1. Please explicate the elements of literary form in Annix Proulx’s Brokeback Mountain and link them by offering the concrete examples from Proulx’s short story.
2. How does the title “Brokback Mountain” suggest?
3. Please explain the function (s) of metaphors presented in the film such as sheep and closet or other important metaphors.
4. Try to do a character-analysis by comparing or contrasting the two major male leads Jack and Ennis with concrete examples presented in the film.
5. There are a lot of thematic issues to be discussed in the film, namely inside/outside motif, politics of silence, and conforming to the society. Please associate them with detailed examples.
6. Please select 2 or 3 scenes from the script and explain the meaning and function in those scenes.
7. Could you find a link (s) between Annix Proulx’s original story and Ang Lee’s adapted film?
8. How do the different environments, such as Brokeback Mountain and downtown, affect the major characters Jack and Ennis?
斷背山中文官方網站 http://brokebackmountain.ha-movie.com/
Review: The Secret Lives of Cowboys http://towleroad.typepad.com/towleroad/2005/10/ever_since_i_re.html
Times Online Review on Brokeback Mountain http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/fun-facts/B00005JOFQ/ref=imdbdppd_ql_0/104-7496194-2829568?ie=UTF8
Intereview on Proulx http://www.advocate.com/print_article_ektid23486.asp
Complete Text of Brokeback Mountain behind Cut http://mister-don.livejournal.com/89313.html#cutid1
“ At Close Range with Proulx” (very good) http://www.planetjh.com/testa_2005_12_07_proulx.html
Bibiofemme Review http://www.bibliofemme.com/others/brokeback.shtml
Wikipedia (excellent) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brokeback_Mountain
原著小說、中譯本及其他相關資料 (excellent) www.shulink.com/Get/nantong/162244222.htm
“Masculine Romance” http://www.slate.com/id/2131865/ (good)
On Proulx http://emdashes.blogspot.com/2005/12/original-brokeback-mountain-online.html
“An Affair to Remember” (very good) http://www.nybooks.com/articles/18712
“Replies to An Affair to Remember”
Annie Proulx talks Brokeback Mountain
Annie Proulx http://www.readinggroups.co.uk/guides/Recommended.aspx?id=33254&articleid=6767
The Short Story: “Brokeback Mountain” http://home.earthlink.net/~chicagoblt/broke.htm
“The Imaged Power of “Brokeback Mountain” http://blog.yam.com/noral/archives/1020916.html
Ang Lee Talks about Brokeback Mountain http://movies.about.com/od/brokebackmountain/a/brokeback120605_3.htm
Proulx, McMurty, and Ossasa Talk about Brokeback Mountain http://www.newwest.net/index.php/topic/article/4463/C76/L76
Interview with Ang Lee http://sex.ncu.edu.tw/members/ho/study/2006spring_oraltraining/st2006s_oraltraining-anglee2.htm
The Ultimate Brokeback Mountain Guide (excellent) http://towleroad.typepad.com/towleroad/2005/10/the_towleroad_g.html
The Official Site http://www.brokebackmountainmovie.com/