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1.太空梭(Space Shuttle):其正式名稱是軌道繞行載具(OV,Orbiter Vehicle),由於這種新式運載系統是往返穿梭於太空與地球間,故有「太空梭」的別名,這也是傳媒及民眾對此載具的俗稱。 全長37.2m,主翼翼展23.7m,全高17.2m,重量約75ton,能運載重量超過30000kg的貨物;於大氣中的飛行速度可達16000km/h,表面貼滿超過34000片的隔熱陶瓷片,在重返時承受溫度最高的機首和主翼前緣,皆覆蓋著強化碳(RCC,Reinforced carbon-carbon)隔熱片,強化碳的抗熱能力甚至比陶瓷片還要強。 在載具尾端裝設3具液態燃料火箭發動機(Liquid Rocket Engine),為於發射時的主推進器(SSME,Space Shuttle Main Engines),當單具SSME每分鐘燃燒約一磅的液態氫氧推進劑(Propellants)時,會產生20250kg的強大推力,另一優點為燃燒後產生的廢氣是無毒蒸氣雲。 每具SSME在真空中所產生的推力約為21150kg,僅及農神5號(Saturn V)運載火箭的F-1發動機所產生推力的1/3,但SSME必須能在真空及大氣中運作,且須有可變的節流裝置,使得推力能在額定值的50至109%間做適度的調節。當負荷極大或須到達傾斜角較大的軌道中時,須用到23040kg的推力,到爬升階段的末期僅須50%推力。發動機的設計運轉壽限為7.5小時,包括55次啟動及連續的8分鐘運轉過程,是目前唯一可重複使用的液態燃料火箭發動機。此外載具上另裝置有2具軌道控制發動機(OMS,Orbital Manoeuvring System)及42具小型的反作用控制系統(RCS,Reaction Control System),以控制載具在軌道上的姿態及轉換軌道用。 飛行控制系統為四重配置的方式來向SSME、OMS、RCS及氣動力控制面傳遞操作訊號,即使有2套系統損壞,也不致發生危險。機上5部IBM製任務電腦(注意喔!這是1980年代的資訊科技產物!)則作為載具導引、系統控制之用。至於載具的電力來源是再生性氫氧燃料電池(RFC,Regenerative Fuel Cell)提供,一方面提供載具電力,也供應太空人用水,過多的水則排出艙外。 2.主燃料槽(ET,External Tank):又稱為輕量主燃料槽(LWT,Lightweight Tank),全長46.2m,直徑8.28m,空重29932kg,滿載重760091kg。整個燃料槽分成液態氧槽(Liquid Oxygen Tank)、銜接槽(Inter Tank)及液態氫槽(Liquid Hydrogen Tank)三部份,在銜接槽及液態氫槽外殼設有銜接載具的硬點支架。液態氧及液態氫主要是做為載具於發射時SSEM使用的推進劑,所謂“推進劑”就是燃料(液態氫)加氧化劑(液態氧)的合稱。從1998年6月起載具發射時所使用的主燃料槽,為洛馬公司研製的新式超輕量燃料槽(SLWT,Super Lightweight Tank),在尺寸上與舊型主燃料槽相同,空重26536kg,滿載重756832kg;但由於使用高強度低密度鋰鋁合金(Aluminum/Lithium alloy)並經過改良,重量較舊型槽體減輕3375kg,在發射時可增加載具的酬載量。 3.固體燃料火箭輔助推進器(SRB,Solid Rocket Booster):由數個外殼節段所組成,全長44.7m,直徑3.6m,裝填約600ton的推進劑,每具推力1485000kg。一次發射任務,單具SRB大約消耗掉約600ton的燃料,約每秒平均4.3ton。 推進劑燃燒完的SRB,已沒有推進的作用,於是以藥包炸掉與主燃料槽連接的螺栓,使SRB脫離。當SRB脫離主燃料槽落下時,鼻端會自動彈射出1具減速降落傘,接著再帶出3具主降落傘,因此SRB在落下後不會因落地速度太大而撞毀,可再次回收裝填燃料以重複使用。
May the Force be with you
NASA, Astronauts Celebrate Successful Mission
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http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/main/index.html NASA, Astronauts Celebrate Successful Mission 2008/06/15 Seven astronauts flew space shuttle Discovery back to NASA's Kennedy Space Center on Saturday to end the latest construction mission to the International Space Station. Commander Mark Kelly and Pilot Ken Ham were at the controls of Discovery as it glided through Florida skies to touch down on time at 11:15 a.m. EDT. Kelly, Ham and Mission Specialists Karen Nyberg, Ron Garan, Mike Fossum and Japan's Akihiko Hoshide spent 14 days in orbit installing the Japanese Pressurized Module to the space station. The module is the largest section of the Japanese laboratory called "Kibo," or hope. Garrett Reisman also returned onboard Discovery. He spent three months living on the space station. Talking to the news media a few hours after landing, the crew of STS-124 beamed about the flight. "I think I have the best space shuttle crew of all-time," Kelly said. Although there are more pieces to add on future flights, Fossum said the addition of Kibo made the station look nearly complete. "It was a great feeling of accomplishment as we backed away (from the station)," he said. Hoshide, one of the astronauts of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, spent time on Earth monitoring Kibo's preparation for space. Saying goodbye to it in orbit was not easy. "When we went to close the hatch, that was a tender moment, it was kind of sad," he said. NASA and Japanese officials hailed the flight just after landing. "I can't think of a mission really that's been better than this one," said Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA's associate administrator of Space Operations. "We're starting to break that tie to planet Earth and get out and do what exploration is." Discovery returned to its base in good shape, said Michael Leinbach, shuttle launch director. "It's just a terrific day here at the Kennedy Space Center." Astronaut Ron Garan came back with a unique spacewalking experience. Perched at one end of the station's long robotic arm, he swung far out and away from the shuttle and station to move a nitrogen tank into place. "I got the impression I wasn't just looking at the Earth, I was looking at a planet hanging in space," he said. After a night at Kennedy, the crew will fly to Ellington Field near NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. NASA's next shuttle flight is slated for October when the crew of STS-125 is to service the Hubble Space Telescope.
成功安裝日本實驗艙 太空梭安返地球
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http://news.yam.com/afp/life/200806/20080615982340.html 成功安裝日本實驗艙 太空梭安返地球 法新社╱林治平 2008-06-15 01:20 (法新社佛羅里達州卡納維爾角十四日電)美國太空梭「發現號」今天安全返航,降落佛羅里達州卡納維爾角的甘迺迪太空中心,為這次成功的任務劃下句點。太空梭此行運送日本第一個太空實驗室到國際太空站,並且順利安裝啟用。 發現號上的太空人昨天在船艙外右後方發現一個不明漂浮物,方向舵上也出現不明的凸出物,但美國國家航空暨太空總署認為不致於降落時造成危險,仍批准太空梭依計畫降落,結束兩週的旅程。 這次任務的重頭戲是運送及安裝日本的「希望號」實驗艙,任務期間共進行三次太空漫步。 希望號實驗艙由三大部分組成,其中核心部位為「日本加壓艙」。長十一點二公尺、重十四點八公噸的實驗艙,將成為太空站上單一最大艙室,可容納四名科學家。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080615/sc_afp/usjapanspaceshuttle_080615012658 US space shuttle lands safely after installing Japanese lab
by Jean-Louis Santini 38 minutes ago CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AFP) - The US shuttle Discovery touched down in Florida Saturday, capping a successful 14-day mission to deliver and open Japan's first space laboratory at the International Space Station. Under a sunny sky, the orbiter carrying seven astronauts landed right on time at 11:15 am (1515 GMT) at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral after gliding over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula as it plunged toward Earth. "Beautiful landing, Mark, and congratulations on a great mission," a mission control official told Discovery commander Mark Kelly. "It's great to be back, and it's great for all of us to be part of a big team that made the station a little bit bigger, a little bit more capable," Kelly replied. After traveling 217 orbits and 9.2 million kilometers (5.7 million miles) around Earth, Discovery plunged toward the planet at more than 20 times the speed of sound before slowing down for its landing. A double sonic boom signaled the shuttle's imminent arrival. Three minutes before landing, Kelly took the shuttle off auto-pilot and steered it toward Kennedy's landing strip number 15. NASA had given the shuttle the green light to wrap up its two-week journey and return to Earth after it determined that the loss of a small clip from its rudder posed no risk during landing. The agency has kept a close eye on the shuttle's protective thermal layer since a crack in Columbia's heat shield caused the orbiter to explode as it re-entered Earth's atmosphere in February 2003, killing its seven astronauts. Discovery undocked from the ISS on Wednesday about 344 kilometers (214 miles) above the South Pacific east of Australia. The shuttle's main task was to deliver, open and outfit the 11.2-meter long, 4.4-meter wide main module of the Japanese Kibo laboratory, which became the station's biggest facility. At a press briefing after the landing, Japanese astronaut Akihiko Hoshide described his feelings when Discovery left the ISS and the Kibo lab he had known and monitored back at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. "When we went to close the hatch, that was a tender moment, it was kind of sad," he said. Kibo -- which means "Hope" in Japanese -- represents Japan's and Asia's first major contribution to the orbiting international station, which already has modules from the United States, Russia and the European Space Agency. Shuttle Endeavour had already brought the bus-sized lab's storage room in March. The third and final part of the lab -- an outdoor facility that will allow experiments to be exposed to the effects of space -- will be delivered next year. When completed, Kibo will allow astronauts to carry out experiments in medicine, biology and biotechnology, material production and communications, both in a pressurized environment and completely exposed to space. "I can't think of a mission really that's been better than this one," said Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA's associate administrator of space operations. "We're starting to break that tie to planet Earth and get out and do what exploration is," he said. The Discovery mission also included three spacewalks. In addition, Discovery brought a new crew member to the ISS, Greg Chamitoff, who replaced fellow American astronaut Garrett Reisman. Reisman returned to Earth after a three-month stint at the outpost, and told NASA TV on Friday that he was primarily looking forward to "being back home, sleeping in my own bed -- and using my own toilet." The only toilet at the International Space Station began to fail just before Discovery's launch, and spare parts were sent up on the shuttle to repair it. NASA hopes to complete construction of the space station by 2010, viewing it as a central part of space exploration ambitions because it allows scientists to study the effects of microgravity on humans.
嚇 太空人返回地球前目擊發現號零件脫落
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http://news.yam.com/afp/life/200806/20080614967553.html 嚇 太空人返回地球前目擊發現號零件脫落 法新社╱盧瑞珠 2008-06-14 08:35 (法新社華盛頓十四日電)美國航空暨太空總署(NASA)表示,「發現號」太空梭上的太空人今天在船艙外右後方,發現一個不明漂浮物,方向舵上也出現不明的凸出物,但都不造成大礙。 美國太空官員指出,「發現號」在執行完例行的檢查工作,準備在明天返回地球後,「太空梭上的組員表示他們看到一個長約三十到四十五公分的長方形物體,從太空梭右翼後方漂走。」 NASA在聲明中指出;「稍後組員又形容他們在方向舵左側後緣,發現一塊凸出物。」 NASA在地面上的專家研究傳回來漂流物及凸起的影像和錄影帶後,認為不會造成什麼危險,表示「發現號」「狀況良好」,仍可依原訂計畫,在明天降落佛羅里達州卡納維爾角的甘迺迪太空中心。 休士頓詹森太空中心發言人傑福斯認為,漂走的可能是方向舵上剎車器的三塊板子之一,強調「不會影響太空梭進入地球或降落的作業。」 任務控制中心在NASA電視台上指出,方向舵上的凸起是一種「典型的凸出物」,「沒什麼好擔心的」。 漂浮走的東西可能是太空梭上早已掉落的部分。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080613/sc_afp/usjapanspaceshuttle_080613224046;_ylt=AsUCJfheSgwwdhYvYE0FygbPOrgF Space shuttle cleared to land, loose object poses no risk
by Jean-Louis Santini 2 hours, 20 minutes ago CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AFP) - The US shuttle Discovery was cleared on Friday to return to Earth after a successful mission to deliver and open Japan's first space laboratory at the International Space Station. NASA gave the shuttle, with seven astronauts aboard, the green light after it determined that the loss of a small clip from its rudder speed break posed no risk for the landing in Florida, scheduled for Saturday. The V-shaped thermal barrier clip, measuring 6.5-by-2.5 centimeters (2.5 inches by one inch), is only needed during the shuttle's ascent, the US space agency said. "It's not an issue whatsoever," deputy shuttle program manager LeRoy Cain told reporters. NASA also determined that Discovery's heat shield was in "very good shape" and the shuttle was "safe for re-entry," Cain said. The agency has kept a close eye on the shuttle's protective thermal layer since a crack in Columbia's heat shield caused the orbiter to explode as it re-entered Earth's atmosphere in February 2003, killing its seven astronauts. Discovery commander Mark Kelly, speaking on NASA TV from the shuttle, admitted the seven-person crew had initial concerns when they saw an object floating past them but were reassured by news that it was a clip. "We've seen these things come off before," he said, adding: "It is no worry at all, it has no effect on re-entry and Discovery is in great shape. "We have some stuff to do tonight like put up the seats, and get out our suits and the parachutes on the seats ... and then we'll be ready to go tomorrow morning." Richard Jones, the flight re-entry director, said he was expecting good weather for Saturday's landing. "We are looking for a very successful landing tomorrow," he said. "We have a very healthy crew and vehicle." After 14 days in space, Discovery undocked from the International Space Station (ISS) on Wednesday about 344 kilometers (214 miles) above the South Pacific east of Australia, and began preparing for its return to Earth. The shuttle's main task was to deliver, open and outfit the 11.2-meter long, 4.4-meter wide main module of the Japanese Kibo laboratory. The mission also included three spacewalks. In addition, Discovery brought a new crew member to the ISS, Greg Chamitoff, who replaced fellow American astronaut Garrett Reisman. Reisman is returning to Earth after a three-month stint at the outpost, and told NASA TV on Friday that he was primarily looking forward to "being back home, sleeping in my own bed -- and using my own toilet." The only toilet at the International Space Station began to fail just before Discovery's launch, and spare parts were sent up on the shuttle to repair it. Reisman said the spacewalk was one of the best things he had done while at the ISS, and also described the incredible views from space, in particular one of the United States at night as a weather front moved across the country. "The thunderstorms had this electric blue light like a disco or something, and around it was the warm glow of all the city lights. It was absolutely spectacular," he said. NASA hopes to complete construction of the space station by 2010, viewing it as a central part of space exploration ambitions because it allows scientists to study the effects of microgravity on humans.
發現號太空梭離開太空站 十四日返地球
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http://news.yam.com/afp/life/200806/20080612920612.html 發現號太空梭離開太空站 十四日返地球 法新社╱彭木芳 2008-06-12 00:35 (法新社華盛頓十一日電)美國國家航空暨太空總署說,「發現號」太空梭於台灣時間今晚七時四十二分成功與國際太空站分離,預計在十四日返回地球。 發現號與太空站分離時,位置在澳洲以東的南太平洋海域上空三百四十四公里處,預定台灣時間十四日晚間十一時十四分返抵佛羅里達州卡納維爾角的甘迺迪太空中心,結束這趟為期十四天的太空任務。 太空梭副駕駛郝姆透過太空總署的電視表示:「發現號太空梭已經分離。」 這次任務的重點是擴建太空站,將體積像公車大小的日本「希望號」實驗室組裝好。 在完成安裝日本首座太空實驗室的繁忙任務後,發現號太空梭上的七名太空人與國際太空站的三位同僚揮手道別。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080611/sc_afp/usjapanspaceshuttleundock_080611123909;_ylt=AgDzKhfVylPiEn85CZ4RIPvPOrgF Discovery undocks from ISS
Wed Jun 11, 8:39 AM ET WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US space shuttle Discovery successfully undocked from the International Space Station Wednesday at 1142 GMT ahead of its return to Earth set for Saturday, NASA said. The undocking, carried out on schedule, took place 344 kilometers (214 miles) above the South Pacific east of Australia. It capped a 10-day building mission that expanded the station with the addition of Japan's bus-sized Kibo lab. "Discovery, we have physical separation," shuttle copilot Ken Ham said on NASA television. Seven astronauts on Discovery bid farewell Tuesday to their three colleagues at the International Space Station after a busy mission to install Japan's first space laboratory. The hatches between the two spacecraft were shut at 2042 GMT after the six US astronauts and their Japanese counterpart floated back inside the shuttle ahead of their departure Wednesday morning. The shuttle also brought a new crew member to the station, Greg Chamitoff, who replaced fellow American astronaut Garrett Reisman, who is returning to Earth aboard Discovery after a three-month stint at the outpost. After leaving the station, the shuttlecrew will use the orbiter's robotic arm to scan its heat shield for signs of any potential damage from space debris or micrometeorites. Discovery is scheduled to land at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, on Saturday at 1514 GMT after 14 days in space. The shuttle delivered, opened and outfitted the 11.2-meter (36.7-feet) long, 4.4-meter (14.4-foot) wide Kibo module last week. The mission also included three spacewalks. The Japanese lab is the largest facility of the space station, which includes modules from the United States, Russia and European Space Agency. NASA, which hopes to complete construction of the station by 2010, considers the station a central part of space exploration ambitions, allowing scientists to study the effects of microgravity on humans.
Mission STS-124
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http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/shuttlemissions/sts124/index.html Mission STS-124 Launch: May 31, 2008 5:02 p.m. EDT Orbiter: Discovery Mission Number: STS-124 (123rd space shuttle flight) Launch Window: 10 minutes Launch Pad: 39A Mission Duration: 14 days Landing Site: KSC Inclination/Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles Primary Payload: 26th station flight (1J), Kibo Pressurized Module, Japanese Remote Manipulator System STS-124 Crew 馬克‧凱利(Mark E. Kelly) Commander
肯尼斯‧漢(Kenneth T. Ham) Pilot 凱琳‧奈柏格(Karen L. Nyberg) Mission Specialist 隆納德.賈蘭(Ronald J. Garan) Mission Specialist 米契爾‧佛森(Michael E. Fossum) Mission Specialist 星出彰彥(Akihiko Hoshide) Mission Specialist(日本宇宙航空研究開發機構JAXA) 桂格瑞‧查米托夫(Gregory Chamitoff) Mission Specialist/Expedition 17 Flight Engineer 俄裔加拿大籍 蓋瑞特‧雷斯曼(Garrett E. Reisman) Mission Specialist/Expedition 16 and 17 Flight Engineer
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http://money.udn.com/NASApp/news/newsShowContent?newstype=2&newsid=1612668&categoryid=4404 美宇航局「發現」號太空梭攜日本實驗艙發射 2008-06-02 22:50 佛羅里達州卡納維爾角, 5月31日 /美通社-PR Newswire/ -- 太空梭「發現」 (Discovery) 號攜其全體七名成員於美國東部時間週六下午5:02從美國宇航局 (NASA) 的甘迺迪航太中心 (Kennedy Space Center) 發射升空,負責運送日本實驗艙,並在國際空間站 (International Space Station) 上進行安裝。 此次任務被指定為代號STS-124,是發射安裝日本宇宙航空研究開發機構 (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) 的「希望」(Kibo) 號實驗艙組件的3次飛行中的第2次。「發現」號將運送「希望」號大型日本加壓模組(Japanese Pressurized Module,簡稱 JPM),這將是空間站最大的模組。該太空梭上的宇航員將與空間站的全體3名成員以及全球各地的地面團隊合作,安裝 JPM 以及「希望」號的機械手臂系統。 在發射前一刻,指揮官馬克-凱利 (Mark Kelly) 對幫助這次發射得以實現的團隊表示感謝時說:「我們將運送「希望」號到空間站。當我們盡力活好今天的時候,來自「希望」號的發現無疑將為明天提供希望。」 與凱利一同執行「發現」號為期14天飛行任務的是飛行員肯-漢姆 (Ken Ham)、任務專家凱仁-耐博 (Karen Nyberg)、羅恩-加蘭 (Ron Garan)、邁克爾-福薩姆 (Mike Fossum)、葛列格-查米特福 (Greg Chamitoff) 以及日本宇宙航空研究開發機構宇航員星出彰彥 (Akihiko Hoshide)。加蘭和福薩姆將在該任務期間執行3次太空行走。查米特福將接替自3月中旬就生活在空間站上的現空間站成員加雷特-賴斯曼 (Garrett Reisman)。查米特福將乘坐計畫於11月10日開赴太空執行 STS-126 任務的「奮進」(Endeavour) 號返回地球。 美國宇航局正在電視和互聯網上提供「發現」號任務的連續報導,這是第123次航太飛行,第26次前往該空間站,也是「發現」號的第35次航太飛行。 消息來源 美國宇航局 【聯合理財網】
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http://news.yam.com/afp/life/200806/20080603744922.html 美航太總署:太空梭發射台嚴重損壞 法新社╱簡長盛 2008-06-03 10:35 (法新社華盛頓二日電)美國航空暨太空總署今天說,太空梭三十一日發射時所激起的磚塊和灰泥損壞了太空梭的發射台,雖然沒有損及太空梭,但卻造成對未來任務的憂慮。 太空梭計劃副經理凱恩告訴記者,他們已組成了一個調查小組調查損害情形,並提出十月下一個太空梭發射任務的選擇方案。 佛羅里達州卡納維爾角甘迺迪太空中心有兩個太空梭發射台,但目前只有一個在使用,另外一個為了正在發展中的下一代太空梭發射任務正在進行翻修。 凱恩說,發射台損壞並非罕見,但從來都沒有像這次那麼嚴重。 凱恩說:「我們見到相當大的損害,我們並不擔心正在太空軌道進行任務的太空梭,它很安全。」 他說:「但我們當然還是擔心,因為我們計劃再度使用這個發射台發射。」 航太總署的照片顯示,A發射台火焰塹壕的磚牆上有一個大缺口,瓦礫碎片一路散落,直到發射台周圍的圍牆為止。 甘迺迪太空中心兩座發射台的興建,可以遠溯到阿波羅登月任務時代,後來曾為了發射太空梭而進行修改。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080602/sc_afp/usspaceshuttlelaunchpad_080602234632;_ylt=Ait2GfZWJz4g_58hsgEcCTfPOrgF Space shuttle blastoff damaged launch pad: NASA
Mon Jun 2, 7:46 PM ET WASHINGTON (AFP) - Bricks and mortar blew off the US space shuttle's launch pad during its weekend liftoff, without damaging the orbiter but causing concern for future missions, NASA said Monday. An investigative team was formed to look into the damage and come up with options for the shuttle's next mission in October, deputy shuttle program manager LeRoy Cain told reporters. The shuttle has two launch pads at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, but only one is currently in use while the other is being retrofitted for the next-generation spacecraft under development. Damage is not uncommon at the launch pad, but never of his magnitude, Cain said. "We saw that we had some fairly significant damage," Cain said. "We don't have any concerns for the ongoing mission of the vehicle on orbit. It is safe." "We do have concerns because we're planning to go launch off this pad again of course," he said. NASA pictures show a big gap in a brick wall of the flame trench on launch pad A following Discovery's liftoff on Saturday, while pieces of debris were scattered all the way to the facility's perimeter fence. The two launchpads date from the Apollo moon missions era and were modified for shuttle use. Space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to blast off from launch pad A in October to leave on a much-needed maintenance mission at the Hubble Space Telescope. Cain said the launch pad could be fixed by then, or NASA could take steps to make launch pad B available for the shuttle. "I have no reason to believe that we will delay the mission in October," he said.
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http://news.yam.com/afp/life/200806/20080603744847.html 美發現號太空梭成功停靠國際太空站 法新社╱張仲琬 2008-06-03 09:20 (法新社華盛頓二日電)美國「發現號」太空梭今天順利停靠國際太空站(ISS),載送一輛公車大小的日本實驗室作為實驗擴充之用,同時送上太空站頻出問題、迫切需要的廁所零件。 發現號於兩天前在佛羅里達州啟航,今天終於和位於南太平洋上方三百三十八公里處的太空站接駁。機上七名太空人兩小時後漫步進入太空站,與三名駐站人員相擁握手。 美國機械專員查米托夫,在太空梭艙門開啟前,向國際太空站工作人員雷斯曼說:「你有一幢美麗的房子」。雷斯曼三個月的任務即將屆滿,搭乘發現號返回地球,查米托夫此行將接替他的任務。 發現號指揮官凱利在停靠前約一小時,將太空梭像雲霄飛車般翻轉到太空站下方僅一百八十公尺處,讓駐站太空人拍攝梭體底部。 這項三百六十度的翻轉,已成為飛行中的例行安全檢查,讓太空站人員確保太空梭無潛在重大損害。 太空站拍攝的照片,將回傳地球,由工程師檢查梭體隔熱罩是否出現問題。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080602/sc_afp/usjapanspaceshuttle_080602235858;_ylt=AvLFDPvD1hxmcas_tFFa0nDPOrgF Japan's laboratory ready to join space 'family' by Laurent Thomet 2 hours, 22 minutes ago WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US shuttle Discovery delivered a large Japanese laboratory to the International Space Station on Monday that will give the Asian power a permanent outpost to carry out experiments in space. Mission specialists Mike Fossum and Ron Garan will venture out of the ISS Tuesday on a spacewalk to unlock the lab from the shuttle's payload bay so it can be installed on the orbiting station. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Akihiko Hoshide will then operate the station's robotic arm to remove his country's lab from Discovery's cargo bay and attach it to the ISS. Discovery linked up with the ISS on Monday about 338 kilometers (210 miles) above the south Pacific after a two-day trip around Earth. Two hours after docking, Hoshide, Fossum, Garan and Discovery's four other astronauts floated into the ISS, where they exchanged hugs and handshakes with the outpost's three residents. "You have a beautiful house," US robotics specialist Greg Chamitoff told ISS crew member Garrett Reisman before the hatches opened. Chamitoff is replacing Reisman, who will return to Earth aboard Discovery after a three-month mission. About an hour before docking, Commander Mark Kelly steered Discovery into a rollercoaster-like maneuver, flipping the shuttle just 600 feet (180 meters) below the station to allow ISS astronauts to photograph its underside. The 360-degree maneuver, two days after the shuttle lifted off in Florida, has become a regular safety feature during flights allowing the space agency to ensure that the shuttle is free of potentially devastating damage. The images taken by the station crew members were downloaded to engineers on Earth who were inspecting them for signs of damage to the shuttle's thermal shield. Ground cameras spotted several pieces of foam coming off Discovery's external fuel tank during Saturday's launch from Cape Canaveral, Florida, but NASA has downplayed the risk posed by the debris. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has meticulously scanned the shuttles' heat shields since the Columbia disaster in 2003, when a crack in its protective tiles led to its explosion, killing its seven astronauts. NASA said Saturday's launch caused unprecedented damage to the shuttle's launch pad, but the space agency was confident that it had caused no damage to Discovery. Lead shuttle flight director Matt Abbott said the mission had been "flawless" so far. "It's one big happy spaceship now (with) the International Space Station and Discovery, and it's great to have the Kibo pressurized module part of the International Space Station. All we have to do now is intall it," he said. The Japanese Pressurized Module (JPM) is the central of three parts that will make up Japan's Kibo, or "hope," laboratory. The 11.2-meter (36.7-foot) long, 14.8-tonne (32,600-pound) module will be the single largest room on the ISS, with space for four scientists. Kibo's 10-meter (33-foot) robotic arm, which will manipulate materials and equipment for science experiments, will also be pulled from the shuttle and attached to the laboratory. The March 2008 shuttle carried up the logistics module and the JPM's internal racks. A mission planned for 2009 will deliver a sort of terrace to expose experiments to the space environment. Discovery's mission has also brought badly-needed parts to fix a high-tech Russian-built space toilet. The ISS commode malfunctioned last week, forcing the three ISS astronauts to rig up a still-troublesome bypass for liquid waste. Until the repair is complete, the three-member station crew will use the shuttle's toilet -- or they will use more emergency bags that Discovery is also bringing.
發現號升空 送修馬桶廁所故障逾1星期 3太空人跑鄰艙「方便」
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http://1-apple.com.tw/index.cfm?Fuseaction=Article&Sec_ID=3&ShowDate=20080602&IssueID=20080602&art_id=30612205&NewsType=1&SubSec=11 蘋果日報2008年6月2日 發現號升空 送修馬桶廁所故障逾1星期 3太空人跑鄰艙「方便」 【王潔予╱綜合外電報導】美太空梭「發現號」(Space shuttle Discovery),昨自佛州升空,預定明天抵達國際太空站。最高興見到太空梭的,莫過生活在站上、已逾1周沒馬桶可用的3名太空人,因為它將帶來馬桶用的新幫浦。 台灣時間昨晨5時02分,佛州甘迺迪太空發射中心離軌道上的太空站最近的時候,「發現號」帶領7名太空人升空,數分鐘後順利進入軌道。目睹全程近400名地面來賓均為此喝采。 此次任務主要是送日造實驗艙「希望」主體上太空站,明年3月第3批組件到齊、安置後,「希望」就是太空站最大艙位,可供4名太空人同時工作,屆時分7次構築的國際太空站即完成3/4,參與太空站興建的美、俄、歐,無不引頸期待。 主要運實驗艙「希望」 美國太空梭昨第123次升空除送日造實驗艙「希望」主體外,另也因運作7年的太空站廁所集尿系統故障逾1周,站上3名太空人只能用站外聯合號太空船裡的廁所,還得徒手沖水,美國航太總署(NASA)上周從俄羅斯運來幫浦,昨送上太空站。NASA去年同意花1900萬美元(約5.79億元台幣)向俄羅斯採購另一套新式太空廁所,今年稍晚加裝。 昨天升空也有狀況。「發現號」起飛2分半鐘後,包覆外燃箱的隔熱泡棉板有5片脫落。NASA副署長傑斯頓米爾斯說:「它們在爬升末期脫落……並未累積足以擊中太空梭的速度,因此不會造成哥倫比亞號悲劇重演。」2003年哥倫比亞號隔熱板砸壞機翼,導致回程解體,折損7名太空人生命。 發現號本次任務 .送日本實驗艙「希望」主體上國際太空站 .將3月送上太空站的「希望」儲藏室,移至定位 .在「希望」外部安置、啟動電視攝影機 .啟動、測試日本的新機器手臂 .修理太空站廁所;檢修去年就受損的太陽能板旋轉接頭 .接回太空人瑞斯曼,這次升空的切米托夫取代他留下 .收回上次太空任務留下的隔熱器檢查用支架 資料來源:路透
太空站修馬桶 發現號升空
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http://udn.com/NEWS/WORLD/WOR6/4365547.shtml 太空站修馬桶 發現號升空 【世界日報╱美聯社佛州卡納維爾角三十一日電】 2008.06.01 07:14 pm 「發現號」(Discovery)太空梭31日搭載七名太空人順利升空,並進入地球軌道,這次任務主要為國際太空站載運巨型日本實驗艙,以及日常生活必需的「廁所幫浦」。
發現號是在下午5時2分準時發射,兩天後將抵達太空站,屆時太空人將卸下並安裝實驗艙,並將特製的廁所幫浦交給太空站上的俄羅斯太空人。官員表示,太空梭發射時,看來是隔熱泡棉的五片碎片似乎從燃料槽掉落,但因為不是在關鍵的最初兩分鐘發生,所以應該不會有問題。日本這座名為「希望」(Kibo)的實驗艙,體積如同一輛校車巴士,重逾3萬2000磅,將成為太空站最大艙間。實驗艙所有組件共分四次運載,第一次已在今年3月送上太空站,第三、四次則安排在明年。 發現號在14天的任務中,還包括換新太空站的空氮氣櫃,以及試驗太陽能板旋轉軸組阻塞的各種清潔方法。而廁所幫浦將由兩位俄羅斯太空人安裝;過去七天多以來,因幫浦故障,讓太空站人員沖馬桶煞費苦心,十分不便。 【2008/06/01 世界日報】