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柳明桓國會聽證強調 北韓核問題需優先解決
中央社╱中央社 2008-02-27 14:18     







May the Force be with you
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涉嫌暗助敘利亞 日要求北韓和盤托出核計畫



涉嫌暗助敘利亞 日要求北韓和盤托出核計畫
法新社╱劉學源 2008-04-25 21:20     








North Korea Talks May Survive Syria Report, U.S. Says (Update4)

By Janine Zacharia and Jeff Bliss

April 25 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. officials and lawmakers said that nuclear disarmament talks with North Korea may go forward even as the Bush administration accused the regime in Pyongyang of helping Syria build a secret nuclear reactor.

While President George W. Bush's spokeswoman, Dana Perino, described North Korea's assistance to Syria as a ``dangerous manifestation'' of proliferation, she said the best way to stop such behavior by Kim Jong Il's government is to press ahead with the disarmament diplomacy. Democratic lawmakers backed that view.

``Some will argue that North Korea's assistance to Syria is cause to end the six-party talks,'' Senator Joseph Biden of Delaware, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, said in a statement. ``To the contrary, it underscores the need for pursuing the talks, which remain our best chance to convince North Korea to abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons and to stop proliferation.''

The question of North Korea's nuclear assistance to Syria has dogged negotiators for months, threatening to scuttle a diplomatic effort involving China, Japan, Russia, South Korea and the U.S. The countries are trying to get North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons program in exchange for improved political ties and economic assistance.

The U.S. declaration of North Korea's proliferation may obviate the need for a North Korean disclosure, almost four months overdue, improving the chances for talks to proceed on dismantling the program. Chief U.S. negotiator Christopher Hill has been searching for a way out of the impasse.

`Full Disclosure'

``There's clearly a discussion going on within the administration about what is required from the North Koreans in terms of full disclosure, and whether they can accept a statement from the North Koreans which is `we didn't do it but we'll never do it again,''' said Martin Indyk, a former U.S. ambassador to Israel now at the Brookings Institution in Washington.

The public release of photos of the Syrian desert site now may prod North Korea to give a full accounting of its nuclear activities, a senior administration official told reporters in a briefing with intelligence officials.

The U.S. also released a computer animation that depicted pipelines running from the Euphrates River to an underground cooling pool next to the building.

Proliferation Negotiations

``We have made effective use of this information in the context of the'' six-nation negotiations, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack told reporters in Washington today. ``Certainly, at a minimum, it has laid down a very clear line in terms of a declaration, what is required in terms of their proliferation activities.''

Until yesterday, when U.S. intelligence officials showed lawmakers and reporters their evidence, American officials had been silent on the possible North Korea connection. Syria said last year that Israeli warplanes had carried out a raid on its territory. Israeli officials refused to discuss the matter.

Two senior U.S. intelligence officials and a senior administration official told reporters that Syria had a reactor that was close to being operational in August 2007, a month before Israel destroyed the complex in an air strike.

``We are convinced, based on a variety of information, that North Korea assisted Syria's covert nuclear activities,'' Perino said in a statement. ``We have good reasons to believe that reactor, which was damaged beyond repair on Sept. 6 of last year, was not intended for peaceful purposes.''

Plutonium for Weapons

The officials, who asked not to be identified, said they concluded the reactor was intended to produce plutonium for weapons because the facility wasn't designed to produce electricity or to conduct research.

The U.S. and its six-party partners will establish a ``rigorous verification mechanism to ensure that such conduct and other nuclear activities have ceased,'' the White House said in a statement.

The intelligence officials said they didn't have sufficient evidence to prove the existence of a weapons program, including a reprocessing facility that would be needed to produce a weapon. Also, they said the reactor at the Syrian site didn't have nuclear fuel in it.

The United Nations nuclear agency said it received information yesterday from the U.S. alleging the destroyed building had contained a reactor, and promised to investigate its veracity with the ``seriousness it deserves.''

Delay Criticized

International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei ``deplores'' the delay in handing over the information, the Vienna-based IAEA said today in an e-mailed statement.

ElBaradei also views ``unilateral use of force by Israel as undermining the due process of verification,'' the agency said.

Japanese Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura said today that North Korea's cooperation with Syria is ``regrettable'' and the evidence will help pressure North Korea to fully declare its nuclear program. Komura made the statement after meeting with the U.S. ambassador to Japan, J. Thomas Schieffer.

Syria's ambassador to the U.S., Imad Moustapha, called the facility an ordinary military building and described the administration's allegations as ``silly'' and a ``fantasy.'' Speaking to CNN, Moustapha said the Bush administration ``has a proven record of fabricating'' evidence on other countries' weapons of mass destruction. He referred to faulty evidence of Iraq's weapons programs.

Nuclear Rules Violated

The White House said in the statement that Syria violated the rules by not informing the IAEA of the reactor's construction and by covering it up after the facility was destroyed.

Howard Berman, the California Democrat who heads the House Foreign Affairs Committee, called the alleged Syria-North Korea nuclear relationship ``disturbing.'' He also said, ``I don't think they provide a reason to suspend discussions with the North Koreans.''

Joseph Cirincione, president of the Ploughshares Fund, a Washington-based group that opposes nuclear proliferation, said the Bush administration released the information under pressure from Republicans skeptical about North Korea's intentions.

The administration is trying ``to get it done so it doesn't come out later'' at a more critical moment, such as when Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is preparing to sign an agreement, he said.

Representative Peter Hoekstra of Michigan, the top Republican on the House Select Committee on Intelligence, said that ``by waiting so long'' to brief Congress, the Bush administration ``has made it much more difficult'' to get congressional approval for any agreement with North Korea.

Hoekstra, speaking to reporters after he was briefed, said ``a trusting environment between the administration and Congress does not exist.''

The Bush administration briefed 22 House and Senate members on the Syrian-North Korean connection last year, including Hoekstra, ``consistent with our obligations,'' Perino said.

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法新社╱簡長盛 2008-04-25 10:50     






US charges NKorea-Syria nuclear link

by Olivier Knox
Thu Apr 24, 4:20 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The White House and the CIA told key lawmakers in secret Thursday that North Korea helped Syria build a nuclear reactor at a site destroyed by an Israeli raid in September, officials said.

Washington also took its case to the UN nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), alleging that Damascus violated its obligations under the 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, a US official said.

In Congress, top US officials laid out the charges -- which Syria flatly denied -- behind closed doors in a video presentation that includes photographs of the facility, a top US official said on condition of anonymity.

Another US official, who also requested not to be named, said the reactor could have produced plutonium, potentially to feed nuclear weapons, but was destroyed before it ever began to operate.

Syria denounced the charges, with its ambassador to the United States pointedly linking the supposed US evidence to Washington's weapons-of-mass-destruction case for invading Iraq.

The allegations were certain to roil six-country diplomatic efforts to get North Korea to come clean on its nuclear and proliferation activities and abandon its atomic ambitions in return for diplomatic and economic rewards.

They could also have dramatic repercussions for Syria, an ally of US archfoe Iran, and a frequent target of fierce US criticisms over its influence in Lebanon and charges of letting Islamist fighters into Iraq.

The briefing highlighted "a serious proliferation issue both in the Middle East and the country that may be involved in Asia," Representative Pete Hoekstra said.

And he said Pyongyang had to answer the US allegations before it could be removed from a blacklist of state sponsors of terrorism.

"We would expect to have good, clear, verifiable information from the countries that are involved before steps like that would be taken by the administration," Hoekstra, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, told reporters.

Senior lawmakers Howard Berman and Joseph Biden, the Democratic heads of the House and Senate foreign relations committees respectively, said the six-party talks aimed at ending Pyongyang's nuclear weapons drive should continue despite charges of North Korea-Syria nuclear cooperation.

"I don't think they provide a reason to suspend discussions with the North Koreans," Berman said.

White House officials declined to discuss the impact of the revelations on the North Korean diplomacy, or to restate President George W. Bush's repeated warnings that he viewed any such activities by North Korea as "a grave threat" with ominous "consequences."

They also sidestepped questions on whether the alleged activities needed to be included in a formal "declaration" that North Korea had been due to provide by December 31, 2007 but is still the subject of hard-fought negotiations.

Bush, who is eager for a final resolution of the nuclear crisis before he leaves office in January 2009, was not expected to comment publicly, and the White House offered only spare information.

"There are (Capitol) Hill briefings ongoing today regarding the North Korean-Syria matter that you've been reading about in the newspapers," said spokeswoman Dana Perino, who promised a formal statement later in the day.

National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley and CIA chief Michael Hayden were seen going into a joint meeting of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees, the first of several key panels briefed.

"In regards to a videotape, I'll let the intelligence community talk about that," said Perino, in reference to news reports about the centerpiece of the briefings.

A US official, requesting anonymity, told AFP: "There are still photographs of the facility as part of the video, but it's a video presentation, like a Powerpoint presentation. It's not a video of the facility."

The New York Times and The Washington Post, had earlier cited unnamed senior US officials saying a video showing North Koreans inside the Syrian reactor would be shown at the hearings.

The Syrian reactor is said to appear to be identical in design to a North Korean reactor at Yongbyon.

Thursday's briefings come after months of questions over an Israeli airstrike in September on a mystery target widely reported to have been a fledgling nuclear site.

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率團赴北韓談判核武 美官員稱會談狀況良好



率團赴北韓談判核武 美官員稱會談狀況良好
法新社╱F60樊劍萍 2008-04-25 01:50    




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北韓聲稱 與美國核子會談獲致進展



北韓聲稱 與美國核子會談獲致進展
法新社╱樊劍萍 2008-04-24 20:05     






NKorea reports progress in US nuke talks amid proliferation claims

2 hours, 26 minutes ago

SEOUL (AFP) - North Korea Thursday reported progress in talks with a visiting US team aimed at restarting a stalled nuclear disarmament deal, as US intelligence officials in Washington accused Pyongyang of sharing atomic technology with Syria.
The team led by US State Department official Sung Kim spent two days in Pyongyang from Tuesday discussing the North's promised nuclear declaration, an issue which has blocked progress on the six-nation pact for months.

"The negotiations proceeded in a sincere and constructive manner and progress was made there," a North Korean foreign ministry spokesman was quoted as saying by the communist state's Korean Central News Agency.

Kim told reporters in Seoul: "I will just tell you that we had a good visit. We had a very substantive discussion."

Apparent US concessions over the contents of the declaration, which is supposed to disclose all the North's nuclear activities, have come under fire from conservatives in Washington.

Intelligence officials in the US capital were set to give lawmakers "solid intelligence" later Thursday that the North had shared nuclear technology with Syria.

After a tough stance early in his first term, US President George W. Bush is pushing to resolve the nuclear issue before he leaves office next January.

In a landmark deal last year the United States, South Korea, China, Japan and Russia agreed to grant North Korea energy aid and major diplomatic and security benefits in return for full denuclearisation.

The North has begun disabling its plutonium-producing plants but has not produced the declaration promised by the end of 2007. It said it delivered the documentation last November but the US called it incomplete.

In particular, Washington said Pyongyang must allay suspicions about an alleged secret uranium enrichment programme and about suspected proliferation. The North denies both activities.

According to numerous reports, the North in a face-saving gesture will now merely "acknowledge" US concerns about uranium enrichment and proliferation in a confidential document to the United States.

It would detail its admitted plutonium operation, which is based at the Yongbyon complex, in a formal declaration to talks host China.

In upbeat comments Wednesday, South Korea's Foreign Minister Yu Myung-Hwan said the "last work" on getting the declaration is underway and six-nation talks could resume next month.

It was unclear how the planned intelligence presentations in Washington would affect the diplomatic process.

The US has concluded that the North helped Syria begin building a nuclear reactor and that the partnership did not stop when the site was later destroyed, said one official on condition of anonymity.

"If it had been complete, the reactor would have been capable of producing plutonium for nuclear weapons, but it was destroyed before it could do so," the official said. "That's the result of solid intelligence."

Israeli aircraft last September attacked a mystery target widely reported to have been a nuclear site.

The New York Times and The Washington Post said a video showing North Koreans inside the Syrian reactor, which appears identical in design to one at Yongbyon, would also be shown to lawmakers.

Syria's ambassador to the United Nations again denied any nuclear assistance from the North.

An unidentified senior US official told the Post the timing of the video and information about to be disclosed was meant to torpedo any deal with North Korea to remove it from a US list of state sponsors of terrorism.

"Making public the pictures is likely to inflame the North Koreans," the official said. "And that's just what opponents of this whole arrangement want, because they think the North Koreans will stalk off."

A previous six-party disarmament deal was reached in September 2005. But at almost the same time, the US Treasury blacklisted a Macau bank on suspicion of handling illicit North Korean funds.

The issue blocked any progress for almost 18 months, during which time the North staged its first atomic weapons test.

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法新社╱吳長生 2008-04-20 01:05     





US not scaling back demands on North Korea: Bush

by Olivier Knox
Sat Apr 19, 4:55 PM ET

CAMP DAVID, Maryland (AFP) - US President George W. Bush Saturday disputed suggestions that he was scaling back demands on North Korea over its nuclear program and said he would not accept a deal that goes against the region's interests.
Bush said that despite "rumors" floating concerning the negotiations, the United States and its allies were still waiting to see the outcome of Pyongyang's overdue disclosures on its nuclear activities.

"Obviously I am not going to accept a deal that doesn't advance the interests of the region," Bush said in press conference with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak on the second day of their summit.

"We're going to make a judgement as to whether North Korea has met its obligations to account for its nuclear program and activities as well as meet its obligations to disable its reactor," Bush said.

"They have made some promises and we'll make a judgement as to whether or not they've met those promises," he said. "Then we'll make a judgement of our own ... about our own obligations."

But the South Korean leader said any softening of Pyongyang's obligations under a six-country deal to fully declare its nuclear program could lead to "a lot more serious problems."

"I believe if North Korea's declaration is not satisfactory or if the verification is not satisfactory, we could probably have a temporary achievement, but in the long term that will cause a lot more serious problems," Lee said.

"The United States is not dealing with North Korea alone," he said. "There are other parties to these six-party talks and they must all agree to this declaration."

US officials on Thursday said Washington was adjusting its demands on North Korea in a bid to break a diplomatic stalemate on ending Pyongyang's nuclear arms drive.

Senior National Security Council official Dennis Wilder said North Korea was not "off the hook" on fully declaring its atomic programs, but that proliferation issues would be "handled in a different manner."

And US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, in an apparent concession to Pyongyang, indicated Pyongyang's declaration might not be made public.

She also hinted that US sanctions against North Korea could be removed even before its nuclear programs or proliferation activities were verified independently.

"Verification can take some time," Rice told reporters.

The statements triggered a backlash from US critics who suggested that the United States was selling out in the negotiations in order to nail down a deal before Bush leaves office next January.

Bush played down the idea of any US compromise, allowing that Pyongyang could be "trying to stall" and insisting that "if there's ever going to be a breakthrough, it'll be through the six-party talks."

Lee stressed that there should be no letup in pressure on Pyongyang to live up to its agreement with the United States, Russia, China, Japan and South Korea.

"The verification process has not begun. We are still waiting for North Korea to declare their full program. They should not get away with this temporary measure," he said.

"I think it is inappropriate and unconstructive for us to have too many doubts before the process begins. We should have trust in the process, and I will watch this process and cooperate fully."

Despite his tough stance, Lee said he was open to a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il if the talks would generate results.

"I will agree to it when the need is real and I already said publicly that I am willing to meet with him not just once, but many times, but if the meeting will yield substantial and real results," Lee said.

Lee proposed Thursday that North and South Korea, technically still in a state of war since 1950, establish permanent liaison offices in each other's capital.

"We need ... to open a permanent dialogue channel between the two Koreas," Lee told the Washington Post.

The two-day summit between the US and South Korean leaders was their first since Lee became president in February. Lee said Bush accepted an invitation to visit South Korea this summer.

Their meeting was also marked by South Korea's agreement to open up its markets to US beef exports, potentially opening the way for the passage of the long-gestating US-South Korea free trade agreement.

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李明博提議 南北韓互設聯絡所



中國時報 2008.04.19
李明博提議 南北韓互設聯絡所






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李明博提議 兩韓互設辦事處



李明博提議 兩韓互設辦事處
【聯合報╱編譯張佑生/綜合報導】 2008.04.19 04:40 am






【2008/04/19 聯合報】

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美韓峰會今登場 將商談自由貿易與北韓核武



美韓峰會今登場 將商談自由貿易與北韓核武
法新社╱張佑之 2008-04-18 21:20     








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法新社╱法新社 2008-04-18 19:20    








Beef deal buoys US-SKorea summit

by P. Parameswaran
Fri Apr 18, 3:40 AM ET

WASHINGTON, April 18, 2008 (AFP) - Buoyed by Seoul's decision to resume US beef imports, President George W. Bush and South Korea's leader Lee Myung-bak hold talks Friday on pushing ahead with a mega free trade deal and fortifying their half century security alliance.
The meeting will also focus on a multilateral bid to end North Korea's nuclear weapons drive, as the Bush administration appears to bend backwards to forge an agreement with the hardline communist state.

Eager to have the free trade and nuclear deals implemented before he leaves the White House in January 2009, Bush will welcome Lee at Camp David for the two-day talks, that are to include their economic and defense teams.

Lee is the first South Korean leader to be invited to the rustic presidential retreat.

Although the two have not met before, they share a business background, conservative free market principles and strong Christian values.

Ties between the allies have warmed since Lee took over the helm of the world's 10th biggest economy hardly two months ago.

Relations had deteriorated under Lee's predecessors Roh Moo-Hyun and Kim Dae-jung, both of whose unconditional support for North Korea had raised suspicions in the United States, which has 28,000 troops stationed in South Korea.

On the eve of the Bush-Lee talks, the South Korean agriculture ministry announced that the two nations had struck a deal to open the Korean market wider to US beef imports, giving a fillip to their free trade agreement.

Details of the beef deal were not immediately available but one of the conditions Washington had set for the pact's passage in Congress is the full opening up of the South Korean beef market.

The free trade agreement -- the most commercially significant US trade deal in 15 years -- was signed a year ago but is stuck in the Democratic-led US Congress wary of trade deals negotiated by the Bush administration.

At a dinner late Thursday with business leaders, Lee was served American beef from farm-rich Montana and officials seated nearby said the South Korean was seen enjoying the meal.

"The ratification of the South Korea-US free trade agreement constitutes an essential part" of transnational community building, he said.

It would usher in a new era in bilateral security relations, "anchoring the military alliance on a firm social and economic basis," he said.

If ratified, the FTA will add about 20 billion dollars a year to trade between the two nations, said Dennis Wilder, the White House national security director for Asian affairs.

"The Congress has said, 'if you get beef, there are many members of Congress who are quite ready to vote for this,'" he said. "I can tell you that there is a great deal of interest in this free trade agreement on Capitol Hill."

In a bid to mend fences with North Korea, Lee proposed Thursday the creation of the first liaison offices in the capitals of the two Koreas, which are still technically in a state of war after their 1950-1953 bloody clashes.

The proposed offices in Seoul and Pyongyang would act as a permanent communication link, he told The Washington Post newspaper in an interview.

Since the 1990s the United States has urged Seoul to take this step, but this is the first time it has been officially proposed by a South Korean president, the Post said.

Lee has promised a firmer line on North Korea, linking aid to nuclear disarmament in a move that has angered the hardline communist state.

A furious Pyongyang has threatened to turn its neighbor into "ashes" after kicking South Korean officials out of a joint industrial complex in the North's border city of Kaesong.

Bush and Lee would discuss the latest efforts being made to prod North Korea to disband its nuclear weapons program under an aid-for-denuclearization pact adopted by the United States, China, the two Koreas, Japan and Russia.

In a turnaround Thursday, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice hinted that US sanctions against North Korea could be removed even before its nuclear programs or proliferation activities were verified independently.

"Verification can take some time," she told reporters.

North Korea has been pushing the United States to remove it from the blacklist of state sponsors of terrorism.

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中國時報 2008.04.18 







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