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簡介 自然之道

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這是西元兩千零八年, 新年慶祝活動的簡介:

Sahaj Marg  

自然之道 - 簡化的古印度聖王瑜珈, 適合現代在家居士.  
The ancient raja yoga modified and simplified to suit the lifestyles of modern human beings, particularly the grihastha (householder).


靈修目標是證悟本我, 亦即開悟


What is so special or unique about this system which set it apart from other systems ? 


瑜珈慧能傳授是自然之道最獨特之處, 幾千年前曾被瑜珈修行者運用  
The pranahuti  is the most unique aspect of this system, used by Yogis several thousand years back.


靈修達到最高境界, 以往是出家隱士的專利, 現在由於慧能傳授技術的重現, 任何普通人都可能達到
Thus the highest spiritual goal, previously reserved for ascetics and renunciates, was brought within the reach of all.




成道的大師 可以引領我們避過修行路上的陷阱和對自我的迷惑


st Master


He rediscovered and refined the ancient raja yoga method of pranahuti


大師將心靈的慧性能量傳授到修習者心中, 以促進靈修的發展.  
whereby divine energy is transmitted by the Master into the heart of the aspirant in order to expedite his or her spiritual development. 


神隱藏在每個人的內心, 只體現個人的自我. 收起自我, 彰顯內在的神性!這就是真正的修行
God has hidden himself inside your hearts and exposed you. Hide yourselves and expose God! This is the real sadhana--Lalaji


Afflictions are gifts from God. There are many secrets in them. -- 


The ignorant man counts the leaves, flowers, etc., and eats, or may not even eat, the fruit, whereas the wise man is interested in eating the fruit only without paying any attention to these details.-- Lalaji


- 是終極本源的投影, 是人的至寶.  
What is love? It is the shadow of the Ultimate, and the principle jewel of man.-- Lalaji  


Babuji – 2nd Master


他認為: 對於開悟, 遁世隱修不比在家修行有效
He did not believe that Sanyasa (renunciation) was in any way better than grihastha (house holder) life for purposes of realization. 


他相信居家生活中來自父母, 子女, 妻子及朋友們的干擾和障礙, 反而給予心靈修養一個理想的環境, 是避居山林的隱修所沒有的.  
He believed that the difficulties one felt at home with parents, children, wife and friends formed a better ground for tapas rather then the so called renunciation or running to forests. 


每個人都可以獲得修行的果實, 它不是少數特權人士的專利.  
Spirituality is a fruit that can be had or rather should be had by one and all and it is not only for a privileged few.  


神不在某個特定的宗教, 儀式或聖典中, 也不拘於任何形體. 神在人心的最深處. 
God is not to be found within the fold of a particular religion or sect. He is not confined within certain forms or , nor is He to be traced out from within the scriptures. Him we have to seek for in the innermost core of our heart.--Babuji 


宗教的結束是靈修的起點. 靈修的結束是返本歸真的起點, 返本歸真的結束是真正極樂. 當極樂也消失, 我們就到達彼岸了.  
The end of religion is the beginning of spirituality. The end of spirituality is the beginning of Reality, and the end of Reality is the real Bliss. When that too is gone, we have reached the destination. --Babuji 


神是單純的, 達到神我合一的方法也很單純.  
God is simple and can be achieved by equally simple. --Babuji 


Realisation of God means the same as the realisation of Self and vice versa. --Babuji 


Spirituality is in fact such a superfine state of mind that every other thing will seem to be heavier or grosser in comparison to it. --Babuji 
heavy or gross


神是唯一的導師,只有祂能啟發我們。一般人不能直接感受到祂的啟示, 我們尋求那個已經與祂建立連繫的人的幫助.  
God is the real Guru or Master and we get Light from Him alone. But as it is extremely difficult for a man of ordinary talents to draw inspiration from God direct, we seek the help of one of our fellow beings who has established his connection with the Almighty. --Babuji 


The real test of a Mahatma or Guru is not his miracles or his extraordinary ways and manners but only his practical attainments on the path of realisation. --Babuji 


The need of a Guru or Master, grows greater and greater as we go on advancing and securing higher stages. --Babuji 


潛水越深, 越能採得珍珠. 求道願力越強, 越能趨近開悟.  
One who deep, gets the pearls. The burning desire for Realisation brings the goal nearer. --Babuji 


Meditation is the foundation of spirituality. --Babuji 


禪坐 - 聖王瑜伽的一支. 是導向開悟的唯一途徑。 
Meditation — a part of raja yoga — is the only thing that can lead you to the end. There is no other means of approaching the Centre. --Babuji 


禪坐中的一切現象,不論修習者喜惡, 都是好事
Whatever condition develops during meditation, whether it is liked by the abhyasi or disliked, is beneficial every way. --Babuji 


信念對靈修進步大有助益. 它消除靈修路上的疑惑,困難和障礙.  
Faith is greatly helpful to us in our spiritual progress. It dispels clouds of doubt and uncertainty and removes difficulties and obstructions from our path. --Babuji 


我們自造的“業痕”把本我塵塵覆蓋, 如同做繭自縛.  
We have ourselves formed the samskaras, which have become coverings upon coverings and succeeded in covering us up like the silkworm in the cocoon. --Babuji 


Chariji –Current Master


他的著作我的上師是他對二祖的獻禮, 被翻譯成近二十種文字在全世界發行 
His book, “My Master”, a personal tribute to Babuji has been published in nearly 20 languages.


我們應該先練習, 再試著去了解. 
We should practice first, then try to understand.-- Chariji 


A growing lightness of mind and spirit is the surest test 
of spiritual progress. .-- Chariji 


God-realization and Self-realisation are the same. Because God is the Self.-- Chariji 


What we call God or the Centre is nothing but the subtlest thing that exists..-- Chariji 


億萬人中只有一人因為幸福、健康和成功而走上靈修之路。多數人是由於自身的挫折、 悲傷、 不幸、疾病和失敗.   
Only one in so many billions comes to this way of searching for God by the way of happiness and health and success. All the other billions come through frustrations, sorrow, misery, disease, failure. -- Chariji 


人除了投向宗教、神或成道師父外, 還能歸依何處呢
One turns to religion, to God, or to a Guru, precisely because there is no one else to whom we can turn. -- Chariji 


If you look to the founders of all religions, they all meditated.-- Chariji 


世上所有宗教都說: “向內找”  
Any religion in the world says the same thing, “Seek within.”.-- Chariji  


不具道德, 是無法靈修的
There can be no spirituality without morality.-- Chariji 


Don't ignore spirituality for material life, don't ignore the material life for the sake of spirituality.-- Chariji 


放下靈修途中的一切橫阻, 就會發現修行和呼吸一樣容易.  
Give up all that which is standing in your way and you find spirituality is as easy as breathing. .-- Chariji 


我的結論是, 不論物質科學如何發達,都不可能把人引到靈修的路途. 
It is my conclusion that no amount of research into the field of material science, whatever be the discipline, can ever lead one to spirituality.-- Chariji 


聖王瑜珈: 萬事萬物源於心念先有想法 再有行動.  
Raja yoga says, “It is in the mind that everything originates — first as a thought, then as an action.” -- Chariji 


我師父說: “敗壞我們的是心智, 使我們重生並走向與本源合一的也是我們的心智“. 
My Master says that “mind is what destroys us but mind alone is what can regenerate us into the spiritual welfare and spiritual well-being of communion with the Ultimate.”-- Chariji 


禪坐是淨化心智和預備返本歸真的手段. 禪坐是方法, 不是目的.  
Meditation is an instrument for the purification of the mind and its preparation for communion with the Ultimate. That is, meditation is a means to an end, not an end in itself.-- Chariji 

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