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電影與文學 教學檔案-教 學 歷 程PART 10


二、七 學生上課回饋意見


1. 發表者:謝怡君

時間:Thursday, 27 December 2007, 12:11 AM






2. 發表者:洪偉翔

時間:  Monday, 7 January 2008, 09:02 AM


  This is a more academic course in my whole life except English Literature. Before I had attended the course, I was hoping it excitedly already. After truly having lessons, I have been determined that I would fall in love with it and I could do well in this course.

     Three-hour class was enough for us to completely watch over a film. After watching films, we read scripts in turn. That was so funny. Everyone played different roles and even sang songs during classes. But it was a pity that most of the senior students didn’t seem to participate in the course passionately. They usually had no feelings while reading the script with low volumes, slow tempo, and strange pronunciation. I’ve been wondering that how they could go this far without any respectable English abilities. Few of the seniors often slept in classes. I think, not that the attendance was few, you could arrange us all to be seated at the first and the second rows in order to decrease the time passing the microphone backward and have all of us concentrate on.

     The three movies we’ve seen were brilliant for sure. Each of them may have common issues, but mostly they’re different. There is a subtitle of this course, gender, identity. So I prefer to have movies that are related more to each upon the subtitle. For example, perhaps we could pick Brokeback Mountain and then, 面子, a film focusing on lesbians, etc..

     In general, I’m really fond of this course because it contains my favorite entertainment on movies, study and realization of literature. Thank you for providing us such a useful and interesting course.

3. 發表者:Yoko Yang  

時間:Thursday, 3 January 2008, 08:23 PM


我覺得在電影與文學這堂課中,我學到蠻多東西的,以前在看完電影後,往往就只是會和同學和家人討論喜不喜歡這部片的劇情或是演員的演技如何之類的,很少會坐下來討論電影裡面的涵義和所要探討的話題。這學期裡看了斷背山、芝加哥和純真年代,這三部片帶給我的感覺很不一樣;斷背山,看完後覺得很悲慘,相愛的兩人因為世俗的眼光不能在一起,因為如此還得眼睜睜的讓心愛的人去娶別的女生,不但把自己本身搞得很難熬,也同時害了他們兩個人的妻子;至於芝加哥,裡面充滿著對人性的譏諷,但因為戲劇裡融入了舞蹈與歌曲,因此整體而言不會感覺到很乏味,所以我還蠻愛的;然而純真年代,我覺得這是最難懂的一部戲,感覺要思考很久才能體會裡面的涵義,而且看久了,心中會感到有點悶悶的,整部戲給我的感覺就是很壓抑。這學期除了,做power point外,還演了芝加哥,雖然剪接是件很累的事,不過拍起來還蠻好玩的,而我跟馥如還在裡面跳舞,雖然是很不專業的演出,但對我們兩個而言可是一大突破。在這堂課中,我覺得討論問題與作報告的時候獲得的東西還蠻多的,因為可以聽到好多不同的見解。而且我覺得很多人都很厲害,每每討論的時候都可以說出好多我原先想不到的東西,我真的認為我得多跟他們學習。總之,這堂課讓收穫蠻大的,不但可以從影片中學習,也可以從同學那邊學到一些東西。

4. 發表者:彭嘉儀

時間: Saturday, 5 January 2008, 10:22 AM






5. 發表者:曾貝蒂

時間:Sunday, 6 January 2008, 11:23 AM


    I am glad that this course has been treated as a required course.  We not just only watch films but also learn how to analyze them.  It is useful for us to contact with different ages and issues, also trying to appreciate films profoundly is as interesting as appreciating literature because we can read the novel versions after watching films, which gives us different visions and aspects of these stories.  Two oral presentations are also helpful for us because the topics have been settled, we do not have to think what topics we should do, and which help us to know the important parts of the films.  It is easy to understand those issues through each group’s oral presentation and PowerPoint.  This course really gives us a chance to be more professional on making reports. 

It is hard for our group to make the first oral presentation because we have not had such experiences to do this work.  The weekend before our first presentation, unfortunately, I had to attend the camp which was held for freshmen.  Therefore, there was no enough time for us to discuss and prepare.  All I can do is to show my ideas to other group members, and make PowerPoint by myself.  It is predictable that our presentation was awful.  The materials on PowerPoint were lacking, the oral part was faltering, either.  It was totally a mess.  However, after completing the first one, the second report was not so hard to us.  I made the PowerPoint by myself because I wanted to attend the thesis presentation by this.  After discussing with another member, Milk佳諭.  I started making it, and it was totally finished in two days.  By the way, I want to complain about the third member because her attitude was passive, and shows that everything was not her business.  She did not join the discussions once, which really drives me crazy. 

All in all, I have learned a lot from this course by making reports and acting.  I want to mention the acting because it was a wonderful experience for me.  To a person who adores appreciating plays and being in them, which experience is as important as a treasure.  We not only act a funny play but also are trained as real actors during the rehearsals and filming.  It is not easy to memorize whole script, and saying it full of emotion was difficult but I really appreciate that you gave us this chance. 

Final part is my suggestion, actually I think every part of this course is great.  The website is resourceful, especially the PowerPoints and other critical articles, which help us to know the films easily.  Everything existing is good enough but I wonder if we could make this course combine a practical acting course.  I used to attend Russell’s acting class but we did not read masters’ pieces.  I think if we can read some classic or modern plays and try to perform them, it would be great.  It does work, and will be interesting.  Of course, that suits for people who like acting and theaters as me.  That is my suggestions. 

And thanks a lot, this is an amazing class. 


6. 發表者:宋蘋芳 

時間:Sunday, 6 January 2008, 04:15 PM


好快! 大三的上半年不知不覺就這樣成了過眼煙雲!

依舊記得剛升大三選課的情景,儘管我星期一、二沒必修,一天不想上山,同時也想修星期二的作文,我最終還是選擇了這門課”電影與文學”。這門課不出意外地學習電影與文學的分析,若談更進階的學習,則是多部電影間、文本間的相互比較和文學作品與電影間跨領域的比較。與大二的作文課比起來,這又是個新的討戰,新的學習! 學習範圍增廣彷彿又間接地增添了學習的興趣和動力。這學期的這門課,分組合作的體驗遠比課程上的學習更令我印象深刻,更有感觸。

我學到同儕間的合作不易,若要合作完成一份好的作業,無疑地,大家必須盡量的相互配合,並以同等積極的心一起完成共同的作業,但世間十全十美的事,實不易得,就連百分之八十的美好也必須付出很大的努力及代價,非持有共同理念和心態者共事合作愉快實在是很難! 這時,協調工作顯然是個更具討戰性的討戰。除此之外,我也知道組長的難當,因為心好累,報告、工作是大家的,擔心應由大家扛,不是嗎? 大家一起合作,互相尊重,以同理的心去體諒彼此的難處,抱持同等的心對待、完成一組的工作不是很好? 期末了,我只能說學習的路依然漫長和我以後一定要阿莎力拉! 想想一個人的人生因什麼而有體驗的感覺呢?我想,不因什麼,只因事情經過的酸、甜、苦、辣!!!正好,我就有啦!

此外,這學期的口說,真的是退步到不行! 也許是因為緊張、害怕說錯、計較文法,整個嘴巴都沒勇氣、沒信心地說英文及適當地表達自己的想法,但至少頻率多次的問題,給了我ㄧ個紅燈警醒!

實不相瞞,老師的課應該是系上最累的,但我想,這也必須是大學生該學會承受的經歷,磨練求知識、學習的志氣,沒挫折、瓶頸,永遠都只會是溫室的花朵,更是徒有虛名的知識份子。換個角度來說,大學生理當要自動自發,積極學習阿! 即使平時沒壓力也得給自己找適度的壓力,才不致原地踏步,和退步。對我們這些被動的學生而言,老師的要求,只會促使我們的真正進步!!!老師: 謝謝你 讓我成長!!!

7. 發表者:紀宛伶

時間:Sunday, 6 January 2008, 10:43 PM




8. 發表者:林佳諭

時間:Sunday, 6 January 2008, 10:46 PM



9. 發表者:吳紫瑋

時間:Sunday, 6 January 2008, 11:53 PM



10. 發表者:余莉禎

時間:Monday, 7 January 2008, 05:29 PM


雖然我不是那麼喜歡做報告因為不容易也麻煩,演戲還可以接受,但也因為這堂課我學習到很多,尤其在電影分析這塊! 很多時候我看電影只是看過去,看不到也不了解這些人物所要呈現出怎樣的性格或是導演想要藉由他們傳達些什麼想法!因為修了這堂課才發現原來電影中有很多細節是值得去注意,藉由這些細節讓我更了解這電影,也因為了解就更加喜歡。斷背山跟純真年代不像表面的枯燥乏味,芝加哥也不單是華麗精采更多是的人性的探討社會背景的影響這些種種,讓我對這堂課又愛又恨,做報告的能力及上課的人數也許不能斷定這名門課的受歡迎度唯有經歷過的人才知道這門課的好,讓聽到下學期可能不再開的我感到惋惜。


11. 發表者:林元紹

時間:Monday, 14 January 2008, 12:29 AM



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