Dear Sisters & Brothers, 亲爱的兄弟姐妹:
Recently, there have been a few queries raised about the timing of the direct sitting being given by Rev. Master on Friday nights. 最近就周五晚上直接和大师打坐的时间出现了一些疑问。
Rev. Master has categorically clarified as follows: 敬爱的大师澄清如下:
*** Quote 大师的原话
Subject: Friday sitting by the Master 主题:周五和大师的一对一打坐
Chennai, Friday, 3 January 2014 1:36:47 pm 2014年 1月3日 1:36:47pm 清奈
Dear brother, 亲爱的兄弟:
It is 9.00 p.m., with the prayer done at bedtime as the last thing for the day. 是晚上9点。 之后你们就可以完成一天中最后一件事情,睡前祈祷。
With Love and Master's Blessings 寄予大师的爱和祝福
Affectionately, 亲切的,
Parthasarathi 帕他萨拉蒂
Unquote *** 非大师的话
Hence it is clear that, abhyasis desiring a direct sitting from Rev. Master, can sit on Fridays at 9.00 pm. (Local Time), the way and for a duration they would normally meditate. This direct sitting is available to all abhyasis worldwide and anyone (whether they have a local prefect or not; whether they have taken an individual sitting recently or not) can benefit from this direct sitting being given by Rev. Master on all Fridays at 9.00 pm. (Local Time). 大师清楚表明想和敬爱的大师做一对一打坐的修习者可以在每周五晚上9点(当地时间), 以他们通常冥想的方式和持续的时间进行。 这一直接的一对一打坐对全世界所有的修习者开放(无论他们是否有当地的导师,也无论他们最近是否进行了一对一的打坐),每位修习者都能从每周五晚上9点(当地时间)和敬爱的大师一对一打坐中获益。
Prefects and other functionaries of the Mission are requested to share this information among abhyasis in their respective centres for their spiritual benefit.导师和中心的负责人应将这一讯息传递给各个中心的修习者,以帮助他们灵修进步。
Most affectionately, 最亲切的,
Kamlesh D. Patel 康姆莱西