看到素芬師姐轉貼的翻譯, 除了表示不同的意見, 也現身說法, 稍微嚐試:
你同意這個嗎?「主並不屬於任何種姓、宗教或社群。因此我們也不當以這些為由來區分人。」 Do you agree with this? "God belongs to no caste, creed or society, hence there must be no difference between man and man on that basis."
Paul Lu 兩點: God 不應該翻譯為"主", 同意英文所表達的意思. 卻覺得這個翻譯,有很大的質疑空間! Two: First of all, God should not be translated as "主", also this Chinese translation lost a lot of the original meaning and added something else.
Paul Lu 神非任何族群的專利, 人也不應用此來區分彼此!
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上天的命令 - 沉思片刻 cn.info@sahajmarg.info
God's Command
Everyone must be prepared to meet his end. That means he must attain the highest spiritual level as early as possible so that he may not have to regret when his end comes. Devotion and Constant Remembrance are the only surest means thereof. God-realisation is not at all a difficult task provided one diverts his attention to it in the real sense, with faith and confidence, resigning himself completely to His will. It can be very easily accomplished if one attends to the due discharge of one's worldly duties, taking everything in the sense of God's command.
Taken from Constant Remembrance, Sahaj Marg Education Series, p. 34 -Rev. Babuji
看這段翻譯, 就知道啥叫畫蛇添足:
If you meditate having your real goal before you, you are sure to arrive at the destination.
對真正的目标進行 meditation, 必达终点!
何來: 勿忘? 畫蛇添足!
If you meditate having your real goal before you, you are sure to arrive at the destination.
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國人喜歡談: 信 達 雅
不過, 最重要的, 是要瞭解所翻譯文章的內容. 沒有這個基礎, 就是海灘建屋, 潮水一來, 就沖走了!
師兄舉的例子, 其實簡單: 為人父母者, 要懂得放下. 其實, 這個譯者, 有點門道了, 可惜愛耍弄自己的文字功夫, 弄巧成拙!
我們來看這篇, 相信譯者對於人的出凡入聖, 人人都可以成佛, 可以修練成仙聖神佛, 是不瞭解的. 一直以為神是高高在天上. 不知道神原來在我們心中, 才會翻譯成這樣子:
People know everything except God, and that amounts to not knowing anything.
背景: 對於人來說, 天人合一, 是最高境界, 也就是人生最重要的成就.
人們追求神以外的所有知識, 這是真正的無知!
People want to go to God in comfort – that is the difficulty.
修行是漫漫長路, 神是目標, 是自己的成就, 不是第三者. 所以 "go to God" 是指修成, 不是摩西上山見耶和華!
人想一步登天, 這是問題徵節!
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Free the Children
With a growing son, it is like a plant that grows. They need love and sunshine and also the freedom needed to grow. Mothers worry too much and that is not good for children.
Taken from The Spider's Web, vol. 3, p. 39 –Rev. Chariji
看到這樣子愛耍的翻譯, 正是面稟師父的原因!
Happy Ending
As Babuji Maharaj, my revered Master, used to say, it does not matter how life begins, but the end must be a happy one.
Taken from The Spider's Web, vol. 3, p. 44 –Rev. Chariji
麥師兄所言, 雖有道理, 卻容易引起糾紛.
真正的神, 照師父的說法: 是經由進入內心, 找到自己的本靈, 消除業的拘束, 自然通曉自然的道理, 意與天通. 所以, 他指著心房, 說: 神在這裡!
這與"天人合一", 是一樣的道理!
孔子六十而耳順, 七十而從心所欲, 不逾矩.
佛家說: 人人可以成佛!
基督教與回教, 都要信徒皈依, 完全臣服, 英文是: surender!
照瑜珈經說法: 這是進步最快的方法. 卻只有提名字, 沒有說如何進步. 而整個瑜珈經, 卻很仔細地討論如何修行, 會碰到甚麼樣的階段!
不必討論過多的理論. 好好 Meditate, 自然會進入這些境界, 自然領會!
條條大路通羅馬, 各人自有根基, 機緣與功課.
等到成道開悟, 如同登山到頂, 走那條路上來, 都一樣. 也不必比較!
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Those people did the translation probably did NOT realize: master is saying that his definition of God is NOT Jesus Christ, nor is the God descibed in Bible or by the big Christian population!
譯者沒有發現: 師父所形容的 "神" 不是耶穌, 不是耶和華. 不是基督徒所相信的: 絕對的權力, 一切的供應者, 破壞者, 消滅者, 或是威嚴的審判者.
也許, 正是師父被太多這樣子的信徒圍繞, 才特別這樣子說吧!
God is neither the giver, nor the destroyer, nor the punisher
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基督教傳到中國, 有許多人, 把 God 翻譯成: 主?
師父的教導: God is where the heart is!
中文有句話: 靈山原在我心頭!
是有批師兄師姐, 對於佛教仇視! 任意把基督教, 拿來解釋師父的教導.
空氣, 水, 以及人, 都是一樣的. 沒有國界, 也沒有顏色, 更與宗教信仰, 沒有關係!
師父更說: 超脫宗教, 才踏入靈修的殿堂!
老丐祝福這些師兄師姐, 希望他們迷途知返.