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1.太空梭(Space Shuttle):其正式名稱是軌道繞行載具(OV,Orbiter Vehicle),由於這種新式運載系統是往返穿梭於太空與地球間,故有「太空梭」的別名,這也是傳媒及民眾對此載具的俗稱。

全長37.2m,主翼翼展23.7m,全高17.2m,重量約75ton,能運載重量超過30000kg的貨物;於大氣中的飛行速度可達16000km/h,表面貼滿超過34000片的隔熱陶瓷片,在重返時承受溫度最高的機首和主翼前緣,皆覆蓋著強化碳(RCC,Reinforced carbon-carbon)隔熱片,強化碳的抗熱能力甚至比陶瓷片還要強。

在載具尾端裝設3具液態燃料火箭發動機(Liquid Rocket Engine),為於發射時的主推進器(SSME,Space Shuttle Main Engines),當單具SSME每分鐘燃燒約一磅的液態氫氧推進劑(Propellants)時,會產生20250kg的強大推力,另一優點為燃燒後產生的廢氣是無毒蒸氣雲。

每具SSME在真空中所產生的推力約為21150kg,僅及農神5號(Saturn V)運載火箭的F-1發動機所產生推力的1/3,但SSME必須能在真空及大氣中運作,且須有可變的節流裝置,使得推力能在額定值的50至109%間做適度的調節。當負荷極大或須到達傾斜角較大的軌道中時,須用到23040kg的推力,到爬升階段的末期僅須50%推力。發動機的設計運轉壽限為7.5小時,包括55次啟動及連續的8分鐘運轉過程,是目前唯一可重複使用的液態燃料火箭發動機。此外載具上另裝置有2具軌道控制發動機(OMS,Orbital Manoeuvring System)及42具小型的反作用控制系統(RCS,Reaction Control System),以控制載具在軌道上的姿態及轉換軌道用。

飛行控制系統為四重配置的方式來向SSME、OMS、RCS及氣動力控制面傳遞操作訊號,即使有2套系統損壞,也不致發生危險。機上5部IBM製任務電腦(注意喔!這是1980年代的資訊科技產物!)則作為載具導引、系統控制之用。至於載具的電力來源是再生性氫氧燃料電池(RFC,Regenerative Fuel Cell)提供,一方面提供載具電力,也供應太空人用水,過多的水則排出艙外。

2.主燃料槽(ET,External Tank):又稱為輕量主燃料槽(LWT,Lightweight Tank),全長46.2m,直徑8.28m,空重29932kg,滿載重760091kg。整個燃料槽分成液態氧槽(Liquid Oxygen Tank)、銜接槽(Inter Tank)及液態氫槽(Liquid Hydrogen Tank)三部份,在銜接槽及液態氫槽外殼設有銜接載具的硬點支架。液態氧及液態氫主要是做為載具於發射時SSEM使用的推進劑,所謂“推進劑”就是燃料(液態氫)加氧化劑(液態氧)的合稱。從1998年6月起載具發射時所使用的主燃料槽,為洛馬公司研製的新式超輕量燃料槽(SLWT,Super Lightweight Tank),在尺寸上與舊型主燃料槽相同,空重26536kg,滿載重756832kg;但由於使用高強度低密度鋰鋁合金(Aluminum/Lithium alloy)並經過改良,重量較舊型槽體減輕3375kg,在發射時可增加載具的酬載量。

3.固體燃料火箭輔助推進器(SRB,Solid Rocket Booster):由數個外殼節段所組成,全長44.7m,直徑3.6m,裝填約600ton的推進劑,每具推力1485000kg。一次發射任務,單具SRB大約消耗掉約600ton的燃料,約每秒平均4.3ton。


May the Force be with you
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美奮進號太空梭升空 執行太空站修繕任務



美奮進號太空梭升空 執行太空站修繕任務  
法新社╱蔡佳敏 2008-11-15 11:50     





Endeavour speeds toward space station

by Jean-louis Santini – Sat Nov 15, 2:06 am ET

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida, (AFP) – The space shuttle Endeavour sped Saturday to its rendezvous with the International Space Station, carrying seven American astronauts on a "home improvement" mission that will expand the station's living quarters.

The journey began with a spectacular Friday nighttime launch from the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida.

"It was a great launch and a great team," said NASA Administrator Michael Griffin.

"We are off to a great start on what's going to be an extremely complex and challenging mission," echoed the sentiment top mission management LeRoy Cain.

The task of the Endeavour, which launched nearly 10 years to the day since a shuttle crew first began constructing the ISS on November 20, 1998, will be to repair the station's power-generating solar arrays and expand its living quarters to accommodate bigger crews.

"This mission is all about home improvement," shuttle commander Chris Ferguson said this week during launch preparations. "Home improvement inside and outside the station."

It will be the most extreme home makeover ever attempted by NASA astronauts. The additions will include two new sleeping quarters, exercise equipment, a second toilet, two new ovens to heat food, a refrigerator for food and drinks, a freezer and an oven for scientific experiments.

Endeavour is carrying 14.5 tonnes of material and equipment to the Italian module Leonardo, allowing for the ISS crew to expand from three to six in 2009.

As one NASA expert described it on NASA Television shortly after the launch, the upgrades will effectively turn the ISS into "a five-bedroom two-bath house with a kitchen, and support six residents on a continuing basis."

The astronauts also will be installing a system that can turn urine back into drinking water. The 250-million-dollar upgrade will allow enough recycling for a six-person ISS crew to sharply reduce the amount of water that has to be flown up from Earth.

Over the next day or so, astronauts aboard the ISS are expected to begin limbering up the space station's robotic arm to prepare for the inspection of Endeavour's heat protection shield ahead of the docking at 2213 GMT Sunday.

Four planned spacewalks during the mission will focus on servicing the station's solar wings, mainly the large joints that allow the apparatus to rotate to track the sun.

The wagon-wheel-shaped joints have become gummed up and astronauts essentially will need to perform a space-age lube job -- cleaning out the debris that has accumulated in the joints before lubricating them with grease.

The first spacewalk begins on the fifth day of the mission.

The 27th shuttle flight to the orbiting space station and the fourth and final shuttle mission for 2008 consists of a crew of five men and two women, all Americans.

While docked to the ISS, the Endeavour astronauts and ISS crew will mark the 10th anniversary of the International Space Station, a multi-billion-dollar collaborative effort between the space agencies of Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia and the United States.

Endeavour's crew includes commander Ferguson, 47, co-pilot Eric Boe, 44, and five other mission specialists including Sandra Magnus, 44.

She will replace compatriot Greg Chamitoff as ISS Expedition 18 flight engineer. Chamitoff is scheduled to return to Earth on Endeavour in late November while Magnus is to stay on through February 2009.

Endeavour's mission is scheduled to end November 29, though NASA has said the flight could well be extended a day.

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Mission STS-126



Mission STS-126

Launch Target:
7:55 p.m. EST
Nov. 14, 2008
Mission Number:
(124th space shuttle flight)
Launch Window:
10 minutes
Launch Pad:
Mission Duration:
15 days
Landing Site:
51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles
Primary Payload:
27th station flight (ULF2), Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM)

STS-126 Crew:
克里斯多夫‧佛格森(Christopher J. Ferguson)
艾利克‧鮑伊(Eric A. Boe)
史蒂芬‧鮑恩(Stephen G. Bowen)
Mission Specialist
羅伯特‧金布諾(Robert S. (Shane) Kimbrough)
Mission Specialist
海德瑪瑞‧史蒂芬尼欣-派柏(Heidemarie M. Stefanyshyn-Piper)
Mission Specialist(女)
唐納‧佩提(Donald R. Pettit)
Mission Specialist
珊卓‧馬格努斯(Sandra H. Magnus)
Mission Specialist/ISS Flight Engineer(女)
遠征18號(Expedition 18/17S)

桂格瑞‧查米托夫(Gregory Chamitoff)
Mission Specialist/ISS Flight Engineer
遠征17號(Expedition 17/16S)

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Review sets Nov. 14 to Launch STS-126



Review sets Nov. 14 to Launch STS-126

Oct. 30, 2008 - 7:30 p.m. EDT
Space shuttle Endeavour is scheduled to launch Nov. 14 at 7:55 p.m. EST after NASA officials conducted an exhaustive review of the shuttle, its payload and the International Space Station. The officials met Thursday at Kennedy Space Center during the Flight Readiness Review, a standard session that clears the way for the launch of a shuttle mission.

“We’re in very good shape to go fly,” said John Shannon, manager of the Space Shuttle Program.

Agency officials evaluated the processing of Endeavour and its payload including the Multi-Purpose Logistics Module Leonardo before giving the go to set the launch date. Endeavour and its crew of seven astronauts are to deliver 14,500 pounds of supplies and equipment packed inside the Leonardo to the International Space Station.

“This is an extremely complicated mission for us,” said Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA’s associate administrator for space operations. “There’s lot of things that will be going on the outside of the station with the EVAs (spacewalks) and just as many things going on the inside.”

Leonardo acts as NASA’s moving van. It will be connected to the station while astronauts and station crew members transfer the gear into the orbiting laboratory. They will also transfer used equipment and completed experiments into Leonardo for return to Earth. The module will be disconnected and will fly back inside Endeavour.

Separately, NASA managers have announced that they will not meet a possible February 2009 launch time for the fifth and final shuttle mission to the Hubble Space Telescope. The decision comes after engineers completed assessments of the work needed to get a second data handling unit for the telescope ready to fly. The unit will replace one that failed on Hubble in late September, causing the agency to postpone the servicing mission, which had been targeted for Oct. 14.

"We now have done enough analysis of all the things that need to happen with the flight spare unit to know that we cannot be ready for a February launch," said NASA's Astrophysics Division Director Jon Morse at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "The February date was an initial estimate, assuming minimal hardware preparations and test durations that are no longer viewed as realistic. We've communicated our assessment to the Space Shuttle Program so it can adjust near-term plans. We will work closely with the Shuttle Program to develop details for a new launch opportunity."

Gerstenmaier said during a news conference Thursday they would unbolt Atlantis from its launch stack and return it to its processing hangar. Atlantis is the shuttle that will be used in servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope. Hubble managers say they expect to deliver a replacement data handling unit to Kennedy in April 2009. The exact new target launch date for the Hubble mission is under review.

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【世界日報╱法新社】 2008.10.29 09:28 pm


【2008/10/29 世界日報】

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    [據美國休斯頓大事記報網站2008年10月16日報導]  美國總統布希簽署一項法案,允許增加太空梭飛行次數並加速研發新型飛船。布希總統簽署的這項NASA授權法案是未來投資的藍本。



    此外,該法案還主張增加一次太空梭任務發射阿爾法磁譜儀,阿爾法磁譜儀是一個價值16億美元的觀測台,它將被安裝到國際空間站外。(中國航太工程中心 錢錢 謝慧敏) 

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2008年09月24日 09:11:26  來源:中國新聞網 


    在美國宇航局肯尼迪航天中心發射場,兩架航天飛機——“奮進”號和“亞特蘭蒂斯”號並列立在發射架上。它們將執行STS-125任務,修復宇航局的“哈勃”太空望遠鏡。 自2001年7月以來,兩架航天飛機首次同時出現在肯尼迪航天中心。




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NASA chief asks: Can shuttle fly after 2010?



NASA chief asks: Can shuttle fly after 2010?

Robert Block and Mark K. Matthews | Sentinel Staff Writers
August 30, 2008

CAPE CANAVERAL - NASA Administrator Michael Griffin has ordered his top officials to study how the agency could fly the space shuttle beyond its planned retirement in 2010, according to an internal e-mail obtained by the Orlando Sentinel.

The decision signals what could be a huge change in NASA policy. Griffin has steadfastly opposed extending the shuttle era beyond its 2010 retirement date, arguing it could kill astronauts and cripple the agency's fledgling Constellation program, a system of new rockets and capsules meant to replace the shuttle.

But geopolitics and political pressure are undermining his position.

The Russian invasion of neighboring Georgia has chilled relations between Washington and Moscow. The incursion has threatened NASA's carefully laid plans to rely on Russian spaceships to ferry astronauts to the international space station during the years between the shuttle's retirement and the maiden voyage of NASA's next generation of rocket in 2015.

Anger over Russia's actions has lawmakers clamoring for new ways to keep America's space program independent of Moscow. Sen. John McCain earlier this week asked the White House to stop dismantling the shuttle program for at least a year to preserve the option of keeping Atlantis, Discovery and Endeavour flying.

It is not something that Griffin wants to do. In April this year, he told a Senate panel: "If one were to do as some have suggested and fly the shuttle for an additional five years -- say, two missions a year -- the risk would be about one in 12 that we would lose another crew. That's a high risk . . . [one] I would not choose to accept on behalf of our astronauts."

But flying two shuttle flights a year until 2015 is exactly the kind of option NASA is now looking at, according to NASA officials and the e-mail sent Wednesday by John Coggeshall, manifest and schedules manager at Johnson Space Center in Houston.

"The [shuttle] program in conjunction with [Constellation] and [space station] have been asked by the administrator to put together some manifest options to assess extending shuttle flights to 2015," Coggeshall wrote. "We want to focus on helping bridge the gap of U.S. vehicles traveling to the [space station] as efficiently as possible," he added.

Speculation 'premature'

NASA spokesman John Yembrick described the e-mail's goals as "premature" because NASA has not finalized the parameters of the study.

"Our plan is still, of course, to retire the shuttle in 2010," said Yembrick, adding that such a "what-if analysis" represented "prudent planning," especially in light of suggestions by McCain, the Republican presidential nominee, who would dictate the agency's future if he captures the White House.

John Shannon, shuttle-program manager, told NASA and some contractors earlier this week that the aim of the study was to have a plan ready should the next administration or Congress want to change the current plan NASA has been operating under.

The scope of the study appears open-ended but in the e-mail Coggeshall said that NASA cannot simply spread out the remaining 10 shuttle flights until 2015.

"That does not support [space-station] requirements," the e-mail said. NASA has planned to finish building the last part of the station by 2010.

It also raised the idea of retiring one of the three remaining orbiters, possibly for spare parts.

"We have been encouraged not to focus on a certain set of assumptions or costs. We will probably develop multiple options," it reads.

But if continuing the shuttle means adding shuttle flights rather that trying to spread out the existing 10 flights during the next few years, then the costs could be enormous. At one point last year, Griffin estimated it would cost as much as $4 billion a year to fly the shuttle beyond 2010, a major bite for an agency that had a $17.3 billion budget this year.

Contracts wind down

To have enough money to build the new rockets and capsules of the Constellation program under its current plan, NASA must retire the shuttle or get more money from Congress.

Even if Congress coughs up more cash, there is another worry: NASA already has begun pulling the plug on shuttle contracts. During the past year it has closed down its supply chain from many vendors who make shuttle parts, and some NASA facilities have begun converting systems to get ready for the new Constellation program.

Wayne Hale, a NASA deputy assistant administrator who recently was the shuttle-program manager, recently asked these same questions on his blog.

"Where does the money come from? Where do the people -- who should be working on the moon rocket -- where do they come from? We started shutting down the shuttle four years ago. That horse has left the barn,"

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不放心俄國 美太空梭擬延役



不放心俄國 美太空梭擬延役

【聯合報╱編譯高國珍/綜合外電】 2008.08.31 02:55 am









【2008/08/31 聯合報】

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NASA太空梭飛行 2010年成絕響



NASA太空梭飛行 2010年成絕響
法新社╱鄭詩韻 2008-07-09 13:05     






NASA shuttle to take last flight in May 2010

by Virginie Montet
Tue Jul 8, 3:34 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The final flight in NASA's space shuttle program will take off on May 31, 2010, four months before the fleet is retired after 30 years of service, the agency said Tuesday.
The last mission is one of 10 flights that NASA has planned for Endeavour, Discovery and Atlantis before they are taken out of service in September 2010.

Two of these are planned for this year -- on October 8, Atlantis heads on a service mission to the Hubble Space Telescope, and on November 10, Endeavour will deliver supplies and service parts to the International Space Station.

Another five flights are scheduled for 2009 and three for 2010, said NASA spokesman Rob Navias.

Endeavour will take off for the ISS on May 31, 2010, for the final flight of the shuttle program, which began with the launch of Columbia from the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral in Florida on April 12, 1981.

It will carry critical spare components, including two S-band communication antennas, a high-pressure gas tank and spare parts for the mechanical maintenance robot named Dexter that has been installed outside the station.

"The approved target dates are subject to change based on processing and other launch vehicle schedules," NASA said in a statement.

"They reflect the agency's commitment to complete assembly of the (space) station and to retire the shuttle fleet as transition continues to the new launch vehicles, including Ares and Orion."

Once the shuttles are out of service, NASA will focus on a new type of space vehicle similar in shape but significantly larger than the Apollo spacecraft, launched by rocket and intended to carry manned missions to the moon and Mars.

The Orion capsule has been named after the brightest and most recognizable star in the sky, and its launch vehicle, the rocket Ares, takes its name from the Greek god who is associated with Roman warrior god Mars.

Orion's first manned mission is planned by 2014 at the latest while its first trip to the moon is hoped to take place by at least 2020.

The space shuttle is a complex and fragile feat of engineering, made up of more than two million parts and comprising an airplane-like orbiter that can accommodate three astronauts in the cock-pit and five others on deck.

It also has a huge 18-meter by 4.6-meter (59-foot by 15-foot) storage area for transporting freight. The only spacecraft with the room to carry ISS parts, the shuttle was key to the construction of the station when it began in 1998.

Six shuttles were originally built: Enterprise, a demonstration model that never made it into space, then Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis and Endeavour. Two of these never returned to Earth.

Challenger exploded shortly after its launch on January 28, 1986, and Columbia was destroyed on its re-entry into the atmosphere on February 1, 2003. Each shuttle was carrying seven astronauts, all of whom died.

The Columbia disaster temporarily put a halt to NASA's shuttle missions to the ISS -- they did not resume until July 2005. In the meantime, only the Russians sent astronauts into space on their Soyouz spacecraft.

The shuttle is the first spacecraft intended for multiple use, and by the time they are taken out of service, Endeavour will have carried out 25 missions, Atlantis 32 and Discovery 38.

About 35 missions will have been sent to the ISS, the largest structure ever created by man in space and a key step towards conquering Mars.

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STS-124 Mission Stats



STS-124 Mission Stats

Sat., June 14, 2008, 11:15 a.m. EDT
Landing Site:
Kennedy Space Center, Fla.

Mission Elapsed Time:
13 days, 18 hours, 13 minutes, 7 secs

Official Landing Times
Main gear touchdown:
11:15:19 a.m. EDT
Nose gear touchdown:
11:15:30 a.m. EDT
Wheels stop:
11:16:19 a.m. EDT
Total miles:
5.7 million

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