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俄新網╱俄新網 2008-02-28 19:55     

俄新網RUSNEWS.CN莫斯科2月28日電 《新時代》(The New Times)雜志對南奧塞梯、阿布哈茲和格魯吉亞在發生軍事衝突的情況下的軍力進行了評估。現在各方都在尋求一種和平道路解決衝突,在審視如今的格魯吉亞軍隊後可以得出這樣的結論:這不僅是因為各方奉行和平主義,還因為南奧塞梯和阿布哈茲在軍事衝突中的勝算不大。 格魯吉亞總統米哈伊爾·薩卡什維利2007年11月說,格魯吉亞國防預算達到國內生產總值的9%至10%,這一比例未來幾年不會大幅削減。格魯吉亞已經不存在應征入伍現象。今天,常規武裝部隊人數為3.3萬人,且所有人都是合同兵。按照新的短期集訓計劃,已經培訓了7萬名預備役志願兵,未來計劃一共培訓20萬名預備役志願兵。薩卡什維利說,目前軍官月均工資為700至800美元,在軍隊中謀職在格魯吉亞是一個體面的職業。 格魯吉亞武裝力量有3.3萬人,擁有100輛坦克、200輛步兵戰車和裝甲輸送車、100多門火炮、18個BM-21型(冰雹)多管火箭炮。格魯吉亞空軍有7架蘇-25攻擊機和20多架直升機。海軍有兩艘導彈艇,也有巡邏艇和登陸艇。 阿布哈茲軍隊實行征兵和動員制度。和平時期軍隊有4500人,戰爭期間能動員1萬人。一些資料顯示,阿布哈茲有50輛坦克,80輛步兵戰車和裝甲輸送車,80門火炮。另一些資料顯示,阿布哈茲軍事力量比上述數字強兩倍,但不清楚,哪些武器能夠實際使用。阿布哈茲人有幾架直升機和攻擊機,還有一些被武裝起來的民用快艇和駁船。 南奧塞梯常設軍隊有3000人,有100輛各類裝甲機械。在戰爭情況下可征集幾千名民兵,沒有空軍。 《新時代》雜志指出,實際上,把阿布哈茲和奧塞梯武裝力量同格魯吉亞武裝力量進行直接的數字比較沒有意義。分離主義者們使用的是老式蘇式武器,而薩卡什維利則對本國武裝力量進行了徹底改革,部分裝備了西方武器。購買了借助GPS衛星定位系統進行高准確度射擊的現代榴彈炮,和能校正火力的以色列無人駕駛飛行器。無論阿布哈茲、南奧塞梯還是俄羅斯軍隊都沒有這種武器。在發生軍事衝突的情況下,格魯吉亞人首先把奧塞梯人消滅幹淨,然後收拾阿布哈茲人。俄羅斯維和人員的數量明顯太少:奧塞梯有500人,阿布哈茲有1800人。為加強兵力,2007年秋天往南奧塞梯調遣了俄軍總參特種部隊駐車臣東方營,往阿布哈茲調遣了西方營。但車臣人也無法原則上改變現有的力量對比。

May the Force be with you
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法新社╱法新社 2008-04-24 01:05     


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打擊武器非法交易 歐盟祭出新指令



打擊武器非法交易 歐盟祭出新指令
中央社╱中央社 2008-04-21 22:48




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多妻教派企業 供5千萬軍備




多妻教派企業 供5千萬軍備


法官瓦勒(Barbara Walther)兩天來聆聽21小時證詞後,前天裁定本案調查期間,416名孩童將持續受兒福單位暫時監護,不能與父母團聚,並要所有兒童和家長接受基因檢驗,以釐清證詞無法確認的複雜親子關係。代表兒童與家長的律師表示「非常失望」,打算上訴。
在此同時,也有不利檢方訊息傳出,包括向外求援引發警方突襲農場的16歲少女「莎拉」,懷疑是一名科羅拉多州33歲女子史溫頓(Rozita Swinton)假扮謊報。另方面,宗教學者作證稱,摩門教會內設床舖應該是讓長時間敬拜的教徒休息,非供「性交活動」之用。
另外,該教派成員擁有的企業,被發現在過去十年來供應國防部飛機零件,合約金額高達5146萬元台幣,其中數十萬美元款項已轉由教派使用。這種情況甚至在教派領袖傑夫斯(Warren Jeffs)名列美國聯邦調查局十大通緝要犯後仍持續。

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美國防部投資幹細胞技術 協助傷兵再生四肢



美國防部投資幹細胞技術 協助傷兵再生四肢
法新社╱張仲琬 2008-04-18 08:20     









Pentagon-funded research into regrowing limbs lost in war

by Jim Mannion
Thu Apr 17, 5:53 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The Pentagon is joining with universities and hospitals in a 250-million-dollar research institute to develop ways to help wounded soldiers regenerate skin, muscle and even limbs from their own stem cells, officials said Thursday.
The army's surgeon general said he envisions the day when adult stem cells will be harvested before a soldier goes into the battle and then used to regrow new limbs within days of suffering a combat wound.

"The new institute will work to develop techniques that will help to make our soldiers whole again," said Lieutenant General Eric Schoomaker, the army surgeon general.

"We'll use the soldiers' own stem cells to repair nerve damage, to re-grow muscles and tendons, to repair burn wounds, and to help them heal without scarring," he said.

Techniques to salvage and reconstruct damaged limbs, hands, fingers, ears and noses, and reconstruct damaged craniums will also be developed, he said.

The new Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine will fund and focus the research efforts of two consortia of universities and hospital research centers.

One is led by Wake Forest University and the University of Pittsburgh, and the other by Rutgers University and the Cleveland Clinic.

The Pentagon will provide 85 million dollars over five years; members of the consortia will put up another 80 million dollars; and another 100 million dollars will come from grants through the National Institutes of Health.

"As far as we know, this is the largest US government-funded research consortium in the field of regenerative medicine," said Schoomaker.

"Not only that, we're bringing together a dream team of some of the greatest minds in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, some represented here with us today," he said.

Among them is Dr. Tony Atala of Wake Forest University, a pioneer in the field who has grown bladders from adult stem cells.

"All the parts of your body, tissues and organs, have a natural repository of cells that are ready to replicate when an injury occurs," Atala said.

"And some of the strategies that are used are to take some of those cells out of the body, just with a very small piece of tissue.

"And then you can tease the cells apart, those specific cells that have that potential. Then you grow those outside the body in large quantities," he said.

The process takes about four to eight weeks, he said.

The living cells can then be painted over a scaffolding made of biodegradable material and shaped in the form of a nose or ear, and attached to the face.

As the cells grow, the material is absorbed by the body, and the new nose is formed.

The initial projects are likely to be modest -- extending a severed finger in one case, and regrowing a destroyed muscle in another man's thigh.

But officials said they hope the new techniques can be used to regrow the skin of burn victims and replace ears or noses, and eventually more complex challenges like limbs.

Schoomaker says the new technologies promise to revolutionize military medicine.

"We are the source of our own regeneration, with very low risk, -- and correct me if I'm wrong -- for example, conversion into cancers," he said, referring the higher risk of cancer in more primitive stem cells.

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俄新網╱俄新網 2008-04-15 17:47     

俄新網RUSNEWS.CN莫斯科4月15日電 記者黃軼男報道:上海合作組織秘書長博拉塔·努爾加利耶夫15日在俄新社組織的莫斯科-北京視頻記者會上表示,上合組織在反恐和打擊毒品武器走私方面和北約有共同利益,雙方可以在這些方面開展合作。努爾加利耶夫認為,上合組織成員國所處地理位置對解決阿富汗問題很重要。如果北約組織能在阿富汗內部、上合組織在阿富汗外部同時對穩定阿富汗局勢做出努力,使阿富汗當局更好地管理國家,那麼在這個問題上,不存在和北約合作的障礙。他強調,當前該地區的恐怖主義勢力泛濫、毒品和武器走私已經成為全球性的威脅。努爾加利耶夫表示,上合組織同北約還沒有建立聯系,上合組織成立時的一個基本原則就是放棄冷戰時期的聯盟集團思維。上合組織不是一個政治軍事集團,上合組織成員國之間的軍事合作也只是體現在打擊恐怖主義、分離主義和極端主義三股勢力方面。所以上合組織和其他地區性國際組織的合作內容主要是反恐和打擊跨境犯罪活動,而且此類合作是開放性的。努爾加利耶夫認為,任何一個國際組織不可能憑借自身力量單方面解決恐怖主義和毒品走私問題。上合組織成員國包括俄羅斯、中國、哈薩克斯坦、吉爾吉斯、塔吉克斯坦和烏茲別克斯坦等六國,蒙古、印度、巴基斯坦和伊朗以觀察員身份參加上合組織工作。

Shanghai Six regional group considers Iran in expansion plans 
16:10 | 15/ 04/ 2008

MOSCOW, April 15 (RIA Novosti) - The Shanghai Cooperation Organization's decision on whether to admit Iran will depend on general plans for expansion that could see other states join, the head of the group said on Tuesday.

Tehran, which currently holds observer status in the alliance, has long sought to become a full member of the SCO, a security alliance which comprises Russia, China and four Central Asian states and is seen as a counterbalance to U.S. and NATO influence in Asia.

"The consideration of the bid [by Iran] will depend on a political decision on whether to expand our organization," Secretary General Bolat Nurgaliyev said during a Moscow-Beijing video conference hosted by RIA Novosti.

He said Iran's request has already been addressed to Tajikistan, which currently presides over the organization. The other three Central Asian members are Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan.

Nurgaliyev said several other countries are also considering joining the organization. "We see this as positive evidence that our organization is needed and participation in its activities is useful."

He said there are no timelines for SCO accession set out in the organization's documents, but that there are differences among member states on the issue of expansion.

"The issue of SCO expansion is important to us, and our organization is open to cooperation with other organizations and associations, but maintaining its efficiency must remain the key factor while considering bids for SCO membership," the secretary general said.

Mongolia received observer status in 2004, and India, Iran and Pakistan followed suit in 2005. Besides Iran, Pakistan has also been lobbying for full membership.

The bloc - which primarily addresses security issues but has recently moved to embrace energy projects - has indefinitely postponed accepting new members, but pledged closer cooperation with the observer states.

Speaking at the SCO summit in Kyrgyzstan in August 2007, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, "Everyone agreed that the moratorium should be preserved for some time yet," adding that the alliance "agreed to involve observer states more actively in practical projects."

The issue of SCO expansion will be on the agenda of an expert-level forum in Beijing in May. "I think recommendations by experts and political analysts will be precious for determining our approaches to this issue," Nurgaliyev said.

Russia and China have been cautious over admitting Iran, embroiled in a long-running dispute with the West and Israel over its controversial nuclear program and alleged support for radical groups in Lebanon and other countries.

Both China and Russia have, however, major commercial interests in Iran. The energy-hungry Asian giant wants Iranian oil and gas and to sell weapons and other goods to the country. Moscow also hopes to sell more weapons and nuclear energy technology to Tehran.

The Kremlin also needs Iran's endorsement for a multinational arrangement to exploit the Caspian Sea's energy resources.

The SCO Council of Heads of State will hold a regular meeting in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, in August this year. The summit will gather leaders of Russia, China and four ex-Soviet Central Asian states. Representatives of Iran, India, Mongolia, and Pakistan, as well as Afghanistan and some other states will also attend the meeting.

"The documents for the summit in Dushanbe are being prepared, and the final agenda will be approved in Tajikistan at a meeting of SCO foreign ministers in July," Nurgaliyev said.

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世銀IMF警告 糧價飛漲恐爆戰爭



中國時報 2008.04.15 
世銀IMF警告 糧價飛漲恐爆戰爭

     世界銀行(World Bank)與國際貨幣基金(IMF)13日在華盛頓舉行聯合春季會議,針對全球糧價飛漲發出嚴峻警訊,呼籲工業化國家與「主權財富基金」出錢出力,支持世界銀行總裁佐立克發起的「全球糧食政策新政」(New Deal on Global Food Policy)。


     世銀總裁 提1%解決方案



     漲勢不止 逾億人將更窮


     33缺糧國 動亂一觸即發



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IMF警告 糧價升高後果可怕可能爆發戰爭



IMF警告 糧價升高後果可怕可能爆發戰爭
法新社╱陳維聰 2008-04-13 15:05     









IMF warns rising food prices raising risk of war

by Veronica Smith
Sat Apr 12, 10:28 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Rising food prices could have terrible consequences for the world, including the risk of war, the IMF has said, calling for action to keep inflation in check.
"Food prices, if they go on like they are doing today ... the consequences will be terrible," International Monetary Fund managing director Dominque Strauss-Kahn said.

"Hundreds of thousands of people will be starving ... (leading) to disruption of the economic environment," Strauss-Kahn told a news conference at the close of the IMF spring meeting here.

Development gains made in the past five or 10 years could be "totally destroyed," he said, warning that social unrest could even lead to war.

"As we know, learning from the past, those kind of questions sometimes end in war," he said. If the world wanted to avoid "these terrible consequences," then rising prices had to be tackled.

Skyrocketing prices on rice, wheat, corn and other staple foods like milk particularly hurt developing nations, where the bulk of income is spent on the bare necessities for survival.

Higher energy prices, too, are driving up the cost of food, as well as stoking broader inflation.

In recent months, rising food costs have lead to social unrest in several countries such as Haiti and Egypt. Thirty-seven countries currently face food crises, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization.

Escalating inflation is complicating the already complex challenges of a global financial crisis battering the world economy, Strauss-Kahn said.

The 185-nation IMF called for a strong front to put the reeling world economy back on track.

"The global crisis has to be addressed with a global view and by strengthening the role of multilateral institutions," Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, chair of the the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC), the IMF's top policy-making body, told reporters in a briefing.

In a statement, the IMF said that "policymakers should continue to respond to the challenge of dealing with the financial crisis and supporting activity, while making sure that inflation is kept under control."

The IMF stressed that "the challenges facing the world economy are of a global nature, requiring strong action and close cooperation among the membership."

Unlike the last IMF meeting in October, where internal reforms were high on the agenda, this time the multilateral institution faces a full-blown, and still unfolding, financial shock that began in August amid rising defaults on US high-risk subprime home loans.

Tasked with maintaining global financial stability, the IMF, whose own finances are strained, insists its expertise and global range make it a key player in resolving what Strauss-Kahn earlier called the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

The IMF last week warned the global economy is slowing so rapidly it could slide effectively into recession this year and next.

IMF policymakers also welcomed moves by central banks to provide liquidity support to ease strains in the credit markets.

The US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank and others have pumped hundreds of billions of dollars into the money markets that seized up in the spreading subprime contagion.

The IMF also applauded Financial Stability Forum policy recommendations adopted Friday by the Group of Seven industrialized countries in the hope of improving transparency and resiliency in the financial markets within 100 days.

Regarding internal reforms, the IMF said it hoped governors would soon approve key voting and financial measures approved by the executive board.

It said it looked forward to approval of a reform of voting rights, long demanded by developing countries, by April 28, and a new income model that includes the sale of 403 tonnes of gold to raise cash, by May 5.

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俄新網╱俄新網 2008-04-11 20:25     

俄新網RUSNEWS.CN莫斯科4月11日電 俄羅斯聯邦武裝力量總參謀長尤里·巴盧耶夫斯基大將11日表示,一旦烏克蘭和格魯吉亞加入北約,俄羅斯為保衛國家安全將採取軍事和其它性質的措施。巴盧耶夫斯基在答俄新社記者問時指出:"只有一個意思,俄羅斯將採取行動保護國家邊界利益。這不僅僅是軍事措施,而且還包括其它性質的措施。"在談到所指的究竟是哪些措施時,他說:"我們將等待一段時間,因為問題不是單方面的。"巴盧耶夫斯基表示:"烏克蘭居民毫無疑問不是贊成國家加入北約的。盡管格魯吉亞舉行了所謂的全民公決並且根據公決結果約七成民眾支持(這項建議),但是,還沒到最後關頭。我們在拭目以待。"在4月布加勒斯特北約峰會上,格魯吉亞和烏克蘭加入北約"成員國行動計劃"問題被推遲到12月討論。但是,北約成員國表示,今後這些國家將成為組織成員。

Russia to increase security if Georgia, Ukraine join NATO 
13:56 | 11/ 04/ 2008

MOSCOW, April 11 (RIA Novosti) - Russia will be forced to strengthen security on its borders if Georgia and Ukraine join NATO, Army General Yury Baluyevsky, chief of the country's General Staff, said on Friday.

At a summit in Bucharest last Thursday, NATO members decided to postpone offering Georgia and Ukraine the chance to join the NATO Membership Action Plan, a key step toward full membership, but promised to review the decision in December.

"Russia will undoubtedly take measures to ensure its security near the state border. These will be both military and other measures," Baluyevsky said.

When asked to give details of the possible measures, Baluyevsky said that "We will wait, as the issue is ambiguous."

"Ukrainians are unanimously against Ukraine joining NATO," the military official said adding that in Georgia about 70% of the population is in favor of membership, but there is still time and this could change.

NATO's eastward expansion, as well as U.S. plans to deploy components of an anti-missile system in Poland and the Czech Republic, have been a source of concern for Moscow.

Last week Russian President Vladimir Putin told a news conference after meeting with leaders of the 26-nation alliance on the sidelines of the Bucharest summit that "The appearance on our borders of a powerful military bloc... will be considered by Russia as a direct threat to our country's security."

In an interview with RIA Novosti on Friday Mikhail Kamynin, a spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, said that one of the problematic issues between Moscow and Kiev is "the course of the Ukrainian authorities toward integration into NATO."

The issue of Ukraine's drive for NATO will be discussed among other issues between Ukrainian Foreign Minister Volodymyr Ohryzko and his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, in Moscow on April 15.

Konstantin Kosachyov, the head of the international affairs committee, said that Ukraine's possible NATO admission would completely destroy cooperation between Moscow and Kiev in the defense sector.

"Bilateral cooperation between Russia and Ukraine in the security sphere, which was established in the Soviet era by integrating respective structures and continues developing, will end if Ukraine joins NATO," Kosachyov said.

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法新社╱張佑之 2008-04-11 20:50   








Russian Army Chief Warns Of Steps Against NATO Expansion -AFP

MOSCOW (AFP)--Russia's armed forces chief warned Friday that Georgia and Ukraine's desire to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will force Russia to take military steps, Russian news agencies reported.

"Russia will take action aimed at guaranteeing its interests close to its borders. It will not only be measures of a military character. There will be other measures," General Yury Baluyevsky was quoted by Interfax and other agencies as saying, without specifying further.

Earlier this month, NATO turned down Georgia and Ukraine's applications for Membership Action Plans - a stepping stone to membership - but did say both would eventually become NATO members.

Moscow sees the expansion of NATO and the deployment of a U.S. anti-missile shield in central Europe as threats to Russian security.

President Vladimir Putin said in February that Russia would consider directing its missiles at Ukraine if the neighbouring state hosted missile defense facilities.

Baluyevsky said it was too early to talk about Ukrainian or Georgian entry into NATO.

"The population of Ukraine is unambiguously against entry to NATO. Despite the so-called referendum in Georgia where 70% of the population supported the idea. It is not over yet. We will see," said Baluyevsky.

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將領太胖恐穿不下新軍服 俄軍官開始健身



將領太胖恐穿不下新軍服 俄軍官開始健身
法新社╱F25張佑之 2008-04-10 19:35     









Russian Army generals too fat for new uniform

Wed Apr 9, 12:15 PM ET

MOSCOW (AFP) - Russian generals will soon have a stylish new uniform designed by a top fashion designer but the question is -- will they fit?

More than 30 percent of the army's elite officers are overweight and 25 percent failed a fitness test, army spokesman Vyacheslav Sedov told AFP on Wednesday.

The army will now launch a fitness drive as it prepares to move over to a stylish uniform designed by top fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin.

"The new military uniform should match what is inside it," said Sedov.

The army will build gyms, swimming pools and sports halls to get the podgy and under exercised officers back in form, said Sedov.

The fitness tests were organised by Vladimir Shamanov, an officer alleged to have overseen widespread human rights abuses while helping to lead Russia's crushing of Chechen rebels.

Officers were tested on their running, swimming and shooting skills.

Shamanov said that the unfit officers need more physical exercises, particularly aerobic exercises, daily newspaper Kommersant reported.

The army will also launch a campaign "to cultivate the culture of sport in the armed forces," said Sedov.

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