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俄新網╱俄新網 2008-02-28 19:55     

俄新網RUSNEWS.CN莫斯科2月28日電 《新時代》(The New Times)雜志對南奧塞梯、阿布哈茲和格魯吉亞在發生軍事衝突的情況下的軍力進行了評估。現在各方都在尋求一種和平道路解決衝突,在審視如今的格魯吉亞軍隊後可以得出這樣的結論:這不僅是因為各方奉行和平主義,還因為南奧塞梯和阿布哈茲在軍事衝突中的勝算不大。 格魯吉亞總統米哈伊爾·薩卡什維利2007年11月說,格魯吉亞國防預算達到國內生產總值的9%至10%,這一比例未來幾年不會大幅削減。格魯吉亞已經不存在應征入伍現象。今天,常規武裝部隊人數為3.3萬人,且所有人都是合同兵。按照新的短期集訓計劃,已經培訓了7萬名預備役志願兵,未來計劃一共培訓20萬名預備役志願兵。薩卡什維利說,目前軍官月均工資為700至800美元,在軍隊中謀職在格魯吉亞是一個體面的職業。 格魯吉亞武裝力量有3.3萬人,擁有100輛坦克、200輛步兵戰車和裝甲輸送車、100多門火炮、18個BM-21型(冰雹)多管火箭炮。格魯吉亞空軍有7架蘇-25攻擊機和20多架直升機。海軍有兩艘導彈艇,也有巡邏艇和登陸艇。 阿布哈茲軍隊實行征兵和動員制度。和平時期軍隊有4500人,戰爭期間能動員1萬人。一些資料顯示,阿布哈茲有50輛坦克,80輛步兵戰車和裝甲輸送車,80門火炮。另一些資料顯示,阿布哈茲軍事力量比上述數字強兩倍,但不清楚,哪些武器能夠實際使用。阿布哈茲人有幾架直升機和攻擊機,還有一些被武裝起來的民用快艇和駁船。 南奧塞梯常設軍隊有3000人,有100輛各類裝甲機械。在戰爭情況下可征集幾千名民兵,沒有空軍。 《新時代》雜志指出,實際上,把阿布哈茲和奧塞梯武裝力量同格魯吉亞武裝力量進行直接的數字比較沒有意義。分離主義者們使用的是老式蘇式武器,而薩卡什維利則對本國武裝力量進行了徹底改革,部分裝備了西方武器。購買了借助GPS衛星定位系統進行高准確度射擊的現代榴彈炮,和能校正火力的以色列無人駕駛飛行器。無論阿布哈茲、南奧塞梯還是俄羅斯軍隊都沒有這種武器。在發生軍事衝突的情況下,格魯吉亞人首先把奧塞梯人消滅幹淨,然後收拾阿布哈茲人。俄羅斯維和人員的數量明顯太少:奧塞梯有500人,阿布哈茲有1800人。為加強兵力,2007年秋天往南奧塞梯調遣了俄軍總參特種部隊駐車臣東方營,往阿布哈茲調遣了西方營。但車臣人也無法原則上改變現有的力量對比。

May the Force be with you
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解決垃圾危機 義大利派軍隊維護治安



解決垃圾危機 義大利派軍隊維護治安
中央社╱中央社 2008-06-17 07:20










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俄總統主張簽署全歐協定 解決歐洲安全問題



俄總統主張簽署全歐協定 解決歐洲安全問題
法新社╱張佑之 2008-06-11 23:20     







Russia's Medvedev voices optimism over U.S. ties

Wed Jun 11, 4:49 AM ET

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday he looked with "measured optimism" at relations with the United States despite differences over European security.
Moscow and Washington are at odds over NATO expansion into eastern Europe, a treaty limiting conventional arms in Europe and U.S. plans to station elements of a missile defense shield in Poland and the Czech Republic.

"Even with the differences that exist today -- and I am convinced they will persist at least in part -- ... we still have to work together," Medvedev, who was sworn in as president last month, told delegates at an international congress of the Russian press.

"Therefore, overall I look on our relations with measured optimism," he said.

Asked by a conference delegate about the presidential election in the United States this year, he said Russia would work with the winning candidate.

"There is no alternative, because the responsibility that falls on both our countries for world order and supporting peace and stability on the planet, is colossal," Medvedev said.

"Whoever comes to power in the White House, the Russian Federation counts on a constructive and comradely dialogue with the new U.S. administration, and we are prepared to do that."

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法新社╱郭無患 2008-06-11 12:05     






Eritrean, Djiboutian troops exchange fire at border

by Nasser Fahmi
Tue Jun 10, 3:46 PM ET

DJIBOUTI (AFP) - Djiboutian and Eritrean troops exchanged fire Tuesday for the first time since a tense stand-off started at their border two months ago, the Djiboutian military said in a statement.
The clashes took place in the Ras Doumeira area at Djibouti's northern border, where Eritrean troops carried out an incursion on April 16 that sparked military tension between the two neighbours.

"During the pursuit of an Eritrean deserter who tried to rally the Djiboutian armed forces, the Eritrean military opened fire on our units at around 12:30 am (0930 GMT)," the Djioutian army said in a statement.

"The Djiboutian armed forces retaliated with their weapons," it added.

The army explained that Eritrean military officials posted on Mount Gabla then issued an ultimatum for Djibouti to turn in all 30 Eritrean deserters on its soil or face armed action.

"At 6:40 pm (1540 GMT), under the cover of darkness and prayer time, Eritrean troops opened fire on our soldiers," the statement went on.

"In the face of this attack, our military struck back... As this statement is published, the fighting continues."

The clash was the first since tension between the two neighbours escalated two months ago and raised fears of an all-out military confrontation that would plunge the already restive region into further chaos.

Djibouti and Eritrea had already clashed twice over the border area at the southern end of the Red Sea.

In April 1996 they almost went to war after a Djibouti official accused Eritrea of shelling the town of Ras Doumeira.

In 1999, Eritrea accused Djibouti of siding with Asmara's arch-foe Ethiopia, while Djibouti accused its neighbour of supporting Djiboutian rebels and having designs on the Ras Doumeira region. Eritrea has denied this.

Djibouti has accused Eritrean forces of digging trenches on both sides of the border on April 16, infringing several hundred metres (yards) on to Djiboutian territory, an accusation Asmara has vehemently denied.

On May 19, Eritrean President Issaias Afeworki described talk of a military standoff as "a wild invention."

"We are not willing to accept an invitation to get involved in a new problem or regional crisis," he said in a statement.

The tiny Red Sea state of Djibouti also has borders with Ethiopia and Somalia, where regional power struggles have played out for years.

Somali political rivals on Monday reached an agreement -- which includes a three-month truce to begin within a month -- during UN-sponsored talks in Djibouti.

According to international rights organisations, thousands of young Eritreans attempt to leave their country every year. Ethiopia recently reported that 1,300 Eritrean had defected and crossed the border in six months.

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前國防部長獲美政治庇護 玻美關係更添緊繃



前國防部長獲美政治庇護 玻美關係更添緊繃
法新社╱楊玫寧 2008-06-11 11:35









Former Bolivian defense minister given US asylum

Tue Jun 10, 6:25 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Bolivia's former defense minister Carlos Sanchez Berzain was granted political asylum in the United States last year, after saying he feared persecution by the government of Evo Morales, according to documents released in Washington Tuesday.
Sanchez Berzain received political asylum in April 2007 after telling US authorities that he feared he would be "persecuted and tortured" by the government of Bolivia's newly-elected leftist president, according to documents released by La Paz's embassy in Washington.

"I have endured numerous unfounded allegations against me by Morales in the past, and now I fear that his new powers as president will allow him to silence me once and for all," Sanchez Berzain wrote in his asylum petition.

The former defense minister added that Morales was particularly opposed to his efforts to combat drug-trafficking, in a country famous for its cultivation of the coca plant used in the production of cocaine.

The current Bolivian government is said to be considering an extradition request against Sanchez Berzain for his role in a 2003 army crackdown that led to the deaths of some 60 civilian protesters.

Bolivia's Ambassador to Washington, Gustavo Guzman, said the revelation about Sanchez Berzain's US asylum "complicates" already strained bilateral relations.

"It is irritating, it complicates relations between Bolivia and the United States," he said.

Guzman added that his government had summoned US Ambassador to La Paz Philip Goldberg to a meeting Tuesday about the matter.

"We are not satisfied with the explanations the ambassador gave this morning," Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca told reporters in La Paz afterward, adding that his government would seek further clarification.

Guzman said it was "very likely" that former president Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada, who currently lives in the Washington suburbs, had also received asylum.

The 2003 massacre occurred during Sanchez de Lozada's second term in office as his government tried to rein in raging civilian protests.

The US State Department would not immediately confirm whether the two Bolivians had received asylum, and calls to Sanchez de Lozada were not returned.

However Yerko Kukoc, Sanchez de Lozada's former interior minister, said that his ex-boss asked for political asylum in the United States five years ago and it has already been granted, according to state news agency ABI.

Kukok, speaking in the city of Santa Cruz, said he did not know if Sanchez Berzain was granted political asylum.

Kukoc said that the ex-president's political asylum case was filed during the 2003-2005 presidency of Carlos Mesa, not under Morales, "and was probably concluded during the presidency of Eduardo Rodriguez Veltze" in 2006, he said.

News that Sanchez Berzain had received political asylum in the United States sparked large protests Monday in parts of El Alto, a poor suburb of La Paz where the 2003 crackdown took place.

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避免感染沙門氏菌 美軍營區暫停供應番茄



避免感染沙門氏菌 美軍營區暫停供應番茄
中央社╱中央社 2008-06-11 07:23


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力挺喬治亞反叛地區 俄羅斯拒西方調停衝突



力挺喬治亞反叛地區 俄羅斯拒西方調停衝突
法新社╱張仲琬 2008-06-07 09:20     









by Dario Thuburn
Fri Jun 6, 6:51 PM ET

SAINT PETERSBURG (AFP) - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Friday brushed off foreign mediation over Georgia's separatist Abkhazia region, as EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana visited the disputed territory.
Medvedev also said Georgia should sign a pact of non-aggression with Abkhazia and reverse what Russia claims is a Georgian troop build-up close to the rebel region.

Faced with his biggest foreign policy challenge since coming to power on May 7, Medvedev met with the pro-Western Georgian president, Mikheil Saakashvili, who earlier warned there was a risk of war with Russia.

Speaking at the start of the meeting at a regional summit of ex-Soviet nations in Saint Petersburg, Medvedev referred to Western concerns and said: "I think we can sort out our relations by ourselves."

The United States and NATO have both strongly criticised a decision by Russia, announced last week, to send additional troops to Abkhazia as part of a wider effort to increase Moscow's support for the rebel region.

Medvedev's message was underlined by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who said Russia saw no need for foreign mediation. "The key to the solution is direct negotiations between the parties," Lavrov told journalists.

"The ball is on the Georgian side," Lavrov said, referring to Russia's insistence that Georgia respect its international obligations in the volatile conflict zone on the Black Sea coast.

The meeting "was friendly and positive in tone," Georgian Foreign Minister Eka Tkeshelashvili said in a statement.

However, "no progress was made on substantive issues" including "withdrawal of illegally deployed Russian troops, immediate cessation of ongoing construction of military infrastructure" and reversal of Russia's move to set up official ties with Abkhazia, the statement added.

Abkhazia broke away from Georgia in the early 1990s in a conflict that killed several thousand people and prompted hundreds of thousands of Georgians to flee. Russia has accused Georgia of planning to reconquer the region.

Behind the Abkhazia dispute lie deep tensions over Georgia's bid to join NATO, which Russia considers an encroachment on its sphere of influence.

NATO membership for Georgia would lead to "a very, very negative spiral of confrontation in Abkhazia," Lavrov said.

Tensions have escalated in Abkhazia in recent weeks, with a particularly bitter row over Georgian allegations that a Russian fighter jet shot down an unmanned Georgian spy plane in April -- a claim backed up by a UN report.

Ahead of Friday's meeting, Saakashvili said he would urge Medvedev to revoke an order signed by his predecessor Vladimir Putin formalising economic links between Russia and Abkhazia in April.

Coinciding with Friday's meeting in Saint Petersburg, the European Union's top foreign policy official, Solana, made a visit to the heart of the conflict, meeting Abkhaz leaders in their main city of Sukhumi.

Solana said he wanted the EU to get more involved in mediating the conflict.

The EU "wants to participate more deeply in settling the conflict," Solana said in comments translated into Russian, adding however that there was no question of excluding Russia from negotiations.

Medvedev also held talks on Friday with other leaders at the summit of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), a loose grouping of 12 former Soviet republics traditionally dominated by Moscow.

In talks with Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, another pro-Western leader, Medvedev said Ukraine should not rush to expel the Russian navy from its base in the southern Ukrainian port of Sevastopol.

The move would be "unilateral" action, Lavrov quoted Medvedev as saying.

Medvedev also warned that Russia would be forced to charge Ukraine double the present amount it pays for gas from next year, saying the move was not political and a result of Central Asian gas exporters raising their prices.

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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月06日 10:07 中國國防科技資訊網

  據英國《簡氏防務週刊》2008年6月4日報導 冷戰結束以來,土耳其一直奉行獨立自主的外交政策,希望逐漸擺脫對西方國家,特別是美國的以來。近兩年,為了提升其在北約和所在地區的國際形象和地位,土耳其政府積極發展其本土國防工業,提升其本土武器裝備研製和生產能力,並提出了“到2011年時土耳其軍隊所需裝備的50%從本土採購”的目標。


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墨西哥派軍剿毒梟 宛如內戰




墨西哥派軍剿毒梟 宛如內戰


四萬軍隊 總統向毒梟宣戰




五成三民眾 認毒梟佔上風



毒梟招攬軍人 布條求才



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俄新網╱俄新網 2008-06-03 17:55     
俄新網RUSNEWS.CN莫斯科6月3日電 俄羅斯聯邦國防部副部長尼古拉·馬卡羅夫大將接替尤里·巴盧耶夫斯基擔任武裝力量總參謀長。俄羅斯總統德米特里·梅德韋傑夫在克里姆林宮接見國防部長阿納托利·謝爾久科夫、巴盧耶夫斯基和馬卡羅夫時做出了這一表示。自2004年7月19日起曾領導總參謀部的巴盧耶夫斯基被任命為安全會議副秘書。2007年4月19日馬卡羅夫曾被任命為國防部副部長兼裝備部部長。

New chief of staff to revive Russia's ailing military - expert
19:21 | 03/ 06/ 2008

MOSCOW, June 3 (RIA Novosti) - Gen. Nikolai Makarov's appointment as chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces suggests higher priority will be given to modernizing the military, a top Russian military expert said on Tuesday.

Deputy Defense Minister Gen. Nikolai Makarov has been appointed chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. He replaces Gen. Yury Baluyevsky, who has been appointed deputy secretary of Russia's Security Council.

In an interview with RIA Novosti, Col. Gen. Leonid Ivashov, president of the Academy of Geopolitical Studies, said the appointment of Gen. Makarov, former chief of Armed Forces Arms Procurement, indicates that he may "reverse the negative, destructive trends that are now plaguing the Armed Forces, and stop the technical degradation of the Army and Navy."

He said the Russian military "has an acute shortage of new weaponry and military equipment, ammunition, and other technical systems."

Gen. Ivashov said with the right political and financial support, Gen. Makarov would be able to turn the Armed Forces around and make them more operationally effective and improve combat readiness.

He said that former General Staff chief Gen. Yury Baluyevsky had disagreed with Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov over military reforms.

The new chief of the General Staff told President Dmitry Medvedev earlier on Tuesday that he was fully aware of the responsibility delegated to him and would do everything to achieve the goals set for the Armed Forces, working in conjunction with the Defense Ministry and the Security Council.

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印度國防市場潛力巨大 08年進口120億美元軍火



印度國防市場潛力巨大 08年進口120億美元軍火

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月02日 08:30 中國國防科技資訊網

  據法國《防務宇航》2008年5月28日報導 印度軍隊未來現代化計畫將使得印度在五年內成為亞太地區第二大國防開支大國,到2016年將躋身到全球第七大。歐洲公司在印度國防部門有大量的投資機會。

  Frost & Sullivan諮詢公司近日在倫敦舉辦的國防工業研討會上預測說,到2013年印度的國防市場將達到362億美元,到2022年將達到1000億美元,補償潛力到2013年將達到100億美元。

  印度是英國繼沙烏地阿拉伯和美國之後的第三大國防出口國。印度的補償貿易政策和對外資投資國防工業的限制是關注的重點問題,與會代表們認為,要把補償貿易看作投資機會,把售後服務作為重要而穩定的收入來源,要積極與印度本土國防企業建立夥伴關係,2008年他們的進口總值價值120億美元。 (北方科技資訊研究所 薛亞波)

Indian Defence Industry: $100 Billion Investment Opportunities
(Source: Frost & Sullivan; issued May 28, 2008)
 LONDON --- The Indian Armed Forces’ forthcoming modernisation programme will make India the Asia Pacific region’s second highest defence spender within the next five years, and the seventh largest globally by 2016. To examine where short, medium and long-term investment growth opportunities exist for European companies and to explore future procurement plans for the Indian defence sector, Frost & Sullivan held a briefing on ‘Market Growth Opportunities in the Indian Defence Industry’.

Organised by Frost & Sullivan’s Aerospace & Defence practice, the seminar offered an in-depth view of the significant business opportunities within the Indian defence industry and particularly within the Indian Armed Forces. Frost & Sullivan estimates that the total spending for the Indian defence market will reach US$36.2 billion by 2013. The total opportunities for procurement are forecast to exceed US$100 billion by 2022, including the maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) market, while the offset potential during the forecast period is expected to reach US$10 billion by 2013.

The event held last week in London was attended by over forty representatives from leading defence organisations including Raytheon, EADS, Lockheed Martin, Thales, QinetiQ, General Dynamics, SAAB, RBS and GE. Also present at the seminar were top-level institutional representatives from the United Kingdom Trade & Investment organisation as well as the naval adviser from the High Commission of India, among others.

Keynote speakers at the seminar were Commodore AJ Singh, Naval Adviser, High Commission of India; Dr Pracheesh Mathur, MD, Raytheon – India; Malcolm Haworth – Operations Director, UKTI Defence & Security Organisation; and Ratan Shrivastava, Director of Frost & Sullivan’s Aerospace & Defence practice, South Asia and Middle East.

Summarising the mood of Indian Defence procurement Commodore Singh said, “We want all this, now!”. He highlighted briefly some of the salient points of the country’s huge procurement programme, in which “indigenisation is the new mantra”, indicating that the Air Force is the biggest deal for the international defence market, and that the Navy also has an ambitious expansion agenda, with nearly 40 ships under construction.

Mr Haworth examined the topic from a UK perspective. He mentioned that India is the UK’s third largest customer for defence exports, after Saudi Arabia and the USA, and gave a quick impression of the Indian defence procurement process.

Dr Mathur examined what he called “the Indian Defence Procurement Panorama” in which, although there are “bureaucratic tangles, funding is not an issue”. He pointed out that the end-user is very “tech-savvy and always looking for hi-tech solutions”. He stressed the advantages of local involvement: of having an “Indian footprint”, and that “relationships tend to trump contacts”, although the rule of law prevails. His talk also touched on the Indian Civil Security market, saying that, although this was now something of a mystery to the outside world, it was worth getting to know the people involved: a good relationship could reap significant rewards since this was an area of significant future spending.

All delegates, including Frost & Sullivan’s own Ratan Shrivastava, drew attention to the significance in the procurement process of India’s mandatory offset conditions in military contracts and the cap on foreign direct investment (FDI) in Indian defence industries.

Nevertheless, Ratan suggested treating offsets as an investment opportunity and emphasised the importance of the after-market support as an important, steady revenue stream over the longer term. He also pointed for the need to develop partnerships with the Indian defence industry and establishment, where total imports are worth an estimated $12 billion in 2008 alone.

This popular seminar is the first in several briefings lined up by Frost & Sullivan which will be investigating the growth potential of various aerospace & defence markets across the globe. These events bring together the best from the industry and government institutions, providing a unique forum both for personal interaction as well as the opportunity to explore strategies together and to set the course for future action.

Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, partners with clients to accelerate their growth. The company's TEAM Research, Growth Consulting and Growth Team Membership empower clients to create a growth-focused culture that generates, evaluates and implements effective growth strategies. Frost & Sullivan employs over 45 years of experience in partnering with Global 1000 companies, emerging businesses and the investment community from more than 30 offices on six continents.


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