這個藥方, 是成都老資格助教 - 關光珉老師所提供.
中藥用方, 瞻前顧後, 四平八穩. 對付流感之外, 也健身強體.
歡迎轉貼, 讓同胞有以對抗新病變!
Dear friends,
For those who have faith in Chinese Herbal medicines, appending below are the prescriptions given to me by a closed friend, you may wish to consult your local Chinese Medical Hall before your purchases, as a prevention measure other than buying mask, disinfectants etc etc.
桑叶7.5克 菊花3克 杏仁6克 连翘5克
薄荷2.5克 桔梗6克 干草2.5克 葛根6
Boil with 2 bowl of water till one bowl for consumption, twice daily
Take care, with loves
Kwan Kong Meng
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