就算是事後諸葛亮放馬後砲吧 --土法煉鋼中國老地震科學家耿慶國卻欲哭無淚: 我公開在2008四月的中國地球物理會議上說過: 川西大地震會發生在5/8左右呀! 而洋鬼子Tectonics”地球板塊”期刊,也早在去年就已發表北川龍門山斷層能量累積,近期有發生超大地震的可能,這還是經過現場實際調查,精密測量所得到的結果報告,口口聲聲要與國際接軌的中國地震局是怎麼接”鬼”的? 難不成接到了”假洋鬼子”? 餘震發生了幾千次,今天才發佈餘震預報,紐約時報卻早已報導: 見義勇為救難人員已被山崩活埋158人‧又找來USGS的洋鬼子Jones女士,試圖自圓其說為中國地震局解套,越描越黑,原來世界上第一個成功預測的大地震,竟是耿慶國參與的遼寧海城大地震‧(也預測到了唐山大地震,據說因政治因素被禁止發佈) .而被請來說事的美國USGS的Jones女士其實也參與過一項依樣畫葫蘆的地震預測,搞了個過去每22年就像女人月事一樣可靠一定會發生的美國加州中部Parkfield的地震,在美國媒體上搞了一場轟轟烈烈的預測地震秀,卻栽了個大跟斗,等了幾天,幾月,....幾年,”攏等無地動”‧月事竟然沒來,莫非地球也會懷孕?!實踐是檢驗真理的唯一標準,不過這唯一標準卻是洋鬼子的標準說的算!
這條位在中國心臟部位的將近三百公里長,四十公里寬的傷口,恐怕很難癒合‧災難並未結束,才正開始! 接下來的夏季雨季的土石流(泥石流),水庫大壩的安全問題,..........
天涯論壇成都網友沉迷溫柔之鄉勝於烏有之鄉 ,台北附近山裡卻有個烏來之鄉兩者兼具‧[ 人無遠慮,必有近憂,短線思考,長線災難 ] 要說是俺唱衰也無妨!
前蘇聯瓦解,不也是從切諾柏核反應堆災難,拉開了序幕而[殺出一條血路〕‧這可不是我說的: 而是中南海裡的高人要與他們 [ 非對稱性深度捆綁 ] 的他們--洋鬼子--說的.
NEWS ANALYSIS : Watching China with an eye on the Soviet Union從前蘇聯眼裡看中國 By Philip Taubman Published: May 18, 2008
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/18/AR2008051802372.html?hpid=topnews China Faces Economic Aftershocks: Fearful After the Quake, People Shun Jobs, Homes
TECTONICS, VOL. 26, TC4005, doi:10.1029/2006TC001987, 2007
Active tectonics of the Beichuan (*北川)and Pengguan faults at the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
Alexander L. DensmoreInstitute of Hazard and Risk Research and Department of Geography, Durham University, Durham, UK.Michael A. Ellis.Center for Earthquake Research and Information, University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, USA.Yong Li, National Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.Rongjun Zhou.Seismological Bureau of Sichuan Province, Chengdu, Sichuan, China. Gregory S. Hancock,Department of Geology, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA. Nicholas RichardsonDepartment of Earth Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland
Abstract :The steep, high-relief eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau has undergone rapid Cenozoic cooling and denudation yet shows little evidence for large-magnitude shortening or accommodation generation in the foreland basin. We address this paradox by using a variety of geomorphic observations to place constraints on the kinematics and slip rates of several large faults that parallel the plateau margin. The Beichuan and Pengguan faults are active, dominantly dextral-slip structures that can be traced continuously for up to 200 km along the plateau margin. Both faults offset fluvial fill terraces that yield inheritance-corrected, cosmogenic 10Be exposure ages of <15 kyr, indicating latest Pleistocene activity. The Pengguan fault appears to have been active in the Holocene at two sites along strike. Latest Quaternary apparent throw rates on both faults are variable along strike but are typically <1 mm yr−1. Rates of strike-slip displacement are likely to be several times higher, probably ∼1–10 mm yr−1 but remain poorly constrained. Late Quaternary folding and dextral strike-slip has also occurred along the western margin of the Sichuan Basin, particularly associated with the present-day mountain front. These observations support models for the formation and maintenance of the eastern plateau margin that do not involve major upper crustal shortening. They also suggest that activity on the margin-parallel faults in eastern Tibet may represent a significant seismic hazard to the densely populated Sichuan Basin.
Received 28 April 2006; accepted 2 April 2007; published 17 July 2007.
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