二世祖 Babuji 生日慶典, 大師數週前就開始加持, 至今仍然未曾停止. 許多同修 ,不必經過助教, 就體會到恩澤.
這篇短述, 是幫助瞭解這個觀念的好註解.
大師不只一次, 將 God 和 Devine 當成受辭 him 來使用. 這是達到明心見性, 天人合一以後很自然的用法. 也是開悟重要門道!
請仔細閱讀英文原意, 勿被翻譯誤導!
Love and devotion
Retaining the remembrance of God at all times engenders in us a deep attachment to the Divine and leads to the state in which love for Him develops and overflows. Gradually through this, devotion attains its full form. It is therefore very essential to adopt this procedure.
Taken from Complete Works of Ram Chandra, vol.3, chapter "Message at Tinsukia" p.414 -Rev. Babuji