The Mid-term Examination Sample on the English Literature I (Medieval Literature) 第一大題:選擇題(10題)
I. Choose one from the multiple choices (20 %, 10 questions, each 2%)
1. Who is Beowulf?
a) He is the nephew of the king of the Geats
b) He is the nephew of the Danish King Hrothgar
c) He is a monster.
II. Short Questions (Choose Two of the following 4 questions): (1) First answer the questions with yes or no, then (2) write short answers with them. (20%, each 10%)
1. In Beowulf, King Hrothgar’s great mead-hall Heorot and the cave where Grendel and his mother hide from the world are symbolic. Does the Beowulf poet design these two settings to create conflicted and contrasted thematic notions? Please elaborate the reasons.
III. Essay Questions: choose THREE of the following five questions and write well-organized essays on them. (60%, each 20%)
1. The Christian references are embedded in the medieval works such as Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, “The Miller’s Prologue and Tale” in The Canterbury Tales as many critics have claimed. Please choose the above mentioned two works and make a comparison/contrast between them.
※Midterm Powerpoint Review
資料來源:英國文學暨分組討論(I上)(談玉儀老師) 2007 Fall-Mid-term_Sample
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