若天氣允許 奮進號太空梭明天將返航佛州
法新社╱王黛麗 2008-11-30 14:05
NASA團隊管理小組主席凱恩(LeRoy Cain)在記者會中表示,他和專家都認為,完成任務的奮進號(Endeavour)太空梭機體外層與過去所發射的太空梭一樣,甚至更為乾淨完整。」
「奮進號」昨天脫離國際太空站(InternationalSpace Station)後,隨即以相機與雷射裝置對機鼻與機翼前緣控制面完成最後檢查。
德州休士頓詹森太空中心(Johnson Space Center)飛行主任龍尼(Brian Lunney)說,飛行控制系統「檢查後沒有異樣,系統已準備作好重返大氣層的支援準備」。
奮進號定明天降落卡納維爾角甘迺迪太空中心,但因氣象預報有冷鋒經過,可能夾雜雷雨及側風,到時可能轉到加州莫哈維沙漠愛德華茲空軍基地(EdwardsAir Force Base)降落。
Endeavour set to land in Florida, weather permitting
by Jean-louis Santini – Sun Nov 30, 1:01 am ET
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida, (AFP) – The space shuttle Endeavour prepared to return to Earth Sunday, but NASA officials warned uncertain weather conditions in Florida may force it to land in California.
"Endeavour looks to me and to the experts in fact to be as clean or even cleaner than any vehicle we have flown," NASA Mission Management Team chairman LeRoy Cain told a press conference.
Just after the Endeavour undocked Friday from the International Space Station (ISS), a final inspection of its nose cap and wing leading edge panels was conducted by camera and laser device.
Cain said that after completing the damage assessment, his team had cleared Endeavour's thermal shield for a safe entry and landing.
Flight director Brian Lunney at Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, said the flight control system "checked out, no anomalies ... That system is ready to support entry."
Endeavour is scheduled to land at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) at Cape Canaveral, Florida on Sunday but a cold front with possible thunderstorms and high crosswinds could divert the landing to Edwards Air Force Base, in California's Mojave Desert.
The Edwards landing would be a backup option for as early as Sunday, Lunney said.
He said Endeavour had two landing attempts at KSC on Sunday, at 1819 GMT and 1954 GMT, with a third window at Edwards at 2125 GMT.
"We will be willing to go land on Sunday at Edwards if we look at the forecast and determine Monday is not worth waiting for in terms of going to KSC," he added.
The weather forecast for Monday at Cape Canaveral was not looking good.
The shuttle must be back on earth by Tuesday since its oxygen supply and battery power will be running low by then.
If Endeavour returns as scheduled on Sunday, it will have spent 16 days in orbit, 12 of them docked at the ISS.
During their mission Endeavour astronauts took four space walks to successfully repair a jammed joint of one of three rotating solar panels that harvest energy for the orbiting ISS.
Technical problems with a new piece of equipment that recycles waste water caused NASA to extend the mission by a day.
The 250-million-dollar device was an essential part of the shuttle mission to double the station's accommodation capacity.
Crew members ran three successful cycles on the unit, designed to process urine, perspiration and bath water into drinkable water.
Once up and running, the unit will be able to recycle the station's 6.8 tonnes of waste water produced each year, and make it no longer necessary to regularly ferry vast quantities of water to the space station.
Samples of the drinking water produced by the machine are being brought back to Earth for analysis.
The Endeavour crew also delivered two new sleeping quarters, two ovens and a refrigerator that double the living space on the ISS to allow its crew to increase from three to six.
The Endeavour mission is the last by a US space shuttle in 2008. The next shuttle flight is scheduled for February, with another mission to continue building the space station.
The ISS should be finished in 2010, also the target date for the retirement of the US fleet of three space shuttles.