Dim selected(10) As Boolean
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
For X = 12 To 98
For Y = 2 To 9
For Z = 12 To 98
For i = 1 To 9
selected(i) = False
Next i
If (check(Int(X / 10))) Then GoTo nnext
If (check(X Mod 10)) Then GoTo nnext
If (check(Y)) Then GoTo nnext
t1 = X * Y
If (t1 > 99) Then GoTo nnext
If (check(Int(t1 / 10))) Then GoTo nnext
If (check(t1 Mod 10)) Then GoTo nnext
If (check(Int(Z / 10))) Then GoTo nnext
If (check(Z Mod 10)) Then GoTo nnext
t2 = t1 + Z
If (t2 > 99) Then GoTo nnext
If (check(Int(t2 / 10))) Then GoTo nnext
If (check(t2 Mod 10)) Then GoTo nnext
Cells(1, 1) = X
Cells(2, 1) = Y
Cells(3, 1) = X * Y
Cells(4, 1) = Z
Cells(5, 1) = X * Y + Z
Next Z
Next Y
Next X
End Sub
Function check(numb)
If (selected(numb)) Then
check = True
selected(numb) = True
check = False
End If
End Function