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中央社╱中央社 2008-02-27 08:15     








May the Force be with you
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紐時驚爆 布希政府收買軍事名嘴




紐時驚爆 布希政府收買軍事名嘴








五角大廈內部文件一再以「訊息戰力倍增器」(message force multipliers)或「代理人」(surrogates)稱呼這些御用名嘴,其作用在於可透過「專業見解」形式,充當政府「立場和訊息」的傳聲筒。


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收買名嘴 布希操控媒體




收買名嘴 布希操控媒體



2007/03 美軍華特里德陸軍醫學中心被披露環境髒亂,許多伊拉克與阿富汗戰場傷兵躺在黴菌遍布、蟑螂老鼠橫行的危樓養病
2006/04 國防部長倫斯斐被指直接涉及美軍在古巴關達那摩監獄虐囚案,親自批准偵訊計劃,導致1名囚犯遭受多種不人道待遇
2004/04 美國媒體披露駐伊拉克美軍在巴格達阿布格雷監獄虐待囚犯,震驚全球
2003年 美國媒體報導關灣囚犯遭虐待,後國防部稱關灣囚犯不能被視為戰俘,不適用《日內瓦公約》

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美軍事名嘴 五角大廈祕密武器



中國時報 2008.04.21 
美軍事名嘴 五角大廈祕密武器



     關達那摩虐囚案 負責消毒



     與政軍共生 深入媒體陣地


     以「福斯新聞網」(Fox News)分析家麥金奈尼為例,這位仁兄當年官拜空軍三星中將,退役後進入好幾家軍事公司的董事會。2006年4月,當時的國防部長倫斯斐遭到另一群退役將領聯名行文批判,直指他要為伊拉克局勢惡化負責。倫斯斐緊急召集一群分析家開會,商討反擊策略。與會的麥金奈尼當然義不容辭,隨即投書《華爾街日報》力挺倫斯斐。



     不聽話 會失去所有門路

     政府滲透或策反媒體,古已有之,於今為烈。布希政府早從九一一恐怖攻擊事件之前,就開始積極培養深入媒體的「第五縱隊」,主其事者是當時的國防部公關主管克拉克(Torie Clarke)女士,出身報社攝影記者的她,認為公關工作的核心是取得「資訊主宰」,目標則鎖定那些在媒體上具有權威、獨立形象的「關鍵影響人物」,徵召他們為國效力。

     克拉克的理念得到倫斯斐全力支持,她提出的名單也由倫斯斐親自審閱敲定。幾年下來,五角大廈至少網羅了75位退役將領與校級軍官出身的分析家,Fox News最多,其次是NBC與CNN,CBS與「美國廣播公司」(ABC)電視網也有。這些分析家的確「表現優異」,然而他們自欺欺人的結果,雖然肥了自身的荷包與事業,卻對國家與社會造成無法彌補的損失。

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粉飾反恐戰爭 布希政府培養御用軍事評論家



粉飾反恐戰爭 布希政府培養御用軍事評論家
法新社╱劉學源 2008-04-20 20:50     










Bush administration manipulated TV military analysts: report

Sun Apr 20, 12:13 AM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The administration of President George W. Bush has manipulated military analysts working for leading US television networks to generate favorable coverage of the war in Iraq and other issues, The New York Times reported on its website Saturday.
The newspaper said in trying to achieve its goal, the administration exploited not only ideological and military allegiances but also a powerful financial dynamic, namely the fact that most of these analysts have ties to military contractors vested in the very war policies they are asked to assess on television.

Military analysts, who regularly appear on TV commenting on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, are usually retired high-ranking military officials.

But what is never disclosed to viewers, the paper said, is that the men represent more than 150 military contractors either as lobbyists, senior executives, board members or consultants.

The companies include defense heavyweights, but also scores of smaller companies, all contractors seeking hundreds of billions in military business generated by the administration's war on terror, the report said.

It is a furious competition, in which inside information and easy access to senior administration officials are highly prized, The Times pointed out.

According to the report, the Bush administration has used this fact to transform the analysts into an instrument intended to shape terrorism coverage from inside the major TV and radio networks.

Analysts have been invited into hundreds of private briefings with senior military leaders, including officials with significant influence over contracting and budget matters, the paper said.

They have been taken on tours of Iraq, given access to classified intelligence and received briefings from top White House, State Department and Justice Department officials, The Times said.

In turn, members of this group have echoed administration talking points, sometimes even when they suspected the information was false or inflated, the report said.

The conclusion came following The Times' examination of 8,000 pages of e-mail messages, transcripts and records describing years of private briefings, trips to Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, that the paper obtained after winning a lawsuit against the Pentagon.

These records reveal a symbiotic relationship where the usual dividing lines between government and journalism have been obliterated, the paper said.

Internal Pentagon documents repeatedly refer to the military analysts as "message force multipliers" or "surrogates" who could be counted on to deliver administration "themes and messages" to millions of Americans "in the form of their own opinions."

While analysts are paid network consultants who make between 500 dollars to 1,000 dollars per TV appearance, in Pentagon meetings they sometimes spoke as if they were operating behind enemy lines, the report said.

Some offered the Pentagon tips on how to outmaneuver the networks, and some warned of planned network stories.

"Good work," Thomas G. McInerney, a retired Air Force general and Fox News analyst, wrote, according to The Times, to the Pentagon after receiving fresh talking points in late 2006. "We will use it."

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伊拉克安全情勢改善 美國務卿籲鄰國伸出援手



伊拉克安全情勢改善 美國務卿籲鄰國伸出援手
法新社╱何世煌 2008-04-20 12:50     





Rice urges Iraq's Arab neighbors to seize moment in Iraq

by Lachlan Carmichael
Sat Apr 19, 9:30 PM ET

SHANNON, Ireland (AFP) - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice flew Sunday to the Gulf urging Arabs to seize what she sees as an opening for them to grab a stake in neighboring Iraq and blunt Iran's influence there.
Claiming improved security in Iraq and a determined bid by its Shiite Arab leadership to defend national rather than sectarian interests, Rice urged Sunni Arab leaders to send their diplomats back to Baghdad and ease Iraq's debt load.

Her call came as hardline Iraqi Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr threatened on Saturday to declare "open war" if the crackdown by Iraqi and US forces against his loyalists is not stopped.

"The neighbors could do more to live up to their obligations because I do believe the Iraqis are beginning to live up to theirs," Rice told reporters en route to face-to-face talks with top Arab diplomats in Bahrain and Kuwait.

Since the 2003 US-led invasion that toppled Iraq's Sunni leader Saddam Hussein, its Arab neighbors have worried not only about violence there but also about backing a government tilted toward non-Arab Shiite Iran.

However, speaking before her plane stopped to refuel in Shannon, Ireland, Rice said security has improved and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is acting on Arab calls to reconcile Iraq's Sunni and Shiite Arabs as well as Kurds.

She urged the Arabs to take special encouragement from Maliki's decision to crack down last month on Iranian-backed Shiite militias, even though it has produced a spike in violence.

"At some point Arab states need to take yes for an answer in terms of ... Iraq's commitment to its Arab identity," Rice said.

Rice will press her point further in face-to-face talks with her Arab counterparts in both Bahrain on Monday and Kuwait on Tuesday.

In Bahrain, she will meet with the foreign ministers of Egypt and Jordan and Gulf oil states Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Oman. Iraq's top diplomat will also be there, she said.

Although the Bahrain talks will touch on Iraq, they will also cover the political crisis in Lebanon, the Palestinian-Israeli peace process, Afghanistan, Sudan and other issues, she said.

The larger conference in Kuwait will be attended by Iraq's Arab and non-Arab neighbors Iran and Turkey, UN Security Council permanent members including the United States and other Group of Eight leading industrial nations.

The meetings come two weeks after General David Petraeus, the top US commander in Iraq, and Ryan Crocker, the US ambassador in Baghdad, testified before Congress about Iran's alleged support for Shiite militias.

Crocker returned to Baghdad via Riyadh a week ago to urge Saudi Arabia to lead the way in reopening Arab embassies and sending ambassadors back to Baghdad.

But Rice indicated Washington might settle for something less. "I believe that there are ways that political representation can be carried out even if you didn't have a permanent continuing presence," she said.

Rice said there been "not enough but some improvement" in stopping the flow of Sunni militants to Iraq from Syria, Iran's Arab ally, as she pressed for more Arab efforts to control borders.

Three working groups on border security, energy, and refugees are due to give reports.

She added that US officials "continue to hope" Iran will act on its avowed aim to back the Maliki government and a stable Iraq, but said its support for militias and other behavior "don't seem to be in line with that goal."

Rice said last week she does not plan to meet Iran's envoy to the conference.

US officials privately call the diplomatic push a "surge," an echo of last year's troop surge which is seen as having contributed to a decline in violence without leading yet to a political settlement.

David Pollock, an analyst with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, voiced vague hope that the new conditions might bring the Arabs on board US efforts.

"There are some new fragments in the kaleidoscope that have shifted in a potentially more positive direction," Pollock told AFP.

It will be the third conference with Iraq's neighbors; the first launched in Egypt in May last year and the second taking place in Turkey in November.

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荷蘭軍司令 愛子命喪阿富汗神學士宣稱設陷阱 「報復反伊斯蘭影片」




荷蘭軍司令 愛子命喪阿富汗神學士宣稱設陷阱 「報復反伊斯蘭影片」

【陳怡妏╱綜合外電報導】荷蘭新任國防軍司令彼得范鄔(Peter van Uhm)上周四才風光就職,不料派駐阿富汗的愛子丹尼(Dennis van Uhm)隔天竟誤觸路邊炸彈喪命,當地伊斯蘭激進組織「神學士」(Taliban)宣稱犯案,目的是報復荷蘭議員在網路上散布反伊斯蘭影片。


2008/03/27 荷蘭議員魏德斯在網路上張貼反伊斯蘭影片,觸怒全球穆斯林。
2008/04 荷蘭陸軍中尉丹尼范鄔奉令調派阿富汗。
2008/04/17 丹尼范鄔之父、彼得范鄔就任荷蘭國防軍司令。
2008/04/18 丹尼范鄔和同袍在阿富汗南部誤觸路邊炸彈身亡,伊斯蘭激進組織神學士聲稱犯案,遭到荷蘭政府駁斥。

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阿富汗戰鬥激烈 十餘名警察與北約士兵喪生



阿富汗戰鬥激烈 十餘名警察與北約士兵喪生
法新社╱樊劍萍 2008-04-14 21:50    






Eleven police, two British troops killed in Afghanistan

by Nasrat Shoaib
Mon Apr 14, 7:16 AM ET

ARGHANDAB, Afghanistan (AFP) - Dozens of Taliban militants stormed a police post in southern Afghanistan early Monday, shooting dead 11 policemen, while two British troops were killed in a blast, officials said.
The Taliban, a hardline Islamist movement that was ousted from government in a US-led invasion in late 2001, claimed responsibility for the attack on the policemen in troubled Kandahar province.

"One of our police posts was attacked in Arghandab district. At this point I can confirm that 11 policemen have been killed," deputy provincial police chief Amanuallah Khan told AFP.

Khan said it appeared that the insurgents were disguised in police uniforms and there were indications that the attack on the walled compound, launched just after midnight (1930 GMT), was an inside job.

"Initial investigations indicate that one of the policemen had ties with the Taliban. The Taliban infiltrated the post and opened fire on the police -- there was no exchange of fire," he said.

Police vehicles and weapons were also seized by the attackers, Khan said.

Local witnesses said they heard gunshots for about half an hour after the attack began at the site, which is on a road linking Kandahar to neighbouring Uruzgan province.

A burnt-out police pick-up truck and a motorcycle littered the scene while blood was spattered around the room where the policemen were killed, an AFP reporter witnessed.

Interior ministry spokesman Zemarai Bashary confirmed that 11 policemen were killed and another wounded but could not immediately confirm Khan's account of the attack.

Taliban spokesman Yousuf Ahmadi said rebels had seized 15 weapons and torched two vehicles in the assault on the police post. "We claim responsibility. Fifty Taliban carried out the attack," he told AFP.

The attack came hours after two British NATO soldiers were killed and two wounded by a blast near Kandahar Airfield, where thousands of foreign troops are based in an effort to tackle the Taliban insurgency.

The servicemen were conducting a routine patrol two kilometres (just over a mile) west of the base on Sunday evening "when the vehicle they were travelling in hit an explosive device," the British Ministry of Defence said in a statement.

"Medical care was given at the scene and all four servicemen were evacuated to the field hospital at Kandahar Airfield. Sadly, despite the best efforts of the medical team, two of the servicemen died as a result of their wounds."

Forty foreign soldiers have now died in Afghanistan this year, according to an AFP tally.

Kandahar province is where the Taliban rose to prominence in the early 1990s and is one of the worst hit regions in an insurgency led by the hardline militia since their ouster.

The French and Canadian foreign ministers visited Kandahar in the past week to witness the efforts of troops from the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force.

More than 8,000 people, including 1,500 civilians and nearly 220 foreign troops, were slain in the conflict last year, according to a UN report.

Nearly 1,000 Afghan policemen were among the dead. The under-resourced Afghan police force, which lacks the equipment supplied to the US-backed Afghan army, is seen as a weak target by the Taliban.

Meanwhile Afghan and US-led troops arrested six militants including a commander "directly" involved in the preparation of suicide attacks in eastern Afghanistan, said the US-led coalition, which operates alongside ISAF.

Mohammad Ghanam, who was seized in Khost province bordering Pakistan on Friday, was part of the Haqqani network, the statement said, referring to a group headed by key Taliban-linked militant leader Jalaluddin Haqqani.

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掃蕩什葉派民兵未盡責 伊拉克開革1300軍警



掃蕩什葉派民兵未盡責 伊拉克開革1300軍警
法新社╱劉學源 2008-04-14 18:50     






Iraq sacks 1,300 troops over Shiite crackdown

by Salam Faraj
Sun Apr 13, 6:07 PM ET

BAGHDAD (AFP) - Iraq has dismissed 1,300 troops for failing in their duties during a crackdown on gunmen in Basra, an official said Sunday, as the government vowed to flush Shiite militias out of their Baghdad bastion.
The sackings come after hundreds of Iraqi troops and police are reported to have either deserted or joined the other side during a government offensive against Shiite militias that began March 25.

"Those people did not do their duties in Basra and Kut," interior ministry spokesman Major General Abdel Karim Khalaf said referring to army offensives in the southern and central cities.

"There were many complaints against them. They were part of these operations but they did not perform the duties they were supposed to," he told AFP by telephone from Basra.

The raids which mainly targeted areas controlled by Mahdi Army militiamen loyal to Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr sparked fighting which spread to Kut, Baghdad and other Shiite areas of Iraq.

Some 700 people were killed in the fighting before Sadr pulled his militiamen off the streets on March 30 in return for an agreement by the government to halt random raids.

Battles resumed in renewed fury in Sadr City, a Mahdi Army stronghold, on April 6 when Iraqi and US forces moved tanks and armoured vehicles onto the streets and began taking on militias.

Around 90 people have died in Sadr City and other Baghdad Shiite enclaves since then and although there was a lull in the fighting on Sunday, government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said there would be no let-up in security force operations.

"We will continue until we secure Sadr City. We will not come out, we will not give up until the people of Sadr City have a normal life," Dabbagh told AFP.

"(The security forces) will do what they have to do to secure the area. I can't tell you how many days or how many months but they will not come out until they have secured Sadr City."

The township is still under partial curfew and residents reported sporadic gunfire on Sunday, although the heavy battles of the past few days have eased.

Dabbagh told a news conference that the security forces were not specifically targeting the Mahdi Army in its nationwide crackdown on militiamen.

"The government doesn't send its forces after any political bloc," he said. "Anyone who is carrying a weapon illegally will be prosecuted. It is not dependent on their political persuasion, whether they be in the Sadrist trend or any other bloc."

But the Sadrists accused the government of using the security forces to weaken the movement ahead of provincial elections due in October.

"This statement (by Dabbagh) shows the government is persisting in carrying out its political agenda before the elections by using the security forces for party political purposes," Sadr spokesman Salah al-Obeidi told AFP in the shrine city of Najaf.

US military spokesman Rear Admiral Patrick Driscoll told the joint news conference that those being targeted are "individuals who illegally carry weapons and launch attacks on law-abiding citizens and security forces."

Driscoll said that operations against "illegally armed gangs, extortion groups and other criminals" are continuing in Basra.

"Although there is still much work to be done, Basra is beginning to return to normal life," he said.

US air strikes in east Baghdad, meanwhile, killed two people and set homes ablaze, injuring three civilians and two American soldiers, the US military said on Sunday.

Saturday's air strike targeted a group of people planting roadside bombs in the mainly Shiite neighbourhood of New Baghdad, which adjoins Sadr City, a military statement said.

One Hellfire missile killed two "criminals" planting a roadside bomb but a second missile "overshot its intended target" and struck a US armoured vehicle, sparking a fire which spread to nearby houses and injured the five.

Tensions between the Mahdi Army and the security forces have been further inflamed by the killing of senior Sadr aide Riyad al-Nuri after Friday prayers in the Shiite holy city of Najaf.

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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年04月14日 10:36 中國新聞網

  中新網4月14日電 據美聯社報導,一位元阿富汗情報官員13日稱,一架試圖向阿富汗警方哨所空投彈藥的聯軍直升機把武器彈藥投在錯誤的地點,塔利班武裝分子後來獲得了那批彈藥。一位阿富汗議員則表示,他不認為這是一起事故。




Taliban grab coalition arms after drop

By JASON STRAZIUSO, Associated Press Writer
Sun Apr 13, 5:44 PM ET

KABUL, Afghanistan - A coalition helicopter trying to supply Afghan police with munitions dropped them in the wrong location and Taliban fighters later recovered the weaponry, an intelligence official said Sunday.

A member of parliament, however, said he did not believe the arms drop was an accident.

Amrullah Saleh, the head of Afghanistan's intelligence service, told a parliament security committee "coalition forces" intended to place weapons, ammunition and food at a police checkpoint in a remote section of the southern province of Zabul in late March.

"By mistake it was dropped somewhere far from the checkpoint. Later the Taliban came and they picked it up," Saleh told reporters after addressing the committee.

In his testimony, he said a "small box" had been dropped but did not say how many weapons were inside.

It was not clear whose helicopter left the supplies. NATO's International Security Assistance Force and the U.S.-led coalition said it was not theirs.

Hamidullah Tukhi, a lawmaker from Zabul, told the security commission the weapons were placed 300 feet from the home of a Taliban commander named Mullah Mohammad Alam. He said the supply drop contained heavy machine guns, AK-47s, rockets and food.

Lawmakers discussed the issue with President Hamid Karzai and U.S. Gen. Dan McNeill, the top NATO commander in Afghanistan, he said.

"I think Gen. McNeill himself said that it was a mistake, but I don't believe it," Tukhi said, adding he did not know which nation dropped the supplies.

Saleh told journalists Tukhi's version of events was based on "rumors."

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駐伊美軍掃蕩民兵 誤擊同袍



中國時報 2008.04.14 
駐伊美軍掃蕩民兵 誤擊同袍




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