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http://news.yam.com/rusnews/international/200802/20080228535967.html 阿布哈茲和南奧塞梯在同格魯吉亞武裝衝突中勝算不大 俄新網╱俄新網 2008-02-28 19:55 俄新網RUSNEWS.CN莫斯科2月28日電 《新時代》(The New Times)雜志對南奧塞梯、阿布哈茲和格魯吉亞在發生軍事衝突的情況下的軍力進行了評估。現在各方都在尋求一種和平道路解決衝突,在審視如今的格魯吉亞軍隊後可以得出這樣的結論:這不僅是因為各方奉行和平主義,還因為南奧塞梯和阿布哈茲在軍事衝突中的勝算不大。 格魯吉亞總統米哈伊爾·薩卡什維利2007年11月說,格魯吉亞國防預算達到國內生產總值的9%至10%,這一比例未來幾年不會大幅削減。格魯吉亞已經不存在應征入伍現象。今天,常規武裝部隊人數為3.3萬人,且所有人都是合同兵。按照新的短期集訓計劃,已經培訓了7萬名預備役志願兵,未來計劃一共培訓20萬名預備役志願兵。薩卡什維利說,目前軍官月均工資為700至800美元,在軍隊中謀職在格魯吉亞是一個體面的職業。 格魯吉亞武裝力量有3.3萬人,擁有100輛坦克、200輛步兵戰車和裝甲輸送車、100多門火炮、18個BM-21型(冰雹)多管火箭炮。格魯吉亞空軍有7架蘇-25攻擊機和20多架直升機。海軍有兩艘導彈艇,也有巡邏艇和登陸艇。 阿布哈茲軍隊實行征兵和動員制度。和平時期軍隊有4500人,戰爭期間能動員1萬人。一些資料顯示,阿布哈茲有50輛坦克,80輛步兵戰車和裝甲輸送車,80門火炮。另一些資料顯示,阿布哈茲軍事力量比上述數字強兩倍,但不清楚,哪些武器能夠實際使用。阿布哈茲人有幾架直升機和攻擊機,還有一些被武裝起來的民用快艇和駁船。 南奧塞梯常設軍隊有3000人,有100輛各類裝甲機械。在戰爭情況下可征集幾千名民兵,沒有空軍。 《新時代》雜志指出,實際上,把阿布哈茲和奧塞梯武裝力量同格魯吉亞武裝力量進行直接的數字比較沒有意義。分離主義者們使用的是老式蘇式武器,而薩卡什維利則對本國武裝力量進行了徹底改革,部分裝備了西方武器。購買了借助GPS衛星定位系統進行高准確度射擊的現代榴彈炮,和能校正火力的以色列無人駕駛飛行器。無論阿布哈茲、南奧塞梯還是俄羅斯軍隊都沒有這種武器。在發生軍事衝突的情況下,格魯吉亞人首先把奧塞梯人消滅幹淨,然後收拾阿布哈茲人。俄羅斯維和人員的數量明顯太少:奧塞梯有500人,阿布哈茲有1800人。為加強兵力,2007年秋天往南奧塞梯調遣了俄軍總參特種部隊駐車臣東方營,往阿布哈茲調遣了西方營。但車臣人也無法原則上改變現有的力量對比。
May the Force be with you
俄售大批軍火至拉丁美洲 美大使憂軍備競賽
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http://n.yam.com/afp/international/200811/20081103087017.html 俄售大批軍火至拉丁美洲 美大使憂軍備競賽 法新社╱李威翰 2008-11-03 08:05 (法新社哥倫比亞波哥大二日電)美國駐哥倫比亞大使布朗費德在今天刊出的媒體報導中表示,俄羅斯近來出售大批軍火至拉丁美洲,可能在這個原已動盪的地區引發軍備競賽。 布朗費德告訴哥國西班牙文「時報」說:「在這個地區引進新武器和系統時小心謹慎,十分重要。」 他說,「各政府和各國有主權在國際市場上購買武器,加強軍備,不過沒有一國能置身事外。」一旦某國加強軍備,鄰國幾乎確定會跟進。 他說:「我認為,世界上沒有政府... 俄國也好、我國也好、哥國也好,有興趣在美洲重啟冷戰。」 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20081102/pl_afp/colombiausrussialatamdiplomacy_081102204107 Russian weapons could unleash LatAm arms race: US ambassador
Sun Nov 2, 3:41 pm ET BOGOTA (AFP) – A flood of Russian weapons recently sold to Latin American governments could unleash an arms race in the already volatile region, Washington's ambassador to Colombia warned in remarks published in local media here Sunday. "It's important to proceed carefully in introducing new weapons and weapons systems in the hemisphere," said US ambassador William Brownfield, speaking to the El Tiempo newspaper. Brownfield said that "each government, each country has the sovereign right to purchase weapons on the international market and to arm their armed forces, but no country lives in a void," he said. He added that once one country arms itself, neighbors in the region are almost destined to follow suit. "It is not possible to say that a country can buy weapons and that its neighbors are not going to register what it going on, or worry about it " he said, in remarks reported in Spanish. "No government in the world ... not Russia, not mine, not Colombia's, as far as I know, is interested in reigniting a Cold War in the Americas," the US envoy said.
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http://n.yam.com/afp/international/200811/20081101036089.html 駐伊美軍指揮官裴卓斯升任中央司令部司令 法新社╱陳維聰 2008-11-01 16:05 (法新社華盛頓三十一日電)駐伊拉克美軍指揮官裴卓斯將軍今天升任美軍中央司令部司令,管轄中東與中亞地區所有美軍,他明天將前往轄區巡視。 現年五十五歲的裴卓斯將軍,新任務包括伊拉克與阿富汗戰場的軍事行動。他在佛羅里達州坦帕麥克迪空軍基地舉行的儀式中宣誓就職。 裴卓斯擔任駐伊拉克美軍指揮官期間,順利平息遜尼派回教徒的叛亂,保障巴格達及鄰近地區的安全,戰績備受推崇。 許多人希望裴卓斯利用他的經驗,平息阿富汗的動亂。儘管北大西洋公約組織與美國已在阿富汗投入七萬名兵力,不過,過去兩年塔利班組織的暴力行動有增無減。 美國國防部長蓋茨說,歷史將會認定裴卓斯是「我國偉大戰將之一」。 蓋茨說:「他是融合軍人、學者與政治家於一體的一代人物,而且是這個司令部目前所需要的正確人選。」他又說,在裴卓斯的領導下,美軍「已在伊拉克給予敵人重大打擊」。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20081031/pl_afp/usiraqafghanistanmilitary_081031211501;_ylt=At5_dwqd_Qt3m6ZWNHVNIoWsOrgF Petraeus takes over Central Command, plans Mideast visit Fri Oct 31, 5:15 pm ET WASHINGTON (AFP) – General David Petraeus, widely credited for progress in the US-led Iraq conflict, took command of all US forces in the Middle East and Central Asia Friday, before leaving on Saturday to tour the region. Petraeus, 55, whose new responsibilities include the theaters of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, assumed control at a ceremony at the Central Command (Centcom) complex at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. Petraeus is credited with turning around a Sunni insurgency in western Iraq with the 30,000 troop "surge" to secure Baghdad and its environs. Many hope that Petraeus will bring his counter-insurgency expertise to bear in Afghanistan, which has seen a spike in violence from a resurgent Taliban in the last two years, despite the presence of 70,000 NATO and US troops. Petraeus will be regarded by history as "one of our nation's great battle captains," said Defense Secretary Robert Gates. "He is the preeminent soldier-scholar-statesman of his generation and precisely the man we need in this command at this time," said Gates, adding that under Petraeus' leadership US troops "have dealt our enemies in Iraq a tremendous blow." Petraeus himself acknowledged the difficulty of his new position. "The Centcom area contains innumerable challenges," he said, citing transnational extremist groups, weapons proliferation, a rise in piracy and persistent ethno-sectarian conflicts. "The way ahead will be difficult," said Petraeus, who has already ordered a strategic review of the Afghan situation before a 10 to 15 day visit of the region. A senior military official close to Petraeus indicated a possible stopover in Pakistan, a US ally but also a haven for Taliban and Al-Qaeda. A visit to the country -- which would come following a series of cross-border attacks on Taliban and Al-Qaeda positions by the US from Afghanistan in recent weeks -- "is probably a good guess," said the official. Admiral Mike Mullen, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, warned that Petraeus' approach to success in Iraq may not transfer to Afghanistan. "The challenges of this critical region may not require the same strategy, which brought the gradual peace in Iraq," he said.
大選逼近 美軍提高警戒
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http://n.yam.com/afp/international/200810/20081028847960.html 大選逼近 美軍提高警戒 法新社╱楊超寰 2008-10-28 00:05 (法新社華盛頓二十七日電)十一月四日登場的美國大選,是過去四十年來首度於戰爭期間更迭總統,如果歷史可為殷鑑,敵人總會千方百計利用美國這段易受傷害時期。因此,美國五角大廈早在幾個月前就開始預作準備。 五角大廈新聞秘書莫瑞爾告訴法新社,「根據歷史事實,我們的敵人一向都會想辦法利用美國選舉期間,不論是之前或之後,因而我們全都會提高警戒。」 十一月四日總統大選投票,明年一月二十日新總統宣誓就職,新政府接棒後,總要經過好幾個月的新手上路期才能運作順暢。 根據參謀首長聯席會議編纂的歷史記錄,總統大選前後期間發生重大事件的前例斑斑可考。 甘迺迪總統入主白宮三個月後,就碰到豬玀灣事件,與古巴的緊張情勢不斷昇高,最後演成翌年的古巴飛彈危機。 福特繼任總統八個月後,西貢淪陷。雷根上任僅數週即遇刺。 柯林頓就任才一個月,紐約世界貿易中心大樓就受到炸彈攻擊。布希就任八個月時,恐怖分子劫持客機摧毀世貿雙塔大樓並撞損五角大廈。 這次由於美國正處於同時在伊拉克及阿富汗作戰的關鍵時刻,充分而慎密的準備就更為重要。 參謀首長聯席會議主席穆倫上將本月稍早就提出警告,「任何新政府至少得花六個月到一年時間,才能站穩腳步,真正運作。」 這幾月以來,奉穆倫之命,由參謀首長聯席會議約十二位幕僚所組成的一個小組,一直專注於為政府轉換可能發生的問題預作準備。 穆倫的發言人柯比表示,「主要作法是在這個脆弱時期,讓部隊維持高度警戒狀態。」 柯比說,他們的任務是「確保軍方對任何緊急狀況都處於隨時待命狀態,並盡一切可能預防危機發生。」 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20081027/pl_afp/usvotemilitarytransition_081027050147 Pentagon on guard for White House wartime transition
by Daphne Benoit Daphne Benoit – Mon Oct 27, 1:01 am ET WASHINGTON, (AFP) – The Pentagon has been preparing for months for the first wartime change of presidents in 40 years, a period of heightened vulnerability that, if history is a guide, US adversaries will try to exploit. "We will all be on heightened alert given that historically our enemies have tried to take advantage of that time around an election, either before of after," Geoff Morrell, the Pentagon press secretary, told AFP. After the November 4 elections, the baton will be handed to the incoming administration in an awkward transition that typically continues for months after the swearing-in of a new president on January 20. History overflows with examples of major incidents in the period before and after the elections, as evidenced by a chronology drawn up by the Joint Staff. Three months after his arrival in the White House, John Kennedy was beset by the Bay of Pigs fiasco, which set in motion a confrontation with Havana that led to the Cuban missile crisis the following year. The fall of Saigon occurred eight months after Gerald Ford assumed the presidency. Ronald Reagan was shot in an assassination attempt just weeks after he took office. Only a month after Bill Clinton was sworn in, a bomb struck the World Trade Center in New York, and eight months into George W. Bush's presidency hijacked airliners toppled the twin towers and struck the Pentagon. With the United States engaged in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the need for detailed preparations may be even more critical this time. "It takes an administration, any administration, a good six months to a year to get their feet on the ground and really be running," Admiral Michael Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff warned earlier this month. For months, Mullen has had a team of about a dozen people on the Joint Staff actively focused on the issues raised by the transition. "The idea is to keep the military in a state of heightened awareness as we move through this vulnerable time," said Captain John Kirby, a spokesman for Mullen. Their mission: "Make sure the military stays ready for any contingency and to actually prevent, to the degree we can, that kind of a crisis," Kirby said. Their job also it is to "make sure that the chairman is prepared to give his best military advice to the next president on the top security issues on which the administration needs to focus," he said. Among the hottest issues is a new strategy now being devised for Afghanistan and Pakistan, the changing situation in Iraq, and the impact of the financial crisis on the US defense budget, said a senior military officer, who asked not to be identified. Defense Secretary Robert Gates also is intent on make sure the transition goes as smoothly as possible. "He has made it clear that everybody and anybody in this building who can help in that effort must," said Morrell. The arrival of a new administration will bring an unsettling whirl of nominations to key positions in the Pentagon and elsewhere. "Gates wants to figure out a way for us to get the incoming team security clearances as quickly as possible to the key members so that they can even begin sitting in on his conversations with the commanders," Morrell said. Meanwhile, the Pentagon chief has asked his staff to stay on for a few extra months until their successors can be confirmed by Congress. Gates himself has been coy about whether he might stay on in a new administration, as some have suggested. The campaign teams of Democratic candidate Barack Obama and Republican candidate John McCain insist they are braced for the change. "It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy," said Senator Joe Biden, Obama's running mate. "Watch, we're going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."
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http://n.yam.com/cna/international/200810/20081026816416.html 英國防大臣支持法國提議建立歐洲軍隊 中央社╱中央社 2008-10-26 19:58 (中央社記者黃貞貞倫敦二十六日專電)英國國防大臣赫頓說,他支持法國總統沙柯吉提出的建立歐洲軍隊計劃,認為有助維持歐洲安全。他同時指出,有信心可以擊敗塔利班,贏得阿富汗戰役。 法柯吉提議,發展歐洲軍隊,建立新的總部及快速反應部隊,各會員國派遣一千五百名部隊,由於這個構想可能弱化北大西洋公約組織NATO,並將美國排除在外,歐洲國家觀望者多。 赫頓接受「星期泰晤士報」專訪指出,「我認為我們對這些事情必須很務實,只要是有助益的,我們就應該參加」,「法國是英國最密切的盟友之一,法國堅信建立歐洲軍隊的必要,如果我們能支持,就應該這麼做」。 報導說,赫頓是第一個表態支持建立歐洲軍隊計劃的國防大臣。 赫頓十月初接任國防部長,他說,和歐洲同盟在軍事行動共同合作,是十分合理的做法,但強調,如果這項參與危害到英國其它的任務,英國就不應派軍參與歐盟的軍事行動。 赫頓指出,英國在國際社會的角色就是參與聯盟組織,這是反應英國國力與實力的最好辦法,那些不了解這個情況的人,就是不了解現代世界。 保守黨影子內閣國防大臣佛克斯有不同看法,他說,強化歐盟的軍事地位可能弱化NATO,目前英國軍事資源稀少,必須審慎分配,不宜偏離NATO。 另一方面,赫頓在投書倫敦「世界新聞報」專文指出,他有信心,英軍終將擊敗塔利班恐怖份子,但致勝之道不僅是軍事手段,安全、管理及重建等工作都同等重要。 他指出,一百二十一名英軍弟兄不幸在阿富汗捐軀,如果英軍此時撤建,讓蓋達組織與塔利班控制阿富汗,將來英國的城市與鄉鎮將會遭到恐怖主義的衝擊,強調英軍不能輕言撤離。 http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/politics/article5014832.ece From The Sunday TimesOctober 26, 2008
John Hutton backs European armyIsabel Oakeshott John Hutton has become the first defence secretary to back a French plan for a European army, branding those who dismiss it as “pathetic”. In a wide-ranging interview with The Sunday Times, he said: “I think we’ve got to be pragmatic about those things. Where it can help, we should be part of it.” His support goes beyond the public position of Gordon Brown, the prime minister, and will antagonise those who believe that further European cooperation will undermine Nato by excluding the United States. Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, has sought to develop Europe’s military structures with new headquarters and rapid reaction forces, each consisting of 1,500 troops from member countries. Hutton said: “France is one of our closest allies, militarily. The French believe very strongly in this type of role. If we can support it, we should.” He added that working with EU allies on military missions was “perfectly sensible.” He emphasised that Britain should not contribute troops to joint EU operations if it risked compromising other missions, and cited plans for a European Union-led mission to tackle piracy off Somalia as a “good example” of how such forces could be used. “I’m not one of those EU haters [who think] anything to do with the EU must by definition be terrible. There’s plenty of them around. I think frankly those kind of views are pathetic,” he said. “Britain’s role in the world is to be part of those alliances – that’s the best way to project power, strength and conviction around the world. People who don’t understand that don’t understand the nature of the modern world.” Liam Fox, the shadow defence secretary, said strengthening the EU’s military identity could undermine Nato: “What we must not have at a time of scarce resources is duplication of existing structures and diversion of capabilities away from Nato’s use.” Hutton, who was giving his first interview as defence secretary since his appointment earlier this month, also said: British troops are likely to be in Afghanistan for decades. The Afghan mission will fail unless there is a new “focus”. A big defence procurement project must be cut. People who jeer at returning servicemen are “cretins”. In a frank assessment of the pressures on the services, he also admitted that the military is breaking its own guidelines over periods of rest for troops between operational tours because it is so stretched: “It’s not how it should be.” On Afghanistan, he said: “It will be a long campaign: we’ve got to be honest with people about that. There’s no quick fix.” He said it would take years to crush the Taliban and “could well” take decades to achieve the allies’ wider objectives. Hutton said it would be “pointless” to deny that Britain’s resources were under intense pressure, with specialised units such as the Signals unable to take proper breaks between tours.
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利比亞領袖格達費月底訪俄 討論軍購事宜
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http://n.yam.com/afp/international/200810/20081020692666.html 利比亞領袖格達費月底訪俄 討論軍購事宜 法新社╱樊劍萍 2008-10-20 23:05 (法新社莫斯科二十日電)俄羅斯商業報紙「新聞報」今天報導,利比亞領袖格達費將於十月三十一日訪問莫斯科,與俄羅斯總統麥維德夫討論購買武器與其他交易。 格達費上次於一九八五年訪問莫斯科,當時蘇聯尚未垮台。蒲亭離開克里姆林宮不久後,曾於四月前往利比亞訪問,此後利比亞與俄羅斯的關係再度轉趨熱絡。 報導引述未具名外交部與國家科技機構消息人士透露,格達費此行的討論重點包括可能購買俄羅斯Su-30 型戰鬥機與先進的T-90型戰車。 報導指出,俄羅斯也可能對利比亞出售Tor-M2E飛彈防禦系統,以及利比亞已擁有俄製武器的備用零件。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20081020/wl_africa_afp/russialibyadiplomacydefence_081020060932;_ylt=Aj0VV.hPLOG3T6QHaivLtz2XsdEF Kadhafi to visit Russia, arms on the agenda: report Mon Oct 20, 2:09 am ET MOSCOW, (AFP) – Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi is due to visit Moscow October 31 for talks with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on arms purchases and other deals, the business daily Vedomosti reported Monday. The Libyan leader last visited Russia in 1985 in the days of the Soviet Union. Ties between Tripoli and Moscow have again warmed since Vladimir Putin visited Libya last April shortly after he left the Kremlin. Topics for the visit will include possible delivery of Russian Su-30 fighter planes and advanced T-90 battle tanks, the report said, quoting an unnamed foreign ministry source and another source in the state technology agency. Russia could also sell Libya Tor-M2E air missile defence systems and spare parts for Russian-made weapons it already possesses, it said. Recent contacts between Libya and Russia have centred on Tripoli's 4.6 billion dollar (3.4 billion-euro) debt to Moscow which could be settled through a variety of business contracts, the report said. In addition to possible weapons sales, the largest of the contracts under consideration is the construction by Russia's rail monopoly of a 554-kilometre (344-mile) rail line between the Libyan cities of Surt and Banghazi. That project was valued at around 2.2 billion euros (2.9 billion dollars), the paper said. Russian energy giant Gazprom has also signed a provisional agreement with Libya on establishment of a joint venture that would develop projects in Libya and other countries in Africa, Vedomosti said.
俄部隊高加索地區遭攻擊 傳約五十人喪生
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http://n.yam.com/afp/international/200810/20081019661271.html 俄部隊高加索地區遭攻擊 傳約五十人喪生 法新社╱簡長盛 2008-10-19 06:05 (法新社莫斯科十八日電)一支俄羅斯部隊的車隊今天在動蕩不安的高加索地區英古西省遭到攻擊,雖然俄羅斯官員證實只有兩人死亡,但一個反對派網站說,大約有五十名士兵喪生。 俄羅斯官員說,大約有一百名左右的內政部部隊今天正坐車經過加拉斯基村附近的一條公路時,遭到槍手以擲彈筒和自動武器的攻擊。 由反對英古西省莫斯科所支持政府的人士經營的網站www.ingushetia.org引述未指名的俄羅斯內政部駐當地官員和醫院消息人士的話說,在這項攻擊事件中,「大約有」五十名俄羅斯士兵喪生。 如果這項數字獲得證實,將代表自從數年前鄰近的車臣重大戰鬥行動結束以來,俄羅斯聯邦部隊在北高加索地區死傷最慘重的一次攻擊事件。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20081018/wl_afp/russiacaucasusunrest_081018185547 Russian troops attacked, report claims 50 killed by Dario Thuburn Dario Thuburn – Sat Oct 18, 2:55 pm ET MOSCOW (AFP) – A Russian troop convoy was attacked Saturday in the volatile Caucasus province of Ingushetia and an opposition website said around 50 soldiers had been killed, though officials confirmed only two dead. Around 100 interior ministry troops were in vehicles travelling on a road near the village of Galashki when they were attacked with grenade launchers and automatic weapons by the gunmen, officials said. A website run by opponents of Ingushetia's Moscow-backed administration, www.ingushetia.org, quoted unnamed local interior ministry and medical sources as saying that "around" 50 Russian soldiers were killed in that attack. If confirmed, that figure would represent one of the most deadly strikes against Russian federal forces in the north Caucasus since the end of major combat operations in neighboring Chechnya several years ago. The three main Russian news agencies and the main broadcast television stations, all either run by or strongly influenced by the Kremlin, however reported only that two soldiers were killed and nine others wounded. There was no claim of responsibility for the attack. The Chechen rebel website www.kavkazcenter.com however also reported the attack and, quoting sources in Ingushetia, said it had resulted in the deaths of 50 "infidels." Unlike Chechnya in the 1990s, calls for independence from the Russia have not so far been central to the demands of local militants in Ingushetia, who have focused on opposing the province's Kremlin-backed leader, Murat Zyazikov. However Ingushetia, a mainly Muslim province neighbouring Chechnya, has been racked by a growing number of attacks against security forces in recent years that are often blamed by officials on "foreign" Islamist fighters. The ingushetia.org website is considered by independent observers a reliable source of information about events in Ingushetia that are not reported by Russia's state-controlled media. During the course of two wars in Chechnya between 1994 and 2004, Russian officials and state-run media regularly omitted reporting on serious losses sustained by Russian troops until long after the fact, if ever. The ingushetia.org website is highly critical of Zyazikov. The website's owner, Magomed Yevloyev, was shot dead in August in a mysterious incident after being taken into police custody. Following Saturday's attacks, activists from the website said they were cancelling a demonstration to demand an objective inquiry into Yevloyev's death that had been planned for Sunday in Nazran. In its report on the attack, ingushetia.org said: "A source from the Sunzhensky region interior ministry said around 50 soldiers were killed" while armoured personnel carriers and trucks were destroyed. The website said five more Russian soldiers were killed in two other attacks in the area, apparently carried out on reinforcements sent to the site of the initial attack. The assailants in the attacks escaped in the Galishki area and Russia's FSB security agency immediately launched a "counter-terrorist operation" in the region, Interfax and RIA Novosti news agencies reported. The operation was called off later Saturday with "no results," Interfax quoted a statement from the Ingushetia FSB office as saying.
伊朗擁核 美今年對以軍售二百億美元創新高
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http://n.yam.com/cna/international/200810/20081016616947.html 伊朗擁核 美今年對以軍售二百億美元創新高 中央社╱中央社 2008-10-16 21:42 (中央社記者曹宇帆特拉維夫十六日專電)伊朗擁核自重威脅中東地區安危,以色列首當其衝。據以色列媒體報導,美國對以色列軍售總額今年創下新紀錄,高達二百億美元,首度超越對沙烏地阿拉伯的軍售。 二零零一年至二零零四年,中東各國向美軍購總額為一百九十億美元,其中以沙烏地阿拉伯佔大宗。而這段期間以色列未與美方簽署重大的軍事採購協議。 二零零六年,以色列則向德國採購兩艘海豚級潛艦;去年,美國國防部同意售予以色列十一億美元的軍用運輸平台;不過今年美以間、甚至美國對整個中東國家的軍購,不論質量都有顯著的成長。 總計今年美國對中東國家的軍購總額達六百多億美元,除以色列佔兩百億、阿拉伯聯合大公國為一百八十億、沙烏地阿拉伯與伊拉克各約一百二十億、科威特則為十億。 至於各國採購的軍品項目,最受矚目的是以色列獲得七十五架F-35隱形式戰機。這項軍購耗資十五億美元,以色列成為全球首個擁有F-35型戰機的國家。 其他還包括最先進的飛彈快艇及衛星導航的精靈炸彈等;美方也同意在以色列沙漠城鎮尼格夫,部署偵測範圍可達一千九百公里遠的「X波段」早期預警雷達。 阿拉伯聯合大公國則購得價值七十億美元的「終端高空區域防禦」裝備。這套武器主要功能為攔截來襲飛彈,可搭配命中率精準的愛國者三型飛彈。阿聯是全球首個擁有終端高空區域防禦裝備的國家。 今年中東各國對美軍購,多集中於反飛彈系統的建置,據特拉維夫大學國家安全研究所所長薛帕說,因伊朗擁核自重,中東各國包括波斯灣六國都有高度的危機意識,因此軍品採購著重反制導彈的裝備。
俄羅斯 將裁撤二百名現役將軍
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http://udn.com/NEWS/WORLD/WOR3/4558917.shtml 俄羅斯 將裁撤二百名現役將軍 【中新社╱莫斯科十月十四日電 】 2008.10.15 12:06 pm 俄羅斯國防部長謝爾久科夫十四日表示,2012年前俄軍將裁掉二百名現役將軍,國防部等中樞指揮系統裁撤一萬三千多名軍官,但基層軍官將增加一萬人。
據俄塔社報道,謝爾久科夫當天在軍隊發展總結會議上表示,目前俄軍中樞指揮機構的人數為一萬余人,其他中央軍事指揮局等機構人數也將近一萬一千三百人。根據俄軍發展新規劃,2012年前,這些機構的人員編制為八千五百人。也就是說,將裁掉一萬三千多名軍官,裁撤比例達五分之三。 謝爾久科夫同時指出,到2012年,俄軍將裁掉二百名現役將軍,而基層軍官數量將增加一萬人。他表示,在新的軍隊發展規劃中,將消除高級將官、校官與尉官編制比例失調現象。據悉,目前有一千一百多名將軍在俄武裝力量服役。 此外,俄武裝力量將改變目前軍區、軍、師、團垂直指揮體系。按照新的建軍計劃,將改組為軍區、集團軍和旅團,以優化軍隊作戰指揮體系。 謝爾久科夫本月八日曾表示,到2010年,俄羅斯將裁軍二十萬,武裝力量總人數設定為一百萬。 【2008/10/15 中新社】
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http://news.chinatimes.com/2007Cti/2007Cti-News/2007Cti-News-Content/0,4521,110502+112008101500282,00.html 無視美國?中委傳達成防務協議 2008-10-15 中國時報 【大陸新聞中心/台北報導】 據美國《國防新聞》周刊報導,委內瑞拉總統查維茲今年九月間的中國訪問,可能已與中方達成防務協議,允許中國軍方使用委內瑞拉港口和空軍基地。 報導說,這是查維茲向被美國視為潛在敵人的國家(中國、古巴、伊朗、俄羅斯等)提出的最新建議。查維茲在此次訪問中國期間一度自稱「毛澤東主義者」,而中國也同意加大對委內瑞拉石油業的投資,並同意在二○○九年向委國交付廿四架K-8教練機。 美國國務院在二○○六年五月對委內瑞拉實施武器禁運,此後委國即只從中國、伊朗和俄羅斯購買武器。委內瑞拉也試圖從法國及以色列購買武器,但並沒成功。 此前,委內瑞拉一度暗示可能把該國老化的F-16戰機賣給伊朗,但美國官員擔心,這些F-16戰機最終可能落入中國手中,讓中國獲取台灣F-16戰機性能的情報。 報導說,美國人很少會把中國與委內瑞拉的軍事關係加強視為對美國利益的威脅,因為美方相信,中國必然將會謹慎行事。 美洲國家對話組織政策副主席希夫特表示:「透過接近美國的對手委內瑞拉來對抗或疏遠美國,這是中國最不想做的。」他認為,中國和委內瑞拉交往,石油交易是主要內容,其他還有人員培訓,但這基本上是象徵性的,因為「任何被美國防務界視為威脅者,都是中國想要避免的」。 對此,戰略與國際研究中心太平洋論壇主席科薩也表示,中共喜歡和幾乎所有人提及「戰略夥伴關係」,但這種「戰略」不是傳統意義上的。 不過科薩也表示,類似協議將「具有強大的象徵影響力」,他認為,「中國面臨的一大風險,是可能誘使美國總統候選人做出過度反應,說出一些類如『中國包圍』、『中國威脅』的話,從而潛在地給美中關係定下負面的調子。」 http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=3745821 Chavez Defies U.S. by Dealing with Russia, China By BEATRIZ LECUMBERRI, AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE Published: 27 Sep 17:45 EDT (21:45 GMT)
CARACAS, Venezuela - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's visit to China and Russia this week and the military and energy cooperation deals he signed put him on dangerous ground in his relations with the United States, political analysts said. "This trip shows he intends not only to break free of the U.S. sphere of influence in matters of defense, but also to strike significant political links with the very powers that challenge U.S. supremacy," international studies professor Elsa Cardozo said. Since Chavez came to power in 1999, Venezuela has become a major buyer of Russian weaponry on the premise it needs stronger defenses in case it comes under foreign attack. Chavez has repeatedly accused Washington of plotting his overthrow. During Chavez's visit, Moscow on Sept. 25 announced a $1 billion loan to Venezuela to buy Russian arms. Both countries in 2005 and 2007 signed deals for $4.4 billion of Russian weapons, including fighter jets, tanks and assault rifles. "The United States has tried to disarm us, to boycott us, and we've got some old, U.S.-made planes that can't fly because the United States won't sell us spare parts," Chavez said. "I went to Beijing, I went to Moscow, and now we've got a fighter squadron better than the F-16s," he added. Chavez's trip to Russia came only days after Moscow sent a pair of Tu-160 strategic bombers on a training mission to Venezuela, followed by a naval flotilla led by the nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser Peter the Great. The Russian warships were to take part in unprecedented joint maneuvers with the Venezuelan navy in the Caribbean Sea, in a part of the world the U.S. has traditionally regarded as its backyard. "Russia has new intentions, as it has shown in the Caucasus, and Chavez has absolutely irresponsibly opened the doors of the Caribbean and the Venezuela territory to them," said world politics analyst Maruja Tarre. "We don't know why he's done this. We don't know how many Russians will come over. It's something that should be discussed openly, publicly, but that's not the case." "Russia's game is not Venezuela's, and our country is facing unnecessary risks by taking on an agenda it doesn't control," Cardozo said. "In its bid to regain its superpower footing, Russia is sending the U.S. a message: 'We've got a welcome mat in South America,'" added the university professor. So far, Washington has downplayed the Venezuela-Russia overtures. "Clearly, those two countries ... can work together as they see fit. I just don't consider that a really significant threat at this particular point in time," Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Michael Mullen told reporters Sept. 26. In another disconcerting move, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's predecessor and now Prime Minister Valdimir Putin on Sept. 25 offered Russia's cooperation in developing nuclear power in Venezuela. Also of international concern are Venezuela's growing relations with Iran, a country on the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism that could be dabbling with nuclear weapons. "What threat can Venezuela's relations with Iran and Russia pose, when the biggest threat to the world is the U.S. empire's very existence," Chavez said recently. But Tarre said, "Latin America has vowed to stay a nuclear-free. And Venezuela, apart from not needing nuclear power plants, would be violating (nuclear-free) treaties it signed with other neighboring countries." During his three-day visit to China earlier this week, Chavez also announced he was buying 24, K-8 reconnaissance and training aircraft from China, which he said "Venezuela needs very much." Venezuela has also purchased Chinese radar stations in the past. The K-8 sale went unconfirmed by Chinese authorities, who were very reticent about their relations with Venezuela. Chinese officials denied that any military cooperation agreements were signed during Chavez's visit. "Even the Chinese said they kept only trade relations with Venezuela, but the Russians have other goals. On their big chessboard, Venezuela is just a pawn to be cast aside when they choose, and that's the end of it," said Tarre.
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