是全新的,由MTM45-1先進複合材料經非熱壓罐固化成形而得。

      即將到來的飛行試驗將評估ACCA的操縱特性和品質,該機的機身更寬以容納軍用標準的463L貨盤,並具有貨艙門和裝卸跳板。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 姜曙光)

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2009-10-10 13:28:02  來源:國際線上-《世界新聞報》  編輯:李海建


  (本報見習記者  魏東旭):作為世界上最強大的軍事力量,美軍一直憑藉高技術裝備搶佔戰場的主動權,先進的鐳射武器自然就成了美軍的“寵兒”。目前,美國正在加緊研發多種鐳射武器,除用於反導的戰略級鐳射炮外,小功率的戰術鐳射炮也越發受到重視。美國空軍不久前成功試射機載戰術鐳射炮,其命中精度十分驚人。


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 更新日期:2009/10/08 21:05 何宏儒
(法新社華盛頓 7日電) 美國國防部今天表示,一種巨型的「地堡炸彈」幾個月內將可部署。值伊朗核計畫緊張態勢升高之際,美國的軍備又增加了一項威力強大的武器。

  這種3萬磅的「巨型鑽地彈」(Massive OrdnancePenetrator,MOP)是設計來摧毀深入地下的加強防禦地點,諸如伊朗和北韓的防護核子設施。

  新聞秘書莫瑞爾(Geoff Morrell)對記者說:「目前還在發展中,未來個月內將可部署。」


  美國國會通過這項請求,國防部2日宣布,批准「麥唐納道格拉斯飛機公司」(McDonnell DouglasCorporation)一項5190萬美元的合約,使B-2轟炸機可攜帶巨大的MOP。


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