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1.太空梭(Space Shuttle):其正式名稱是軌道繞行載具(OV,Orbiter Vehicle),由於這種新式運載系統是往返穿梭於太空與地球間,故有「太空梭」的別名,這也是傳媒及民眾對此載具的俗稱。

全長37.2m,主翼翼展23.7m,全高17.2m,重量約75ton,能運載重量超過30000kg的貨物;於大氣中的飛行速度可達16000km/h,表面貼滿超過34000片的隔熱陶瓷片,在重返時承受溫度最高的機首和主翼前緣,皆覆蓋著強化碳(RCC,Reinforced carbon-carbon)隔熱片,強化碳的抗熱能力甚至比陶瓷片還要強。

在載具尾端裝設3具液態燃料火箭發動機(Liquid Rocket Engine),為於發射時的主推進器(SSME,Space Shuttle Main Engines),當單具SSME每分鐘燃燒約一磅的液態氫氧推進劑(Propellants)時,會產生20250kg的強大推力,另一優點為燃燒後產生的廢氣是無毒蒸氣雲。

每具SSME在真空中所產生的推力約為21150kg,僅及農神5號(Saturn V)運載火箭的F-1發動機所產生推力的1/3,但SSME必須能在真空及大氣中運作,且須有可變的節流裝置,使得推力能在額定值的50至109%間做適度的調節。當負荷極大或須到達傾斜角較大的軌道中時,須用到23040kg的推力,到爬升階段的末期僅須50%推力。發動機的設計運轉壽限為7.5小時,包括55次啟動及連續的8分鐘運轉過程,是目前唯一可重複使用的液態燃料火箭發動機。此外載具上另裝置有2具軌道控制發動機(OMS,Orbital Manoeuvring System)及42具小型的反作用控制系統(RCS,Reaction Control System),以控制載具在軌道上的姿態及轉換軌道用。

飛行控制系統為四重配置的方式來向SSME、OMS、RCS及氣動力控制面傳遞操作訊號,即使有2套系統損壞,也不致發生危險。機上5部IBM製任務電腦(注意喔!這是1980年代的資訊科技產物!)則作為載具導引、系統控制之用。至於載具的電力來源是再生性氫氧燃料電池(RFC,Regenerative Fuel Cell)提供,一方面提供載具電力,也供應太空人用水,過多的水則排出艙外。

2.主燃料槽(ET,External Tank):又稱為輕量主燃料槽(LWT,Lightweight Tank),全長46.2m,直徑8.28m,空重29932kg,滿載重760091kg。整個燃料槽分成液態氧槽(Liquid Oxygen Tank)、銜接槽(Inter Tank)及液態氫槽(Liquid Hydrogen Tank)三部份,在銜接槽及液態氫槽外殼設有銜接載具的硬點支架。液態氧及液態氫主要是做為載具於發射時SSEM使用的推進劑,所謂“推進劑”就是燃料(液態氫)加氧化劑(液態氧)的合稱。從1998年6月起載具發射時所使用的主燃料槽,為洛馬公司研製的新式超輕量燃料槽(SLWT,Super Lightweight Tank),在尺寸上與舊型主燃料槽相同,空重26536kg,滿載重756832kg;但由於使用高強度低密度鋰鋁合金(Aluminum/Lithium alloy)並經過改良,重量較舊型槽體減輕3375kg,在發射時可增加載具的酬載量。

3.固體燃料火箭輔助推進器(SRB,Solid Rocket Booster):由數個外殼節段所組成,全長44.7m,直徑3.6m,裝填約600ton的推進劑,每具推力1485000kg。一次發射任務,單具SRB大約消耗掉約600ton的燃料,約每秒平均4.3ton。


May the Force be with you
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Mission STS-123/1J/A



Mission STS-123

Orbiter: Endeavour
Mission: STS-123/1J/A
Primary Payload: Kibo Logistics Module, Dextre Robotics System
Launch Date: March 11, 2008
Launch Time: 2:28 a.m. EDT
Launch Pad: 39A
Mission Duration: 16 days
Landing Date: March 26
Landing Time: 7:01 p.m. EDT
Landing Site: Kennedy Space Center
Inclination/Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles

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Endeavour and Station Crews Open Hatches



Endeavour and Station Crews Open Hatches

The STS-123 and Expedition 16 crews opened the hatches between space shuttle Endeavour and the International Space Station at 1:28 a.m. EDT. They are combining forces for 12 days of joint operations.

About an hour before docking, which occurred at 11:49 p.m. Wednesday, STS-123 Commander Dominic Gorie and Pilot Gregory H. Johnson guided the shuttle through a back-flip maneuver, giving the Expedition 16 crew the opportunity to take pictures of the orbiter’s protective heat-resistant tiles. These photos have been transmitted to engineers in Mission Control for analysis.

One of the first joint tasks is for Garrett Reisman to join the Expedition 16 crew by trading places with Flight Engineer Léopold Eyharts, a European Space Agency astronaut.

The crews also are preparing for the first of five scheduled spacewalks, which Mission Specialist Rick Linnehan and Reisman will begin at 8:23 p.m. Thursday.

In addition, the STS-123 crew will install the Canadian-built Dextre – the final element of the station’s Mobile Servicing System – and the Japanese Logistics Module - Pressurized Section, which is the first component of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s Kibo laboratory.

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奮進號太空梭靠泊太空站 將安裝日實驗模組



奮進號太空梭靠泊太空站 將安裝日實驗模組
法新社╱張仲琬 2008-03-13 14:50     









Endeavour shuttle docks at space station

by Jean-Louis Santini
1 hour, 1 minute ago

WASHINGTON, March 13, 2008 (AFP) - The seven crew members of the space shuttle Endeavour boarded the International Space Station after docking high over Southeast Asia, NASA said Thursday.
The space rendez-vous took place 342 kilometers (212 miles) over Singapore at 0349 GMT, two days after Endeavour blasted off from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, a NASA TV commentator said.

A bell rang on the ISS after docking was complete to welcome the shuttle on board, in a tradition borrowed from nautical practice.

Hatches between the shuttle and the space station were opened at 0528 GMT, and the three ISS residents and seven Endeavour crew members, including Japanese astronaut Takao Doi, greeted one another with hearty hugs.

"Today was a textbook rendez-vous and docking. I couldn't have asked for anything better. Picture perfect," flight director Mike Moses told reporters at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.

About an hour before docking, shuttle commander Dominic Gorie guided the spacecraft through a back-flip maneuver while the ISS crew took some 300 digital pictures of the underbelly of the space shuttle.

The pictures were to be sent to Earth and analyzed for signs of potential damage to the shuttle's thermal tiles, a routine procedure since the space shuttle Columbia disaster in 2003.

Columbia disintegrated re-entering Earth's atmosphere, killing all seven on board, because its thermal shield had been damaged when it was struck by a piece of debris during launch.

Gorie then painstakingly guided the shuttle toward the ISS, carefully aligning the two spacecraft with respective masses of 120 and 320 tonnes, hurtling through space at 29,000 kilometers (18,000 miles) per hour.

The crews now begin 12 days of joint operations to include initial work installing a Japanese laboratory that is to become the largest and last research module of the International Space Station.

With its installation Japan gains a foothold on the ISS alongside the United States, Russia and Europe, whose laboratory Columbus was delivered to the station in February.

Kibo, which means "hope" in Japanese, is a micro-gravity research facility which aims to open a vital new stage in deeper space exploration.

"We are now taking this first step down the path that will lead to the establishment of 'a Japanese home in space,'" Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda said after the Endeavour crew boarded the ISS, borrowing a comment that Doi made before launch.

Endeavour will also deliver a piece of hardware from Canada -- a component for the robotic arm named Dextre, which is used for delicate tasks normally reserved for an astronaut on a space walk.

The 16-day Endeavour mission is the longest at the ISS and will see the crew venture out on five space walks, totaling about 30 hours of work.

Kibo will be the largest by far of the four research modules on board the station and represents Japan's most important offering to the project, to which the island nation has contributed a total of 10 billion dollars.

Several of Kibo's experiments, focusing in part on medicine, biology, biotechnology and communications, are seen as crucial steps in preparing further missions to the Moon and even human missions to Mars.

The first stage being delivered is ELM-PS, a 4.2-ton logistics module measuring 3.9 meters (12.8 feet) long and 4.4 meters (14.4 feet) in diameter.

Its key component, the Pressurized Module with a remote-control robotic arm, is expected to be transported to the ISS on space shuttle Discovery due to launch May 25.

The module is a massive 11.2-meter-long (36.7 feet) cylinder weighing 15.9 tons.

The final Kibo installment, an inter-orbit communications system unit called the Exposed Facility, is due for delivery in March 2009.

Gorie, 50, leads a team comprising co-pilot Gregory Johnson, 45, mission specialists Rick Linnehan, 50, Robert Behnken, 37, Mike Foreman, 50, Garret Reisman, 40, and Doi, 53, from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency.

Four of the astronauts are making their maiden voyages into space.

Aboard the ISS are commander Peggy Whitson, Frenchman Leopold Eyharts, a medical researcher and engineer from France's National Center of Space Studies, and Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko.

Eyharts will be returning to Earth aboard Endeavour, with Reisman taking his place abord the ISS.

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日本首艘載人太空船 順利升空



中國時報 2008.03.12
日本首艘載人太空船 順利升空








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法新社╱林憬屏 2008-03-11 19:05    




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Endeavour Soars into Space



Endeavour Soars into Space

March 11, 2008
Space shuttle Endeavour thundered into orbit early Tuesday morning carrying seven astronauts and Japan's dreams for a space-based laboratory at the International Space Station.

"This is a great launch and a real tribute to the team to get it ready to go fly," said Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA's associate administrator for Space Operations.

The STS-123 mission started with a rare night launch for Endeavour's crew, commanded by veteran astronaut Dominic Gorie. Gregory H. Johnson served as Pilot. The mission specialists for the flight are an international mix of experienced and first-time crew members. Robert L. Behnken, Mike Foreman, Rick Linnehan, Garrett Reisman and Japanese astronaut Takao Doi all have critical roles during the 16-day mission by Endeavour.

Thrust in the form of translucent blue and bright yellow fire ignited a light show over NASA's Kennedy Space Center when Endeavour roared off the launch pad at 2:28 a.m. EDT on March 11.

The first module of the Japanese-built Kibo laboratory complex was packed inside Endeavour's cargo bay, along with a Canadian-built robotics system that will enhance the capabilities of the International Space Station's robotic arm.

The pressurized logistics module for the Kibo complex represents the first manned spacecraft for Japan.

"With this flight, I believe we fully became a real partner in the International Space Station project," said Keiji Tachikawa, president of JAXA, the Japanese space agency.

Dextre is the robotics system that Endeavour lofted into orbit. With it, Canada is making a literal extension to what the nation already built. Canada built both the space shuttle robot arm and the robotic arm used on the International Space Station.

"Today we are marking another point in our space history," said Guy Bujold, director of the Canadian Space Agency.

It will take the STS-123 crew more than two weeks in space and five spacewalks to accomplish the goals of the mission.

Expedition 16 Flight Engineer Leopold Eyharts, who arrived at the station aboard Atlantis in February, will return to Earth with the Endeavour crew as Reisman takes his place on the station.

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中廣新聞網╱郭希誠 2008-03-11 15:09     



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It's Official!



It's Official!

Feb. 29, 2008
NASA's mission management team decided Friday that March 11 at 2:28 a.m. EDT is the official launch time for space shuttle Endeavour's STS-123 mission.

After two days of evaluating launch preparations for the mission, the group has confirmed the readiness of the shuttle, flight crew and payload for the next flight to the International Space Station.

Bill Gerstenmaier, associate administrator for Space Operations said there are very few issues being worked and the shuttle is ready to go. He stressed the16-day mission will be complex for the crew with five spacewalks to continue expansion of the station.

"It was a very thorough review, we covered lots information, lots of data," said Gerstenmaier. "The teams are truly ready."

"It’s a tribute to the teams that they worked so well with the vehicle... they've done a phenomenal job."

"We're right on the timeline," said Mike Leinbach, space shuttle launch director. "Endeavour is doing really well and we're ready to launch on the eleventh."

The crew will deliver the first segment of a Japanese laboratory complex called Kibo, plus a new Canadian robotics system to complement the station's robot arm.

The flight is commanded by Dominic Gorie with Gregory H. Johnson serving as Pilot. The crew also includes Mission Specialists Rick Linnehan, Robert L. Behnken, Mike Foreman, Garret Reisman and Japanese astronaut Takao Doi.

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奮進號太空梭執行載運任務 十一日發射升空



奮進號太空梭執行載運任務 十一日發射升空
法新社╱曹宇帆 2008-03-01 17:20    









NASA confirms next shuttle launch March 11

Fri Feb 29, 7:24 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - US space agency NASA confirmed it would launch the shuttle Endeavour on March 11 to deliver part of a Japanese space laboratory to an orbiting station, according to a statement Friday.
"We're right on the timeline," said Mike Leinbach, space shuttle launch director. "Endeavour is doing really well and we're ready to launch on the 11th."

The mission team will have to venture out on five space walks to set up the first of three Japanese installations at the station, which is aimed to be a key stage in deeper space exploration.

"After two days of evaluating launch preparations for the mission, the group has confirmed the readiness of the shuttle, flight crew and payload for the next flight to the International Space Station," it said.

"There are very few issues being worked and the shuttle is ready to go."

Endeavour is due to take off at 2:28 am (0728 GMT) on March 11 with a crew of seven, including the Japanese astronaut Takao Doi.

It will also deliver a piece of hardware from Canada -- a component for the station's robotic arm which is used to heft equipment into position.

NASA's last shuttle mission took a European laboratory to the station.

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Flight Readiness Review Under Way



Flight Readiness Review Under Way

Feb. 28, 2008
NASA's senior officials and Space Shuttle Program managers are meeting today for the Flight Readiness Review, a standard process leading up to any shuttle mission. Known simply by its acronym FRR, the two-day session gives NASA a chance to evaluate whether space shuttle Endeavour is prepared for its duties during the STS-123 mission.

The group is to formally set a launch date for the flight at the end of the second day of meetings.

Endeavour and its crew of seven astronauts is to launch March 11, 2008, at 2:28 a.m. from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The shuttle will carry the first segment of a Japanese laboratory complex called Kibo, plus a new robotics system to complement the station's robot arm.

The flight is commanded by Dominic Gorie with Gregory H. Johnson serving as Pilot. The crew also includes Mission Specialists Rick Linnehan, Robert L. Behnkin, Mike Foreman, Garret Reisman and Japanese astronaut Takao Doi.

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