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Consummer group flags U.S. Granny Smith apples for pesticide residues

Consummer group flags U.S. Granny Smith apples for pesticide residues

Taipei, Oct. 12(CNA):  A consummers Foundation investigation has uncovered Gannny Smith apples imported from the United States containing traces of banned pesticides, with the importer potentially facing a fine of between NT$60000 and NT$200 million, the nonprofit said Wednesday.

The Granny Smith apple, one of the eight samples of apples purchased from a local hypermarket was found to contain traces of the banned pestcide chlorpyrifos, foundation inspector Ling Yung-chien told a news conference.

The foundation held the news conference to announce the results of its recent inspection of apples, broccoli, and grapes sold via retail channels in Taiwan.

The foundation will hand its findings regarding the 18 samples purchased from local retailers to the competent authority, Ling said.

Other inspections conducted by the foundation found seven grape sample containing residues from one to six types of pesticides within the permissible levels, Ling said.

Based on the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation, food and food ingredients found to contain excessive traces of certain pesticides or animal medicines must not be made, processed, adulterated, packaged, transported, stored, sold, imported, exported, gifted, or displayed in public.

Individuals who breach the act will be subject to a NT$60000~ NT$200 million fine, and those deemed serious violators could see their operating or business licensesuspended or revoked, the foundation said.


消費者組織標記美國 Granny Smith 蘋果農藥殘留

台北,10 月 12 日(CNA):該非營利組織週三表示,消費者基金會的一項調查發現,從美國進口的 Gannny Smith spples 含有微量違禁農藥,進口商可能面臨 6 萬至 2 億新台幣的罰款。



Ling 說,該基金會將從當地零售商處購買的 18 個樣品的調查結果提交給主管部門。


根據《食品安全與衛生法》,不得製造、加工、摻假、包裝、運輸、儲存、銷售、進口、出口、贈送或展示含有超量某些農藥或動物藥物的食品和食品配料 公開的;當眾。

該基金會表示,違反該法案的個人將被處以 6 萬至 2 億新台幣的罰款,嚴重違反者將被暫停或吊銷其營業執照或營業執照。

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