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1.太空梭(Space Shuttle):其正式名稱是軌道繞行載具(OV,Orbiter Vehicle),由於這種新式運載系統是往返穿梭於太空與地球間,故有「太空梭」的別名,這也是傳媒及民眾對此載具的俗稱。 全長37.2m,主翼翼展23.7m,全高17.2m,重量約75ton,能運載重量超過30000kg的貨物;於大氣中的飛行速度可達16000km/h,表面貼滿超過34000片的隔熱陶瓷片,在重返時承受溫度最高的機首和主翼前緣,皆覆蓋著強化碳(RCC,Reinforced carbon-carbon)隔熱片,強化碳的抗熱能力甚至比陶瓷片還要強。 在載具尾端裝設3具液態燃料火箭發動機(Liquid Rocket Engine),為於發射時的主推進器(SSME,Space Shuttle Main Engines),當單具SSME每分鐘燃燒約一磅的液態氫氧推進劑(Propellants)時,會產生20250kg的強大推力,另一優點為燃燒後產生的廢氣是無毒蒸氣雲。 每具SSME在真空中所產生的推力約為21150kg,僅及農神5號(Saturn V)運載火箭的F-1發動機所產生推力的1/3,但SSME必須能在真空及大氣中運作,且須有可變的節流裝置,使得推力能在額定值的50至109%間做適度的調節。當負荷極大或須到達傾斜角較大的軌道中時,須用到23040kg的推力,到爬升階段的末期僅須50%推力。發動機的設計運轉壽限為7.5小時,包括55次啟動及連續的8分鐘運轉過程,是目前唯一可重複使用的液態燃料火箭發動機。此外載具上另裝置有2具軌道控制發動機(OMS,Orbital Manoeuvring System)及42具小型的反作用控制系統(RCS,Reaction Control System),以控制載具在軌道上的姿態及轉換軌道用。 飛行控制系統為四重配置的方式來向SSME、OMS、RCS及氣動力控制面傳遞操作訊號,即使有2套系統損壞,也不致發生危險。機上5部IBM製任務電腦(注意喔!這是1980年代的資訊科技產物!)則作為載具導引、系統控制之用。至於載具的電力來源是再生性氫氧燃料電池(RFC,Regenerative Fuel Cell)提供,一方面提供載具電力,也供應太空人用水,過多的水則排出艙外。 2.主燃料槽(ET,External Tank):又稱為輕量主燃料槽(LWT,Lightweight Tank),全長46.2m,直徑8.28m,空重29932kg,滿載重760091kg。整個燃料槽分成液態氧槽(Liquid Oxygen Tank)、銜接槽(Inter Tank)及液態氫槽(Liquid Hydrogen Tank)三部份,在銜接槽及液態氫槽外殼設有銜接載具的硬點支架。液態氧及液態氫主要是做為載具於發射時SSEM使用的推進劑,所謂“推進劑”就是燃料(液態氫)加氧化劑(液態氧)的合稱。從1998年6月起載具發射時所使用的主燃料槽,為洛馬公司研製的新式超輕量燃料槽(SLWT,Super Lightweight Tank),在尺寸上與舊型主燃料槽相同,空重26536kg,滿載重756832kg;但由於使用高強度低密度鋰鋁合金(Aluminum/Lithium alloy)並經過改良,重量較舊型槽體減輕3375kg,在發射時可增加載具的酬載量。 3.固體燃料火箭輔助推進器(SRB,Solid Rocket Booster):由數個外殼節段所組成,全長44.7m,直徑3.6m,裝填約600ton的推進劑,每具推力1485000kg。一次發射任務,單具SRB大約消耗掉約600ton的燃料,約每秒平均4.3ton。 推進劑燃燒完的SRB,已沒有推進的作用,於是以藥包炸掉與主燃料槽連接的螺栓,使SRB脫離。當SRB脫離主燃料槽落下時,鼻端會自動彈射出1具減速降落傘,接著再帶出3具主降落傘,因此SRB在落下後不會因落地速度太大而撞毀,可再次回收裝填燃料以重複使用。
May the Force be with you
發現號太空梭隔熱絕緣泡綿脫落 但無礙安全
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http://news.yam.com/afp/life/200806/20080601704376.html 發現號太空梭隔熱絕緣泡綿脫落 但無礙安全 法新社╱郭無患 2008-06-01 09:05 (法新社佛羅里達州卡納維爾角三十一日電)美國國家航空暨太空總署官員表示,「發現號」太空梭今天發射過程中,外部燃料槽有五片細小的隔熱絕緣泡綿脫落,但據信沒有損傷太空梭機體。 航太總署主管太空任務的副署長傑斯頓邁爾表示:「我們看到大概五片隔熱絕緣泡綿脫落…我們不認為這是嚴重的大事」。 他指出:「它們出現在爬升階段的後期,無法獲得足夠的速度,來擊中太空梭」,造成任何重大傷害。 傑斯頓邁爾說,這些隔熱絕緣泡綿是在太空梭升空最初的兩分十五秒之後才脫落的;太空總署官員表示這段期間,隔熱絕緣泡綿最有可能從太空梭脫落。 二零零三年元月,太空梭「哥倫比亞號」發射升空時,一大塊隔熱絕緣泡綿脫落損毀太空梭的絕緣隔熱磚,造成哥倫比亞號於二月一日重返地球時解體,七名太空人殉職。 傑斯頓邁爾說,第一塊隔熱絕緣泡綿在今天發射危險期過後數秒鐘脫落,沒有擊中太空梭,稍後數塊絕緣泡沫材料脫落擊中太空梭,但已沒有足夠速度可以對太空梭造成損害。 他指出:「它們可能蠻大塊的,但似乎很輕」。 傑斯頓邁爾表示,除了這起隔熱絕緣泡綿脫落事件外,發現號太空梭發射接近完美,「今天是發射的好日子,發射進行得非常順利」;發現號太空梭今天搭載七名太空人和日本「希望號」實驗艙主要部份從甘迺迪太空中心發射升空,奔向國際太空站。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080601/sc_afp/usjapanspaceshuttle_080601033124;_ylt=Aglm4SGQTnaS8f17xuBv_XvPOrgF Discovery lifts off with Japanese lab
by Paul Handley Sat May 31, 11:31 PM ET CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AFP) - The shuttle Discovery successfully launched into orbit Saturday carrying seven astronauts and the key unit of the Japanese Kibo research module to the International Space Station. "A huge day for the space station partnership, for the Japanese space agency, for NASA and, really, for the people who hoped to see the space station do what it was designed to do, to be a place in orbit where we can learn to live and work in space," said NASA administrator Mike Griffin. While the otherwise picture-perfect launch at Kennedy Space Center here was marred with video evidence of several chunks of foam shedding off Discovery's external fuel tank, a top official of the US space agency said it did not endanger Discovery. "We saw maybe five pieces of foam break away ... We don't consider this a big thing," said Bill Gerstenmeier, NASA associate administrator for space operations. He brushed off worries that the foam could have caused the kind of damage that led to the Columbia disaster in 2003, when the shuttle disintegrated upon reentry due to launch-damaged insulation tiles, killing all seven aboard. "They were late in the ascent," he said of the foam coming off during the Discovery launch Saturday. "They can't build up enough velocity that they can hit the orbiter" and cause any significant damage, he said. Discovery launched carrying one Japanese and six American astronauts to deliver the massive pressurized module and a robotic arm for the Japanese Aerospace exploration Agency's (JAXA) Kibo science research unit. "Liftoff of space shuttle Discovery. Gambattei kudasai -- best of luck to the International Space Station's newest laboratory," National Aeronautics and Space Administration announcer Allard Beutel said at the launch, encouraging them in Japanese to give it their best effort. "Discovery flying true, speeding toward a date with the International Space Station Monday," he added, describing the launch as "a man-made rising sun on behalf of Japan." Minutes later, Discovery reached orbit, NASA officials said. Also aboard were plumbing parts for the ISS toilet, which malfunctioned earlier this week forcing the three ISS astronauts to rig up a still-troublesome bypass for liquid waste. NASA officials were happy about the trouble-free progress of the launch countdown, especially since nagging problems with sensors on the external fuel tank delayed several launches in 2006. The centerpiece of the 14-day mission is to deliver and install the 11.2 meter (36.7 feet), 14.8 tonne (32,600 pounds) pressurized module of Kibo, which means Hope in Japanese. When in place, it will be the single largest room on the ISS, with space for four scientists to work. Another key Kibo unit, its 10-meter (33-foot) robotic arm, to be used for manipulating materials and equipment for science experiments, is being sent up on the shuttle. Installation of the JPM will be overseen by JAXA astronaut Akihiko Hoshide. Discovery is also carrying up a last-minute payload of much-needed parts for the ISS's Russian toilet, which partially failed this week. The three astronauts living on the station were forced to use the facilities in the attached Soyuz spacecraft before they could rig up a temporary fix to the toilet, but that fix requires extra manpower and excess water to flush. The crew will include a replacement astronaut for the ISS, with US robotics specialist Greg Chamitoff stepping in for another American, Garrett Reisman, who will return to Earth after three months at the station. The astronauts were bid good night by mission control in Houston Texas at about 11:00 pm Saturday (0300 GMT Sunday) ahead of a busy Sunday working on an inspection of the shuttle's heat shield for damage in the launch, and preparing for docking with the ISS on Monday. Three spacewalks are planned, mainly for setting up the Kibo module and the robotic arm. It is the second of three missions to take up key components of Kibo, which will host experiments in space medicine, biology and biotechnology, material production, and communications. Kibo's third main section, a "terrace" outside the JPM completely exposed to outer space, is to be delivered by a shuttle flight in March 2009. When fully assembled, Kibo will complete the architecture of the ISS, built together with the United States, Russia and Europe.
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http://news.yam.com/afp/international/200806/20080601700835.html 發現號太空梭發射升空 法新社╱簡長盛 2008-06-01 05:50 (法新社佛羅里達州卡納維爾角三十一日電)搭載七名太空人和日本「希望號」實驗艙主要部份的「發現號」太空梭今天成功的從甘迺迪太空中心發射升空,奔向國際太空站。 美國「航空暨太空總署」一名官員宣布:「發現號今天準確和快速升空,預定二日與國際太空站會合。」 今天發射前,天氣良好,在倒數計時時,也沒有發生技術問題。 太空梭是在預定時間今天下午五時零二分 (台灣時間一日清晨四時零二分)發射。太空梭上還載運了國際太空站廁所馬桶零件。國際太空站的廁所馬桶在這個星期稍早發生故障。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080601/sc_afp/usjapanspaceshuttle_080601001241 Discovery lifts off with Japanese lab
by Paul Handley 32 minutes ago CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AFP) - The shuttle Discovery successfully launched into orbit Saturday carrying seven astronauts and the key unit of the Japanese Kibo research module to the International Space Station. While the otherwise picture-perfect launch at Kennedy Space Center here was marred with video evidence of several chunks of foam shedding off Discovery's external fuel tank, a top NASA official said it did not endanger Discovery. "We saw maybe five pieces of foam break away ... We don't consider this a big thing," said Bill Gerstenmeier, NASA associate administrator for space operations. He brushed off worries that the foam could have caused the kind of damage that led to the Columbia disaster in 2003, when the shuttle disintegrated upon reentry due to launch-damaged insulation tiles, killing all seven aboard. "They were late in the ascent," he said of the foam coming off during the Discovery launch Saturday. "They can't build up enough velocity that they can hit the orbiter" and cause any significant damage, he said. Discovery launched carrying one Japanese and six American astronauts to deliver the massive pressurized module and a robotic arm for the Japanese Aerospace exploration Agency's (JAXA) Kibo science research unit. "Liftoff of space shuttle Discovery. Gambattei kudasai -- best of luck to the International Space Station's newest laboratory," National Aeronautics and Space Administration announcer Allard Beutel said at the launch, encouraging them in Japanese to give it their best effort. "Discovery flying true, speeding toward a date with the International Space Station Monday," he added, describing the launch as "a man-made rising sun on behalf of Japan." Minutes later, Discovery reached orbit, NASA officials said. Also aboard were plumbing parts for the ISS toilet, which malfunctioned earlier this week forcing the three ISS astronauts to rig up a still-troublesome bypass for liquid waste. NASA officials were happy about the trouble-free progress of the launch countdown, especially since nagging problems with sensors on the external fuel tank delayed several launches in 2006. The centerpiece of the 14-day mission is to deliver and install the 11.2 meter (36.7 feet), 14.8 tonne (32,600 pounds) pressurized module of Kibo, which means Hope in Japanese. When in place, it will be the single largest room on the ISS, with space for four scientists to work. Another key Kibo unit, its 10-meter (33-foot) robotic arm, to be used for manipulating materials and equipment for science experiments, is being sent up on the shuttle. Installation of the JPM will be overseen by JAXA astronaut Akihiko Hoshide. Discovery is also carrying up a last-minute payload of much-needed parts for the ISS's Russian toilet, which partially failed this week. The three astronauts living on the station were forced to use the facilities in the attached Soyuz spacecraft before they could rig up a temporary fix to the toilet, but that fix requires extra manpower and excess water to flush. The crew will include a replacement astronaut for the ISS, with US robotics specialist Greg Chamitoff stepping in for another American, Garrett Reisman, who will return to Earth after three months at the station. After the shuttle docks at the ISS on Monday, three spacewalks are planned, including one in which an astronaut will attach himself to a massive robotic arm for a soaring, 20-minute ride through space to replace a depleted nitrogen tank, in a giant arc NASA officials described as a "windshield wiper motion." "It will be a pretty spectacular ride," said spacewalker and mission specialist Ronald Garan, 46. It is the second of three missions to take up key components of Kibo, which will host experiments in space medicine, biology and biotechnology, material production, and communications. Kibo's third main section, a "terrace" outside the JPM completely exposed to outer space, is to be delivered by a shuttle flight in March 2009. When fully assembled, Kibo will complete the architecture of the ISS, built together with the United States, Russia and Europe.
NASA與企業合作開發疫苗 太空實驗商機無限
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http://news.yam.com/afp/international/200805/20080531684680.html NASA與企業合作開發疫苗 太空實驗商機無限 法新社╱張仲琬 2008-05-31 10:35 (法新社佛羅里達州卡納維爾角三十日電)美國國家航空暨太空總署(NASA)官員與生物科技業者今天表示,將在美國太空梭「發現號」上進行的沙門氏菌疫苗發展實驗,或許能為太空商業生物科技研究潮鋪路。 美國太空艙公司(Spacehab Inc.)主管表示,若該公司在無重力的太空環境製造出沙門氏菌疫苗,證明太空梭或國際太空站上進行生技實驗有財務上的吸引力。 該公司將把沙門氏菌株試驗樣本送上發現號。若天候條件允許,發現號預計將在明天下午五時零二分(台灣時間六月一日上午五時零二分)升空,展開十四天任務。 太空艙公司執行長、傳奇德州石油億萬富翁皮肯茲之子湯瑪斯‧皮肯茲表示,若順利培養出疫苗,將代表「國際太空站現可做商業用途」。 太空艙公司為NASA及他國太空飛行執行研究與酬載任務已有二十三年歷史。歐洲航太防衛公司擁有太空艙公司百分之七的股份。 不過,NASA為了在二零一零年前完成國際太空站的組裝工作,太空梭任務多是裝載太空站零件,留給該公司籌備的大學研究計畫等的酬載空間不多。太空艙公司過去兩年業務成長因而趨緩。 該公司總裁羅依斯頓今天在佛州卡納維爾角說,因此,太空艙公司決定將本身的太空酬載專業技術與太空生技研究結合,並在二零零六年設立子公司負責這方面的業務。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080530/sc_afp/usjapanspaceshuttleresearchbiotechcompaniesspacehab_080530223349 Vaccine test marks rise of commercial research in space: NASA
by Paul Handley Fri May 30, 6:33 PM ET CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AFP) - An experiment to develop a salmonella vaccine aboard the US space shuttle Discovery could pave the way for a gush of commercial biotechnology research in space, NASA and biotech industry officials said Friday. Executives of Spacehab Inc. said that if the company's research on salmonella in the weightlessness of space leads to the vaccine, it would demonstrate the financial attractiveness of doing biotechnology research aboard the shuttle and the International Space Station (ISS). The company will send its test salmonella strain on board the Discovery when it launches on a 14 day mission on Saturday, planned for 5:02 pm (2102 GMT), weather permitting. Success would show that "the ISS is now open for business," said Thomas Pickens, chief executive of Spacehab and son of legendary Texas oil billionaire T. Boone Pickens. Spacehab, seven percent owned by European aerospace giant EADS, has a 23 year history of handling research and other payloads for the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration's and other countries' space flights. But its business slowed in the past two years as NASA filled up the shuttle with parts for the ISS in its race to complete the station by 2010, leaving less room for payloads like university research projects organized by Spacehab. So Spacehab decided to combine its special expertise working with space payloads with space biotech research, setting up a subsidiary in 2006, company president James Royston said here Friday. After combing through numerous proposals, they decided on the first, an attempt to develop a vaccine for salmonella, which infects tens of millions around the world every year and poses a special lethal threat to children. A long-sought vaccine has never been developed, in part because the bacteria's virulence dissipates too fast in nature for an effective treatment, said Spacehab chief science officer Jeanne Becker. In September 2006, a team led by Timothy Hammond of the Durham (North Carolina) Veterans Affairs Medical Center proved that salmonella' potency could be tripled in the micro-gravity of space, providing an opportunity to refine through genetic manipulation a strain that could be developed into a vaccine. In the previous shuttle mission in March, the team was able to determine which of hundreds of strains could be used for a vaccine, and on the newest flight they will send it up, along with a supply of worms as test subjects, to see how it works. "It's a unique environment" for testing the vaccine, Pickens said. The experiment is the leading edge toward commercial research aboard the ISS. In 2005 the US Congress designated the US portion of the space station as a National Laboratory, meaning it had to open its facilities to private-sector research, development and, potentially, industrial processing. "You need a facility where you can study the effect of microgravity" on biological systems, said John Uri, NASA deputy manager of the ISS payloads office. "The international space station is a world class laboratory," said Louis Stodiek, director of Bioserve Space Technologies, a joint NASA-University of Colorado space research partnership. With the greater private interest, said Stodiek, the research community is "actually seeing the development of products that benefit people here on Earth." Although governmental institutions and university labs have made generous use of the ISS and shuttle since 2000, what has held up commercial research is the lack of consistent availability of space aboard the shuttle and other spacecraft. Businesses paying 50,000 dollars per kilogram (2.2 pounds) for shuttle space don't want to wait in line or not be able to confirm the space, said Pickens. He said Spacehab had payload relationships with Russia, the European Space Agency and other national and private rocket developers that, together with the US shuttle, are now making it more feasible to do. "The competition will be fierce" for space, Uri said.
美「發現號」 載日實驗艙升空 周六發射 號稱太空站模組的「凌志」
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http://1-apple.com.tw/index.cfm?Fuseaction=Article&Sec_ID=3&IssueID=20080527&art_id=30592384&NewsType=1&SubSec=11&ShowDate=20080527 蘋果日報2008年5月27日 美「發現號」 載日實驗艙升空 周六發射 號稱太空站模組的「凌志」 【王潔予╱綜合外電報導】號稱「國際太空站頂級模組」的日本超大實驗艙「希望」(Kibo),將於本周六由執行歷史性任務的美國太空梭「發現號」(Discovery)送入太空,並接駁國際太空站。日本政府野心勃勃打造出的「希望」,已在體積及精密度上,趕過搶先升空的美、歐實驗艙。 日本宇宙航空研究開發機構以20年打造「希望」,它包含三部分,周六升空的是實驗艙主體,另有今年三月送入太空站的儲藏室及明年出發的戶外實驗平台。 「希望」主體重16噸、長11公尺,相當於大型遊覽車長度,比美國「命運」及歐洲「哥倫布」實驗艙都大。 7太空人包括女性 此次發現號指揮官凱利(Mark Kelly),稱「希望」為「太空站模組中的凌志(Lexus,汽車名)」,因它裝備完整,擁有專用的兩隻機器手臂、出入氣閘及戶外實驗平台。它將觀測同溫層中天然氣微粒散發的毫米波,及進行X射線與高能物理實驗。 有兩次太空飛行經驗的凱利,將率領日本太空人星出彰彥在內的7人小組,執行這趟歷史性任務,其中挪威裔女太空人奈伯格(Karen Nyberg),是美國太空史上第50位升空的女性太空人。 發現號(Discovery)太空梭小檔案 .首航:1984/08/30,是目前服役時間最久的美國太空梭 .出勤數:34次 .除役:預計2010年 .最新任務:2008/05/31載送7名太空人及日本太空實驗艙「希望」前往國際太空站,進行14天科學任務;俄裔加拿大籍太空人查米托夫(Gregory Chamitoff)將接替已在太空站待了3個月的美國太空人瑞斯曼(Garrett Reisman)。 .太空人任務:三次太空漫步、組裝「希望」、更換氮氣箱、清潔太陽電池翼板軸承,讓它恢復運轉。 資料來源:美國航空暨太空總署網站、美聯社、維基百科
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http://news.yam.com/bcc/international/200805/20080523532001.html 亞特蘭提斯太空梭十月升空修太空望遠鏡 中廣新聞網╱朱克威 2008-05-23 16:17 美國太空總署宣布,太空梭亞特蘭提斯號將在十月八號升空,執行對哈伯太空望遠鏡行最後一次維修任務。 新華網報導,這項任務原定八月二十八號啟動,但太空總署表示,由於太空梭亞特蘭提斯號外部燃料箱組件交付延期,因此決定將發射日期延後到十月八號。 太空總署表示,太空人乘坐亞特蘭提斯號上天維修哈伯太空望遠鏡時,奮進號太空梭將在地面待命,一旦出現緊急情況立即發射升空執行營救任務。維修任務延期使他們有更充足的時間準備這個營救飛行。 目前,發現號太空梭已經被運上佛羅里達州甘迺迪太空中心發射臺,將在五月三十一號發射升空,為國際太空站送去日本「希望號」實驗艙的主體部分。 亞特蘭提斯、奮進和發現號三架太空梭將在後年、2010年前全部退役,太空總署希望在此之前完成國際太空站的基本建設。預計,在最後一次維修哈伯太空望遠鏡後,亞特蘭提斯號太空梭還將再執行兩次飛行任務。
Discovery on Track for May 31 Liftoff
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http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/main/index.html Discovery on Track for May 31 Liftoff May 22 With less than a week remaining until the start of the STS-124 launch countdown, space shuttle Discovery is in place at NASA Kennedy Space Center's Launch Pad 39A. Final preparations are on schedule for liftoff May 31 at 5:02 p.m. EDT. The countdown begins May 28 at 3 p.m., counting from the T-43 hour mark. "Preparations are going really well," Shuttle Launch Director Mike Leinbach said at a May 19 news conference. He pointed out that Discovery's remarkably smooth processing flow will allow shuttle work crews to take off the Memorial Day holiday. "Right now we're in great shape, and we really expect to have a good three or four days off this weekend and come back and launch." Discovery's 14-day flight will carry the largest payload so far to the station and includes three spacewalks. It is the second of three missions that will launch components to complete the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's Kibo laboratory. The crew will install Kibo's large Japanese Pressurized Module and Kibo's robotic arm system. Discovery also will deliver new station crew member Greg Chamitoff and bring back Flight Engineer Garrett Reisman, who will end a three-month stay aboard the outpost.
Endeavour Lands at Kennedy Space Center
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http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/main/index.html Endeavour Lands at Kennedy Space Center 2008/0326 After 16 days in space and 250 orbits of the Earth, space shuttle Endeavour touched down at 8:39 p.m. EST Wednesday at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, bringing the STS-123 mission to a flawless end. But for the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), whose Kibo laboratory module is finally taking shape aboard the International Space Station, this flight was merely the beginning. "We are quite honored that Mr. Doi contributed to the construction of the space station," said JAXA vice president Kaoru Mamiya, referring to STS-123 Mission Specialist Takao Doi. "It's the first step for our Kibo construction, and we hope that next time, the main module will be added to the station." Endeavour and crew are in excellent shape after a safe and successful landing, according to NASA managers. "I got to talk to the crew, and the crew was just having a fantastic time reflecting on their mission and looking up at their vehicle that just landed," said Shuttle Launch Director Mike Leinbach. "They were glad to be home, very proud of the work they did, and we're very proud of the work they did, too." The STS-123 crew began its mission March 11 and arrived at the International Space Station March 12. The astronauts delivered the Japanese Logistics Module - Pressurized Section (JLP), the first pressurized component of the Kibo laboratory to the station. The crew of Endeavour also delivered the final element of the station's Mobile Servicing System, the Canadian-built Dextre, also known as the Special Purpose Dextrous Manipulator. Astronaut Garrett Reisman officially joined the Expedition 16 crew, trading places with European Space Agency astronaut Léopold Eyharts, who returned to Earth aboard Endeavour after almost 50 days in space. STS-123 is the 122nd shuttle mission and the 25th station assembly mission. The next mission, STS-124, is slated to launch in May.
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http://news.yam.com/afp/life/200803/20080327988957.html NASA:奮進號太空梭平安降落 法新社╱王黛麗 2008-03-27 08:50 (法新社佛羅里達州卡納維爾角二十六日電)美國國家航空暨太空總署(NASA)官員說,美國「奮進號」太空梭因天氣不佳延後返回地球後,NASA已再指示奮進號脫離軌道,奮進號於台灣時間二十七日上午八時三十九分平安降落卡納維爾角。。 飛行任務主任瓊斯說:「奮進號,這是休士頓,好消息,你們可以點燃引擎脫離軌道了。」 佛羅里達州甘迺迪太空中心因天氣多雲,在短暫延誤九十分鐘後,奮進號嚐試第二次降落。 完成在國際太空站十六天任務準備返回地球的奮進號,於當地時間二十六日下午八時三十九分(台灣時間二十七日上午八時三十九分)平安降落。奮進號這次進行五次太空漫步,完成創紀錄的任務,並把一座日本太空實驗室安裝在國際太空站。
天氣不佳 奮進號太空梭延後降落卡維納爾角
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http://news.yam.com/afp/life/200803/20080327988958.html 天氣不佳 奮進號太空梭延後降落卡維納爾角 法新社╱王黛麗 2008-03-27 08:50 (法新社華盛頓二十六日電)美國「奮進號」太空梭在國際太空站完成創紀錄的任務後,因地面天氣不佳,預定今天降落甘迺迪太空中心時間已經延後。 飛行任務主任瓊斯說,經過短暫九十分鐘延誤後,天氣可望好轉,太空人將試著在當地時間二十六日晚間八點三十九分(台灣時間二十七日上午八時三十九分)降落。 奮進號這次在國際太空站任務是有史來最長的一次,總共停留十六天、進行五次太空漫步,並完成前所未有的一項任務、把取名為「Kibo」的日本太空實驗室安裝在國際太空站上。 國家航空暨太空總署設在德州休士頓詹森太空中心的任務管制中心,稍早已指示關閉太空梭貨艙艙門,這是脫離軌道的第一個步驟。 兩小時後宣布延後,意即要到當地時間下午七時三十三分(台灣時間二十七日上午七時三十三分)以後才開始脫離軌道,預定台灣時間二十七日上午八時三十九分降落在卡納維爾角。 如果天氣情況未獲改善,太空人將於明天或後天的重返大氣層窗口開放時段再作嚐試。 管制中心在台灣時間昨晚十一點叫醒機組員後,奮進號太空梭駕駛強生說:「這是兩週探險之旅,很高興、也很榮幸圓滿完成。」 奮進號指揮官戈里二十三日晚間形容這十六天任務一切成功;戈里說:「我們所作所為令人嘆為觀止,每一趟太空漫步、每一次機器手臂操作都很成功。」 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080327/sc_afp/usjapanspaceshuttlepostpone;_ylt=AqFjkfN.Kcm1L38qKeBxrReHgsgF NASA gives go-ahead for shuttle landing after delay: official
1 hour, 47 minutes ago CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AFP) - NASA gave the go-ahead for the space shuttle Endeavour to begin its exit from orbit Wednesday after poor weather conditions temporarily delayed its planned landing, officials said. "Endeavour, Houston, good news, you are go for a de-orbit burn," said flight director Richard Jones. The second attempt was approved after an initial 90-minute delay due to cloudy conditions at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Endeavour, which is returning to Earth after a 16-day mission that saw astronauts embark on five spacewalks and install a Japanese laboratory at the International Space Station, is now scheduled to land at 8:39 pm (0039 GMT Thursday.)
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http://news.yam.com/afp/life/200803/20080325983051.html 美國奮進號太空梭成功完成任務準備返回地球 法新社╱王黛麗 2008-03-25 12:50 (法新社華盛頓二十四日電)美國「奮進號」太空梭在成功完成創紀錄五次太空漫步,並在國際太空站停留十二天,由太空人裝上日本在國際太空站第一座實驗室後,開始準備返回地球。 裝上這間實驗室後,日本將在國際太空站有一席之地,與美國、俄羅斯與歐洲並駕齊驅;歐洲實驗室「哥倫布」今年二月才送上國際太空站。 美國國家航空暨太空總署(NASA)官員在NASA現場廣播說:「奮進號,我們已經分開了。」奮進號是在印度洋上空約三百四十公里處與國際太空站分開。 NASA說,由於太陽能電池板閉鎖裝置出現「小小旋轉」毛病而耽擱了二十九分鐘,直到台灣時間二十五日上午八時二十五分,太空梭與七名太空人才離開。 這套被稱為「Beta桁架組件」裝置,讓太陽能翼板沿軸線朝向太陽傾斜,以充分利用太陽能,但太空站左舷這套桁架組件並未關閉正確,需重新復位。 分離後,奮進號太空梭副駕駛強生駕駛太空梭緩慢繞行太空站,讓太空人在飛返地球前,記錄太空站外部情況。 奮進號指揮官戈里二十三日晚間形容這十六天任務一切成功。戈里說:「我們所作所為令人嘆為觀止。」 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080325/sc_afp/usjapanspaceiss_080325030908 US shuttle Endeavour heads home after record mission
Mon Mar 24, 11:09 PM ET WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US space shuttle Endeavour began its trek home to Earth Monday after a record five successful spacewalks and 12 days at the International Space Station where astronauts installed Japan's maiden ISS laboratory. With the installation Japan gained a foothold on the orbital outpost alongside the United States, Russia and Europe, whose laboratory Columbus was delivered to the station in February. "Endeavour, we have physical separation" of the two crafts, a NASA official said on a live US space agency broadcast of the undocking that took place some 211 miles (340 kilometers) above the Indian Ocean. Departure of the shuttle and its seven-member crew was delayed 29 minutes to 8:25 pm EDT (0025 GMT Tuesday) following "minor tweaking" to a faulty solar panel latching device, NASA said. The device, known as a Beta Gimbal Assembly, lets solar wings on the space station tilt along an axis toward the sun to maximize solar energy use, but the assembly on the station's main portside truss did not close correctly and needed to be reset. After separation, shuttle co-pilot Gregory Johnson took the shuttle on a slow-motion flyaround of the ISS to allow astronauts to document exterior conditions of the station before heading back to Earth. Endeavour commander Dominic Gorie late Sunday described the 16-day mission as an all-around success. "We've done awesome," Gorie said. "Every spacewalk was a win, every robotic op (operation) was a win. We've got a couple more to go with the undocking and the landing, but we've got a great winning team." The shuttle is scheduled to return to Kennedy Space Center, Florida on Wednesday. Two astronauts from Endeavour -- mission specialists Robert Behnken and Mike Foreman -- on Sunday attached a 50-foot sensory boom to the outside of the space station. ISS flight director Dana Weigel said the spacewalk, often referred to by NASA officials as an EVA, or an extra-vehicular activity, had set a new record. "This was five EVAs, which was more than we've done on any station mission," Weigel said. Endeavour launched on March 11. Its mission at the ISS is the longest ever. The spacewalkers also successfully installed an experiment on the outside of the European Space Agency's laboratory, which the astronauts had failed to complete during the third spacewalk on March 17. The Endeavour mission's main tasks were to install the first part of the Japanese Kibo lab, a micro-gravity research facility that will be the station's largest module when completed in March 2009. "At this moment, the people of Japan are very excited about the module," said Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Takao Doi, who is to return to Earth on board Endeavour. "It is going to open up a new era for Japan in the space program." He added that it remained to be seen how Japanese culture would adjust to the realities of ISS. But in the meantime, "we like the food a lot," quipped space station commander Peggy Whitson. European Space Agency astronaut Leopold Eyharts of France, who is returning to Earth after about two months aboard the ISS, said he was ready for the trip back home. "I'm trying to exercise regularly, but I'm quite confident because a couple of months is not so much," Eyharts told reporters. Astronauts also tested new repair techniques for the shuttle's heat shield. NASA has been testing different in-space repair techniques on the shuttle's protective layer since a crack in Columbia's heat shield caused it to explode while re-entering Earth's atmosphere in 2003, killing its seven-member crew. Astronauts have also assembled the Canadian-made Dextre robot, which is designed to undertake maintenance operations on the space station that until now required a human touch, and reduce the need for risky spacewalks. NASA The robot's human-like upper torso swivels at the waist, and its arms were designed with seven joints to provide it with maximum versatility. Umbilical connectors provide power and data connectivity. Manipulated by joysticks inside the ISS or from ground control on Earth, the 1.56-tonne Dextre will conduct operations such as replacing small components on the station's exterior. NASA wants to complete construction of the ISS by 2010, when its three-shuttle fleet is scheduled to be retired.
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