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俄新網╱俄新網 2008-02-28 19:55     

俄新網RUSNEWS.CN莫斯科2月28日電 《新時代》(The New Times)雜志對南奧塞梯、阿布哈茲和格魯吉亞在發生軍事衝突的情況下的軍力進行了評估。現在各方都在尋求一種和平道路解決衝突,在審視如今的格魯吉亞軍隊後可以得出這樣的結論:這不僅是因為各方奉行和平主義,還因為南奧塞梯和阿布哈茲在軍事衝突中的勝算不大。 格魯吉亞總統米哈伊爾·薩卡什維利2007年11月說,格魯吉亞國防預算達到國內生產總值的9%至10%,這一比例未來幾年不會大幅削減。格魯吉亞已經不存在應征入伍現象。今天,常規武裝部隊人數為3.3萬人,且所有人都是合同兵。按照新的短期集訓計劃,已經培訓了7萬名預備役志願兵,未來計劃一共培訓20萬名預備役志願兵。薩卡什維利說,目前軍官月均工資為700至800美元,在軍隊中謀職在格魯吉亞是一個體面的職業。 格魯吉亞武裝力量有3.3萬人,擁有100輛坦克、200輛步兵戰車和裝甲輸送車、100多門火炮、18個BM-21型(冰雹)多管火箭炮。格魯吉亞空軍有7架蘇-25攻擊機和20多架直升機。海軍有兩艘導彈艇,也有巡邏艇和登陸艇。 阿布哈茲軍隊實行征兵和動員制度。和平時期軍隊有4500人,戰爭期間能動員1萬人。一些資料顯示,阿布哈茲有50輛坦克,80輛步兵戰車和裝甲輸送車,80門火炮。另一些資料顯示,阿布哈茲軍事力量比上述數字強兩倍,但不清楚,哪些武器能夠實際使用。阿布哈茲人有幾架直升機和攻擊機,還有一些被武裝起來的民用快艇和駁船。 南奧塞梯常設軍隊有3000人,有100輛各類裝甲機械。在戰爭情況下可征集幾千名民兵,沒有空軍。 《新時代》雜志指出,實際上,把阿布哈茲和奧塞梯武裝力量同格魯吉亞武裝力量進行直接的數字比較沒有意義。分離主義者們使用的是老式蘇式武器,而薩卡什維利則對本國武裝力量進行了徹底改革,部分裝備了西方武器。購買了借助GPS衛星定位系統進行高准確度射擊的現代榴彈炮,和能校正火力的以色列無人駕駛飛行器。無論阿布哈茲、南奧塞梯還是俄羅斯軍隊都沒有這種武器。在發生軍事衝突的情況下,格魯吉亞人首先把奧塞梯人消滅幹淨,然後收拾阿布哈茲人。俄羅斯維和人員的數量明顯太少:奧塞梯有500人,阿布哈茲有1800人。為加強兵力,2007年秋天往南奧塞梯調遣了俄軍總參特種部隊駐車臣東方營,往阿布哈茲調遣了西方營。但車臣人也無法原則上改變現有的力量對比。

May the Force be with you
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法軍售安哥拉醜聞 密特朗之子恐判刑




法軍售安哥拉醜聞 密特朗之子恐判刑








Angola seeks to stop French 'Angolagate' trial

by Jean-Louis Pany
Mon Oct 6, 9:26 AM ET

PARIS (AFP) - Angola was on Monday seeking to halt a French trial into a vast arms trafficking scandal involving the son of late president Francois Mitterrand and other members of the French elite.

A lawyer representing the Luanda government said he would ask the court to throw out the case by invoking French confidentiality laws protecting military secrets of foreign countries.

Angola is opposed to "public discussion of information in a foreign court" that concerns its state interests and national security, said lawyer Francis Teitgen.

Dubbed Angolagate, the trial into the arms-to-Angola scandal was to open later Monday in a Paris court, shining a spotlight on alleged high-level French involvement in deliveries of weapons in violation of a UN arms embargo.

The trial centres on 790 million dollars worth of arms bought in eastern Europe from 1993 to 1998, at the height of the war pitting Luanda against Jonas Savimbi's UNITA rebels.

Judges accuse Angolan President Eduardo Dos Santos of turning to two businessmen for military supplies after France refused to sell him a shipment of tanks in violation of a UN arms embargo.

In all, 42 defendants go on trial but much attention will focus on French businessman Pierre Falcone and Israeli-Russian billionaire Arcady Gaydamak who shepherded the arms deals.

Both face 10 years in jail for influence-peddling and illegal arms sales. Gaydamak will be tried in absentia and is believed to be in hiding in Israel.

Jean-Christophe Mitterrand, a former adviser on African affairs at the Elysee presidential palace, is accused of "complicity in illegal trade and embezzlement" and taking bribes worth 2.6 million dollars.

former interior minister Charles Pasqua and his right-hand man Jean-Charles Marchiani also risk 10 years for influence peddling on behalf of the Angolan authorities.

Pasqua on Monday again denied any wrongdoing and suggested the charges were politically-motivated.

"Everything has been done to implicate me in an affair that I had nothing to do with," Pasqua told Europe 1 radio.

The Angolagate case long poisoned relations between Paris and Luanda and the trial comes at an awkward time for France which is keen to strengthen ties with one of Africa's leading oil producers.

In its request to the Paris court, the Luanda government argued that Falcone acted as a lawful representative of the government and that it had a "fundamental right" to defend itself by seeking arms.

Angola was devastated in a 27-year war that finally ended in 2002 after claiming the lives of half a million people.

Prosecutors allege that tanks, shells, landmines, helicopters and even six warships were shipped to Angola over five years, allowing Dos Santos to build up his forces in the war against US-backed Savimbi.

Angola's payments were channelled through firms in Paris, Geneva and Tel Aviv to shell companies in Jersey, the Virgin Islands or Monaco, with suitcases of cash used to pay off middlemen, prosecutors say.

Other high-profile defendants include the French thriller writer Paul-Loup Sulitzer and Mitterrand's one-time advisor Jacques Attali, who risk five years for selling Angola access to their political and media contacts.

Although no Angolans are charged in the French case, prosecutors allege that 30 officials including Dos Santos received tens of millions of dollars in kickbacks.

Hearings were scheduled to continue until March.

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為英立下汗馬功 廓爾喀老兵移民有望



為英立下汗馬功 廓爾喀老兵移民有望
2008-10-02 中國時報 【尹德瀚/綜合報導】





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http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年09月29日 10:37  新華網






















  莫斯科的防務分析專家帕維爾•費爾根豪爾在接受記者採訪時說:"我認為,我們(俄羅斯)是在嚴正告誡西方:要尊重我們。"他說,俄羅斯軍隊雖然已經老化,但仍具有極強的作戰能力。 (編輯:陶志彭)

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2012倫敦奧運保安擬動用軍力 費用將暴增



2012倫敦奧運保安擬動用軍力 費用將暴增 
中央社╱中央社 2008-09-28 20:48







Security bill for London's 2012 Olympics to hit £1.5bn - triple the original estimate

Insider warns anti-terrorist measures will push budget for the Games over £10bn, despite ministerial pledges. Jane Merrick reports

Sunday, 28 September 2008

The London Olympics budget will break through the £10bn barrier because officials have "vastly underestimated" the cost of protecting the event from terrorists, The Independent on Sunday has learned.

Security costs for the 2012 Games are now likely to reach £1.5bn – nearly three times the original estimate, a senior official involved in planning the event said.

The Army is to be drafted in to help protect athletes and hundreds of thousands of spectators from an atrocity, the official revealed. Military helicopters will patrol overhead and jets will be on standby to intercept any suspect private plane heading for the main Olympic stadium in Stratford, east London. Under Treasury rules, the Ministry of Defence would charge the Olympic authorities for such a deployment.

The security operation is expected to be largest in peacetime Britain, with the two-week event classed in Whitehall as a major terrorist target. Yet detailed planning for policing and security has barely started.

The total bill for the Games is now £9.3bn, but that is based on security costs of £838m. If the security bill reaches £1.5bn, it would send the budget beyond £10bn, despite recent pledges by the Olympics minister Tessa Jowell and London Mayor Boris Johnson that the final limit would be £9.3bn.

But insiders said a price could not be put on preventing a large-scale terrorist attack on the main Olympic site or in London's parks, where thousands will watch the events on giant TV screens. "It will cost whatever it takes to ensure terrorism does not once again try to rob London of celebrating the 2012 Games," a source said.

The London bombings of 7 July 2005 took place the day after the capital celebrated winning the 2012 bid.

The security bill for staging the Games was originally £600m, but this was based on the costs of the 2000 Sydney Olympics, before the 9/11 attacks of 2001 and the London bombings.

The insider last night said security planning was "basically starting from scratch. There are no detailed plans yet," the source said, "but of course it will cost far more, around £1.5bn."

The fresh revelations come as London launched its four-year Cultural Olympiad this weekend, with the raising of the Olympic and Paralympic flags over the capital.

Balancing security concerns with ensuring spectators can enjoy a friendly and open atmosphere – in contrast to Beijing's rigid controls – is proving to be the greatest headache for organisers, alongside transport. Policing the Olympic park is not seen as too problematic because spectators and visitors can be contained within the precinct. But officials want the experience of 2012 to be open and shared by all Londoners, with street parties similar to those in Sydney at the turn of the millennium. Giant video screens will be placed in Hyde Park and at other sites where events will take place.

In addition to police officers from Scotland Yard and other forces, tens of thousands of volunteers will be needed to check bags and tickets. Taking on volunteers as young as 14 has been discussed, although this could cause controversy.

Unmanned military planes, as used to monitor the Taliban in Afghanistan, could be deployed to monitor suspected terrorist aircraft.

Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur was given responsibility for overseeing the Metropolitan Police's security arrangements for 2012, until he protested that Commissioner Sir Ian Blair wanted to strip him of the remit. He is now suspended pending his case for racial discrimination.

The transport network is likely to carry 240,000 passengers an hour during the Games. Extra officers will be needed to identify suspected bombers, and all stadiums will be built with special blast-proof material, including shatter-proof glass.

Officials from the Met, the Cabinet Office and the Home Office have been meeting regularly to discuss the operation. If organisers are to keep to the promise made by Ms Jowell and Mr Johnson not to run over budget, cuts will have to be made elsewhere, such as in the construction of stadiums and the Olympic village to house 17,000 athletes, and in the funding of the 2012 "legacy", which is intended to promote grassroots sport.

Sport England has already seen its budget cut by £395m.

A Home Office spokesman said: "The Government and its partners in security are committed to the safety and security of the London 2012 Olympics, and a funding envelope of £600m has been agreed.

"An integrated, costed security plan is being produced, for ministerial agreement by the end of the year. This will cover strategic options for a range of security measures, including fraud and financial crime prevention and protection, counter-terrorism, identity assurance and personal protection."

Sport meets culture as London is turned into a giant adventure playground

Abseiling down the six-metre-high "washing machine" I was tired, sore and ashamed. My embarrassment at my lack of fitness as I struggled over this one obstacle was matched by awe at the 1,000 competitors for whom this was just the first of many they will tackle in this weekend's Rat Race 2008.

The event coincides with the start of the Cultural Olympiad for the 2012 Games, which saw Lord Coe, Dame Kelly Holmes and Jonathan Edwards, among others, take part in the Turner Prize-winning artist Martin Creed's 'Work No 850' on Friday. His sculptural installation consists of a runner sprinting the 86 metres of Tate Britain's Duveen Galleries every 30 seconds.

London will be turned into a giant urban adventure playground with participants racing around the capital climbing, free-running, abseiling, kayaking and mountain biking their way over a 50km course. Buildings, streets, shops, offices and rivers all feature in the event, which takes in 14 of London's 33 boroughs. Competitors also have to solve a series of mental puzzles along the way to reach checkpoints.

Around the country, more than 600 events, ranging from the highbrow to the eye-catching and plain strange, will take place over this weekend's cultural launch for 2012.

Paul Bignell

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With White House Push, U.S. Arms Sales Jump



With White House Push, U.S. Arms Sales Jump

Published: September 13, 2008
WASHINGTON — The Bush administration is pushing through a broad array of foreign weapons deals as it seeks to rearm Iraq and Afghanistan, contain North Korea and Iran, and solidify ties with onetime Russian allies.

From tanks, helicopters and fighter jets to missiles, remotely piloted aircraft and even warships, the Department of Defense has agreed so far this fiscal year to sell or transfer more than $32 billion in weapons and other military equipment to foreign governments, compared with $12 billion in 2005.

The trend, which started in 2006, is most pronounced in the Middle East, but it reaches into northern Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe and even Canada, through dozens of deals that senior Bush administration officials say they are confident will both tighten military alliances and combat terrorism.

“This is not about being gunrunners,” said Bruce S. Lemkin, the Air Force deputy under secretary who is helping to coordinate many of the biggest sales. “This is about building a more secure world.”

The surging American arms sales reflect the foreign policy tides, including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the broader campaign against international terrorism, that have dominated the Bush administration. Deliveries on orders now being placed will continue for several years, perhaps as one of President Bush’s most lasting legacies.

The United States is far from the only country pushing sophisticated weapons systems: it is facing intense competition from Russia and elsewhere in Europe, including continuing contests for multibillion-dollar deals to sell fighter jets to India and Brazil.

In that booming market, American military contractors are working closely with the Pentagon, which acts as a broker and procures arms for foreign customers through its Foreign Military Sales program.

Less sophisticated weapons, and services to maintain these weapons systems, are often bought directly by foreign governments. That category of direct commercial sales has seen an enormous surge as well, as measured by export licenses issued this fiscal year covering an estimated $96 billion, up from $58 billion in 2005, according to the State Department, which must approve the licenses.

About 60 countries get annual military aid from the United States, $4.5 billion a year, to help them buy American weapons. Israel and Egypt receive more than 80 percent of that aid. The United States has also recently given Iraq and Afghanistan large amounts of weapons and other equipment and has begun to train fledgling military units at no charge; this assistance is included in the tally of foreign sales. But most arms exports are paid for by the purchasers without United States financing.

The growing tally of international weapon deals, which started to surge in 2006, is now provoking questions among some advocates of arms control and some members of Congress.

“Sure, this is a quick and easy way to cement alliances,” said William D. Hartung, an arms control specialist at the New America Foundation, a public policy institute. “But this is getting out of hand.”

Congress is notified before major arms sales deals are completed between foreign governments and the Pentagon. While lawmakers have the power to object formally and block any individual sale, they rarely use it.

Representative Howard L. Berman of California, chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, said he supported many of the individual weapons sales, like helping Iraq build the capacity to defend itself, but he worried that the sales blitz could have some negative effects. “This could turn into a spiraling arms race that in the end could decrease stability,” he said.

The United States has long been the top arms supplier to the world. In the past several years, however, the list of nations that rely on the United States as a primary source of major weapons systems has greatly expanded. Among the recent additions are Argentina, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Georgia, India, Iraq, Morocco and Pakistan, according to sales data through the end of last month provided by the Department of Defense. Cumulatively, these countries signed $870 million worth of arms deals with the United States from 2001 to 2004. For the past four fiscal years, that total has been $13.8 billion.

In many cases, these sales represent a cultural shift, as nations like Romania, Poland and Morocco, which have long relied on Russian-made MIG-17 fighter jets, are now buying new F-16s, built by Lockheed Martin.

At Lockheed Martin, one of the largest American military contractors, international sales last year brought in about $6.3 billion, or 15 percent of the company’s total sales, up from $4.8 billion in 2001. The foreign sales by Lockheed and other American military contractors are credited with helping keep alive some production lines, like those of the F-16 fighter jet and Boeing’s C-17 transport plane.

Fighter jets made in America will now be flying in other countries for years to come, meaning continued profits for American contractors that maintain them, and in many cases regular interaction between the United States military and foreign air forces, Mr. Lemkin, the Air Force official, said.

Sales are also being driven by the push by many foreign nations to join the once-exclusive club of countries whose arsenals include precise, laser-guided missiles, high-priced American technology that the United States displayed during its invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

In the Persian Gulf region, much of the rearmament is driven by fears of Iran.

The United Arab Emirates, for example, are considering spending as much as $16 billion on American-made missile defense systems, according to recent notifications sent to Congress by the Department of Defense.

The Emirates also have announced an intention to order offensive weapons, including up to 26 Black Hawk helicopters and 900 Longbow Hellfire II missiles, which can knock out enemy tanks.

Saudi Arabia, this fiscal year alone, has signed at least $6 billion worth of agreements to buy weapons from the United States government — the highest figure for that country since 1993, which was another peak year in American weapons sales, after the first Persian Gulf war.

Israel, long a major buyer of United States military equipment, is also increasing its orders, including planned purchases of perhaps as many as four American-made coastal warships, worth $1.9 billion.

In Asia, as North Korea has conducted tests of a long-range missile, American allies have been buying more United States equipment. One ally, South Korea, has signed sales agreements with the Pentagon this year worth $1.1 billion.

So far, the value of foreign arms deliveries completed by the United States has increased only modestly, reaching $13 billion last year compared with an average of $12 billion over the previous three years. Because complex weapons systems take a long time to produce, it is expected that the increase in sales agreements will result in much greater arms deliveries in the coming years. (All dollar amounts for previous years cited in this article have been adjusted to reflect the impact of inflation.)

The flood of sophisticated American military equipment pouring into the Middle East has evoked concern among some members of Congress, who fear that the Bush administration may be compromising the military edge Israel has long maintained in the region.

Not surprisingly, two of the biggest new American arms customers are Iraq and Afghanistan.

Just in the past two years, Iraq has signed more than $3 billion of sales agreements — and announced plans to buy perhaps as much as $7 billion more in American equipment, financed by its rising oil revenues.

Lt. Col. Almarah Belk, a Pentagon spokeswoman, said that making these sales served the interests of both Iraq and the United States because “it reduces the risk of corruption and assists the Iraqis in getting around bottlenecks in their acquisition processes.”

Over the past three years, the United States government, separately, has agreed to buy more than $10 billion in military equipment and weapons on behalf of Afghanistan, according to Defense Department records, including M-16 rifles and C-27 military transport aircraft.

Even tiny countries like Estonia and Latvia are getting into the mix, playing a part in a collaborative effort by 15 countries, mostly in Europe, to buy two C-17 Boeing transport planes, which are used in moving military supplies as well as conducting relief missions.

Boeing has delivered 176 of these $200 million planes to the United States. But until 2006, Britain was the only foreign country that flew them. Now, in addition to the European consortium, Canada, Australia and Qatar have put in orders, and Boeing is competing to sell the plane to six other countries, said Tommy Dunehew, Boeing’s C-17 international sales manager.

In the last year, foreign sales have made up nearly half of the production at the California plant where C-17s are made. “It has been filling up the factory in the last couple of years,” Mr. Dunehew said.

Even before this new round of sales got under way, the United States’ share of the world arms trade was rising, from 40 percent of arms deliveries in 2000 to nearly 52 percent in 2006, the latest year for which the Congressional Research Service has compiled data. The next-largest seller was Russia, which in 2006 accounted for 21 percent of global deliveries.

Representative Berman, who sponsored a bill passed in May to overhaul the arms export process, said American military sales, while often well intended, were sometimes misguided. He cited military sales to Pakistan, which he said he feared were doing more to stoke tensions with India than combat terrorism in the region.

Travis Sharp, a military policy analyst at the Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation, a Washington research group, said one of his biggest worries was that if alliances shifted, the United States might eventually be in combat against an enemy equipped with American-made weapons. Arms sales have had unintended consequences before, as when the United States armed militants fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan, only to eventually confront hostile Taliban fighters armed with the same weapons there.

“Once you sell arms to another country, you lose control over how they are used,” Mr. Sharp said. “And the weapons, unfortunately, don’t have an expiration date.”

But Mr. Lemkin, of the Pentagon, said that with so many nations now willing to sell advanced weapons systems, the United States could not afford to be too restrictive in its own sales.

“Would you rather they bought the weapons and aircraft from other countries?” he said. “Because they will.”

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世界亂 美國乘機大賺軍火財



世界亂 美國乘機大賺軍火財













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十七國參與制訂 私人軍事保全規範出爐



十七國參與制訂 私人軍事保全規範出爐 
中央社╱中央社 2008-09-18 11:44



制訂這一系列規範的行動,是瑞士政府和ICRC 在前年發起。參與擬定蒙特魯文件的國家共有阿富汗、安哥拉、澳洲、奧地利、加拿大、中國、法國、德國、伊拉克、波蘭、獅子山、南非、瑞典、瑞士、英國、烏克蘭、美國。





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裴卓斯將軍高升 奧德耶諾接掌駐伊美軍



裴卓斯將軍高升 奧德耶諾接掌駐伊美軍  
法新社╱楊一峰 2008-09-17 00:20     








Odierno warns on Iraq security as he takes US command

by Karim Talbi
5 minutes ago

CAMP VICTORY, Iraq (AFP) - US General Raymond Odierno took command of US-led forces in Iraq from David Petraeus on Tuesday, warning that security gains in the country were "fragile and reversible."
Petraeus, the general credited with pulling Iraq back from all-out civil war, handed over control of the 146,000-strong force at a ceremony at a former Saddam Hussein-era palace turned US base near Baghdad airport.

But Odierno , a towering four-star general, said he was aware of the tough task ahead despite a dramatic fall in violence to four-year lows attributed to a "surge" strategy.

"Iraq is now a different country from the one I had seen first. However, we must realise that these gains are fragile and reversible," he said.

On the eve of the transfer, Odierno was given a powerful reminder of the violence when a series of bomb blasts killed at least 34 people.

"He knows we are at a pivotal moment -- where progress remains fragile and caution should be the order of the day," US Defence Secretary Robert Gates said at the ceremony attended also by top Iraqi officials.

"And as we proceed further into the endgame here, I am sure he will make tough but necessary decisions to protect our national interest."

Odierno, Petraeus's former deputy, said the authorities in Baghad will have to shoulder more responsibility for security.

"Time is changing. Iraq is going to take more responsibility. The environment has changed. What I hope to see is a change from military to political, economic and diplomatic strategy," he told reporters.

Petraeus becomes the new chief of Central Command in charge of the US military's biggest challenges -- Iraq, an expanding campaign in Afghanistan, an Al-Qaeda revival in Pakistan and sabre-rattling by Iran.

He said Odierno was the "perfect man for the job."

On Wednesday, Petraeus will meet US President George W. Bush and discuss his new duties.

"It's an appropriate time to meet with him as he takes on the challenges of the broader Middle East," Gordon Johndroe, White House spokesman, said.

Iraq was spiralling into all-out civil war when Petraeus, 55, took charge in February 2007, four years after Saddam was toppled by US invading forces.

But since late 2007 violence has fallen, and much of the credit has gone to the counter-insurgency strategies of Petraeus, whom Gates said had taken command when "darkness had descended on this land."

"Merchants of chaos were gaining strength. Death was commonplace. Around the world, questions mounted about whether a new strategy -- or any strategy, for that matter -- could make a real difference."

"You have dealt enemies of the United States and Iraq a tremendous, if not mortal blow. History will regard you as one of our nation's great battle captains."

Petraeus oversaw the surge, but it was Odierno who first proposed it in December 2006 to a resistant Pentagon, setting the stage for what would become a pivotal turn in the unpopular war.

Odierno, a hulking artillery man criticised for running roughshod over civilians during his first tour to Iraq in 2003-2004, implemented the "surge" as corps commander from December 2006 to March 2008.

He carried out the detailed campaign that poured US troops into Baghdad, cleared Al-Qaeda insurgents from havens surrounding the capital, and targeted Shiite extremists.

Gates said the current mission was in "transition" phase as troop numbers shrink and more provinces are handed to Iraqi control.

"The challenge for General Odierno is how do we work with the Iraqis to preserve the gains that have already been achieved, and expand upon them even as the number of US forces are shrinking," Gates said.

Iraq has taken over handling of security in 11 of its 18 provinces and plans to add a couple more by end of 2008.

Odierno has argued consistently against sharp cutbacks in force levels in Iraq, which is negotiating a security pact with Washington to determine troop levels after a UN mandate expires at the end of the year.

The US force will shrink by about 8,000 troops by January, when Bush leaves office, and pressure for further reductions is intensifying as attention shifts to Afghanistan.

Odierno said this cut "will be automatically replaced by Iraqi forces," adding further reductions would be in consultation with Baghdad.

He said Iraq's delayed provincial election and next year's national election were "milestones" that would determine the nation's long term viability.

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美對外軍售激增2倍 重點武裝中東國家應對伊朗



美對外軍售激增2倍 重點武裝中東國家應對伊朗
http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年09月15日 09:18  中國新聞網

  中新網9月15日電 美國政府近年增加對外售武,國防部已通過本財政年度會出售或轉讓坦克車、戰機、導彈、戰艦等軍備予外國政府,總值達320億美元,比2005年的120億美元多近兩倍。《紐約時報》報導,布希政府此舉是務求讓伊拉克和阿富汗重新武裝起來、嘗試控制伊朗和朝鮮,及與前俄羅斯盟國加強關係。


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支持烏、喬入北約 裴林:美應對俄硬起來



支持烏、喬入北約 裴林:美應對俄硬起來
2008-09-13 中國時報 【鍾玉玨/綜合十二日外電報導】






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