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The Afternoon Along The Riverside

Elisabeth Syu 依莉莎白

That was a warm sunny afternoon in winter. The breeze fanned our hair. And I was walking along the Love River with my friend, Jean, from junior high.

Jean and I walked slowly, talking high and low about the surroundings, the river, the balsams on the grass, the bald trees and the swagman sleeping on the bench.

We hadn’t seen each other for a long time, and I even couldn’t remember when we chatted together last time. I had lost the familiar feelings of talking to each other, forgotten the times that went by, and couldn’t believe that we were together again just like the times before. I still remembered we made fun of each other and played jokes as a rule in those good old days. And I could feel the purest and the sincerest delight from deep in my heart. I hadn’t had such joy for a very long time.

Along the riverside, the breeze fanned, raising small waves on the surface of the river. The setting sun was so beautiful, it shone bright and golden, and the light that projected on the river became many spots of diamond.

When we felt a little tired, we sat on a stone bench for a rest. I looked at Jean, feeling that I couldn’t tell apart whether she’d changed or not. She still carried the same red bag and used the same voice and tune, and she was active and optimistic just liked the one I knew before.

I missed the times that will never come back so much, though I couldn’t take them back, I had the memories at least, and I thought, it was really enough.

The flaming sunset was getting to sink into the horizon. The sky was dyed with gorgeous red and golden clouds, making us sigh and astonished. Both of us stopped to enjoy that picturesque view. How extremely I wished that moment could have stopped forever, so that we would never be separate again.

When we were going to say good-bye, we hugged each other tightly. It was an unforgettable moment, and I know I’ll keep this forever and ever.


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