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查理濟導師 上海演講 9/19/2008 自然之道: 心靈自由之道

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自然之道 : 心靈自由之道

查理濟導師 上海演講 9/19/2008

導師賜福,在我有生之年, 今日親臨中華之土.

I consider this a blessing of my Master that I am able to visit China in my life time.

從小, 我就對於中國有股強烈, 但還說不上是愛的熱情: 中華民族的文化, 傳統, 以及他們的生活方式. 如同任何其他民族: 務農, 經商, 養家活口的平常生活. 我看到中華民族, 與其他民族, 完全一樣: 智利, 阿根廷, 日本, 印度, 或是任何包括非洲的國家. 我們都活在同一個提供光與熱太陽之下,  我們也都靠一樣的雨水來灌溉農產品, 提供飲水以及清洗. 我們呼吸一樣的空氣: 沒有所謂的印度空氣 或是美國空氣這回事!

Because China is a country for which, even when I was a school boy, I had a great, I cannot say love, but affection for China, its culture, its heritage and the way it’s people lived; very much like, you know, normal people live in this world cultivating their field or doing their business looking after their families - a normal human life. Let me assure you that the Chinese life is no different from those of people in Chile or Argentina or Japan or India or any of these countries or Africa. We all have the same sun to give us light and to give us heat and to make our fields productive. We also have the same rain to nourish our crops to give us water to drink, to bathe to be clean. We have the same air - it goes round and round the earth. There is no political air, you know, no Indian air no Chinese air no American air.

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